Hey guys, sorry for making you all wait for so long. I knew there would be times when I didn't have access to my computer so I hand-wrote everything I had so far so I could carry on. Then I was doing a ton of planning, research and writing. (I have much more appreciation to fanfiction writers, there's a lot more to this than just writing your story. I've had to plan timetables, future careers, whole events that have to happen before one little thing can happen, etc.) Then I had to type it all up and error check everything. Thank you for the reviews, they're always appreciated. I have a few more things to say but I won't keep waffling on, I will write more after the chapter, with a few questions for everyone. Enjoy!

§Parseltongue§ "Speech" 'Thoughts' Memory/Dream


Chapter 3 - Karma

A surprise was waiting for Harry when he made it back to Privet Drive, there was a Police car waiting outside of Number 4. Going into the house, he heard the talking coming from the living room stop as he shut the front door. He heard someone say "Wait here please." Moments later a tall police officer walked into the hallway.

"Are you Harry James Potter, nephew of Petunia Dursley?" Harry nodded, "Yes Sir."

"And where have you been for the last few hours?"

"I've been in London, Officer. I went to get myself emancipated, I go to boarding school and will be moving out soon." The officer's eyebrows raised slightly, but as another officer was coming down the stairs he turned to him without comment.

"Hey Sam, look what I found in the kid's room." In the officer's hands were a bag of weed and a bag of white powder that was clearly cocaine. "I guess he isn't the angel the wife wants us to believe. He probably overdosed like the paramedics thought." Harry was slightly confused but could take a guess at what had happened while he was out.

"Excuse me, would you mind telling me what has happened?" The first officer, Sam his partner called him, turned back towards Harry,

"An hour ago, your cousin Dudley Dursley was found in the nearby underpass catatonic. He is now at Surrey Central Hospital where they are trying to save him but he is unresponsive to all outside stimuli. Me and my partner, Officer Ackles, were sent out here to see if he owned any illegal substances, as it looks like an overdose." The officers shared a glance which Harry didn't understand.

"Please follow us." The officers and Harry walked into the living room, Petunia was sitting on the sofa, she had red eyes and was sniffling quietly.

"Ma'am we found these in your son's room." Petunia looked at the bags the officer was holding with horror, then her head started to shake in denial.

"No, no those don't belong to my Duddykins, he would never do drugs, if anyone was doing something illegal it was probably my nephew. He's probably framing my precious Dudders. He's jealous of my son because of how much better Dudders is at everything." The officers shared another look that clearly showed they didn't believe her, Officer Ackles then turned back to Petunia and asked,

"Ma'am if that is the case, how do you explain that it was your son found catatonic with drugs on his person as well as inside his room, while your nephew wasn't even in Surrey?" Here she floundered for a way to blame Harry without sounding crazy, which to Harry's surprise she wasn't able to find and just said, "Is there anything else you need, Officers? I want to call my Husband and check on my son." Sam replied,

"No, I think we have all we need for now. Thank you for your time and I hope your son gets better." With that the two officers stood up and left. Once they were gone Petunia spun towards Harry.

"You better not have done anything to my son, Freak. If you used any of your freakishness to harm him, they'll never find you again." And with that she grabbed her phone and keys and stormed out the house. A few minutes after he heard the car drive off there was a knock on the door. Opening the door to find Mrs Figg, who looked panicked but her face relaxed into a look of relief upon seeing Harry.

"Oh thank goodness they didn't get you too, when I saw someone come back here I only hoped that it was you and you hadn't been taken." Harry had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

"What do you mean Mrs Figg? Who didn't get me? Who did 'they' get?"

"They got your useless lump of a cousin of course, now you need to stay inside and stay safe." Harry was only joking when he thought of her as the crazy cat lady but now he thought she had actually lost it.

"Mrs Figg, my cousin was taken to the hospital after an overdose of drugs left him catatonic." Harry was starting to get an uneasy feeling the more his neighbour spoke.

"What do you mean overdose, don't be dense. It was the Dementors that got him, oh I'm going to flay Mundungus Fletcher alive." Harry's jaw had dropped, how did his batty old neighbour know what a dementor was? And why did she think they'd been here.


