Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fanfiction and has nothing to with real-life situations whatsoever. Harry Potter and Avengers are not my property. All characters belong to their respective creators.

Please note that in this story, all the events took place 7 years later. Harry was born in 1987 and started Hogwarts in 1998. You get the picture.

Check: Normal Speech

"Check": Dialogues

'Check': Thoughts

#Check#: Parseltongue

July 7, 2012

Dark red fumes rose inside the chamber deep down the Ministry of Magic in the Department of Mysteries as the unspeakables entered to resume their experiment on the red liquid substance the Aurors had brought a week ago.

"What do you think, Hades? What is happening?", Athena, the unspeakable and partner of Hades, asked.

"I don't know, but I'm getting negative feelings here. We've been diagnosing this cube for seven days now and today it has started emitting red fumes. This can't be good."

Athena simply nodded, and went back to her station a few steps away, thinking back on how they got this cube.


A dark artifact dealer who had been a financer for the Death Eaters during both Wizarding Wars was finally apprehended after the Aurors finally tracked him down. His hideout was raided by none other than the team of Draco Malfoy, who joined the Aurors after Harry Potter helped him clear his name. All the artifacts were recognized by the Aurors and subsequently dealt with, except a black cube which was emitting a faint red aura. Not having seen such a thing in his life, Head Auror Eriksen summoned Chief Unspeakable Roark to have a look at the item.

Roark looked on interested at the cube placed on the Head Auror's desk and told him that they would need to conduct some tests on the said artifact. After carrying the cube all the way down to the Department of Mysteries, Roark called for two of the best unspeakables to have ever worked.

"Athena, Hades, my chamber, NOW!"

Athena and Hades were regarded as the best unspeakables to ever grace the Department of Mysteries. Nobody knew their identities, except for those two themselves, and nobody dared to ask either.

Concealed by her unspeakable robes, Athena was a beauty to behold, with a body that would put those muggle supermodels to shame. Standing at 5'10", she looked all confident and intimidating. No male approached her after she froze a fellow unspeakable's bits when he tried to hit on her on the first day, no man but Hades. Hades was not the one to scoff at either. Standing a 6'3", he packed a solid build under his unspeakable robes and had a firm control over his emotions. His in-depth knowledge of magic was what made him develop a deep connection with magical energy and thus, he was able to sense magic, a feat only a few people could boast about in the entire wizarding history.

As soon as Athena and Hades entered the Director's office, he shut the door by waving his wand and asked them to take a seat in front of them. He lifted the lid off the box and pushed it in front of the unspeakable duo.

Hades took a look at the artifact and looked up, tilting his head sideways in question.

"The Aurors brought this in today after apprehending Julio Gonzalez. They have no idea what this is, and to be honest, me neither. I've never seen something like this in my entire career."

"So we have to find out what this is, what it does, and whether its safe to have it here, or anywhere else for the matter?", Athena asked.


Hades closed the lid, picked the box up, nodded towards the Director and stood up, putting his hand for Athena to take. Athena nodded at the Director and took the offered hand, walking back to the experimentation chamber.

"So what do you think? What is it?"

"Don't know. I couldn't sense anything magical. Which means the cube is not a magical artifact."

Athena glanced at his covered face, then at the box in his hand.


After entering the chamber, they clamped the doors shut and approached the cube in the center of the ritual circle.

They took off their masks and Hades stood outside the circle with Athena beside him and extended his magical senses fully, trying to assess the artifact. Athena took a couple steps back, looking on as Hades started emitting a dark green aura. A few minutes later, Hades ceased his actions and sat down on the chair, looking at the cube with a frown.

"What is it?" Athena asked concerned, looking at the troubled expression on Hades' face.

"An infinity stone.", Hades muttered, loud enough for Athena to hear.

"I've heard the term but I can't seem to recall where or when.", Athena replied.

"Summon tome #67745 from the 17th shelf."

Athena wandlessly summoned the tome, making Hades look at her fondly. Athena blushed and smiled at him. It was one of the tricks that Hades had taught her after they had graduated Hogwarts and became close friends. It came from connecting with one's magic. The library was on the opposite end of the level, and by connecting with her magic, Athena was able to manipulate the matter and thus made the tome phase through the walls of the chamber.

"Page no. 11", Hades said, and Athena abruptly turned to the exact same page.

Before creation itself, there were six singularities. Then the universe exploded into existence, and the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots... Infinity Stones.

The tome went on to explain what the six stones were, and what their powers were.

"This is the Reality stone", Athena whispered.

"I reached the same conclusion.", Hades nodded.

"But why is it reacting this way? It looks like, I don't know like it is overloading or something.", Athena frantically said.

