*I still don't own RWBY or Transformers Prime!*
Dialogue Key
"Me Grimlock not kisser! Me Grimlock king!" = Normal Speech
'Not the finish… anything but the finish…!' = Thoughts
"YAAA HOO HOO HOO HOOEY!" = Someone Yelling
-TFP- = Scene Transition
Atlas Lab - Project G.R.I.M.L.O.C.K.
Aboard the Decepticon warship known as the NEMESIS, the Decepticons and the Predacons were currently just doing their own thing as they tried to think of something to do. There was no maintenance that needed to be done on the ship, Predaking and his Predacons had already gone hunting and had no need or desire to feed at this time, they already took out a few large clusters of Grimm to buy the Hunters and Huntresses time to mobilize, and there's really nothing on the ship that needs scrubbing. Heck, Knockout didn't even feel like buffing his finish for once!
And you KNOW the boredom is serious if Knockout, of all mechs, doesn't want to buff his finish. Which is looking quite stunning, I must say.
"I'm so BORED! It's been forever since we did something nefarious!" whined Starscream as he hung upside down from a recently installed ceiling fan.
Hey, they may be machines, but even the Decepticons need a way to beat the heat every now and again. But while he too was bored, Shockwave, who was fiddling with a Remnant device called a Scroll, didn't quite enjoy the seeker's need to complain about his boredom.
"It has been fifteen minutes." Shockwave said.
"It's called hyperbole, Shockwave. Also, I think my processor is starting to go wonky from hanging upside down all day." Starscream replied. "How do those Bat Bots and Opossum Droids do it?"
He quickly got down and gave himself a moment to get the excess Energon flowing back into the rest of his body. Megatron himself was going through a little physical therapy after Knockout had replaced Solus Prime's arm with his own, seeing as how the Decepticons no longer had any use for the Forge of Solus Prime. And so, Megatron wanted his old arm back. Besides, he missed his Fusion Cannon.
That's when Starscream's optics widened and he grabbed an electric guitar from… somewhere.
"I've got a brilliant idea!"
The Decepticon Seeker strummed a cord, prompting the one-eyed Decepticon scientist to shake his head at the antics of his fellow Decepticon. Why this guy was still the Decepticon Army's Second-in-Command was beyond him.
"I seriously doubt that." Shockwave said dryly.
"Let's have a prank war!" Starscream suggested.
This caused Shockwave to look up from his Scroll and look at Starscream with a slight bit of appreciation. Though, you can't really tell due to his face only being a big eye.
"Starscream, maybe you aren't as dumb as you look." Shockwave remarked.
"Maybe I aren't, Shockwave." Starscream replied, causing Shockwave to lose his sense of appreciation for Starscream. "Maybe I aren't."
But they had no time to implement their prank war, as Megatron and Knockout walked into the main control room of the ship, the Decepticon Leader nursing his sore arm after the operation to have it put back on after the removal of Solus Prime's arm. The fact that he, once again, chose to not have anesthetic applied for the surgery just made it hurt worse. Thankfully for the former Cybertronian Gladiator, the pain has since dulled to a simply throb.
"Alright, Lord Megatron. Simply take it easy when using your arm for a few Solar Cycles, and if something doesn't feel quite right, just come see me." Knockout instructed, looking to the Cybertronian tablet for reference to Megatron's treatment.
"Thank you, Knockout." said Megatron.
That's when the main computer began beeping, catching the Decepticon Leader's attention. Who could possibly be calling him of all people? Surely not the Autobots? They may be in a ceasefire, but they surely wouldn't call the Decepticons. Would they?
Moving swiftly to answer the call, Knockout was quite surprised to find a transmission from Optimus Prime come through their channel.
"Prime. To what do I owe the… 'pleasure' of your call?" Megatron asked.
"Do not think this is simply a call to exchange pleasantries, Megatron. I have troubling news in regards to an ancient species found only on Cybertron. You know them well." Optimus informed. "They fought the Predacons on ancient Cybertron."
"The Dinobots… What could those extinct creatures possibly have to do with our situation on this planet? Or even the Grimm that plague it?" Megatron asked.
"Because an anonymous source has sent a small shipment of Cyber Nucleic Acid, recovered from the claws of a certain specimen discovered on Cybertron, to the military scientists of Atlas. And if my hunch is correct, they are likely tampering with something they shouldn't be." Optimus informed. "Myself and the other Autobots are en route to their present location, where they are no doubt using their technology in an attempt to clone Dinobots for their own purposes. If you wish to help us stop them, then follow the coordinates that are included in the attached file. I can only hope that you and your fellow Decepticons make the right decision this time. Optimus Prime, out."
And with that, the transmission ended. But popping up on their screen was the coordinates for the lab that Optimus mentioned. Though, Megatron was skeptical about what Optimus said, the fact remains. If Atlas manages to successfully clone Dinobots from Cyber Nucleic Acid using their inferior technology, then they could easily destroy both the Autobots AND the Decepticons. And Megatron wasn't about to let that happen.
'If anyone's going to end the Autobots and conquer this world, it's going to be me!' snarled Megatron in his head.
"What should we do, Lord Megatron?" Knockout asked.
"Input those coordinates into the Space Bridge, and get ready to fight! Bring in a small squadron of Vehicons for backup. Something tells me we'll need it." Megatron commanded. "And somebody get Predaking for this mission!"
Starscream and Shockwave looked at each other as they both reached the same conclusion, though they didn't say it out loud.
'Looks like our prank war will have to wait.'
In a hidden lab outside of Atlas, several scientists were busy working on the kingdom's newest project. A mechanical menace that would be used to eradicate the foul creatures of Grimm that continue to plague their home. Using a strange substance called Cyber Nucleic Acid, which was given to them by an anonymous source, these scientists were hoping to clone a creature known as a Dinobot and use it as an attack machine meant to destroy Grimm. The head scientist calls it the...
Quite the acronym for a bio organic machine designed to protect the people from the Grimm that plague the lands of Remnant, isn't it? And yet, that's exactly what they called it. But since the acronym was both too long and too confusing for most people to say correctly, they just call it Grimlock.
But there was a slight problem in the first cloning procedure. Their technology was not advanced enough to handle Cybertronian biology. And as such, the clones they tried to create from their limited supply kept dying due to their insufficient technology. So Ironwood gave them these specific orders.
Take the weakest child from a family, and use them as a base for the cloning process.
The other scientists looked at the General like he'd lost his mind. Separating a child from their family, no matter how strong the child was, was just cruel and inhumane! But they had no choice, as their head scientist, Doctor Watts, had already begun the cloning procedure using a child he stole from the Arc family. Their only son among, so far, five daughters.
He was sure that the human soul would make a fine base for the spark of the Dinobot to inhabit as the shell of a Dinobot molded itself around the human body. And so far, all is going well with the cloning procedure. But little did they know, they'll never get the chance to see their creation through to adulthood.
*To Be Continued…*
If you haven't guessed already, it's Jaune who's going to be the Dinobot here. As an infant, he is taken from his family by Watts to be turned into the first clone Dinobot. However, I'm still not sure which I want to use for his Beast Mode; T-Rex or Giganotosaurus. I'd like your recommendations on which it should be. No offense to the original Grimlock, but I feel like using T-Rex is just too common and predictable a choice.
Thank you guys so much for reading. Don't forget to vote on the poll I have up. May the Force be with you, and have a great day.