"I'm a Squib, I don't know how anyone expected me to help you with Dementors, what is Dumbledore going to say? I told him not to leave, but no, his stupid cauldrons were more important! If you had been there, you would have had to use magic outside of school, that idiot Fletcher only showed up after! I'm surprised he can even cast the Patronus Charm, even it was only a mist. Ugh!" Mrs Figg just turned away, muttering incoherently as she walked away without even a goodbye. Harry picked up things like 'moronic,' 'lucky,' and 'Dumbledore' as she left, but Harry was more worried by the fact that Mrs Figg, who apparently knew all about the Wizarding World and was probably put here by Dumbledore to 'keep an eye' on him, had said Dementors had been in Little Whinging. Harry went to his room, about to grab the mirror Sirius had given him, when he noticed that there were 3 owls sitting on his bed. Untying the letters from the owls, he found two were from the Ministry of Magic and one was from Arthur Weasley, Harry was shocked once he read the contents of the letters.

(Excerpts from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, except for a change of the time mentioned in the first letter)

Dear Mr Potter,

We have received intelligence that you performed the Patronus Charm at twenty-three minutes past eleven this morning in a Muggle inhabited area and in the presence of a Muggle.

The severity of this breach of the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery has resulted in your expulsion from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ministry representatives will be calling at your place of residence shortly to destroy your wand.

As you have already received an official warning for a previous offence under Section 13 of the International Confederation of Warlocks' Statute of Secrecy, we regret to inform you that your presence is required at a disciplinary hearing at the Ministry of Magic at 9 a.m. on the twelfth of August

Hoping you are well,

Yours sincerely,

Mafalda Hopkirk

Improper Use of Magic Office

Ministry of Magic

Harry -

Dumbledore's just arrived at the Ministry and he's trying to sort it all out. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR AUNT AND UNCLE'S HOUSE. DO NOT DO ANY MORE MAGIC. DO NOT SURRENDER YOUR WAND.

Arthur Weasley

Dear Mr Potter,

Further to our letter of approximately twenty-two minutes ago, the Ministry of Magic has revised its decision to destroy your wand forthwith. You may retain your wand until your disciplinary hearing on the twelfth of August, at which time an official decision will be taken.

Following discussions with the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Ministry has agreed that the question of your expulsion will also be decided at that time. You should therefore consider yourself suspended from school pending further enquiries.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Mafalda Hopkirk

Improper Use of Magic Office

Ministry of Magic

'What is going on! I wasn't even there, the Trace would only work if I was nearby. Which means something more is going on here.' Harry needed more information. Going to his trunk, he pulled out the mirror Sirius had given him for his birthday. After placing a drop of blood onto the mirrored surface, like Sirius explained in his note, the blood was absorbed and Harry called, "Sirius Black." The mirror fogged over as if from condensation, after about 5 minutes the fog cleared up to show Sirius' face but the background was completely black.

"Harry, what's wrong? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine, what the hell is going on? I wasn't even here for the last few hours and I come back to find out from my neighbour, who told me she was a Squib, that Dementors had been here and they've sucked the soul out of my cousin. Not to mention that the Ministry is trying to blame me when there was no possible way for me to have cast the Patronus Charm when I was with the Goblins!" Sirius' just looked shocked back at him.

"What do you mean you weren't there?"

"I mean that I've been in Diagon Alley since 9:30 and only just came back at 1."

"Well how did they detect the use of Mundungus' Patronus? We thought it was because you were at the house and the Dementors were close enough for the Trace to pick up Mundungus casting." Sirius' face had gone from shocked to confused.

"I don't think they did, I think someone in the Ministry sent the Dementors and knew I would have to use magic to protect myself so they must have been watching the whole area for magic instead of just the Trace. Otherwise all the Dementors would be gone from Azkaban." Sirius sounded grim when he next spoke.

"Then this is more serious than we thought, either a follower of Voldemort can send Dementors after people or the Ministry itself sent them which might be even more worrying. If they want to make the population believe that Voldemort isn't back so desperately that they would stoop to sucking out your soul, well, then you're in more danger than ever." Harry knew Sirius was worried because he didn't make The Pun.

"I know, but I have to go to the Ministry on the twelfth for a Disciplinary Hearing. Also if the Dursley blame me for what happened to Dudley, which they probably will, then I'll be in danger here too." Sirius growled,

"They so much as lay a finger on you then you tell me straight away, actually I'm gonna' try and get Dumbledore to allow you to come here." Harry scoffed,

"You have to get Dumbledore's permission? Are you all at his house then?" At this Sirius rubbed the back of his neck and grimaced.