Hades sharply turned towards her, and then slowly turned back towards the cube, trying to discern what was going on. Suddenly, the ground vibrated as the cube shook, projecting a red aura outward. Cracks started appearing on the floor as the vibrations increased tenfold.

Hades quickly erected a blue dome around Athena and himself, bit it frizzled from existence when another wave struck it. He quickly erected a solid opaque golden shield around them with a one-way view as another wave struck, but this time, the shield held. Athena held Hades' hand firmly and squeezed it, making him look at her.

"Together. Always."

Hades' eyes softened and he nodded as he bent down and kissed her softly. Athena' eyes widened before she registered what was happening and she snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him back with all the love she could muster. Hades pulled her closer and hugged her tightly to himself. A few seconds later, but what felt like hours to them, Hades reluctantly pulled back and looked into her eyes. They were filled with unshed tears, but not of sorrow, instead, they were full of love and happiness. They loved each other and they now knew it. Just as Hades opened his mouth to say something, the cube started shaking violently and exploded, destroying everything in its way. Hades pulled Athena close and reinforced the shield to maximum, grunting slightly at the strain, but nothing he couldn't handle. Both of their eyes widened when the entire building obliterated in front of them. Suddenly, the ground beneath them rippled as another explosion wrecked everything. Both Hades and Athena fell down inside the ground as they closed their eyes.

Unbeknownst to them, a red plasma followed them inside the ripple and faded away, leaving no trace of its existence.

The moment they opened their eyes, they noticed that everything was a blur. It was like some dimension travel from those fantasy movies, which made Hades wonder what was happening. Athena was also looking around at her surroundings when she heard Hades' chuckle.

She looked at him questioningly, to which he replied, "Nothing. Just wondering how things have changed. During my childhood, I always wanted to watch the fantasy shows that Dudley liked but I couldn't, and now I'm watching it in reality."

Athena scowled at the mention of his childhood but shook it off when they suddenly collided with some rock solid structure.

"OW!" Athena rubbed her behind where she collided and subconsciously healed the bruise that would have formed. She heard a groan and looked down to see Hades sprawled on the ground, trying to get up. Stifling a giggle but failing miserably, she bent down and offered him a hand, which he took and stood back up. He suddenly felt a familiar magical energy but slightly different and looked around, but couldn't spot anything in the dark.

Athena meanwhile tried to squint her eyes to look where they were but failed. She was able to sense the high concentration of magic and concluded that they were at a junction of magical ley lines.

She turned in Hades' direction and asked, "Do you know where we are, Harry?"

Just then, the sun started creeping up the Horizon, making the entire area light up in the natural sunshine.

"We're at Stonehenge, Daph."

It had been a week since Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass accidentally unleashed the Reality Stone, thus bending reality itself. During this period, the two were not idle.

After reaching the conclusion that they had somehow traveled to an alternate reality, they started laying out plans about what needed to be done. Thanks to their magical powers, it was not so daunting.

After searching for the British Wizarding community only to come empty-handed, they concluded that there was no existence of witches and wizards in this new world. The entrance to the Leaky Cauldron was replaced by the Oxford Theatre, there was no Platform 9 3/4 in this world and no Hogwarts either. There was no trace of any kind of ambient magic at the place where Hogwarts used to be or ley lines for that matter.

After finishing their empty-handed search, they decided to sort out all the paperwork they needed to do. A few compulsions here and there and by the end of the day, they were legally Harry Potter and Daphne Green, citizens of the United Kingdom. They also opened a joint account with Citibank UK to take care of their expenses in the new world by selling the galleons that they had on them at the time of the accident.

They decided to rent a hotel for the night and resume their work the next day. So they went to check in with Amba Hotel near Charing Cross.

As they approached the receptionist, a pretty brunette with brown eyes wearing the standard uniform, Harry said, "Hello. We would like to book two-" as Daphne innocently elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to fake a cough. "Er, one room please."

"Sure sir, could I have some identification please?", she politely asked to which both Harry and Daphne agreed.

After verifying everything, with a card swipe in the mix, Harry and Daphne went to their room.

"We should have the talk, Harry", Daphne said as Harry locked the room and walked in.

The suite had blonde wood paneling and light, rich silk upholstery complemented by chic, refined antiques, crystal chandelier and decorative fireplace. Adjoining was the bedroom with a king bed and attached bathroom and walk-in closet.

