Danny floating around up high above the building, looking around. He been having harder time to think up a reason of why he should keep helping people when they repay him in negative such as yelling in rude and hateful at him...shooting at him...running from him in fear and screaming...throwing odd and disgusting thing at him. His friend, Sam and Tucker, have left him after few near death brushed, and both walk away last time with a broken bone. He don't blame them for that as they don't have any ability to help and their body are weak and useless against the power of ghost. They both promise him that they would take the secret of Danny being a Halfa to their grave and wish him luck. They even told him that while they wont help fight the ghost, if he ever need informant on a ghost or something, he can call on them and they will help with that.
Letting out a deep sigh, he float to sit on a building roof. He rubbing his newest sore bruise after defeating Skulker again and getting shot at by his "Parent". Looking at the sky, seeing the star and thinking on his bad luck that he call his life. His friend is gone, people hate him in Fenton and Phantom form. He in his last year and get beat up much more often as Dash know that when they leave school, he won't get to have fun with his beating bad anymore. His parent don't care about him as they rather be busy with their investing ghost harming crap, his sister is at college. Smiling at the thought of his sister, he know that only his sister that care for him but he not going to distures her when she making something of herself far from the Fenton. Only one other that might care for him and she off somewhere in world, helping people and making something as well, Dani. He wish he could do the same but thank to the nasty people of Amity Park destroying any way that he could make a name for himself in a positive way. Thank to the town and Men in White, he have a arrest out for him and crime sheet longer than most people and worse part is that he didn't really do any of them. Looking at the sky some more, he muttering out loud, unknowing that a window was open below him.
Two girls in a pink bedroom heard a voice outside, quietly walking to whomever is talking, "Why should I even bother? I never going to get anyone to like me or accept me either the living or the ghost. Well, if they want Phantom gone then that what they get." At that moment, the two girl had their head out the window, seeing the lower half of the ghost boy. His leg is hanging over the edge, "Hmm, I have alway wanted to see the star, maybe I float up until I am no more."
He pull himself from the edge, looking around for the best star to fly to. Even looking for the second star to the right of the brightest star. Lift off the roof, barely made few feet when he hear a door slam open behind him. Turning to see two girl running out to him and breathing hard. He blink quickly, seeing two girl in their sleep dress, almost see through and barely covering enough. Dropping back down in disbelief, figure to talk for moment as this would be a great last sight to see before he float away for good.
"...Can I help you ladies?" Tilting his head in confusing. He find himself bodyslam to the roof by the girls, being hold down tightly.
"Don't leave!" The tan skin girl cried.
"Stay here!" Blond girl mutters from his chest.
"Wh...what? ...Wh..what a.are you t..ta..talking about?" Stuttering, he couldn't figure out how the girls on him knew what he was planing.
Blonde lift her head from his chest, "We heard what you was saying few minutes ago. You was sitting just over our window. We do like you, even want you. Tell him, Paulina!"
Paulina hold his arm very tight, nodding, "Star is right. You can't leave. We want you here, helping us and keeping us safe. You are a hero."
If they wasn't on him and close to his mouth, they wouldn't hear his whisper bitterly, "Only you two think that. I can't take it anymore." Bringing his voice up louder, "Can you please get off, I not a fool. You just worship me as a ghost, not as the real me. Hell, you two are part of the group that been making my school life hell on earth." Girls indeed remove themself from him, looking at him in confusing. "Figure, even at this close, you can't tell." Ring of light appear and wash over him, showing his Fenton side to them.
"...Fenton! You….you're the Phantom!" Paulina whisper-yell in seer shock. Star next to her, speechless.
"Yeah, and you know of all of the crap that you all has put me through. Beside all of other crap, why should I listen to you two?" Danny Fenton asks in annoyance.
Star finally come out of her shock, asking everyone, "Well, can we at least move down stair where it's warmer and offer you drink or something while we explain ourselves? I swear that there is more then you really know about us and how much we care for you." She start to walk to the door.
Paulina follow behind her, when they reach the door, "Please Danny, let us talk so everything that we done for you is not in vain." Both disappear down the stair, leaving him alone to choice.
Danny stare at the door for few moment before looking at the star, sighing, "Well, the star will still be here." The ghost boy walk to the door, down the stair and out into the interesting room. He look around while he walk down the hallway. Seeing many pictures of their family, Star on one side of the wall while Paulina on other side. Raising few question of lack of family noise and mixes of the two girls personal items around him. Finding Paulina sitting in the tall stall at a kitchen island, she smile at him willing to hear them out, waving him over to a stall next to her. After sitting down, Danny see that Star was making some coffee.
"What would you like to drink? We have few soda pop, coffee, fruit smoothie." She hand Danny a can of Dr. Pepper and an cup of coffee to Paulina. Both sitting next to him around the kitchen island. "Well, to start off with….We do care about you. We wouldn't be here if we didn't, as we would be in our family home." Seeing Danny tilting his head, "They wanted us to hate you or forget about you. Since we are both over the legal age, we move out so we can happily support you for all of you have done for the town.'