"Well, I own the place but Dumbledore is the secret keeper, the place is under the Fidelius Charm, so he's the only one who can give the secret to other people. If you'd noticed, you shouldn't actually be able to see anything except me because as you see it your mind instantly forgets because you don't know the secret, therefore it's just a void. Not that you'd be seeing much, Kreacher, the Black family house elf, doesn't do anything except insult everyone and get frisky with my deranged Mother's portrait." Now Harry understood why he could only see Sirius' face and nothing else. Ignoring the last part, Harry decided to knock some sense into his Godfather,

"But, as you just said, it's your place, so just tell him to tell me the secret. Fidelius is still the best protection, the only reason it failed with my parents is because of the filthy traitor Pettigrew. Somehow, I don't think Dumbledore would give the secret to Voldemort, even if he is a manipulative codger." Sirius grinned which made Harry chuckle darkly.

"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you, did I? Dumbledore was my magical guardian and didn't bother telling me anything about my inheritance or that I had more than my trust vault. I only found out about the family vault because it was mentioned in the Marauder's journal Remus gave me for my birthday." The grin on Sirius' face went faster than you could say, 'Quidditch.' He looked like he was going to explode,

"WHAT! He can't do that! Because he's only your magical guardian and not the Lord Potter, he, by law, has to tell you about your inheritance and the status of your vaults." Here he waved angrily around him. "The law was made by Purebloods to stop exactly this from happening, a magical guardian abusing their position and stopping an Heir from running the family finances" he hissed. "There's a story to go with it that I didn't listen to, something about a Lord who died of dragon pox and the Heir's magical guardian stole everything and ran away to Azerbaijan. But the point is, Dumbledore has no right to keep this from you!" Sirius was practically steaming from his ears, and that's without a Pepper-Up Potion. Once he'd calmed down slightly he spoke again, "What are you going to do? And did you say Marauder's journal? Hold on, did you also say he was you magical guardian, so he's not anymore? How did you wrangle that one?" After Harry had actually deciphered all that Sirius had said he replied in reverse.

"The goblins said that I could emancipate myself because technically, Dumbledore had given me permission to do anything a 17 year old is allowed to do as he said that I had to perform in the Triwizard Tournament in which their rules being used last year stated that only an of age wizard could participate. To be honest I probably could have not participated without any consequences because I wasn't the one who put my name in the cup. The goblins told me that you can't force someone into a contract unless they somehow agree, otherwise you could just Impereo someone and force them to sign away all their money, so even though the name was torn off an assignment, I didn't actually enter the name myself. The point when the contract became binding to me, was when I actively participated in the first task, which magic took as me agreeing to compete. If I just sat out then it is more than likely that Barty Crouch Jr would be the one to lose his magic. Somehow I don't think Dumbledore didn't know that, he has been Chief Warlock and his other 300 titles for how long? Anyway the point is he's not my magical guardian anymore and he can't force me to stay here, which means all you need to do is get me the secret and I can come and see you. It's not like these 'amazing' blood wards have protected me from much, and anyway, Voldemort could easily get past them because he used my blood in the ritual." Harry shuddered then grinned at Sirius and carried on, "About the Marauder's journal, Remus sent it to me for my birthday, I've read some of it, but I think that before I start anything, I'm going to have a look in the family vault for the animagus books Dad mentioned seeing as though I can access the vault now. You'll help me won't you, Padfoot?" Sirius grinned as well and nodded, "And as to what I'm going to do, well…"


Sirius was waiting for Albus to come back from the Ministry. Once he heard the flaring of the Floo he went into the kitchen, Dumbledore stepped out of the green flames and Vanished the soot off of himself before sitting down at the table, the head of the table of course, before acknowledging Sirius.

"Sirius, my boy, were you worried about Harry? Well, there's no need to worry, I have everything sorted out. All Harry needs to do is go to the hearing, which I'm sure won't be a problem as they'll understand that he had to defend himself, they should be more worried how a Dementor managed to end up in Little Whinging." Dumbledore, as usual, thought he had everything sorted out and that it must be alright, because the great Albus Dumbledore said so. Sirius was getting sick and tired of seeing those eyes twinkling merrily as he pulled everyone's strings.

"Actually, that isn't what I was going to ask about, Harry says that he wasn't even in Surrey when the Dementors attacked. He said his aunt had sent him shopping in London and he decided that while he was there, he would be able to visit Diagon Alley. Harry mentioned that at the time he supposedly cast the Patronus Charm he was actually with the goblins which can be easily confirmed." 'And he can't ask Dung' because he wasn't even watching the house, take that old man.' Dumbledore's ever present twinkle had dimmed at this,

"What do you mean, my boy, has Harry sent you a letter?" Sirius smirked with mischief in his eye which would make McGonagall look for the nearest bottle of scotch.

"No, I gave him a safe way of contacting me that can't be intercepted by Death Eaters, or anyone really. He spoke to me earlier, told me he had come home to find muggle Aurors in his house because his cousin had 'overdosed' then he went to his room to find the letters from the Ministry and Arthur on his bed still attached to the owls. He also told me that he wanted to come here now that we know his home isn't safe anymore."