Harry looked at her and smiled, "Yes, we do." and beckoned her towards himself. Harry led her to the sofa and sat her down, summoning a wine and two glasses. He poured out the wine in the glasses and handed one to Daphne, which she accepted with a smile. Taking a sip, she exclaimed, "This is good!" to which Harry chuckled. Taking her glass and putting it on the table, he turned back towards Daphne and took her hands in his, looking her directly in the eyes.

"You know me better than anyone else, Daph. Hell, you were the only one who knew I was alive. After Ginevra killed Hermione in the Battle of Godric's Hollow, everyone was devastated. The Weasleys were heartbroken. After all their only daughter was sentenced for the kiss after the trials. Ron was inconsolable and committed suicide a few days later. When we defeated Voldemort, I thought that finally, I had a chance at a proper life. But fate is a bitch when it comes to me. Everything shattered in a moment. That's when I decided that I couldn't take it anymore, and after everything I had suffered, I just wanted to end it all. That's when you came in. The slap that you gave me in Grimmauld Place still acts as a reality check.", Harry chuckled.

Daphne blushed but nodded at him to continue.

"You were there for me when I was at my weakest and when I was ready to give up. I didn't know what I had to do to die. Being the Master of Death is a privilege as well as a curse, and I was feeling the curse at its extreme. But you were there to knock sense into me. I'm done beating about the bush. What I want to say is that I love you, Daph. I love you with all my heart and soul and I would give up anything to be with you. And I swear on my life, soul, and magic that I will love you and share my entire life with you until Death itself comes knocking to part us, and you can believe that even then I won't leave your side, ever. I want to be with you for eternity, Daphne Greengrass."

Daphne smiled brilliantly at him and teared up. She grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him passionately. Harry pulled her to him by her waist and kissed her back with equal passion. The pulled away after a few minutes, panting, but both with goofy grins on their faces.

"I love you too Harry, with all of me. You've no idea how long I've waited for this moment.", Daphne happily said and smiled at him. Harry smiled at her lovingly and pulled her close on his lap.

She shifted a little so she was comfortable on his lap and placed her right hand on his left cheek and kissed him hard. Harry reciprocated in kind and caressed her sides. Both moaned into the kiss and poured all the love they had into it. He grabbed her ass and squeezed it, earning a moan from the blonde.

Daphne bit his lips and muttered, "We should take this inside." to which Harry eagerly acquiesced. They moved inside the bedroom and Daphne pushed Harry on the bed and climbed on top of him, straddling him and kissing passionately. Harry brought his hands to her clothed tits and grabbed them, giving the globes a firm squeeze, making Daphne moan.

Daphne quickly waved her hand and left Harry completely naked. She trailed kissed down his body until she reached his shaft and gave it a long hungry lick, making Harry shudder. She gave it a few strokes before taking his entire length in her mouth and started bobbing her head, making Harry gasp in pleasure. A few minutes of blowjob later, Harry felt the sensation and panted 'I'm gonna cum' to which Daphne responded by increasing her speed and squeezing his balls. Harry shot ropes of hot thick semen in her mouth. Daphne dutifully swallowed it but a little bit still leaked out and fell on her clothes.

Harry pulled her close and tore her dress away and threw it on the floor, leaving Daphne in nothing but her red lace bra and knickers.

The rest of the night was spent basking in the passion of their love and uniting with each other for the first time. It was unarguably the most memorable moment of their lives. None noticed the warm golden glow that enveloped them as they drove each other to the ultimate bliss.

Daphne woke to the smell of sweat permeating her vicinity the next morning and sniffed. Opening her eyes, she saw little stubble on someone's face with her own face buried in the shoulder of the said person. Her leg was sprawled over him and something soft and warm was touching her pussy. Thinking back, she remembered what happened the previous night and a bright smile lit her face up. Looking up, she saw the sleeping visage of Harry Potter, her boyfriend, smiling serenely, his face one of absolute calmness. She rubbed the muscles on his chest and brought her hand to his cheek and caressed it, looking at his face lovingly. She shifted a bit into his embrace as Harry moved, unintentionally rubbing her nether lips with his penis. It was enough to wake Harry up as he looked confused on seeing Daphne but quickly recalled their activities from the night before and smiled.

"Good morning, beautiful." He kissed her softly.

"Morning love"

"I can't believe this isn't a dream."

Daphne just giggled and got up, making Harry take in the sight of his very naked girlfriend. Daphne looked over her shoulders to find Harry staring at her and suppressed a giggle and just wiggled her arse.

"Like what you see?", she coyly asked.

"You have no idea!", he whispered.

Daphne giggled and started walking towards the bathroom, swaying her hips seductively. She reached the door and looked over at Harry, smiling seductively. "Why don't you prove it then?" she said and walked inside the door and into the bathroom. Harry just jumped from the bed and rushed towards the door, grinning.

