Good evening everyone! As much as I love Silence of the West, I decided I needed another story to set my mind on. No worries, I will continue to update both, but decided to go for something a little less pg13 this time around! Please read, follow, and review!

Chapter 1: Times of War

You believe there will always be a tomorrow. That sometimes things might not go your way, but if you stay firm to your path, that things will forever stay the same. Sometimes though, you learn things don't last forever.

You learn that a person you loved yesterday, could be your worst enemy today.

The span of a year that once felt so long, was now passing by at a rapid pace. Children that were once at the height of your knees, are now reaching for things on the high shelf for you. It was humbling and terrifying at the same time.

As I washed the blood off my hands, I pondered about this self discovery. War had been hard, harder than Naraku. Sometimes you didn't need a jewel that could grant wishes to bring out the evil in people.

Sometimes simple things could do that. Sometimes just wanting a little more rice in your bowl, or a little more rain water in the well. Sometimes people didn't need a reason at all.

I closed my eyes and tried to to will away the tears. Another child had died needlessly. Died crying for her mother as I tried to save her. Not just any child. She had been Sango and Miroku's youngest child, Chiko-chan.

She had an outstanding aptitude for archery despite being the tender age of six. She would have made an incredible demon slayer one day, just like her mother. Yet her time had been cut too short, and for what? For some man's war.

Finally looking up from the bowl of bloody water, I saw my friend sobbing inconsolably. How many family members must she lose to another man's greed? Taking a deep breath, I wiped my dripping hands onto my red hakama before walking tiredly out of the hut.

It had been 10 years since I first fell into this world of war and tears.

How many times had I thought it would have been easier to live in modern day Tokyo? Eight years ago the well had sealed itself after the Shikon jewel had finally been put to an end, with it, Naraku.

Many wars had passed through this village, some lasting only a few months, others lasting years. The latest rebellion was bordering on a year and a half.

Miroku and several other able bodied men had been forced to leave several months ago to join the call of war, Inuyasha joining him despite not needing to answer to the call of men, wanting to simply protect his friend.

Being the village priestess, and Sango having children to tend to, we could not leave even if we wished to.

Looking at the village that once held a feeling of home, I could not help but feel it now acted as a prison. Many dreams had been destroyed here. Including mine.

"Kagome? Are you okay?" Looking over at Rin, I had to blink back the tears.

Her brown hair was long and lovely despite the sweat, blood and grime that soaked it in these hard times. She stood tall, barely the age of 18, yet her brown eyes held so much wisdom.

She had come into her priestess powers about three years ago, the same age I had been when I first discovered mine. With age came beauty, and she had plenty of it. How Lord Sesshomaru kept the men away from her was beyond me.

Certainly there was one man out there stupid enough to tempt his ire?

The thought brought a tiny smirk to my face despite the circumstances. It was no secret that Sesshomaru was fond of his human ward, a loving father despite his seemingly cold indifference. Shortly after I had taken permanent residence of this village, Sesshomaru started leaving Rin in the village during the winters.

When it became discovered that Rin was in fact a priestess, he had given her a choice. Become a traveling priestess at his side, or learn and hone her skills with me. Surprisingly she had chosen me.

I loved the child, she was like a little sister or daughter I had never had. She and Shippo were quite close, having both been orphans and growing up in a most unconventional matter. When they were younger I thought perhaps there would be something between them.

I learned eventually that though they grew up together, demons grew at a much different rate than humans. Shippo wouldn't be considered an adult by demon standards for many many years. Rin would be long gone by then…as would I.

Shippo wasn't the only one who had a lot of growing up to do. Inuyasha, too, had proven a bit to immature with age. It wasn't anything I could really hold against him. In the battle of Naraku, he had lost Kikyo. Something about it had been too final. He had distanced himself from me in a way that I would never forget nor forgive.