"Well, I'm disappointed that you would ignore what I said, it could be dangerous for Harry. And I'm afraid that Harry can't come to Grimmauld Place yet, he is much safer behind the blood wards at his home." Dumbledore chastised with faux regret that Sirius wouldn't be able to see Harry. Sirius was getting annoyed at Dumbledore already.

"You mean the blood wards that are tied to the protection that Lily placed on Harry and flows in his blood, correct?" Dumbledore smiled, twinkled, and spoke jovially,

"Why yes, I'm glad you understand, so you see that Harry is best left where he is, yes?" Sirius couldn't wait for his bomb to drop,

"Yes, the protection that flows through Harry's blood, which was used in a ritual not even 2 months ago? Which you told us yourself Voldemort can now circumvent, so how exactly is my godson protected?" Sirius wished he had a camera to capture the pure look of shock on Albus' face, but he would settle for watching it in a pensieve later. Anger flashed so quickly through the older man's eyes that Sirius wasn't quite sure he saw it at all, but then it settled into his usual grandfatherly, 'I give free candy to children' expression,

"Ah, I hadn't thought of that. Well, of course he would be better protected here, under the Fidelius. May I ask, how was young Harry able to contact you that can't be intercepted?" Sirius stood up and retrieved the mirror, once he sat back down he explained to Dumbledore,

"This is one of two mirrors that are Black family heirlooms, only someone of Black blood can even use them, but that isn't why they're so special, you could pair two mirrors with a Protean Charm and a few communication charms. No, what makes these special is that you can actually send things through the mirrors themselves." Albus looked very interested and reached for the mirror Sirius had placed between them on the kitchen table, "I wouldn't touch it Albus, the mirror can only be used by Black blood, you know the types of protections they put on some of these things and they're not even heirlooms, imagine what kinds of curses are on the mirrors." At which point Albus stopped reaching for the mirror and moved his hand back, Sirius was definitely not a tiny bit disappointed not to see Albus taken down a bit if he ignored his warning, not at all.

"That truly is fascinating, do you think I could borrow and examine it sometime?" Sirius frowned, 'does he not listen? I'll just have to be blunt.'

"I don't think I would be comfortable with that, as I said this is an heirloom, not that I care that it's a Black heirloom, but this and its match are the only mirrors of their kind and I would rather not have you tampering with them when they can't be replaced. Also if I give it to you I won't have a way to contact Harry and he won't be able to contact me either." Dumbledore gave him another, 'I'm so disappointed with you, how could you not accept what I'm feeding you' look that stopped affecting Sirius when he spent 12 years in Azkaban, but all he said was,

"I understand, perhaps another time, shall we speak to Mr. Potter then?" 'Finally!'

"Yeah, lets. Harry Potter." And with that, the mirror fogged up for a minute before it cleared to show Harry with the wall behind him, so he assumed he was sitting on his bed.

"Hey Sirius, what do you need?" Harry obviously knew what Sirius wanted to talk about as they had set this all up but he played along for Dumbledore.

"Well, pup, we think it'll be safer for you to come here. The Headmaster is here and should be able to give you the secret now." He gave Albus a pointed look, at which he pulled a scrap of parchment out of his pocket and a quill, wrote on it for a moment, then handed it to Sirius. "Okay Harry, I'm going to pass this through, read and memorise what it says then pass it back so we can burn it." After putting a drop of blood on the mirror, which gave everything a slight pink tint after it was absorbed, he placed the piece of paper on top and repeated Harry's name. With a small flash of light, the paper was transported to Harry's mirror, and seeing as though he had it upright, the paper was shot out into Harry's face. Both Harry and Sirius laughed while the Headmaster gave his 'Holier than thou' look from the sidelines.

The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place,


Harry read the parchment and sent it back through the mirror, Sirius then set it on fire with his wand and Vanished the ashes. Sirius then grinned and rubbed his hands together,

"Okay, how we getting Harry here? And who's going to go get him?" Dumbledore looked thoughtful before he answered,

"He may have to wait a few days, I need to contact Alistor, Miss Tonks, I don't think Remus would mind helping, the full moon is still over a week away. Kingsley would be a good addition, and maybe a few others, I'll have to decide. I'll have to ask them if they all have brooms, if not I think we can supply some." Sirius looked confused,

"Why would they need brooms, they could just apparate or take the Knight Bus?"