An hour later, both emerged outside the hotel to carry out their plans for the day. Harry had transfigured his clothes and was wearing a pair of black jeans with a white t-shirt under a black leather jacket. He wore a pair of white shoes that he had bought the previous day from the mall. Daphne was similarly wearing light blue tights which hugged her legs nicely, accentuating her firm round ass and making Harry drool and a white tank top. She wore a light red jacket and applied a little makeup. She hooked her arm with Harry's as they made their way towards Ebury Street, looking for the real estate agency that Harry had heard of while passing by. They reached their destination and looked at the building in front of them. The name 'SOTHEBY' was engraved at the front. The entered the building and approached the pretty ebony haired woman at the reception.

"Good Morning. Welcome to Sotheby International Realty. My name is Natalie. What can I help you with today?", the receptionist, Natalie asked.

"Good Morning, Miss Natalie. We heard about your agency and wanted to check out the properties. We are from Cardiff and have recently moved to London.", Harry politely said.

"Oh certainly. Just a moment. Could I have your names please for visitor registry?"

"Harry Potter and Daphne Green."

A few seconds of typing later, the receptionist said, "Please go through the third door on the right. Mr. Koffman will be able to help you with everything you need."

"Thank You.", Daphne said and Harry politely nodded.

"Hello, Mr. Potter, Ms. Green. My name is Leonard Koffman. Please have a seat."

Both Harry and Daphne greeted the man. Harry pulled Daphne's chair out for her and took a seat after her.

Harry told him about wanting to check out the property from the catalog that Leonard gave them to look through. It was a property folder with pictures of various apartments and their adjoining views. Leonard asked them to meet him at the address at 1 o'clock for the same. Agreeing and thanking him, both Harry and Daphne left the office and went to Duke of York Square in Chelsea at Daphne's insistence to do some much-needed shopping.

Daphne was in her element at the Duke as she selected an entire wardrobe for Harry, leaving nothing at all. Harry grumbled a bit at being made a mannequin of but relented when Daphne mentioned that she'd be one for him if he stayed quiet and went through the process like a good boyfriend.

When they finished with Harry's clothes, they went to the female shopping district in Zara where Daphne pulled Harry towards the changing areas after picking up everything she thought worthy of getting purchased. Harry took immense pleasure in seeing his girlfriend model various designer wears for him and thanked his lucky stars for gifting him such a wonderful woman. He sucked in a breath when Daphne modeled sets of lingerie that left very little to the imagination. His drooling face made Daphne giggle and give him a quick kiss. Harry just grabbed her firm ass and squeezed it, making Daphne moan.

"Just you wait tonight.", he growled huskily in her ear, making her shiver in anticipation. After finishing their shopping, they left the Duke and made their way to Carraffini to grab some Italian.

They ordered Spaghetti with fresh seafood and a touch of white sauce and some Sauvignon Urra di Mare. The meal was finished discussing what needed to be done next.

An hour later, they arrived in front of Atrium Apartments, St. John's Wood, NW8 in London to see Leonard waiting inside. They quickly approached him and they greeted each other. Leonard showed them the apartment which was a five-bedroom penthouse with views over Regent's Canal and the London skyline. They checked out the property and Daphne especially loved it. Harry agreed with her and asked Leonard to finalize the sale in their joint name.

"Well, I am really happy that you have chosen to buy this duplex, Mr. Potter, Ms. Green. I'll send you the details regarding payments tonight and ownership papers one day after payment. Is that okay?"

"Yes, Mr. Koffman, it is alright."

They left the apartment and entered the main lobby on the ground floor and bid their goodbyes.

"Brilliant then. I'll see you soon."

"Yes, we as well.", Harry replied.

Leonard nodded at them and left, leaving Harry and Daphne to their musings.

They left the building and apparated inside their Hotel room. Daphne waved her hand and looked at the time. 2:30 P.M.

"We need to sort out the banking issues, Harry. The gold we had with us at hand when the explosion occurred could only cover our expenses till now. But for the apartment, we need money in our bank account."

"Right, but we cannot sell the entire gold at once or there will be suspicions from many people. Muggles keep a close eye on such things."

Daphne nodded and thought back on their conversation 3 years ago when they were sharing stories about their lives to get to know each other better.


