Meanwhile... Somewhere else.

Above the fields of the planet they were on, Alice found herself holding close her MA5 and with a new helmet on her head. She scanned the surrounding area and watched as three other Pelicans tailed her own. Beside her were a squad of Marines, all looking mighty ready to kick ass. Hopefully, the Marines wouldn't need to dump rounds into anyone... Six quickly caught a radio transmitter out of mid-air, took her helmet off and looked to the pilot. He nodded and said "We've got a link to the folks here. Gallians, they call themselves, ma'am..."

"Play nice is the order, I assume..." Six sighed. She slid the com piece beside her ear and spoke calmly "Attention, people of Gallia..." She thought the name of the country up, but it seemed to have worked... "I am Lieutenant Alice-B312, of the UNSC warship Patton and situated aboard UNSC Pelican Kilo2-3. We're currently on approach to your capital to discuss the terms of an agreement relating to mutual defense, our unit being headed by one of the Captains of our picket fleet. We politely request not to be welcomed with fire unless you want to take fire right back... Kilo 2-3 out..."

Patton looked to Alice and said "Think they're gonna play nice?"

Alice shrugged "Dunno, ma'am. If they don't, we can always gun it out of the place." before racking the rifle's bolt and sliding it onto her back. She put her helmet back on and saw below that garrisons of soldiers clad in blue seemed to turn their gazes up. She squinted and the helmet auto-zoomed onto them... Bastards were wide-eyed and with loose jaws, it seemed. Must've never seen a flying vic before.

The aircraft swept in, engines thundering as it prepared to touch down. Six saw the tall, medieval walls and pallisades that protected what stood as the capital of the small country of Gallia. Troops in Blue marched below, rifles on their shoulders and led by a rotund man with a scraggly beard. He wore what looked like a general's uniform and, well, by the look on his fat face, he was just as shocked as the rest of his troops and the people when the UNSC Vehicles touched down.

Patton gazed upward as the thunder of a pair of Jets came from overhead. The Delta-shaped black aircraft were UNSC Longsword interceptors that had provided a low-flying escort until the Pelicans arrived at the Capital... Patton stood up first, followed by her Marines and Spartan escort and left the back of the ship. And to say that the soldiers of Gallia that came to greet them went paler was an understatement. Patton didn't know if it was because of the Marines' Battle Dress Uniforms, Six's MJOLNIR Armor or the fact that they carried what, to the people here, must've looked like severely more advanced weapons than theirs-which was true-but she didn't want to make a scene...

Noticing the man had the pins of a Two-Star General, she brought her hand up to her head and said "Greetings. I'm Captain Patton of the UNSC warship with the same name." before extending her gloved hand to the man and saying "We're here to talk a possible and ostensible treatise between our two forces in regards to the little Imperial problem you seem to be having."

"Ahm..." The man before her took a pause and then said, his voice like sandpaper "Welcome! Welcome to Gallia! I am General Georg von Damon, Commander in Chief of the Gallian Military and I've been sent by her Highness, Princess Cordelia gi Randgriz, to escort you and your soldiers to the Royal Palace." making Six and Patton eye each-other, then him, suspiciously... With a nod, the group of soldiers marched down the center-most Boulevard of Randgriz, under the gazes of the people here. Some seemed surprised, others, awed and many, frightened. Women held their 'ooh-ing' and 'aah-ing' children close, staring at the Super-Soldier and her Mean Green Marines, as well as the Captain, with fear...

"Locals seem a bit off-put, ma'am." Alice muttered, keeping her own MA5 close to her chest, but keeping the safety set.

Patton gave a nod "We've landed in their backyard with aircraft which, I will assume, they don't have, putting aside the clear tech gap between us. We've also come armed and with about twice as many men as their own welcoming party... It's safe to assume they think we're here to occupy them..." and she stepped up beside Damon, before saying "Your people needn't fear... We're not here to cause any sort of ruckus between our armies, nor are we here to occupy... We're just here to talk... Perhaps even settle the dispute between your people and this Empire."

"Believe me, Captain..." Damon muttered "If we could settle a talk with those Imperial dogs to stop any kind of war, we would've done it beforehand."