Harry rolled his eyes and butted in before they could continue,

"Or, you know, you could just send that house elf you were going on about earlier. If Dobby could get past the wards, I'm sure yours can too." Now it was Harry's turn to wish he had a camera as both of the adults had dumbfounded expressions, Sirius even face palmed, whereas the Headmaster continued not looking at him.

"Why didn't I think of that? Think about all the places I could go with a house elf. Kreacher!" A dirty house elf with bloodshot eyes and white hair growing out of his ears popped into existence next to Sirius,

"What does filthy blood traitor Master want with Kreacher?" Sirius sneered at the elf,

"Kreacher I want you to go to Harry Potter and bring him and his belongings back here, straight away and then carry on cleaning the house, it's disgusting here." Kreacher then grumbled some insults and did as asked. Harry popped in and seconds later, while coincidentally landing on his foot, came his trunk, which he had packed all of his things into besides his wand that was in his holster, and the letter from Crystal Phoenix which he had in his back pocket. Moments later, Hedwig popped in inside her cage looking very disgruntled, Harry opened the cage and she flew off, presumably to the attic. Grinning, Harry then went and gave Sirius a hug, which Sirius happily returned. Turning to the Headmaster, Harry went to give a polite nod only to realise the Headmaster was already Flooing out.

"What's with him? It's not like I've done anything, yet." To which Sirius just shrugged, right then Remus Lupin walked into the kitchen. Upon seeing Harry he smiled at him,

"Cub! How have you been, I didn't know you were here, when did you arrive?" Harry laughed. Sirius grinned and checked out Remus while he could get away with it.

"I'm good now that I'm here. I arrived about 30 seconds ago. How are you?" Remus gave a confused glance at Sirius so he explained about Kreacher and the mirrors.

"Ah the mirrors, Sirius and James used to use them all the time to talk to each other when they were in separate detentions. I didn't even think to use a house elf to get someone in and out of the wards, that'll come in handy later." He chuckled, "Anyway I'm fine Harry, it's nice to see you. We can speak later, I need to speak to Severus about the Wolfsbane for this month's full moon. Talk to you another day, bye."

"Do you wanna' go and pick your room and take your stuff up?" Harry nodded and they set off up the stairs, on the second floor were Ron's room, and another containing Hermione and Ginny, on the third floor were the twins and a free room, on the fourth floor were Sirius' room and another which Sirius looked at sadly but didn't say anything about. There was a sign on the door saying Regulus Arcturus Black, but Harry didn't ask as it was clearly a subject Sirius didn't want to talk about. The attic contained Buckbeak and, as he thought, Hedwig in the rafters. She hooted softly when she saw Harry and winged her way down to him, Harry petted her for a bit before Sirius told him he should choose a room. In the end, Harry decided he was still angry and didn't want to share with Ron and his earthquake snores, so he chose the free room on the third floor opposite the twins. While he was bringing his trunk into his room, twin cracks sounded and the twins appeared in his room with matching grins.

"Hey Harrykins, you're finally here!" and with that the twins locked Harry in a Weasley sandwich, not that Harry minded.

"Gred, Forge, how have you been? And thanks for the gifts, I haven't taken off the holster yet, but I've been too scared to try the eye correction potion. I've never heard of that before, did you invent it yourself Fred? If you made it, it'll probably give me bright pink eyes shaped like hearts knowing you." They all chuckled at the image it created.

"Yes, I did invent it, and don't worry, the potion has been tested. I did get a lot of help from Georgie, he was the one who thought to use a heavily modified Skele-Gro that instead of regrowing bones it goes through the cells in the eyes and replaces them until the eye is the correct shape and healthy. Past attempts all failed because eye problems can be caused by eye shape and damage of all sorts. Technically it's replacing your whole eye but without Vanishing it beforehand like bones, so be warned that it will hurt worse than Skele-Gro because the eye is so sensitive. Georgie here wants to be a Healer, pure genius when he told me what I needed to do, all I had to do was make it a reality." Fred spoke with pride while grinning at his brother who was blushing lightly.

"Wait, Healer? I thought you both wanted to run a joke shop." Harry was immensely confused, they'd both said they always wanted to run a joke shop, he gave them his winnings for it. The twins shared a silent conversation and nodded before turning back to Harry, who had never seen them this serious before. Fred spoke hesitantly,

"Well Harry we do love pranks and, yeah, we do want to set up a joke shop as well as invent for a living but we don't want to just invent pranks. Contrary to popular belief we aren't the same and we want to invent different things. George wants to be a Healer and invent ways to help people while I want to study and invent ways for people to help themselves, defences, new spells, things like that. We'll still work together, just like we did to invent that eye correction potion." They both grinned and were obviously waiting for Harry's thoughts on this revelation.