"So Ron and Hermione went to the Chamber to destroy the cup with the basilisk fang and I went to the Room of Requirement with the Sword of Gryffindor to take care of that Diadem. When I entered the room, I saw piles of junk everywhere. After a few minutes of searching, I found and got rid of the diadem, but when I started walking out of the Room of Requirement, Lady Helena confronted me. She told me that she was grateful to me that I had cleaned the abomination from her mother's diadem and pointed me towards two big chests. She told me that she wanted to repay me for lifting the burden off her shoulders but couldn't think of any other way. I opened one of the chests and found that it was filled to the brim with galleons. She told me that every galleon lost on the castle grounds in its entire history was deposited in this room and the elves put them in these chests. House elves are not allowed to tell anyone what is inside this room, and they cannot take anything out either. Their only job is to deposit things in this room. I tried to object saying that I did not need it and that I did not do it for some kind of reward but she wouldn't budge and practically swore me to take the chests. I shrunk them and put them in my pocket and still carry those two trunks with me.", Harry told Daphne over dinner.

"What are you going to do with the gold? Are you going to go to Gringotts to deposit it in your vault? Merlin knows you need that money after giving away the entire Potter fortune for war relief."

"No. I'm going to keep the chests with me at all times. Besides, I don't want to visit the bank after my ordeal with that Dragon.", Harry chuckled.

Daphne just grumbled about stupid Gryffindorks to which Harry laughed, making Daphne continuously slap his arm.


"I have an idea. We can exchange gold in different countries and make transactions with our London account. Only nominal bank charges will be deducted and our job will be done quickly. The only issue we might face is that if someone digs deeper, they might find traces of gold conversion.", Daphne said.

"They will have to dig deeper. We can ask the dealers to make the money transfer in Pounds if they agree with cash, or bank transfers, all the better. Otherwise, a little bit of bank fee won't hurt, given the volume we are dealing in. We should start with countries nearby so that the time difference doesn't delay us.", Harry responded.

"Okay. How much do you think we should trade now?", Daphne questioned.

"Assuming the property is priced at, say 20 million, we should need to trade at least 800 kgs by the time of payment to take care of setup needs and subsequent expenses. I suggest we should select 12 countries and trade 70 kgs in each within the next 2 days. A little bit of surplus doesn't hurt.", Harry thought aloud.

Daphne conjured a holographic image of the World Map and pointed out 12 random countries. She looked at Harry to see him nodding in approval. He took out one chest and enlarged it. The chest could cover the entire 12-person dining table in the hotel room. Daphne could only shake her head in wonder and subconsciously conjured 12 silk pouches. Harry started putting 3500 galleons in each pouch and shrank the chest once done. He looked at Daphne and smiled.

"Let's do this."

Harry portkeyed back in the alley near the hotel and made his way inside.

"Mr. Potter, this arrived for you an hour ago", the receptionist, Jennifer, handed him a white sealed envelope. Harry subconsciously scanned the envelope to find it clean. Even after all these years, Harry couldn't give up the habit of CONSTANT VIGILANCE. Moody would be proud, he smiled to himself, thinking of the warrior who had taught him so much. Thanking her, he went to the room. Seeing that Daphne hadn't arrived, he threw the envelope on the table and poured some rum and sat down on the sofa, twirling the drink in the glass and thinking. A small frown spread on his face before he shook his head and finished his drink, placing the glass on the table and picking the envelope up. He tore it open to see booklets and other documents. He placed the documents and other booklets back on the table and picked one. He read through it and contemplated for a few seconds when the door clicked open and Daphne walked in, closing the door behind her.

Harry got up to greet her with a kiss, which she gladly returned.

"How did it go?", he asked.

"Smoothly. Germany, Lithuania, and France are done. The deposits will be made first thing in the morning. What about you?", Daphne asked.

"Canada and Mexico are done. The amount has been credited, but that's to be expected considering the time difference. The US will take a day.", Harry replied.

"Did something happen? You seem concerned.", Daphne asked with a frown, taking his hands in hers.

"I think a woman looked at me strangely, but when I turned, she was gone. I didn't bother following her because I'm not even sure if it really happened or it was just something I imagined.", Harry squeezed her hands and picked up the booklet he was reading and handed it to her.

"Don't think too much, love. No one knows us here.", Daphne said.

"Yeah, I think so.", Harry replied as Daphne looked through the booklet.

"13 million pounds. Lower than I had expected to be honest."

Harry just shrugged and checked his phone to check the account balance. He opened the Citibank mobile application and logged in. 1.97 million pounds. He logged out and turned his phone off and looked at Daphne, who was reading the other documents.

"Anything of note?"

"Nope, just basic stuff. Maintenance, payment options, etc."

Harry just nodded and asked, "You hungry? It's 8."

"Yeah. Room service?"

Harry nodded and dialed the number, ordering some dinner.

"Okay, I'm going to take a bath, honey.", Daphne said and walked towards the bathroom. Harry simply nodded, sat down and started reading the magazine on the table.

