Uh oh, Spagettios! It's been another month again! Oh wait make that.. Two months.. Wait no.. Three or four..

Sorry for the long wait, I've had A LOT of writer's block.

But chapter seventeen is now here!

Like I said last time, this chapter is going to focus on Marcie's family, aka her brother and father at one point. So be prepared for that!

It also focuses on something else, too! :)

Anyway, with that said, onto the chapter!

Oh one more thing! New character kind of! It'll be explained in the chapter.

Enjoy! :)


It was a quiet, peaceful night, as it was going to be day soon.

Everyone and everything seemed at rest, not much sounds really heard at all.

Gumball and Darwin were sleeping peacefully on the couch like usual, making slight movements every couple of minutes.

Shifting to the other side, Gumball's arm now almost touched the floor.

Unbeknownst to him, his hand started to melt, making a small little puddle on the ground.

However, the puddle started to shift and form, even making movements.

Still though, nobody was awake to notice this.

Darwin woke up sleepily, as he started hearing something scurrying in the kitchen.

Curious, he got up and went to investigate, while also trying to be quiet so he didn't wake anyone up.

The sounds were getting a little louder as he stepped into the next room, with a new mix of weird splashing noises.

Seeing what was in there, Darwin's mouth was slowly hung open, as he was in a little bit of shock and confusion.

He quietly went back over to the couch, and carefully tried to get his brother awake.

"Um... Gumball wake up..."


Gumball sleepily opened his eyes, a little confused and annoyed.

"Sorry.. But.. There's something in the kitchen..." Darwin whispered.

"What? Is it really that important then?"

"Gumball I'm serious.. It's moving around in there.."

Gumball sighed, and prepared to go back to sleep.

"Relax dude, it's probably nothing. Just go back to sleep."

He soon flinched, as he felt something was near his leg.

Looking down, Gumball quickly got up, shocked, confused, and sort of frightened.

A goopy, blue colored creature was on the ground, looking almost oval-shaped, and had two drippy eyes (with no pupils), along with a jagged mouth. (think of like, Principal Brown's mouth, but less hairy and more goopy)

The creature had a curious look, trying to figure out what the two things in front of it were.

"Uh... What is that?..."

Gumball had a look of confusion, a little weirded out by this creature.

"Maybe... You accidently created it when you were sleeping?" Darwin suggested.

"Yeah, I guess that sounds about right."

The creature was looking up at them, a joyful smile on its face like a jack-o-lantern.

It was making inaudible sounds, almost like gurgling instead of speaking, but in an echoing type of voice.

Studying them again, the creature let out a cry of.. Joy?.. As it jumped onto Gumball, burying itself into the cat's chest.

"I think... It thinks your it's uh... Parent..." Darwin said, as he heard the being softly breathing.

Hesitant, Gumball held the creature upright in his hands, the being still cuddling against his chest.

"Should we tell Marcie about this?.." He asked, as the creature made another little happy cry.

"Well yeah.. We should probably do that.."

Gumball thought for a moment, before changing his mind.

"You know what, screw it. I'm tired. Let's just go to bed, and we can tell her about it in the morning."

"But Gumball we can't just-"

Darwin was cut off, much to his annoyance.

"It'll be fine, just wait until tomorrow."

Darwin sighed, before finally giving in.

"Alright.. I'll see you in the morning then."

The two then climbed back onto the couch, the creature still 'holding' on to Gumball.

"So... Should we name it?.."

"What?" Darwin sat up, a little confused by Gumball's question.

"I said, should we name it? I mean, it's not like Marcie's gonna care, right?"

"Of course she's going to care Gumball! We can't just brush this off like nothing happened!"

"Okay, okay, geez. But what do you think it's name should be at least?"

Darwin shrugged.

"I don't know. There's not much to really go with. It's blue, it's drippy and gloopy-"

"Oh that's not bad."

"What's not bad?"

"What you just said."

Darwin raised an eyebrow, still pretty confused.

"So what, you want to name it drippy?"

"No, the other word."


"Yeah. But without the Y."

"You want to name it.. Gloop?.."

"Well yeah, it sounds like an okay name."

"Okay then. Goodnight Gumball."


The two finally went to sleep, the creature, now known as Gloop, sleeping quietly under Gumball's arm.

It was now morning, as Marcie stepped into the living room.

"Good morning-"

She cut off, noticing a weird creature sleeping next to the two, who were watching TV.

The creature's head was gently leaning against Gumball's side, as it was softly snoring.

"Uh.. Guys?... What is that?..."

Gumball and Darwin turned to face Marcie, who was pretty confused.

"Well.. Gumball kinda accidently created it last night in his sleep... And well.. Yeah.. Basically that.." Darwin explained.

"It think's I'm it's Dad now or something." Gumball added, glancing down at the creature.

"Um.. Okay.. So.. What?.. Did you guys name it?.."

Gumball nodded.

"Yeah. Well, I did anyway. It's named Gloop."


"Because it's gloopy."