The rejection still felt like a heavy bitter pit in my stomach. Humans died. Sometimes from something as simple as sickness or hunger. How could he give his heart to another, when he had lost Kikyo time and time again.

I suppose I understood where he was coming from. It didn't mean I liked it. I had tried to get over him, but soon learned that human men weren't exactly…my type.

I guess when you go on adventures all over Japan, meeting handsome strong demons who could be as honorable as they were powerful, it was hard for humans to match up. Or maybe I just had a penchant for being heart broken.

Either way, I saw nothing but a lonely future for myself. Which was okay I suppose. After all, there were plenty of people that needed me. Like Rin, who was currently snapping her fingers in front of my face to catch my attention.

"I'm sorry Rin, what did you say?" I finally asked, taking a step back from her curiosity. She huffed before shaking her head at me.

"Rin asked if you were okay? You seemed so out of it." I turned sad eyes to the hut I just left, the guilt of the morning still clinging to me.

"Chiko died. Was stabbed in the stomach by a soldier while collecting herbs this morning. I tried everything to save her but there was nothing I could do. She was already on death's door before her brother was able to bring her back."

Rin gasped sadly before sending pitying looks at Sango's home. Every instinct inside us wanted to comfort our friend. We both knew however that Sango wanted to mourn in peace.

My young protege instead grabbed my hand gently, and we began walking away. I followed her mechanically, my mind still thinking of little Chiko who had already left this world. It was ironic in a way.

My hands had been the first to hold her when she came into this world. That day suddenly felt so long ago. How happy we had been when we heard her sweet cries, how we all joked that she resembled Miroku's devilish good looks.

Now she was gone. Just another body to bury thanks to this foolish war.

I couldn't even remember who was mad at who this time nor did I care. Why was it so freaking hard to leave people alone. Why did innocent children have to die. Why was I given the power of a priestess, when it never seemed to be enough to protect the ones I loved the most?

Before I knew it, we were sitting by the river, close enough to watch the women do their laundry, but far enough not to be heard by curious gossips.

"Rin is sorry to hear about Chiko. Rin was very fond of her. She had a very promising future." I could only nod heavily at her. Losing friends was hard, losing children of friends was even harder.

It felt like all I seemed to be doing lately was losing people. Kaede had passed away seven years ago, teaching me as much as she could in the short amount of time we had together.

Sometimes I wondered if I had learned enough. If I was meant for more than this small village. Yet that never seemed like a possibility. There was always another war. Always people dying or in need of my help, even if it wasn't enough.

The idea of leaving was a pipe dream. My loyalty was to this village. It would be till the day I died it seemed.

"Rin received a letter from Lord Sesshomaru this morning." His name perked up my interest, as she'd known it would. Over the years the demon lord and I had built a strange friendship. He trusted his ward to me, no easy feat, and would regularly visit her, and in turn, me.

He was handsome. There was no denying that. Not much of a smooth talker though. How many times had I misunderstood his silence for arrogance. Okay, maybe that wasn't exactly misunderstood, but had won my ire more or less.

As Rin grew up though, we had begun to talk more. Speaking of things he had missed while she spent the winter here, or things she had done while she had traversed the western lands with him during the warmer months.

It was…nice. I learned he had a penchant for a good cup of chamomile tea, and I protected my teabags as if my life depended on it, until he would finally come around. I only had three left. I wonder if he would be insulted when the day came I no longer had any to share with him.

"What did he say?" I finally asked, thinking of long silky silver hair and a cold golden stare. He was an enigma. How could someone who said so little, cause me to wonder so much?

"Lord Sesshomaru says that the human war lords are becoming stupid and restless, that we are in the crosshairs of an upcoming battle. Lord Sesshomaru will be coming to get me before the next full moon."

That was only two nights from now. I couldn't help but let my shoulders slump. Rin had become a huge help to the village lately, assisting me with my never ending patient load. She was finally able to start caring for patients on her own without my assistance. With her gone, I would likely not be resting for awhile.