There was a knock sometime later and Harry opened it, accepting the trolley in and thanking the staff on his way out.

"Daph, the food is here.", Harry shouted.

"Harry, can you come in for a sec? I'm having some problem with this idiotic tap system."

Harry just shook his head and walked inside, but froze when he saw Daphne, completely naked, under the shower, looking at him with half-lidded eyes and beckoning him towards her with her finger, smiling sultrily.

"Uh, Daph? What's the matter? The tap?"

Daphne simply grabbed the front of his t-shirt and pulled him under the water, vanishing his clothes with a wave of her hand. She kissed him hard and bit on his lip, groaning in arousal. Harry somehow managed to utter, "But, the foo-"

"Can wait!", Daphne hissed as she pulled herself to him, molding their bodies as close as she could and kissed him with renewed vigor. Harry cupped her bare ass and squeezed the flesh, making her moan into the kiss. She trailed her hand down his body until she reached his manhood and started stroking it. She bent down in front of him and took him in his mouth as Harry grunted under the shower. He grabbed her hair in a fist and started pumping in and out of her mouth.

They came out after 2 hours, both feeling fully satisfied and quite famished. A quick warming charm later, the dinner was ready to be served. They ate the dinner in silence, each enjoying the other's company and smiling lovingly at the other.

The next day was a hectic one for Harry and Daphne. Wearing the business suits that they had bought at the Duke, they kissed each other goodbye and portkeyed away.

After a productive day of work, the two met each other at The Northall at 8 in the evening for dinner and walked hand-in-hand for a stroll afterward.

"Did you check for the funds, Harry?", Daphne asked.

"Yes. All four from yesterday have transferred the funds. Also, Chile, Bolivia, and Brazil have initiated bank transfers. The amount will be credited anytime soon.", Harry replied, squeezing her hand.

"Hungary, Spain, and Serbia have also initiated transfers and will be done tomorrow."

Harry guided her toward a bench in the park and sat down. Daphne sat beside him and put her head on his shoulder as Harry pulled her close to him.

"This will be our home, Harry. Our own home. No house tainted with dark magic, no mansion bearing a dark family's name. Our very own home. And we will make it one." Daphne lovingly said and Harry looked into her eyes, seeing nothing but pure diving love and care in there, along with a little bit of hope.

"I love you, Daphne."

"I love you, Harry. More than life itself."

Harry woke up the next morning with blonde hair sprawled on his chest and his arm around the most special woman in the world. He felt something soft in his palm and subconsciously gave it a squeeze, making Daphne moan. Opening his eyes, he grinned before giving her another squeeze and pinching the erect nipple, making her let out another moan that he loved to hear. Suddenly, he felt something grasp his cock and start to stroke it, making him groan and look down to see Daphne placing her chin on his chest and looking at him innocently. Both were suddenly distracted when a golden beam of light shot out from Harry's chest and into Daphne's. Looking into his eyes, Daphne got up to reveal that a golden beam of light was connecting the left of Harry's chest with her left breast. Bewildered, they waited with bated breaths to see the beam slowly dissipating into nothingness and leaving twin pair of symbols, one on each chest. Both sucked in a breath when they saw the symbol of the Deathly Hallows, shrouded under a scythe, sparkling in gold.

Daphne got up on her feet and stood in front of Harry, looking at the mark on her breast. Looking at Harry, she saw him close his eyes and extend his magic to sense the strange phenomenon. The moment his magic interacted with the mark, he got enveloped in golden light and gave out a gasp.

Euphoria, the ultimate euphoria was all Harry Potter felt when his magic connected with the mark, and consequently, with Daphne's, making her gasp out in pleasure, overwhelmed with all the love she felt as a result, love that Harry had for her. She opened her eyes to see Harry looking at her smiling lovingly with tears in his eyes. Daphne smiled at him and asked, "What is it, love?"

Harry shook his head and wiped out the stray teardrop away and hugged Daphne to him tightly, making her gasp. He kissed her lovingly for a full minute before leading her to the edge of their bed and made her sit. He knelt in front of her and held her hands and started speaking.

Tears sprang from Daphne's eyes once Harry finished his monologue and she jumped at him, knocking him down and straddled his waist, kissing him hard. Harry just held her tightly and kissed back. a few minutes later when their lungs started screaming for air, they let go and rested their foreheads against each other, looking into each other's eyes and smiling tenderly.

"I had no idea that my proclamation will make it a sacred vow and join our bodies, our magic, and our fates together.", Harry whispered.

Daphne kissed his nose and smiled tenderly.