Paulina took over while Star take a drink, "While I do admit that it is a slight hero worship, we do want you around and keeping us safe. While other may prefer to dismiss the ghost attack and blame it all on you. We see what you really do for us and will alway have nice thing to say about you. However, your Fenton self, that is not something that we really enjoy. Sure, when we were younger, we did like it but since our second years in High school. We really hate yourself because we start to see that the real world wasn't what we all dream or thought it be."
Star nod in agreement, "We act the way we did because of our family connection. We didn't want to lose our money or connection that we will inherit in future so we just act like a bitch. You don't know how many time that I want to smack Dash upside his head for all of the crap that he pull on you. Hell, I kinda have a crush on you, Fenton...not Phantom. Well, at the start of this year, we both got into a argument with our family and one thing lead to another, a deal was made."
Danny question with a raised eyebrow, "A deal?"
"Yep, If we can live here without the help of our family, when we finally finish the school, we get our money without worry of being taken away and they will leave us alone with supporting you since they should accept that we are grown enough to make our own choice."
The only male in the room stare in shock, blinking few little while. Sudden he startles the girls by growling at them, "What the hell! I would been fine not knowing this crap. All of the people that would support me, it have to be you two that screw me over longest time." He stand up from his seat, grabbing his head, "I can't believe this, I lost my friends and dont have a safely net of my family but I have support from two of my enemy?"
Star sutter out in slight fear of possible unhitched boy in front of them, "What you mean?"
Danny turn to them, ready to yell at them. But the harsh world died in his throat when he see them shaking. "I'm sorry, girls. It a very long story and it not a pretty one. I better get going since I scaring you." Turning to walk back to the roof, his hand was grab by Paulina.
"Please, tell us. It look like you really need to talk to someone badly so let it be us." Either of one was shaking anymore.
Star smile, "Yeah, we can swear that we won't talk until you are done."
Danny look at them in deep thought before sighing again. He agree to let it out, they move to the living room so they sit in the soft chair instead of hard stall. Danny start from the beginning of his power, to his fight with other ghost, even all of the battle that no living really know about him saving the world. He even talk about how his friendship was broken, his lack of caring from the family, the harshness from the town and what it been doing to him. By the time it was over, both of the girls was crying and hugging him tightly.
Star look up to him, "I'm so sorry that you been through all of that and we did not help the matter at all. I swear on everything, I will alway be in your corner. I may not can fight but I will be there to help you walk tall and heal you. To care for you and to be there so you have something to come home to." She was agree with her girlfriend, as Paulina swear as well.
"Something to come home to?"
"Yes. We." Quick glaze to Star which was nodding, "We will do whatever it take to get you forgive us and we will alway be your if it must."
"Whatever and mine? In what way are you talking about?"
Star push forward, "As anything in whatever as your as in either friend, lover, or even slaves if you rather after all of the shit we done to you."
"...And how can I even trust you two? You can't really prove to me that you will stay with this mindset." He was answer with both of the girls leaving him as they run to their room.
Both of them come back with pair of book in their hand, giving the four book to him. Paulina explain to him, "These are our dairy and our little book of blackmail material. You have all of the power and knowledge to bend this town to your finger. You have everything on us, our darkest secret to something that we never want it seen in the light. You can utterly destroy us and our family."
"With this, we are your slave and will do whatever you wishes….as long you promise to stay and allow us to be with you." Both look down in respect and hope.
Danny look at the books in his hand, temping to give it back but he know that he have enough of being a goody hero. So in end, he pocket it, walk to the girls who is still looking down. Lifting both of their chin to have them meet his eyes.
"So you are mine then?" Nodding with smile. "Hmm, then I will stay with my slave. I will treat you two well and as long you show me caring, I will show you love. Agree?"
Both agree in sync, "Yes master."
"Then show me where I to sleep. It been long day and I wish to rest with my new girls. And don't worry, it will be just sleep. You two have to earn that before you even get a slight taste."
Star and Paulina smile at his willing to claim them and how he would treat them. Happy that he will stay with them and even with a chance to what he want to them in sexual way, he making them wait. More and more, they are happy with the choice of giving themself whole to him.
In bed, Star on his right and Paulina on his left, both snuggling into him. He stare out the window, thinking, 'Well, this will be interesting. I will keep this town safe but not for them anymore. For these two and only these two." Smiling with slight evil edge to it, "That mean that I not going to be nice anymore either. If they want to fight me, then I going to fight them back and thank to my new books, I going to make my world. Maybe Vlad was onto something. Hell, next time I see him, we going to have a small talk." low evil chuckle echo into the night which the girl just snuggling even more. Happily sigh as they felt safe with him.
So what y'all think? It will be a long story….hopefully...lol. Review