1. Fire - Part One

I enter the ramen shop and immediately the scent of warm thick broth wafted throughout the air and into my nostrils. I felt nostalgic. Even though it has been seven years since I last dine here I was still pretty familiar with the layout of the establishment. Nothing much has changed, maybe except the employees (not that I would know).

Anyway I went to sit. I selected a booth.

"I'll be right with you."

I heard a woman's voice. I turn to the source. Her back was facing me. It was a woman with long blonde hair, busting and wiping down the tables. She seem to be the only one around working; the rest were dining patrons. It wasn't that busy to begin with, so maybe she won't be too long.

To kill time, I pull out a light novel and read a bit.

Ten minutes later...

From the corner of my eye, I see the blonde woman, in uniform, approaching the booth I occupied with a notepad. She looks like someone I know, but then again most Japanese people look the same. I ignored that thought and kept at my light novel.

"Sorry about that. What would you like to...?" The woman stopped mid-question, gasping. I heard the pen (or pencil) clicked to the floor. At first I wondered why until I hear the next words out of her mouth. "Is that you... Hikio?"

As soon as I heard Hikio I turned to face the woman, shutting my light novel.

It was her, The Fire Queen.


"Ha-ha, no time no see, eh...?" Miura rub the back of her neck as if embarrassed. It was weird to see her treat me like this. Granted, this was customer service. But still something felt genuine about her words.

Even though she looked the same, she seem different in a way. Her hair basically the same, maybe a bit curlier, though. Her olive green eyes were gentle rather than snake-like. Her face is a bit paler, without tone. I'm no expert on the matter but perhaps it have to do with her makeup. I mean, back during high school, she wore expensive makeup since it was provided for her via family. I didn't want to assume, but I'm guessing her makeup must be cheap, or at least a lesser quality than that of her former days. Nevertheless she was beautiful as always.

"Y-Yeah. It's been...like..."

"Six years." Miura finished, though I corrected her.

"Seven, actually."

"Wow! That long huh...?!"


The air was tense as it was filled with the scent of broth.

I was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. Can't just run for it now. It'll be weird. This is weird, this is ultra weird. Just say something, anything.

"So... what do you do nowadays?" asked Miura, her voice passive. Reminds me of Yuigahama.

"Oh, um, I'm a light novel author."

Miura place a hand over her mouth, chuckling. "I thought you were set on becoming a house husband."

"Heh, sometimes things don't go the way you plan, you know."

"Yeah..." her voice trailed off. "I know that all too well." She look down to her uniform and seem deep in thought staring into space. "Sorry, Hikio. What would you like to order?" She pick the pen off the ground ready to take my order.

"Oh, yeah. Right..." I fumbled. "Um, just bring me two can of Max Coffee." I did not bother to look at the menu. I can't imagine the Fire Queen serving me ramen. If anything it should be the other way around.

"Okay, back in a minute."

In a minute she came back with my order, one can in each hand. She set them down on the table, making brief eye contact. "Enjoy, Hikio. Whenever you're ready to eat... just call." She starts to leave.

"This is for you..."


"Sit down. Let's talk... your boss wouldn't mind, would he?"

Miura shook her head, smiling. "No. Not at all. If that's the customer request... how can I refuse?" She sat on the other side of the booth, taking one can. "What do you wanna talk about, Hikio?"


I apologize for the short chapter. Next chapter will be much longer.