Despite those selfish thoughts, I knew what Sesshomaru had planned was best. War was no safe place for a beautiful young woman-child like Rin. She was on the cusp of woman hood, her body shapely and charming.

She would be safe in his presence. She would remain untouched by the horrors of men. How many times had I almost lost a precious piece of myself due to these wars. The thought was terrifying that it could still happen. Especially now that Inuyasha wasn't around this time to protect us.

I wonder if Sesshomaru knew that? He hadn't been here for a visit in months.

"That is good to hear Rin. I would feel a lot better if you were safe in his care. It has become rather dangerous lately." Rin leaned against me, her soft hair brushing my face as she buried her face in my neck.

"But Rin does not want to leave. Kagome will have to take care of the village by herself. Shippo is training at the kitsune school. Miroku and Inuyasha are gone at war. Sango has children to take care of. Kagome will be all alone. Rin doesn't want that."

My own fears had just spilt from her lips. I tried to bury my own helplessness that seemed to rise up inside of me. Rin would not leave willingly if I caused her to worry. Sesshomaru always retrieved her if he thought the warring lands had become to dangerous. This time would be no different.

So what if Miroku and Inuyasha weren't here. I could take care of myself. Though my powers were more useful against demons, my arrows were no less sharp to humans. I would protect our home the best I could until her return.

Keeping my thoughts hidden, I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. I could smell the honeyed vanilla scent that seemed to cling to her hair underneath a hard days work. Could feel the softness of her body, despite her having a backbone made of iron. Rin would be safe. That was all I could ask for.

I couldn't help but wonder if her lord would stop for tea first, before whisking her away.

The rest of the day passed by dully. The nights had become cold, darkness coming sooner than before. With the change of weather, sickness was never far behind. A productive cough had swept through the village.

Thankfully it would be another month or two before the influenza made its way through these lands. For now, simple colds had marked its way through the village, sore throats and nasal drainage a common denominator.

Every year I wished for modern day luxury. For the internet. Hell for a library. Anything to enhance my knowledge of what to do for these situations. It only took the right combination of symptoms for a simple cold to turn into bronchitis or pneumonia.

My stomach had long become immune to most poisons after repeatedly putting myself in harms way to learn the effects of different herbs if only to save even one more person. Sesshomaru had been surprisingly helpful in this. Always bringing different herbs he had found on his journey through strange lands.

The strange tradition had started with Rin. Whenever he would come pick her up in the spring, he would bring her a bouquet of flowers that he thought she would fancy. Eventually she had started asking for herbs that would help me with the village.

He still brought her flowers, but he would also make a point to pack away jarred herbs that he had come upon whose properties would prove most useful for several different ailments.

At first I wasn't sure if I should accept. He had made it incredibly clear though that I had done him a service by watching his ward, and that it was a small price to pay. Now, I looked forward to his gifts, practically having none left each time he returned with more.

A part of me hoped he might have a few packed away, however I tried not to get my hopes up. His decision to come here had been sudden and short notice. Hoping for gifts from him was selfish and ridiculous.

I put those thoughts away as I continued my fight against fate. Among the sick, three scouts for the village had returned injured after a run in with a few wayward soldiers. Thankfully they had been able to finish the rebels before they had found the village and caused more damage.

An ominous rain had started, its cold drops piercing through our thin clothes. I knew there would be more sick to tend to tomorrow.

Rin was currently working beside me, preparing tea to help soothe the sore throats that seemed to have appeared overnight, when the screaming started. I instantly grabbed my bow and arrows, assuming at first that a demon was attacking.

Peeking outside my hut, it became apparent that was not the case. Soldiers in battle armor were storming through the village. How many I was unsure, but there swords didn't seem to care about the difference between men and women.

"Kagome!" Sango and her brood were instantly in my hut, all three of her remaining children stone faced and battle ready. The death of their sister had only been hours ago, yet already the children had daggers and spears in hand, ready to defend.

