Chapter 3: The Doomslayer

AN: Hiya, here's another chapter. In case you didn't already realize, Doomguy is currently wearing his classic armor and is about as strong as classic Doomguy. However, this will change, it's all a part of my plan. :3

Doomguy POV

The spaceship was just damn ugly. At least the garage crew had the sense to repaint it green and silver. I assume it's no coincidence it just so happens to match my armor. But the only way I could see myself liking the ship was if it had some good and proper guns. Fuck it. It's a rental. I resumed modding the two hand cannons I had received from Banshee-44.

Ghost POV

"Just what in the name of the traveler are you doing?" Naturally, I got no response from my guardian. That much I had come to understand. Yet as he disassembled the two weapons and examined their constituent parts, I could have sworn I had seen a ghost of a smile through his tinted visor. He seemed to be modding the weapons himself, and enjoying it! "The skill set you have is very different than that of most guardians, you're a gun nut and I haven't seen you use any titan class abilities. In fact I haven't actually seen you use abilities from any class." He shrugged in response and I observed him begin to reassemble the twin revolvers.

While my guardian finished he pointed out an area of land teeming with fallen, a lot of fallen. Knowing his intentions, I set the ship down nearby and he immediately resolved to leave the cockpit and stand outside for a few moments, before cracking his knuckles and moving onwards, summoning his twin hand cannons to his hands, which I assumed was a part of the modifications he made. Whatever fallen cross his path today, I pity them…

Doomguy POV

These fallen are up to something. It's time to find out just what. A sizable group of vandals looked up from where they were crouched around a dead guardian and hissed at me. My response was to blow their head off with a revolver. Its hands were clutching where the head should be, where the head had been, but it was too late. Ink-black blood was already jettisoning out of the corpse's neck and it keeled over. As the others rushed me as well I unloaded the remaining 11 rounds into their torsos. It didn't matter where I hit them, since every bullet that struck left a gaping, fist-sized hole in its stead. Deciding to switch back to the shotgun as more fallen closed in, I ran forwards faster than they expected.

The next victim of my hatred fell prey to me ducking under their outstretched arms as they tried to swipe at me with some pathetic electric baton as I rammed the shotgun into their gut and blew out their spine with a pull of the trigger. The remaining fallen stayed back and made an attempt to simply mow me down using longer range solutions. A better plan than previous one, but it would fail all the same. I dashed forwards, quickly dodging left and right to avoid fire. At the last moment I ducked and rolled, ending on one knee just in front of a very surprised vandal. Nevertheless, I jammed the business end of the shotgun straight up into their groin, hearing something squelch in the process. But before the wretched animal could double over in pain, my trusty boomstick obliterated its guts and removed the word pelvic from pelvic cavity, leaving just a cavity. Good riddance. As one would expect, I nonchalantly left the eviscerated fallen to crumple onto the ground, and rushed straight for the second-to-last vandal. The cowardly cretin attempted to back away from my charge whilst unloading all their bullets in my direction. I ignored their awful attempt to mow me down and smacked the gun out of their hands. The fool stood staring at me, dumbstruck and paralyzed with fear as I put my shotgun to their head and pulled the trigger, only for it to jam in an incredible feat of incompetence. My quarry's eyes were still wide with terror, so I knocked its head back by smacking it in the face with the butt of my gun and force-feeding the entire length of the shotty down its throat all the way up to the stock. Then I proceeded to kick over the coward's pathetic form for it to choke to death, and turned around to see my last enemy coming at me with another electric baton in one of their right arms. As they swung I ducked under and broke their jaw with a left hook. After which they were thrown over my knee and onto the ground below, looking up at me, already resigned to their fate. As such, I obliged, dropping my knee on their throat, crushing the trachea.

The area around me was littered with fallen corpses, including the two who were still in the process of choking to death. Other than that, it was still plain Old Russia. Why were they here? "Scans indicate an extensive cave system in the area. Perhaps it has to do with what all these fallen were doing here?" I nodded and went to investigate. The mouth of the cave looked inconspicuous enough, but some part of me knew something was off. Nonetheless, I entered with haste. It was when the tunnel opened up into a large cavern that the tin can of a ghost was proven to be correct. Twin doors led out of the cavern and to an abandoned mine shaft. Twin doors, covered in blood and etched with a glowing, rotating pentagram. "What…" The fallen had been here, and it seemed technology wasn't the only thing they worshipped. "What's going on here?" Heretics! Cultists! I'm going to kill them all!

Ignoring the ghost's sputtering, trying to ask questions as it tried to process what I already knew, I kicked down the doors and barged through the gore-infested hallway and past another set of doors, finally arriving in a room absolutely soaked in blood and guts. Three dregs were on their knees in front of a gore nest in the center of the room, but these dregs were different: thin, gaunt, weaponless, animal. Almost as if they were possessed, by — DEMONS! Before you could even blink I was already steamrolling the possessed dregs, having bashed the first one's skull in with my fist, snapped the second one's neck in a full 360, and ripped off the third's arm, only to beat them to death with it.

