"talking out loud."



'Dead. Their all dead.' This one thought has plague Harry Potter for years.

Ron Weasley, Died via Killing curse by Draco Malfoy

Hermione Granger, Tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange before being killed

Authur and Molly Weasley, Killed defending the Burrow.

Percy Weasley, Executed as a Blood traitor.

Remus Lupin, Killed taking down Fenrir Grayback.

Nymphadora Tonks, Killed a dual by Lucius Malfoy.

Alaster Moody, Killed by Voldemort.

Fred and George. Killed taking out a squad of Death Eaters

Bill and Fleur Weasley Killed by Macnair and Nott while protecting Muggleborns

Neville Executed for restarting Dumbledore's Army.

Lune Lovegood, Tortured to Insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange.

Hagrid, killed by Gaints.

Charlie Weasley, killed with his co-workers when Death Eaters set some dragons free.

Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott, Killed protecting first years.

Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson, Killed trying to smuggle muggleborns to safety.

Minerva McGonagall, Killed fighting Voldemort.

Kingsley Shacklebolt, killed fighting Voldemort.

Filius Flitwick, killed for being a half breed.

Sybill Trelawney, Killed for making the prophecy.

Pomona Sprout, Killed protecting Muggleborns in her house.

Professor Charity Burbage, Killed by Voldemort for her views on Muggles.

Severus Snape, Killed by Voldemort when he realized he was a spy.

'So many dead, so few left. It's my entire fault.' Harry thought as he looked through some papers on his desk. His brooding however was interrupted by his only remaining companion. 'Harry Potter! Stop thinking that, you did not kill them.' Harry winced at the voice yelling at him in his head and looked to his left. Standing there was Ginny Weasley Potter, his wife and only remaining friend. She walked over to him and stared straight into his eyes. 'They died to protect the people they cared about including you and I am sure if they could they would do it again.' She said though her lips did not move, but this was not a surprise to him anymore. No and days they rarely talked out loud anymore, ever since they got married and gained this odd bond of theirs they could talk telepathically, it had saved their lives quite a few times.

'I Know Gin, but it does not make the pain go away.' He thought as he looked down at the ground.

Ginny sighed and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. 'It's ok Harry, but you have got to stop blaming yourself. You know they would hate to see you like this. They would want you to move on and try to be happy.' She sent back.

Harry sighed and nodded before leaning back in his chair. 'I know, I just hope this spell works.' He thought before glancing back at the papers spread out on the desk. It was their last hope, given to them by a stranger who helped them escape Voldemort a few weeks back at the cost of his life. They both thought back to the day and the words he said after handing them the papers. "Take this and run, cast the spell and right the wrongs." That was the only thing he said before going to fight off around fifty Death Eaters and Voldemort himself.

They listened and started run, glancing back briefly and they were glad they did. What they saw was extraordinary. The man held off the Death Eaters like they were children, but when Voldemort got involved he attitude changed. He cast spells they had never even heard of or seen. But in the end he died due to exhaustion. But he had apparently cut off one of Voldemort's arms during the fight. The dark Lord had not made a public appearance since. Rumor has it he is still recovering. Harry had thought about going after Voldemort during this time, but Ginny had pointed out the fact that neither of them had a decent meal or good night sleep in a month.

After they got to safety they looked through the notes. First they were lead to a castle that was heavily warded and under some odd version of the Fidelius charm, they have been staying here since. The rest of the notes explained a very complicated spell that once complicated would allow them to be sent back through time. The odd thing was it would de age them and they would be in their original bodies which confused Harry and Ginny until they read more.

The spell would rip out their soul and memories, sending them back to a previous version of themselves, allowing them to relive their lives and possible change the future. For the first time in a long time they had hope.

Harry shook his head and turned his attention back to the papers on the desk. "I think I have figured it and should be able to cast it." He said before looking at Ginny. "How every we need to figure out when to go back to, also if this messes up we will die." He explained.

Ginny looked at him before looking at the notes on the table. After a few moments she turned back to look at him. "Well we would probably die if we stayed here anyway so we might as well die trying to save everyone." She said with a smile.

Harry looked at her and nodded. 'SO when should we go back? I was thinking before my first year.' He said through their bond. Ginny closed her eyes and thought for a bit. 'As much as I would hate it, I think we should go further back, that way we can study and train a bit before heading to Hogwarts, plus it would not be out of the ordinary for suddenly deciding to research and workout.' She replied, giving her input.

Harry looked at her before nodding. 'Ok by how far back, Seven years old? Six, five, four?' he asked, hoping to spend the least amount of time with the Dursleys as possible.

Ginny was quicker to response this time. 'Seven years old should be good, old enough to start some minor work outs for you and I can probably start reading more books then I did last time. Maybe try and sneak a look at Bill and Charlie's stuff before they leave the Burrow.' She replied.

Harry nodded and gathered up the necessary notes before leaving the room, gesturing for her to follow him. The two of them walked through the castle to one of the larger rooms. They quickly cleared it out and started setting up a spell circle that is described in the notes.

Once they had finished setting up the circle they moved to the middle of it and started the complex wond motions show in the notes. As time went one and their wands moved, the circle started to glow bright and bright. When they reached the end of the motions they pointed their wands down at the center of the spell circle. "Temporalibus Spiritus Iter" they yelled out before a light filled the room, engulfing them both.