"I thinks that's great, you two definitely have the minds for it. And if we're breaking expectations, I can tell you that I don't want to be an Auror like everyone expects me to be. Too many rules and pandering to each Minister's whims as well as being stuck on budget by Death Eaters." The twins looked surprised then burst out laughing.

"Oh that's funny, what a prank. We're all pranking them and they won't realise." They were all chuckling at that, when it calmed down Harry started the questions he had.

"So, are you going to study at St Mungo's George? And where are you going to learn spell creation Fred?" The twins did their silent speaking again then replied, again Fred was the more outspoken so he spoke for the both of them.

"Two years ago we got a letter from a prospective school, they teach things you can't really find in other places unless you take an apprenticeship but we couldn't afford it at the time. That's one of the reasons we wanted to open a joke shop, to raise the money to go because there is an age limit. That's also why we were so grateful for you giving us your winnings, with it we were able to make the eye correction potion and now we have a somewhat steady income from royalties. And now we've been able to set up owl orders for the pranks we've made so far." Harry was swamped in another hug after Fred finished speaking, but Harry was now thinking about the letter in his back pocket. The twins received a letter at 15 from a school that teaches things you can't find anywhere else, which has an age limit. If what he thought was true then he might be able to learn enough to survive and kill Voldemort but also have friends there with him. Breaking free of their hug, Harry stepped back and reached into his back pocket,

"Ummm, I have something to show you two, but you can't say anything to any of the others. I mean it, not anyone at all." The twins looked excited and a bit worried, but their expressions turned into complete shock, 'I might get a camera to catch all these funny reactions if this keeps happening.' "Okay, so do you know what this is?" The twins nodded, George opened his mouth to say something but then he looked confused for a moment before it cleared into realisation.

"Can't speak about it until we join the privacy web on that, which you'll have to do because to us it's blank." He pointed at the letter in Harry's hand. Harry looked dumbly back at George,

"Did you read the back of it?" Was George's reply, to which Harry shook his head and read the back of the letter,

For any questions please write them down and an answer will write itself from our pre-arranged answers. If you ask a question we don't have an answer ready for a member of staff will reply within 12 hours.

The twins laughed when Harry face-palmed. Grabbing a quill, Harry wrote his question and luckily the ink showed up as silver on the black paper,

'How do I allow people to see and speak about what is contained in this letter?' After a few moments more silver writing appeared, 'To add someone to the privacy web on this letter, please have each person place their thumb on the box that has appeared for 3 seconds.' Harry pointed to the completely silver box that had appeared with the answer and told the twins they had to press their thumbs where he pointed for 3 seconds like it stated. Once they had done so George went to speak again,

"We both got a letter 2 years ago that looked just like yours, because we had to decline we couldn't speak about it. Thankfully adding us to your letter lets us speak about ours too. So, little Harrykins got invited to Crystal Phoenix did you?" Harry grinned, he was right.

"Yeah, the letter was sitting on my desk this morning when I woke up. I think I want to go there, I know it's dangerous but I could actually learn and train there. Hogwarts just isn't enough, I don't think turning a rat into a goblet is going to help me defeat Voldemort. And if you both came with me that would be even better, what do you say?" Harry tried to give his best puppy eyes that only made the twins snicker at him, but then they looked dejected before George replied,

"Harry, we would love to go with you but we might only just be able to afford tuition next year, let alone buying all the books and equipment." They looked sad at this but Harry was determined to have them go with him, it's not like he didn't have the money to help them, he would only have to spin it so it wasn't charity which they wouldn't accept. The only reason they accepted his winnings was because he told them point blank he wouldn't use it after what happened to Cedric.

"Well, how about I give you the money and buy the supplies. Don't give me that look and let me finish! You'd both be able to pay me back by giving me 10% shareholders in the store, that would be fine wouldn't it?" When he spoke about buying them the supplies they both looked like they would refuse but at his outburst they stopped and listened. When he finished they both looked thoughtful before George nodded.