Patton hummed... "So, to them it's full annexation or nothing?"

"Unless you've got more men and guns than them, yes." Damon answered.

"Well... Fun." The woman smirked "Orbital armaments are a fun thing to tote behind a paper."

Damon seemed a bit concerned himself now, eyeing the woman both with a hint of hidden disgust and a hint of surprise... Six snorted as she stepped up beside the Captain and said "General, hasn't anyone told you it's not polite to stare?" snarkly. Damon turned away, muttering something under his breath as they reached Castle Randgriz... The Captain looked up and whistled...

"Your Princess has a nice home." She said almost absentmindedly... The Guards propped open the doors to the blue-hued Palace and the squadrons of uneasy soldiers walked inside, to be greeted by deep-blue halls, rugs and a spiral motif. The place was almost cathedral-like... And the throne room they entered made it even more obvious that the Spiral was something that was part of their motif...

Seated on a throne at the top of a pyramid stairwell, a young woman watched them enter. Her mouth slightly ajar as she saw the Platoons of Green-wearing Marines and the Spartan step in. Six stopped and turned to the Captain. Patton knew this was a kingdom simply from the fact that was a throne, so, to show respect, she took a knee and bowed her head. The Spartan, noticing what the woman was doing, followed suit... And the Marines too... it was a show of respect... And a show to the people of Gallia that the UNSC would respect sovereignty.

"Rise, please. "The girl said, blushing a bit... The Captain and her men followed the request...

"My Lady, I'm Captain Patton, of the eponymous UNSC Warship currently orbiting your planet... I and my people are-"

The girl raised her hand to stop the Captain, her eyes shimmering with excitement as she asked "Did you say... Orbiting our planet? Are you, perhaps, Extraterrestrials?"

Patton winced, then saw Damon stare at them, definitely shocked by the Revelation and the Princess smile. She nodded and said "Yes, I guess you could... Call us that, Your Highness... We've come down to your planet to discuss a possible alliance, maybe even a Safe Haven for me and my compatriots, in Gallia." and looked the girl right in the eyes. "We've a small picket fleet in orbit and I've been elected among all captains to be representative of the UNSC's presence in your Star System..."

"It is a pleasure to meet you and your compatriots, Captain..." The Princess gave a nod, standing up and walking down the stairs to meet the Captain on even ground... Patton soon realized she was taller than the girl, who, perhaps, was a teenager. She noticed faint worry in the girl's eyes, but most of it was overshadowed by the hopeful and mirthful smile and gaze... Patton gave a nod.

"And our honor to meet you, My Lady." The woman smiled back. She looked over to see a man in a blonde wig and long dress-like attire walking down beside her. "I presume this is your regent?"

"Maurits von Borg." The man gave a nod. "And indeed, Captain... Welcome to Gallia."

... He seemed less welcoming. Still, she hummed and continued "So... Of the talks? What do you say?"

"We welcome you with open arms... Please, Captain, follow us." The Princess said, motioning toward what seemed to be a meeting room with a table... The Captain looked to the Gallians, then to her troops. With one hand motion, she sent the Marine group back to the Drop Ships and then proceeded to wave Six to her side. Six and the Marines respected the Captain's orders... And the women and Gallians walked to the meeting room, while the Marines walked off toward the Landing Spot...

As the Politician, General, Captain and Princess found themselves seated, Six elected to stay on her feet, eyeing the room. Her instincts kicked in as she scanned for escape routes and watched as a few Gallian Guards streamed in too, weapons at the ready, but fingers off the triggers. The Spartan leaned against the wall behind her, rifle hanging off her rigging and arms crossed to her chest.

As Damon looked over to Patton, he spoke calmly "Let's skip the formalities for now, Captain... What kind of weaponry do you bring to the table?"

Patton eyed the man and spoke "Armored Fighting Vehicles, tanks, Transports, gunships and aircraft... The fact that no craft similar came to intercept me and my crew mid-flight leads me to believe neither Gallia, nor the rest of this world have access to combat aircraft of any kind. Correct me if I'm wrong."

"You're right." Damon gave a nod "Most people saw Planes as a waste of time and resources when more money could go into the Military. We never used Aircraft."

