
The vulnerable look Helga wore, as she held out (what she considered to be) her rejected heart.

I might have something that would work…

Standing there, eyeing the gold piece that withheld his picture, Arnold realized not just how good she was, but how good they were together.

Ever since the moment he heard about the trip, seeing his parents was his number one priority. Knowing how or why it happened wasn't as big a deal as long as it did happen. Yes it was great Helga got him there. As appreciative as he was though, it wasn't going to take his mind away from finding his parents.

It's a heart. I think it could fit. This is just gold plated. It's not a very pure heart.

What did they consider to be a pure heart? In the crow's nest, Helga insisted she deserved at least a little recognition for getting him to San Lorenzo to begin with; the last thing on his mind. Now here she was not feeling worthy of anything, yet still willing to help.

I don't know. I think your heart is more pure than you know.

This tough girl thought poorly of herself. Even when she poured her heart out to the one she loved, it took all the strength she possessed, all the courage inside her to do so. Her whole life she refrained from speaking the truth of her feelings, because she felt she was the last type of person Arnold deserved to be with. What type of pure hearted person scowls, calls people insulting names, strangles them, or performs any rough behavior whatsoever?

Now here she was, being told how wrong she was for having that opinion of herself. Why would she spend all those years fearing the opinion of who she felt was the most pure hearted person alive?

Even if this amazing gesture did save his parents, that didn't change the fact he implied that he was rejecting her in the crow's nest.

After the miracle of his parents' awakening was performed, the ecstatic boy noticed their hero off in the distance.


The shy boy approached, gathering the courage to do what they both knew what needed to be done.

AHHH! Hey Arnold.

She had already been humiliated by not just confessing, but pouring her heart out, only to be rejected twice.

She wasn't about to make it seem as though she needed his picture to cling to if he wasn't willing to actually be hers.

Helga, I've known you my whole life practically, and you've always been angry and kind of...mean.

One of the things she loved him for was his pure heart. Pure means honest; he was simply speaking the truth. Despite that simple fact, it didn't mean her imperfections outweighed her amazing qualities.

They were all just parts (or quirks) of the girl he fell in love with. No matter how attractive or annoying a quality is, you're willing to accept it about the person you have feelings for.

Yeah! So?

So, where was he going with that? It didn't sound like a thank you. She just destroyed whatever shred of dignity remained inside herself to wake his parents up. What made him have the nerve to complain about her anger?

But, I've also seen you be really loyal and super brave. So I always wondered if you did those things, because...you loved me.

It always seemed crazy that Helga G. Pataki had intense feelings for him. The biggest bully in school loving the biggest do gooder in school? Yet, aside from Gerald, who else stood by him through everything? Who else was with him whether they found his ideas to be brilliant or stupid? Who else was bumping into him on every street in the city?

Love? Pttss...you? I mean well yeah, sure. Like I'd love a root canal."

Being rejected doesn't just hurt; it's embarrassing. Not only that, it makes it seem as though you were just denied something you needed. Every time it's brought up after that, your rejector pities you, wondering how you're doing having been denied your request. Why would she allow him to think it in any way bothered her? Or allow him to think she ever even cared?

Listen I know you tried to tell me before, and I wasn't ready to hear it. But now, this whole thing… the trip to San Lorenzo, getting away from La Sombra, finding my parents. It's all because of you; your locket.

All because of her. Not only was she loyal, she was giving. Another trait a pure hearted person possessed. In a way, her fear made her modest. Because she never wanted him knowing her secret, she couldn't allow herself to take credit for any nice thing she did for him.

Locket? What locket?

She only showed it to do a good deed; not to be reminded of a bad incident.

Your locket! It woke up my parents! You did it all. Just to help me. And...and….

While he couldn't bring himself to say the words, he trusted she would return his feelings. As he stood there implying how he felt, Helga at last gathered the courage to show him he had been right all along.

The two stood hand in hand, amazed at everything that had happened within the past year. Helga finally had the boy of her dreams, and who was said to be Arnold's arch nemesis, turned out to be the girl of his dreams.

Mm, mm, mmm! Okay NOW I've seen everything

Sure he knew it was bound to happen after the way things had gone the past year. Still, you have to see it to believe it.