"Yeah, I'd be happy with that. What say you O' Freddo?" Fred nodded and grinned, Harry was practically bouncing now that they had both agreed. 'And not even a whisper of a jealous comment or how Hogwarts is the best school to go to.' Harry spent the next hour telling them what had happened during the day and what he was going to do going forward. Once he was finished speaking the twins started talking about what they had done so far in setting up their shop, they were going to ask Lee to help run it while they were away at the Institute. They were talking about how Lee was doing when Hermione and Ron burst into the room. Hermione started talking before anyone else,

"HARRY! You're here, why didn't you tell us when you got here? Nevermind, have you done your summer homework? You know it's better to do it early than to leave it till the end like you usually do. I've done all mine already, I could help you do yours if you want. Though I won't do all of it, it is your homework in the end. Anyway, this hearing in the Ministry is ridiculous, I've checked all out, they simply can't expel you." Hermione's lung capacity must be enormous with the amount she can speak without breathing. Before Harry could answer Ron had started talking,

"Breathe, Hermione! Hey mate, glad to see you. Sorry we couldn't tell you anything, Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything, he said that owls could be intercepted. You should be happy you weren't here, Mom's been making us clean. It's disgusting here, let me tell you." Hermione was nodding at what Ron was saying.

"Yeah, we wanted to tell you but Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything, Dumbledore knows best Harry-" Harry was getting angrier the more they both spoke, they both just completely disregard how it's been like for him for the past few weeks. Before he even realised what was going on he had interrupted and started shouting,


"We wanted to tell you, we did but-" Hermione began.

"YEAH, DUMBLEDORE TOLD YOU NOT TO. BECAUSE HE, OF COURSE, KNOWS BEST, DOESN'T HE? IF YOU HAD REALLY WANTED TO TELL ME THEN YOU COULD HAVE SENT ME A LETTER ANOTHER WAY." Harry was furious, they just don't understand do they? Ron's face was starting to go red in anger,

"Oh yeah, how could we have sent a letter then?" The twins were still either side of him on the bed, they were enjoying this because they knew it wasn't directed at them. Harry raised his hand and started counting off ways,

"One, you could have asked one of the Order members that I know were watching the house slip a letter through the letter box. Two, you could have asked Kreacher to pop a letter to me when I was alone. Three, you could have done what Fred and George did and disguise a letter as a birthday card. And finally you could have asked Sirius, he has a completely safe way of contacting me, through an enchanted mirror!" Ron now had his mouth half open in shock, Hermione was glaring at the twins.

"Dumbledore told you that you couldn't tell him anything! You ignored the Headmaster. Why do you two always have to break the rules?" 'She just can't help herself can she, I've just told them four ways they could have gave me information, which she said she wanted to do, and now she's having a go at the twins.'

"Don't start on the twins, they were the only ones who actually told me anything so far. I thought you wanted to tell me, well it's sounding like you didn't. They've been better friends than you two this summer." Hermione reared back like she'd been slapped while Ron's face was starting to go an even deeper shade of red. He scoffed at what Harry said,

"We've had to go through so much crap because we're friends with you and you try and say they're better friends than us because they ignored what Dumbledore told us to do. What a joke." Harry actually laughed at that.

"Oh please, what 'crap' have you had to go through specifically because of me? Go on, tell me." Harry crossed his arms across his chest and waited.

"Well, we've nearly been killed by a troll and a three-headed dog. Nearly eaten by spiders, Hermione was nearly killed by a basilisk, I was nearly turned into a vegetable. Attacked by a grim, who we didn't know was innocent at the time, then nearly killed by a werewolf. How can you even try and say we haven't gone through crap because of you!" Harry was genuinely gobsmacked, he knew Ron was sometimes jealous but he didn't realise he was actually this deluded.

"You mean, the troll we wouldn't have been near if you didn't insult Hermione, the three headed dog we all ran into by accident the first time then you decided we needed to get past to protect the stone. HAGRID was the one who told us to follow the spiders, and I didn't tell you to follow me. I had absolutely nothing to do with the basilisk and you know it, then it was Lockhart who tried to obliviate you. Sirius was the one who chased you because of YOUR rat, if anything, you're the one who got me into that mess. The same goes with Remus, he was the one who forgot his potion not me. You really are that deluded that you would blame me for things you either chose or had nothing to do with me. It's funny that you forget how I was the one who had to face Voldemort 3 times, I was the one who had to face a basilisk to save YOUR sister. Me who had to fight for my life against dragons, sphinxes, Death Eaters, do I need to go on?" By now Ron's face had turned purple and Hermione was completely silent. Ron didn't know when to shut up though,

"Yeah but you get everything! You got loads of money, you got an invisibility cloak and you're famous!" By now the twins were glaring at their brother.

"You're an idiot. Did it somehow not get into your head how I have those things? My parents were MURDERED, I had to live in a CUPBOARD for 10 YEARS you ungrateful, jealous prat!" There was complete silence in the room, everyone looked shocked. Ron had paled and Hermione was looking at him with pity, which he hated.

"Oh, Harry." Hermione started.

"I didn't real-" Ron went to say.