"We will stay together until the end, Daph. The Master of Death is not a curse. It is the greatest blessing I could ever hope for. I love you, Daphne, for eternity."

"I love you too Harry, but remember that this doesn't make us immortals."

"I know, Daph. But spending my entire life with you is more than enough for me."

"You know this means we are, for all intents and purposes, married, right Harry?", asked Daphne.

Harry just widened his eyes a bit and smiled at her and nodded.

"Then I'll be expecting a ring, Mr. Potter. you know that, right?"

"Obviously, love."

"Good answer. There's hope for you after all.", teased Daphne.

Daphne smiled and stood up, giving Harry the most perfect view. She just smiled and pulled him up, noticing a change in strength. Harry just smiled, mouthing 'Master of Death' to which she smiled.

"Let's get ready, love. We've got a lot to do today. Hurry, NOW!", Daphne shouted the last part when he just stood there staring at her left breast where the mark was sparkling.

He jumped at her voice and smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head and Daphne just shook her head in response. She pointed with her thumb towards the bathroom and walked in, with a grinning idiot following.

An hour of steamy shower activities later, they apparated to an alleyway near Ebury Street and made their way to Sotheby.

"Good Morning, Mr. Potter, Ms. Green. What can I do for you today?", Natalie asked.

"Hello, Natalie. Good Morning. Is Mr. Koffman here?", Daphne asked. "And it's Mrs. Potter now."

"Oh! Congratulations Mr. Potter, Ms. Gr-er- Mrs. Potter.", Natalie chastised herself for the slip. "Yes, Mr. Koffman is in his cabin and is expecting you two."

"Thank You.", Daphne greeted with a smile as they went to Leonard's cabin. Leonard looked up when there was a knock and asked the people to come in. He smiled when he saw who it was and stood up in greeting.

"Good Morning Mr. Potter, Ms. Green, I've been expecting you."

"Good Morning, Mr. Koffman, and it's Mrs. Potter now.", Daphne said with a smile as Harry nodded his greeting and squeezed her hand.

"Well, congratulations then, Mr. and Mrs. Potter. So, am I correct to assume that you are here to finalize the contract?"

"Yes, Mr. Koffman, that would be correct. But I would like you to correct Daphne's name in the contract and make it in our joint name.", Harry said.

"Certainly, Mr. Potter. I'll get the papers ready to be signed this afternoon, with ownership date as of today. Is it alright?"

"Very much so. And we can move in today, is that right?", Harry asked.

"Yes, you can. Only payment and signature are left. The deal is agreed upon, so you can move in today and I can bring you the agreement today by 5 o'clock at your new residence."

"Very well, Mr. Koffman.", Harry said as he took out the checkbook and signed the sum of 13 million, handing it to the estate agent.

They left the building as Leonard gave them the key to their property and apparated to Southwest London and made their way to the Wandsworth Registry Office for registering their marriage. A few hours later, the apparated to the St. John's Wood and made their way to their apartment. It was a huge place for a couple, but they didn't care. They loved the place and it was theirs. As they finished their tour of the place, Daphne conjured a notepad and pen and started writing down everything that needed to be bought or replaced, which was not much as the apartment was almost perfect. A few minutes later, she grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him out, waving her hand to lock the place and apparating them to the mall.

"Okay, Harry. We need to buy all these items. Some of the items could be conjured but it would be better to buy the actual items for a change. As we will be living as muggles, we should use their items as well.", Daphne ordered.

"Yes, ma'am.", Harry cheekily replied, earning a glare from Daphne.

They walked inside the mall and bought all the items required, shrinking their purchases and giving the shopowners their address for delivery of electronics. Two hours later, everything was set in their apartment when the doorbell rang. Harry opened the door to see the delivery man from the electronics store with all the items they had purchased. One hour later, everything was set up, the devices fully functional as the electrician left. Harry bid him goodbye and joined Daphne on the sofa, and took hold of her toes. "Harry what are you doing-", Daphne was cut off when Harry started rubbing and massaging her feet, making her close her eyes and moan in pleasure.

She opened her eyes a few minutes later when Harry stopped and withdrew his hands away only to widen her eyes when she saw Harry kneeling in the front of her with a ring in his fingers and looking at her with love and adoration.

"Daphne, I cannot explain in words how much you matter to me, how much I love you, how much I care for you or how much respect you. I know we started dating officially just a few days ago and shared our first kiss roughly a week ago. But I believe that we have been together as a couple for over 5 years now. I know that we never even kissed before, or did any of those things that couples are expected to do, but we have lived with each other, felt towards each other and cared for each other in ways not even most of those real-life couples would. You are my strength, Daphne. You are my love, my life, and my soul. You are my true soulmate, Daphne. Will you make me the happiest man in the world by becoming my wife?", Harry proposed, all the while looking in her eyes to see her start to tear up, then sniff and wipe her tears away, and finally nodding happily.