"Okay then..."

Marcie heard her phone ring, and went over to the kitchen to answer it.

Seeing who was calling her, she frowned, but answered it anyway.

"Hello Dad, long time no see. What do you want."

"Look Marcie, I just want to apologize for the other day. I know, I know, you're still mad at me. But I want to make it up to you."

"With what?"

Marcie heard her father sigh over the phone.

"Your mother and I had a discussion. We've decided to invite you over for dinner tonight. We want to try to make things right again. To answer quickly, yes, it's fine if you bring Gumball along with you too."

"Um.. Okay.. But... His brother's here too."

"So there's two now? Eh, it's fine. He can come too."

"Alright. But.. Thanks for apologizing Dad.. I'll be there tonight."

"See you tonight Marcie."

The phone call ended, as Marcie took a small breath.

Well, that honestly went well.

She went back over to the living room, ready to deliver this news.

"Guys, I have a little announcement to make."

The two stopped what they were doing, and turned to look at her.

Gloop finally woke up, also looking at her with curiosity.

"My parents invited us over for dinner tonight, to somewhat make up for that.. Day."

"So.. Your Dad isn't like.. Really mad anymore?" Gumball questioned.

Marcie nodded, much to his relief.

It was now night, as Marcie drove in her car to her parents' house.

Gumball and Darwin were sitting in the back.

"So.. Where's.. Um.. Gloop?.." Darwin questioned, noticing the creature wasn't present with them.

"Well.. He was kind of sleeping.. And I didn't want to bother him.. So.. He's back at the house." Gumball replied.

"You left him by himself?.. Didn't you like.. Leave some kind of thing to kind of.. You know.. Let him know that we left?.."

"Oh right.. Uh.. Whoops.."

Gumball tried to somewhat reassure himself and Darwin, a nervous smile on his face.

"Well.. It's probably fine.."

Gloop woke up sleepily, and sat up onto the couch.

He glanced around, eager to see his caretaker, hoping that he would be able to get some food, since he was hungry.

Noticing no sign of him however, Gloop frowned.

He jumped off the couch, and desperately looked around the house with worry.

There wasn't any sign of his caretaker anywhere, neither the girl or the fish.

Where did they go?..

Gloop started looking under tables, hoping that this was just a game they were playing that he was unaware of.

However, it was not, much to his dismay.

Gloop began to whine, as he looked around again.

No trace.

Gloop stopped, a thought coming to mind.

If his caretaker wasn't here, someone must've taken him away!

He began to get angry, yet worried at the same time.

Gloop then began to shift and change, increasing in size.

Whoever took his caretaker was going to pay!

"Here we are."

Marcie parked the car, arriving at her parents' house.

The three stepped out, and walked up to the door.

Hesitant, Marcie knocked on it.

Lucky for her, her mother (Julie) answered.

"Hello Marcie, long time no see." Her mother greeted, as she gave Marcie a small hug.

"Yep, I guess that's true." Marcie replied.

Julie glanced over, noticing the two next to Marcie.

"Hello to you too Gumball, has everything been going okay for you?"

"I guess." He replied with a shrug.

"Oh and what's your name?" She asked, as she looked at Darwin.

Seeing that she was friendly, Darwin politely walked up to her, a smile on his face.

"I'm Darwin! It's a pleasure it meet you Mrs. Williams!" He greeted, his fin outstretched for Julie to shake.

Julie smiled, and did the same.

"It's nice to meet you too." She said cheerfully.

Julie then stepped aside.

"Well come on in, Oliver's in the living room right now."

The three walked into the house, still unsure whether Marcie's father was still upset over the other day.

"Wait.. What's that sound?.." Gumball questioned, as loud shaking noises were heard, almost like an earthquake in a way.

Oliver quickly stepped out of the living room, aware of the noises.

"What the hell was that?!"

Julie was quite worried as well, as she noticed something outside from the window.

"Uh.. You might want to come take a look..." She said reluctantly, as she looked through the glass.

Marcie took a look, and began to get concerned.

"Hey.. Since when did a movie kind of cliché happen in town?.."

Confused by what she was talking about, Gumball and Darwin took a look, before realizing what was going on.

"Uh oh.."

Darwin sighed, knowing something was bound to happen.

"Uh oh what? This isn't your doing, right?" Oliver questioned, a little pissed, but concerned.

"Um.. Well... You see, uh.. I kinda accidently created this drippy thing in my sleep last night.. It thinks I'm it's parent or something.. And.. Well.. I didn't exactly.. Tell him we were leaving..." Gumball explained nervously, receiving a few groans from the others.

A loud screech could be heard, as some screams were in the background.

"Okay we need to act fast. Otherwise whoever's out there, is pretty much screwed." Marcie said, as the screeching continued.

"Hold on, is any of us even brave enough to actually stand up to it with out the chance of getting killed?" Julie asked.

Nobody answered, since they knew there was a high chance of death.

"Wait, I think Gumball should do it."