It was a common occurrence in the time of war to bring the women and children to the healing hut with the sick. It was in the middle of the village, where the men could come to and defend the fastest.

Whatever the reasoning behind it, I was grateful to see my friend in her familiar battle armor, her haraikotsu sharp and ready. Her children though young, were more well trained in weaponry than most the men in the village.

Giving my friend a quick hug, we instantly got into defensive positions. Men had begun to stand their ground in front of the healer hut, any weapon they could think of was gripped with shaking hands. I hated war. I hated fighting. I hated killing things.

I hated losing good friends even more.

The screaming was getting closer. Fires burned throughout the village, seemingly untouched by the cold rain. I could feel Rin next to me, her daggers clenched tightly in her small hands. She had begged Sesshomaru and Inuyasha for years to teach her how to fight.

I prayed this was not the day she had to use that knowledge.

That was the last thought I had before the battle appeared on my doorstep. I held my breath as the village men fell one after another. Usually by now Inuyasha would have pushed these soldiers back.

But he wasn't here. I felt my eyes narrow against the sting of tears as I let loose an arrow. It struck right through a mans trachea. There was no living through that one. Killing humans went against my very soul, everything my mama had ever taught me.

How could she have known her daughter was going to be thrown 500 years into the past?

My next arrow pierced through a man's thigh, his femoral artery. Sango jumped into the fray, her giant boomerang easily forcing men back. I tried not to think as I let my arrows fly, only trying to focus on what would kill these men faster.

Women, children, and sickly were counting on me. I couldn't falter in front of them. I couldn't let my values cost them their life.

Kaito, Sango's only son, stood bravely in front of his older sisters, throwing small daggers at the soldiers and for thee most part hitting vitals spots. But even with all our weaponry on display, still the soldiers pushed through.

It wouldn't be long before they made it into the hut.

"Saya, Kaya, start moving the everyone out the back and head to the forest. Hide in the trees. I'm going to throw a poison bomb." Sango ordered

All the while the fighting continued. One man got too close to comfort to Sango, almost taking off her arm, but was surprised as her sword pierced right through his heart.

Firing as many arrows as I could, I tried to stall for as long as possible to allow everyone to make a run for it.

"SANGO NOW!" Rin screamed, as a larger force made their way to us. Sango took no chances, throwing 3 balls of poison powder at the ground. It was potent stuff. It worked like a blister agent, causing anyone it touched to blister painfully.

I was running before it even hit the ground.

Sango and Rin were right next to me, all of us easily catching up with the others, picking up and carrying those too weak to run. Fighting was happening all around us but still we ran. Some didn't make it.

The treeline was half a mile away, but it may as well been miles. I could hear people behind me dying. Women crying and screaming as they were raped. Still I could not stop. Could not help. My heart cried as my body kept running.

Soon I felt a strong hand grasp my shoulder and roughly pull me backwards.

The child fell to the ground helplessly. Screaming, I begged her to run. To get away. A sword through her chest was the answer to my screaming. Angry tears welled up in my eyes as I looked up at swords owner.

His eyes shone as if lit by hellfire. His lips practically sneered at me as he stomped his way closer. His intentions were clear. My death would not be nearly so quick or peaceful.

"Get away you monster," I screamed, crawling backwards. My bow and arrow would do me no good at this close range. My priestess powers may as well be a nightlight.

"Aww, don't be like that pretty priestess. I have ailments that I'd like you to look at," he mocked as he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back to him. So many times I had been almost raped, whether by a demon or human. Sometimes I could get out of it on my own.

Somehow I knew this time I wouldn't.

Screaming I kicked and clawed at him. All sense of reason flying out the window. His laughter seemed to echo in my ears as my clothes were ripped off. He leaned over me, and with as much power as I could I jammed my palm into his nose till I heard a cracking noise.