"Yes, Harry. Yes, I will be your wife.", Daphne said as Harry smiled before placing the ring at its rightful spot, on Daphne's finger. Daphne quickly flung her arms around him and kissed him for all he was worth. Harry pulled her closer and kissed her back with equal passion. A few minutes later, they pulled away, smiling brilliantly at each other.

Daphne looked at the ring and gasped. It was an elegant, gold ring with three diamonds studded on top in a criss-cross oval fashion with pointed ends and a thick band connecting the two edges in between. Runes were engraved on the inside of the ring. It was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.

"It was my grandmother's. I found it in the Potter vault when I visited it during my 6th year."

"It's beautiful, Harry. I am deeply honored to be trusted with this ring. I'll take a very good care of it."

"I have no doubts about that, my love.", Harry kissed her.

At 6 in the evening, the doorbell rang and Daphne opened the door to welcome Leonard.

"Hello, Mr. Koffman. Welcome."

"Hello to you too, Mrs. Potter, Mr. Potter. The agreement is ready. Only your signatures are required and after that, I'll file the documents with the registry.", Leonard said, offering Harry the folder containing the agreement.

Harry read through the agreement and offered it to Daphne, who perused through and nodded. Seeing this, Leonard offered her a pen and pointed out where she needed to sign. Once done, he did the same with Harry.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Potter. You are now the proud owners of Atrium Apartments in St. John's Wood in Northwest London.", Leonard said after handing Harry their copy of the contract.

Daphne offered both of them a glass of Laurent Perrier before taking one for herself. They clinked the glasses and sipped the champagne, toasting at the successful deal.

"To Daphne and Harry Potter", Leonard said and sipped.

"To a new and better future.", Harry said after pulling Daphne close and smiling at her receiving one in return. Leonard just smiled and placed his now empty glass on the table.

"I'll see you again Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Good day."

"Goodbye, Mr. Koffman.", Harry said and Daphne nodded and smiled.

Leonard smiled and Harry walked him outside. They shook hands in the end and bid each other.

Harry walked back in as Leonard left to see Daphne sitting on the sofa. She turned on the television and switched to the news channel. She gasped when she looked at the screen as Harry joined her.

The aerial view of a destroyed city was shown as some weird looking guys were fighting what looked like an army of goblins. Beams of light were being shot off in every direction as the screen showed a man wearing an armor and red cape swinging a hammer which summoned a lightning storm. The screen also showed a man in a blue suit with a shield, battling the goblin army. They continued battling and more and more goblin-like creatures were falling. Harry wondered to himself if he was watching some superhero movie as each one had some sort of gimmick.

The screen suddenly focused on a missile that was headed towards the city. Harry was not an expert on muggle weapons but he knew what missiles were, and that one was capable of destroying an entire city. A red and gold rocket-man suddenly gripped the missile from below and guided it away from the city and into the portal that was somehow opened in the sky. Harry narrowed his eyes when he watched the beam of light that was originating from the ground and sustaining the portal. He watched as the beam suddenly dissipated into nothingness and the portal started closing in. Just when the portal had almost disappeared, the red rocket man appeared and started falling down with no sign of stopping. Harry stood up when the rocket man fell down when suddenly a green giant jumped off a building and caught the falling man.

He breathed a sigh of relief at that and looked at Daphne, who was looking at the screen with concern.

He sat down beside her and pulled her to himself.

"This world is similar to ours, Daph, but still completely different. I don't know what happened or who those people are, but it looked like that city was attacked and those people in weird costumes were guarding it. What I am wondering is how that goblin-army arrived and whether it had anything to do with that portal in the sky.", Harry said.

"It was an Infinity Stone, Harry. The Space Stone. It was sustaining that portal and someone found a way to close that portal.", Daphne said.

"I reached the same conclusion, love. The question is what happened here and why, and who these people are. I think we have a purpose in this new world, Daph.", Harry said.

"I understand, Harry. This is our world now, and with threats like this, it is our responsibility to make this world safer. With our magic and the power of Masters of Death, we will protect this world.", Daphne agreed.

"And so, we have our ultimate mission.", Harry said.

"Destroy the Infinity Stones.", Daphne fiercely proclaimed as Harry nodded.


A/N: This concludes the first chapter of Ascension. Please note that I'll try to update whenever I can. Constructive criticism will be appreciated and flames will be ignored. Thanks and see you next time.