So here is a brand new story from me! (Crickets) Ok thats fair. Been a while since I made a new story or updated one of my older ones. Well if you read this then i hope you enjoy it ask much as possible. P.S. if you can figure out where I got the idea for his quirk you win…. Imaginary internet cookie! YAY! Oh well let's start the story everyone.
"According to the results ma'am it would seem that your son those have a quirk." An older man in a doctor's outfit spoke to a mother
and her son. The woman was Inko Midoriya mother to Izuku Midoriya. They were both at the local hospital to see if Izuku had been born with a quirk. Inko was a young woman who was currently 30 years old. She had dark hair with a light green tint to it as well as green eyes. She held her hair in a side ponytail to the left. Izuku had the same shade of hair and eye color as his mother however his hair was incredibly spike and he had four freckles on each cheek under his eyes.
A quirk was an ability that was unique to the owner. It was possible to get a quirk similar to someone however it would also be different from the other individual in some aspects. Quirks would come in three different categories. Mutation type are as it sounds. A mutation of the host's body that can not be turned off. Next are emitter quirks which can allow one to access a sort of element such as fire, ice, or even control gravity it self. Emitters are usually quirks that have you control a form a matter by emitting it or altering it. Finally is transformation. Like mutation this is self explanatory in that the quirk allows a person to change their body in some way. An example could be enlarging a part of the body or changing the body to an animal.
"Ah thank you doctor. That is very reassuring since the other children in Izuku's class have began to show signs of their quirks yet lil Izu here has not seem to have found his yet." The mother explained to the doctor as she began to wave her hand causing an action figure her son dropped as he ran around in excitement at learning he had a quirk. "Yes well it is possible he has a combination of yours and the fathers quirks. If I may ask what are they?"
"Aww of course well my quirk is the attraction of small objects while my husbands quirk is fire breath which as it sounds allows him to breath fire. However we tried to sew if he had anything like ours but it doesn't seem like he inherited any of out quirks. We had him try to breath fire and move a tangerine but neither seemed to work." The doctor hummed in thought as he stroked his beard. ''Hmm. It wouldn't hurt to run some tests. Most of the equipment in here is fireproof.' The doctor nodded to himself getting a confused look for the Midoriya's before turning to Izuku.
"Izuku I would like to run a test if that's alright with you." Izuku nodded his head as quickly as possible. If it would help him he would do as many tests as possible. For the next couple minutes the doctor would give instructions to Izuku such as tensing his body and trying to feel a fire in his belly to focusing on an apple while standing as still as possible. As this went on Izuku would feel his motivation getting lower and lower as each test failed to show what his quirk was. "This may be a bit harder to figure out then I first anticipated." The doctor spoke running out of ideas. He had given many test to Izuku that helped children with their fire based quirks control it. He also had him try to pull the apple he had in his room to him with some type of motion or even just concentrating on the apple. Yet no luck in all the test.
"Perhaps we should stop for now. I would feel awful if i kept you for you other patient's." Inko spoke as she stood up while straightening her outfit. Izuku looked like he wanted to say something but realized as a doctor he must be very busy. As his mom put it he made all the sick people better after all. "Thank you for you time doctor." Both Midoriya's gave a quick bow before they both turned to the door. Izuku was about to reach his hand to grab the handle until he noticed something. There was a black glow outlining the handle. "What is that?" The doctor questioned as he looked at the handle upon seeing then stop. Standing up he walked over to it and tried to turn the handle. Key word being tried as he couldn't turn in no matter how much strength he put in it. He began to look around the room trying to find the but froze upon seeing Izuku crying. He grew confuses for a moment until he realized the reason why was because his hand held a similar glow around it.
"My quirk." Was all Izuku could say as he stared at his hand. Trying something to figure it out he turned his hand and the handle turned with it. "Mama! My quirk! This is my quirk!" Izuku screamed in joy as he turned to his mom quickly jumping to hug her. Inko help a look of surprise before realization struck her and she grabbed her son in a big hug. "Oh Izuki I'm so proud you finally found out your quirk! Um by the way doctor you wouldn't happen to known what it is would you?" Inko asked. "From what i could see it would have to be a mutation upon your own quirk. It would appear to be some form of magnetism."
Izuku held a giant smile as he stared at his hands. Wanting to use his quirk more and having basic knowledge of what a magnet was he extended his hand towards a penny on the table. Seeing this the doctor was about to mention how penny's were not magnetic but was cut off seeing the penny float towards Izuku. "My word he can even use his quirk on non magnetic material. He truly has quite the strong quirk if I do say so myself." Hearing this Izuku's young mind could only process that in a way he could understand. He could become a great hero! "Thank you for all your help doctor and please have a pleasant day." Inko bid farewell before telling Izuku it was time to go home. He had school after all and couldn't wait to show all his classmates. Especially Kacchan.
I made this chapter short just to give a small idea of what i got going on. I plan to increase the length as time goes on. I am usually busy but i'll try my best to update when i can. Remember everyone. PLUS ULTRA!