"No, you never do. Just get out and leave me alone." Harry was just tired now, he was sick of everyone constantly turning on him.

"Mate-" Ron tried to start again.

"GET OUT!" Harry shot off the bed, pointing to the door. Ron huffed and stomped off, with Hermione giving him another pitying glance before shutting the door. The twins stood up and gave him a joint hug, which he shouldered out of and went to storm off, to where he didn't know. The twins just grabbed his shoulders and spun him around, when he looked into their eyes all he saw was acceptance, no pity to be seen. Harry was even more grateful towards the twins and pulled them into a hug. "Thank you. I'm just sick and tired of everyone blaming me for everything, looking down on me or trying to control my life." The twins rubbed his back together and told him it was alright. There was a knock at the door and Fred went to go answer it while George kept him in a half hug. When Fred opened the door they saw Sirius on the other side.

"Hey pup, there's food ready downstairs. Also, you know you can talk to me about anything, right?" Harry nodded, Sirius assumed he was nodding to both statements. Sirius then went back downstairs. George rubbed his back and released Harry.

"Let's go eat, yeah?" George said. For the next few days eating was an awkward affair with Harry, Ron and Hermione not talking much. Sirius and Mrs Weasley were trying to cheer everyone up whenever they could,

"Harry dear, you really should eat more. You're too thin, you know it's not good for you." Harry smiled weakly at Mrs Weasley, he knew she cared for him and was worried at how thin he was, but he just wasn't hungry. Four weeks of having passable meals at the Dursleys didn't fix 14 years of malnourishment. Trying to change the subject Harry asked Sirius if Remus was coming any time soon. Sirius practically beamed back at him,

"You bet, Mooney should be here on the eleventh, which is the day after the full moon." Harry grinned at how happy Sirius looked at the mention of Remus, Harry thought that if Sirius was left alone here while not being allowed to go out then he would probably go insane. Well, even more insane. Harry smirked at the thought, he might just slip Padfoot some anise seed once Mooney was here, he'd heard that dogs reacted to anise seed like cats did to catnip. Maybe they would finally admit to each other how they felt instead of sidelong looks Harry kept noticing. It would serve Sirius right for constantly wiggling his eyebrows at Harry when the twins weren't looking and making him blush. Yes, he would definitely get some anise seed. Before Harry went to bed that night he wrote a question he and the twins had come up with while discussing what they were going to do to prepare for Crystal Phoenix.

'I have two people you have sent letters to previously but they could not accept at that time due to monetary issues, now that they have the funding would they still be able to enrol at The Crystal Phoenix Institution of The Magical Crafts. Their names are Fred and George Weasley and they are both 17 years of age.' After a couple minutes of waiting silver writing appeared. 'Unfortunately we do not have a pre-arranged answer to your question, a member of our staff will reply within 12 hours.' Seeing as though it was late Harry was just going to go to bed and check in the morning. After his hearing Harry needed to go to Gringotts, browse the family vault, set up a vault for Fred and George, and, at the twins' suggestion, ask for an inheritance test. Apparently he might have more than what he inherited from the Potters, when he asked Sirius, the grim animagus told him that he had made Harry his sole Heir so the Malfoys couldn't inherit anything. Harry was determined to find a way to get Sirius exonerated, if only so he didn't have to run the Black estates as well as the Potters'. With his plans formed, Harry went to bed ready for the next day.


Okay! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Now I have a few questions and stating a few things. This will be a AD/RW/HG bashing story. I'm unsure what I'm going to do about pairings, before this chapter I was planning on having it Harry/OMC but now I'm thinking of having a Harry/Fred/George/OMC, tell me what you all think please. Some of these characters are going to be half canon and half me changing them so they're not all idiots. Harry is not going to be Heir to like 700 families, it's going to be 3 tops and he's not going to get a ton of money that he'll never use. The story isn't going to involve Hermione and Ron much, to be honest it's going to be as separate as I can make it while still being in the HP universe, it gives everyone something new to enjoy and not stuck with the same characters. Also another thing I wanted to ask was if you guys had some suggestions for new names for Harry, George and Fred. I was thinking of pairing Sirius and Remus, with Tonks pairing with Charlie who never gets any 'airtime' so to say. Let's just say Tonks with definitely be needed later on, and that's all I'm saying. Kudos if you like my little reference in the chapter, it's not particularly subtle. Okay I think I've waffled like I said I wasn't going to do but, meh. Oh and Harry will leaving Hedwig with Sirius because everyone knows she's Harry's. I was thinking a Runespoor and a baby Cerberus. What do you guys think? Until next time!