Number 4 Privet Drive, year 1987

Harry gasps as he woke up. He glanced around at his surroundings. He was back in his old cupboard. He looked at his body from what he could see without his glass. His body was that of a 7 year old. He smiled one of the biggest smiles he has had in a long time. 'It worked! It damn bloody worked!' he thought doing his best not to laugh out loud in excitement. After settling down he gasps. "Ginny." He said as worried quickly filled his mind. 'Ginny are you there?' he called out through the Bond. After a few moments of silence he started to panic. "Oh no, did it not work for her?! Did I loss her?! Please please I can't lose-"he thought before a voice cut him off.

'I'm here Harry, sorry I did not respond I-I was a bit overwhelmed, I have not seen this room for so long.' She said trying to calm him down. 'Take some deep breaths Harry then we can talk about what we are going to do.' Harry nodded and started to take some breaths to calm down.

After a minute he managed to settle down. 'Ok Gin so what do we want to do now, unless we change something drastic we won't see each other till I'm headed off to school.' He said.

Harry could feel Ginny sigh though the bond and she nodded. 'Ya sadly I think we may have to keep it that way, as for what we will do You can study the more physical side of things while I study the Magical side. Even if we can't cast magic yet learning about it couldn't hurt.' She proposed.

Harry nodded to himself and took a minute to think. 'Ya I will look up some basic exercises we can do when I get the chance to get away from the house. For now maybe if we just start by doing some running it should help us out a lot. When I get to Hogwarts I'll try to spend some extra time in the Library, maybe order some books fromFlourish and Blotts.' Harry offered. 'But for now I think we should go back to sleep, we have plenty of time to plan tomorrow.' He said.

Ginny took a few moments before responding. " your right, I'll talk to you in the morning, good night Harry.' She thought before going quiet.

'Good night Ginny.' Harry responded before lying back down to go to sleep.

Hogwarts Headmaster's Office.

Albus Dumbledore was up late in his office, looking over some reports from the professors when one of the many Magical devices went off in his room. 'That's the magic sensor for Privet Drive, did something happen?' he thought before getting up to inspect the device. "The wards still seem to be up, was it accidental magic? No that wouldn't set off the machine something else happened." He said to himself before turning to Fawkes. "Old Friend can you take me on a little trip?" he asked politely. Fawkes let out a gently cry before flying over to Dumbledore and in a flash of fire the two vanished from the office.

Number 4 Privet Drive

In a flash of fire Dumbledore and Fawkes appeared on the road. Dumbledore walked over to Number 4 Privet Drive and looked at the building. 'Hmm nothing seems wrong here.' He thought before he took out his wand and gave it a wave. "Hmm everything seems to be in order. I guess we should leave then Fawkes." He said said and was about to reach out to grab a hold of Fawkes when he noticed something. 'The wind, has stopped.' He thought and looked around. The neighborhood had gone eerily quiet, even the clouds had stopped moving. He stopped and turned around to find the one thing aside from him and Fawkes that was still moving. Standing on the sidewalk was a young man who appeared to be no older than nineteen years old. He was wearing casual muggle attire. He was about six feet tall with pale skin and an average build. The only noticeable things that stood out about him was the wand he held in his hand, his silver eyes and his pure white hair.

Dumbledore smiled but shook his head. "You know Temporal magic is frowned upon Jason." He said before walking over to the young man. Jason smiled and shook his head. "It's frowned upon when you use it to alter the past, I simply 'removed' us from the flow of time for now, plus it gives us time to talk." He said with a smile before walking towards Dumbledore. Once they are within reach of each other they shook hands.

"It's been a long time Dumbledore." Jason said with a smile before letting go of his hand. "So what are you doing in the most muggle of neighborhoods?" he asked with a knowing smile.

Dumbledore returns his smile. "Oh just figured I should get out of the office, one of my many trinkets detected something interesting here so I figured I would check it out." He said. "I take it you're here for a similar reason?"

Jason nodded. "Ya I was traveling around a bit before leaving the country when I felt that pulse, I take it you have no idea what it is?" he asked. Dumbledore responded with a simple shake of his head. Jason shook his head. "Well If you want I will look into it for you, for a price." He said as he twirled his wand around in his hand.

Dumbledore watched him for a bit before speaking up. "What is it you need?" he asked politely. Jason smiled. "I need you to find a few journals that I might have left at Hogwarts, Not sure where they are, but I need to find them. You can take your time as long as you start looking for them." He said as a small book appeared in his hand. "They will look like this." He said handing the book over to the Headmaster.

Dumbledore took the book and nodded. "Very well, I shall look into it for you and owl you if I find anything." He said, receiving a nod in response from Jason. Slowly the world around them started to move again and Jason turned around and started to walk away. "I'll see you later Albus. I'm got a lot of work to do." He said glancing back as he walks.

Dumbledore smiled. "I shall see you later, Jason, holding of the Impossible Wand." He said with a smile before walking over to Fawkes, the two of them vanishing in a flash of fire.

(Temporalibus Spiritus Iter rough translation Temporal Spirit Journey)

I hope you guys enjoy this story, I will probably alternate writing this one with my Naruto story.