"Well, that's fatal mistake number one." The woman denoted. "And one of the good reasons to bring us aboard. Let me paint it this way for you:You've got a column of Imperial tanks heading toward your position. Your anti-armor options and tanks are deployed on some other mission... But the enemy doesn't have any air cover or any means of stopping an aerial assault. That's where we come in. Aircraft fly in low, their Rotary Cannons and rocket pods make short work of the Imperial vehicles and any infantry that may've been brought in as escort, without even batting an eye, then fly out of the area. The enemy has lost irreplaceable assets and has no way to stop it from happening again unless they pull back their forces and start researching ways to counter our Air Power..."

"Which, going by the fact no nation here uses Air Power due to some misconception about it being useless, is gonna take them a good few months, if not full years, to size up even Jet Propulsion, to allow them to keep up with our aircraft. In short, we got your asses covered in three dimensions:Sky, Space and Ground, while yer Imps ain't got shit to stop us." Alice stepped in and spoke her part. The Captain gave a nod, as did the Princess. The girl and the Spartan exchanged glances, before both turned back to the table... Damon scratched his chin and Borg did much the same...

A woman walked up beside the Princess and whispered something in her ear. The girl nodded... And both Six and the Captain noticed that the woman was clad in a military outfit. The Princess waved the woman off, before speaking calmly "Taking up the advice of my military counselor, General, I'd suggest we accept... An advantage such as the one brought forth by Captain Patton and her allies cannot be negated."

Despite noticing a scowl on Damon, Patton maintained her expressionless poker face... The man ran fingers through his beard and asked "Do your air vehicles allow for fast deployment of troops?"

"Within hours or minutes, depending on the distance required to travel." Patton stated.

"I see..." Damon hummed. "What other advantages do you bring to the table?"

Patton smirked, then looked back to Six and waved her forward... And barely now did everyone in the room feel the temperature drop. The Spartan took her helmet off her head and her piercing, ice-blue eyes locked onto the duet of men present in the room. Leaning onto the table, the woman began to explain "Rapid deployment of troops, advanced armor and armaments and the promise for Technological Enlightenment that's sure to propel you a good few centuries into the future, as well as the promise of an Alliance between the most technologically advanced Human populace currently present in your nation and you..." and she grinned "That good enough for ya, General?"

... Damon wanted to speak, standing up to retort to the insolent soldier, but Borg's hand landed on his shoulder, pulling him forcefully back into his seat. He motioned to a servant to bring a piece of paper and started drafting the treaty. Six looked over to the Princess and gave her a nod, before turning her head to Patton and grinning. The two girls bumped fists. After the draft was done, it was extended to Captain Patton... Borg pointed to the left and said "As a signatory to the UNSC. We've already signed on the right."

The woman nodded, reading the paper over calmly. From top to bottom, she saw no hidden meaning. Just an alliance, a promise of technology and of bettering Gallia as a nation and... Hmm... Sending a dignitary? Interesting... She looked to the Princess, noticing the Honor Guard, then looked to Six and pointed at the written document... The Spartan leaned in and read it, before noticing Patton pointing at the Princess. Alice gave an approving nod to the Captain, before straightening up... Patton, meanwhile, looked over to the two politicians and asked "Is it alright if I leave Noble Six as our Liaison and perhaps as an added member to Her Highness' honor guard?"

The Princess' face lit up immediately. She gazed over to Borg... And the man gave a nod. "Certainly."

That was okay then... Finishing up the re-read of the document, the Captain signed. She motioned to Six to join the Princess and the Spartan went to the girl's side, smirking and leaning down and speaking "Sup, Your Highness... I'm Alice." before raising her hand "Let's be friends, shall we?" to which the girl nodded, shaking Alice's hand with a smile. The Spartan straightened up...

And Patton looked ahead and spoke "Well... I do believe that concludes our meeting. If you need me or any other UNSC Captain, ask the Lieutenant to patch you through to us." before standing up and taking the contract with her. She folded it and slid it into her pocket, before looking to Alice and saying "El-Tee, do behave yourself while we're away, okay?"

"I'll do my best, ma'am." Six winked. Patton snorted... Man, she missed the girl.

Now, though? Onto other things...