I really think there is a clarification I need to make about the story. It might not have been clear enough in the summary but Jeanne is NOT fem!Harry. Also this story is post arcobaleno curse so Jeanne will probably meet Tsuna at some point of time and I greatly look forward to writing that seen.
Please review and please leave suggestions. I need them.
An hour had passed as she'd told her Sun the story of the first and second Wizarding War. She was pretty much sitting on his lap now, head pressed against his chest as she basked in the feeling of what he called harmony.
She could feel his rage and absolute disgust for the adults who had dragged their children into an old war that just continued only due to their inaction. There was also blatant disbelief when she told him of the Order's philosophy of fighting a war with non-violence.
Sighing, she glanced outside the window. They'd used up most of the morning in storytelling. What to do now? She hummed in thought when the sound of fluttering wing alerted her to an owl which was now perched on her window sill.
Reborn had his gun trained on it, eyeing it skeptically. She patted his shoulder in reassurance and he almost pouted when she hopped off his lap towards it.
"I have very strong mail wards. A necessity when you're related to a war hero. My mail is sorted and only the important letters are sent to me." She retrieved the letter from the owl who flew off immediately.
"Where is your mail sorted?"
"At Gringotts. I haven't told you about it yet, have I?" He nodded in confirmation.
"Gringotts is the wizarding bank. It's run by goblins?"
His eyebrows rose high.
"Goblins." She repeated in confirmation.
"They're a very proud warrior race who are very good at handling gold. You'd probably get along well with them. They have the same opinion of most British magicals as you do. They're a bit neutralish towards me at the moment though seeing as I helped break into one of their vaults and escaped on a dragon we stole from there."
Her reply was met with silence before he just looked at her as if he was contemplating chaining her down to a rock. He sighed. He didn't know if he should be more concerned about creatures like goblins existing or his sky breaking out of banks on dragons (Colonello would have gone insane).
" Are there any other dangerous escapades that I should know about, tesoro?"
"Too many to count." She replied cheekily. Her hair had turned a vibrant mix of purple with streaks of pink to match her mood.
She ripped the top of the envelope open and her expression turned to surprise, then recognition before transitioning to mischievous.
"Should I be worried about your current expression?" He drawled.
She blinked at him innocently.
"Why ever would you think that of me?" She stole his earlier line and he smirked at her as she blushed at his look.
"Anyway… I kind of completely forgot I was supposed to meet my cousin for lunch today in all the chaos… Pun not intended." She finished on seeing his smug look.
"Speaking of chaos though… How about you show up with me? Harry's reaction would probably be priceless. I could also show you the magical shopping hub in London, it's called Diagon Alley."She was eyeing him so hopefully through thick lashes that he probably couldn't have refused even if he'd wanted to.
"Why not? Also is 'Harry' the same war hero cousin you mentioned?"
"Yep." She nodded and smiled so brightly at him it actually made his flames purr at the anticipation seeping through their bond.
"I have to meet him in an hour or so. He probably sent the owl because I can be a bit absent minded sometimes."
"I didn't think you actually used owl as a means of communication."
" We have limited options in communication. Technology doesn't work well around magic so we normally use owl post to send letters. Floo network is also widely used."
She gestured to the rather large fireplace on the other end of the room.
"You basically throw this green powder called floo powder in and if you name a place it can take you there provided there's a fire place there linked to the floo network. Many people just duck in and leave a message. I was pretty startled the first time I saw a disembodied head in my fireplace actually…" She trailed of in amusement while Reborn digested the information she'd just given him.
It seems the magical world had no concrete way of communication. If he gave his Sky a phone it might not work in heavily populated magical areas so that was definitely something to be concerned about. She must've noticed him lost in thoughts because she hurriedly added,
"We do have two way mirrors, can basically link them to another person's mirror and call them through it. I know I have another pair around somewhere… I'll give you one as soon as I find it."
Reborn nodded, mollified for now. He'd have to talk to Verde and see if he could come with a phone that could work around magic (he probably could).