A bit surprised, Gumball glanced over at Darwin.

"Hold on, what?! Why me?!"

"Because you're the one that started the mess, so maybe it's you who should stop Gloop." Darwin replied.

Oliver raised an eyebrow.


Marcie shrugged, not exactly sure on the name either.

"I don't know, it's just the name they chose for it."

"Either way, you have all those abilities, remember? I'm sure it's not that difficult for you." Darwin said.

Gumball then sighed, finally giving in.

"Fine.. I'll do it.."

He stepped outside, the others watching with curiosity.

Gumball looked up, as a look of shock and surprise appeared on his face.

Gloop was now at least twenty feet tall, nearly monster sized, with dripping claws for hands, and big angry white eyes, his mouth dripping gloop.

"Oh shoot.."

Noticing him, Gloop was angrily looming over Gumball, pissed as ever.

"Uh.. Hey... Gloop... Um.. How's the weather?.."

Gloop extended out his clawed hand, and grabbed Gumball, lifting him off the ground and trapping his arms so he couldn't escape.

"Okay.. This isn't funny.. Please put me down..."

The creature disobeyed, holding Gumball firmly in its grasp.

It then opened its mouth, foaming at the sides.

"Wait no Gloop don't! It's me!"

Gumball shut his eyes tight, terrified out of his mind.

He opened them, noticing that he wasn't dead.

Looking up, he discovered Gloop was smiling, and holding him close to its drippy chest, seeming like it was hugging him.

Gumball could also hear slight inaudible noises, sounding like it was happy.

"Well that was anti-climatic.."

A loud bang was heard, along with a few footsteps.

"There it is!" A man shouted, as he ordered the other men to shoot.

Gloop let out a low growl, as his grip got tighter, much to Gumball's dismay, considering he was nearly squeezed to death.

The men began shooting again, which only made Gloop angrier.

"Uh guys.. I really wouldn't do that if I were you..." Gumball said, glancing down at the people below with worry.

Raising an eyebrow, the men lowered their weapons for a brief moment.

"Hey wait.. What is that?.." One man questioned.

"Isn't it that cartoon thing that keeps airing everyday?"

The men looked over at the one man who said that in confusion.

"What? I only know that because I was flipping channels at that time."

Getting annoyed by the fact nobody was doing anything about this situation, and the fact that Gumball was slowly losing oxygen from being nearly squeezed to death at the moment, Darwin then quickly ran outside.

"Hey it's another one.." A man said.

Darwin tried to get to a high point, knowing that Gumball probably wouldn't be able to hear him all that well from below.

Soon he was on the roof.

"Gumball do that drippy thing!" He shouted as loud as he could.

Gumball looked confused, but then realized what Darwin was talking about.

Gloop looked down in his hand, noticing that Gumball was slowly slipping from his grasp, as he was starting to melt.

With a small whimper, Gloop used his other clawed hand and held Gumball up, keeping him from escaping yet again.

"Dang it.." Gumball muttered, annoyed that the plan didn't work.

Noticing the men down below about to fire again, Gloop growled, wanting these people to just go away and follow his warning.

However, the men fired anyway.

Gloop was now fighting back, as goop was flying everywhere in array.

Okay, this was enough.

"Gloop stop!"

Confused, Gloop looked back down again.

Gumball sighed, as he continued speaking.

"Okay, I get it. You're mad, and mostly upset. But.. None of these people are at fault for that. I am."

Gloop was still confused, as he let out a whine.

"I didn't tell you we were going anywhere.. Which honestly yeah, that was quite stupid of me.. But I didn't mean to hurt you like that.. And.. I'm sorry."

Before Gumball could react, Gloop held him close again, while also starting to shrink.

Soon, the creature was back to being small.

Gumball sighed in relief, glad that everything went okay and was resolved.

"This isn't going to happen again, right?" Darwin questioned, as he looked at Gloop with a bit of concern.

"Uh... Maybe?..." Gumball wasn't too sure on an answer to that.


Men from earlier, and new ones just now, pointed their guns straight at the two, a pissed off look on their face.

A little terrified, Gumball and Darwin quickly had their hands up, trying not to piss these guys off any more than they already have.

One of the men took them by the arm, and led them to a black van.

"You two are coming with me."

Feeling something on his leg, the man looked down, seeing Gloop trying to 'attack' the guy, not wanting these people to take his caretaker away.

"And whatever that thing is." The guy added, ordering some men to quickly take care of the creature.

Gloop was whining, as the men placed him into a jar.

Realizing where they were going, Gumball had a look of dread on his face.

"What? Do you know where they're taking us?" Darwin asked, as the two were ordered to stay in the back.

"Yeah, but it's not a good place Darwin. They're taking us back to that building."


Dang it! Sorry guys, relationship-Marcie and dad stuff will be next chapter. (hopefully)

Anyway, let me know what you think! Was this chapter good?

With that said, see you in the next chapter!

Chapter eighteen: COMING SOON. (hopefully)