His scream of anger seemed to ricochet through the night as I turned and ran for my life. His shrieking not far behind me. I had never run so hard or fast in my life, and didn't bother to pay too much attention to what was in front of me.

At least not until I ran right into a tree. Or at least I thought it was a tree until thick strong arms wrapped around me. Screaming, I fought against the hold, fear and anger fueling me despite the fact my limbs felt heavy and tired.

"Stop this now priestess," the words itself did not stop me. It was the voice, so achingly familiar that my body practically convulsed with relief. Looking up, golden eyes stared back at me, his silver hair gleamed in the moonlight.

"Sess-Sesshomaru?!" I whispered, barely able to believe it. He wasn't due for another 2 days! He was here? I practically fainted as my body tried to take in much needed oxygen.

"WHERE ARE YOU, YOU MISERABLE WRETCH," the man I had been running from screamed a few meters behind us, his voice taking on a muffled tone due to his now broken nose.

Desperately I clawed at Sesshomaru, trying to practically melt into his body, anything to get away. I wasn't sure if it was from my strange actions, the fact I was barely wearing any clothes, or the fact that my fear probably radiated off my body, whatever it was, those strong arms tightened around me, a deep warning growl vibrated through his body.

I stilled, wondering if perhaps I had jumped from the pan into the fire, when Sesshomaru's right hand glowed a deathly green.

The human man broke through the trees, his sword raised even as his eyes widened at his unexpected foe.

He stopped, suddenly unsure in the face of what could only be a powerful demon. After all, only truly powerful demons could take on a humanoid form.

"Tell me priestess, is this loathsome creature the reason behind your current state of undress." Sesshomaru's baritone practically growled each word, the words so cold it was incredible that icy breath didn't make its way out of his lips.

Looking away from the man who had almost done something unspeakable to me, I looked up into eyes that were getting a hint of red glossing over them. Looking back at the human male, I felt my eyes narrow at him.

He looked ready to piss himself from fear. I almost smirked at him as I realized Sesshomaru was making no move for his sword. His death would not be so quick.

"Yes Lord Sesshomaru, this man killed a child before my eyes, and then intended to rape me next to her dead body."

It was no secret that Sesshomaru had a soft spot for helpless children, particularly girls. I was unsure if it was because they reminded him of Rin, or because he truly despised someone harming something so helpless. Either way, I reveled in his ire.

The man's screams filled me with a strange sense of peace. It probably went on for about 10 minutes. I had no doubt that the only reason the man died so quickly was from a self induced heart attack, rather than Sesshomaru wishing him to die so quickly.

His vengeance was truly a thing to be wary of. Sesshomaru walked slowly over to me, his eyes slowly glancing down my face, my body, my feet, before slowly looking back up to my eyes.

I could feel my cheeks burn, knowing that anything worth covering was open to his gaze, but I shifted my stance proudly, refusing to be humiliated. I'm certain he'd seen plenty of women naked, I had no need to hide. As if he would find anything appealing in a human woman anyways.

He only cocked an eyebrow at me, his lips just barely tilting into that infuriating smirk of his before he closed the distance between us, picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Ex-EXCUSE ME! Sesshomaru what the hell are you doing," I growled, bucking against his tight grip.

"Rin. I left her to find you. I must check on her. You are too slow to keep up." With that he was running, or was it flying? Either way, I relaxed, knowing he would safely bring me to my friends. Looking at the way I had come, I could see the village I had cherished going up in flames.

Without my noticing, the screams had stopped a long time ago. I couldn't help but wonder if anyone was left.

Deciding not to voice my thoughts, I relaxed as much as I could against the warmth of Sesshomaru's mokomoko. The gentle swaying of his pace lulling me into an assured sleep.

YAY! New fanfic. I'm excited to finally have a fanfiction where Kagome and Sesshomaru are physically in the same chapter together! Please make sure to favorite, follow, and REVIEW!