"Ah, we should probably leave now if you want a proper tour of Diagon Alley…"
He smiled at her enthusiasm to show him this place. She was bubbling with excitement and he could feel it.
He stood up fluidly and offered her an arm.
"Then let us leave now, tesoro" His voice was deep and the flirty yet warm tone was not missed by her as her face turned pink with her hair. Hurriedly she waved her wand, hair transitioning to sleek brown and glancing at him shyly with blue eyes as she slowly took his arm.
Reborn stared at the dingy pub in front of him, utterly unimpressed. It seemed to live up to it's name quite well ( who named a pub the Leaky Cauldron of all things?).
Although the pub could not be seen by anyone without magic it seemed the soul bond with his Sky made him an exception. The now brunette tugged him and waved at the man at the counter cheerfully.
"Hello lass. It's been a while. You been holding up fine?" The burly man greeted her and then turned a appraising eye towards Reborn.
"Hey, Tom. I've been doing fine." She replied and turned towards Reborn.
"Reborn, this is Tom, the landlord of the Leaky Cauldron. Tom, this is Reborn, my new… friend."
"Friend, eh?" She blushed a lovely crimson. His Sky really was adorable wasn't she?
"Anyways, I was just going to show him around Diagon Alley so excuse us. See you later, though."
She pointedly dragged him (he let her drag him) away from a chuckling Tom. She exited from the backdoor and led him to a brick wall.
"I'm sure I can handle it."
She huffed at him and and tapped her wand across a sequence of bricks and a section of the wall slid away to reveal an alleyway filled with people in a multitude of odd and colourful clothes. There were a fair amount of people and most of the shops looked brand new from what he assumed were the after war repairs. It was an impressive sight even if the road was somewhat crowded.
He amusedly let his Sky pull him forward and gazed around at the various weirdly named shops and advertisements. It seems magicals had a shop for pretty much everything. He let himself be led to the tallest building around. It gleamed white and gold and from the two guards at the doors, he assumed that this was Gringotts, the goblin run bank.
Jeanne nodded at the goblins on duty who looked s
"I thought we'd need money for later because you're somewhat surprised at the acknowledgement. The inside room was huge and Reborn could see various counters with a goblin sitting behind very curious if not paranoid about a new world. There's a bookstore and also a very interesting joke shop I want to show you." She smiled up at him.
"You thought right. I look forward to it, especially the joke shop although the dinner with your cousin should prove to be equally interesting." The last word was a purr that had her visibly shivering and gripped his arm a bit tighter.
The people around them were beginning to look at them curiously now so she walked to the closest empty counter, smug hitman trailing behind her. The creature at the counter was obviously short with long spindly, wrinkled fingers and thin hair tucked behind pointed ears.
"Greetings. May your enemies fall before you and your profits grow."
This goblin was equally surprised but returned the greeting in kind.
"I'd like to make a withdrawal from the Black vault, please." She slid a tiny golden key from her last minute grabbed purse. He picked it up and peered at it carefully before nodding.
"Sharpfang!" He had a surprisingly deep voice for such a tiny creature Reborn mused absently. He seemed equally dangerous however and there was a cunning glint in his eye that told Reborn he was not to be underestimated.
Another goblin had appeared and the one at the counter passed him the key.
"Show Lady Black to the Black vault." He turned towards Reborn and Jeanne nodded firmly.
"He's coming too."
The goblin nodded and led them inside to… an old mine cart.
His Sky glanced up at him mischievously.
"I hope you don't get motion sick much."
Mio Dio.
There was a guest who said the chapter felt kinda rushed. Thanks for your honest opinion. I kinda felt the same. I was probably a little nervous because it was just the first chapter. I really let myself go with this one.
For Elfin69 : This chapter should answer the second part of your question as for her parents, they will most likely be portrayed as a casualty in the war. Bellatrix would probably have something against squibs from the Black House.
Thanks to all the others who reviewed, favorited and followed too.
Last minute editing since I copy and paste from Google docs.