I instinctively knew to rip out the heart of the gore nest, and despite expecting more demons to appear, instead the hellish energy from the nest wrapped around my form, and for a moment I blacked out.

Doomslayer POV

When I awoke, something felt… different. Slowly it all came back, the memories, the hatred. To top it all off, there were demons afoot, and it was time to hunt down my prey, as I always had, as I always will. Hayden was on my list as well, but he could wait. As I got up to walk outside the, there were a few things of note: the atmosphere felt different, it was hotter than usual, and the air smelled akin to fire and brimstone— besides the obvious smell of corpses. Furthermore, my armor was severely damaged, yet I was feeling better than ever. It seemed as though, despite everything, hell energy brought out the best in me— physically that is. Regardless, it would be better to find the praetor suit again. I could sense it nearby…

When I left the room, my footsteps making squelching noises in the gore the whole way, the sight outside did not faze me, for I was expecting it, welcoming it. The sky was reddish brown, the ground bloodstained so much so that the very rock had taken on a dark red hue. Pillars of rock floated above and endless chasm, suspended by argent energy. The only word that could describe it was exactly what the place was named, Hell. And where there be Hell, there be demons. As such it was time to see how well they remembered me. My right hand clenched into a tight fist as I relished the thought of slaughtering them. They would not reach Earth. I would not allow another planet to fall like D'Nur had. The demons are between me and my armor, between me and Earth, and they're going to die.

The first to cross me was a mere imp, foolish enough to believe its might alone was sufficient to stop me, it was wrong. The price of such an action was its head, which was soon reduced to a gory red paste on the ground under my bare foot. The next of my prey were unwilling, fully transformed humans, a result of an extended 'vacation' to hell. I rushed forwards and ripped the arm off the first, then proceeded to break its neck with said arm. The other I kneecapped with a sidekick and followed with a second sidekick that crushed its trachea. My actions were beginning to garner the attention of bigger demons in the area, and although they would be no real challenge— even in this shoddy armor— I simply could not be bothered for I had not the time. I set off at a quickened pace towards my armor's location.

Many demons were on my tail now, though they could not hope to keep up, and I finally arrived at yet another broken down structure from one of the many worlds Hell had conquered. This one however, was one of the few D'nurian buildings here. I knew the demons would be keeping my armor somewhere like this. Two massive, intricately carved stone doors— 10, 15 meters high— sealed the entrance and were wrapped in Hell-forged chains. Furthermore, an argent energy barrier surrounded the doors. This the best they can do? I stuck my hands through the energy barrier, ripping through it as though it was wet paper, then tore the huge padlock that was securing the chains in half and kicked down the monolithic doors.

The contents inside of the room pleased me, and I grinned madly underneath my helm. Not only was my full suit of armor contained inside, but all the weapons I previously had were there as well. Including the BFG 9000, my "get-out-of-jail-free-card"— yes, even I had once been acquainted with the legendary game that is Monopoly. Now as I stood, looking upon my suit, I figured there may be some modifications to be made. But first I needed to test it.

Hmmm. I inspected the arm area of the suit. It would seem my biceps had become even more ripped. With a single, mighty flex, the armor in the bicep region began to crack, straining under the pressure of my most up close and personal weapons. I helped the process along by peeling off the Hell-forged steel that protected the area underneath the shoulder pauldrons of each. The end result was the same praetor suit— for now— minus the armor on the upper arms. I transferred the scrapped Hell-forged steel from my armor along with all of my weapons, save the super-shotty, into the pocket dimension which I had kept them in before. Inspecting the classic double barrel design, I recalled the modifications I had made to it on my last trip to Hell; one allowed for faster reload— a necessity indeed— another converted the ammo to uranium buckshot to further increase the penetration effect on demonic targets, and the third converted it to a Single Selective Trigger(SST) type, that way I could fire each barrel individually, allowing me to shoot twice before reloading. Due to some unforeseen mechanics in the weapon, each pull of the trigger still resulted in the same damage output as when both barrels were fired at once. Odd.

The earth, or whatever ground it was beneath my feet, shook. There were some baddies coming. About time I got back to my job. A guttural roar got my attention, and 3 Hell Knights jumped into the the gaping doorway of the building. It seemed they still dared to challenge me. All three began to take a running star towards me. However many times I taught them, the demons never seemed to realize that no matter how many there are, I'm going to kill them just the same. As soon as the first neared me I dashed forwards, ramming the shotgun into the vile creature's gut and pulled the trigger twice. The first pull easily penetrated it's thick skin, buckshot eviscerating its intestines. The second shot blew straight through its spine, resulting in a gaping hole in the knight. The corpse fell to the ground limply, just in time to see the second knight falling towards me in an effort to leap smash the ground. The stupid blundering creature seemed to be very confused when it realized I left the zone it intended to leap smash. The knight turned to me and roared as Hell knights often do. I in turn let my double barrel do the talking, and proceeded to shove my boomstick in its gaping maw. The shotgun let out a roar of its own and painted the wall with demon blood and brain matter. A fist swung at me from the side and I ducked under and shoved my super shotty into the knee of the third Hell knight, and reduced its leg to a stump. Then I left the building to be on my merry way, leaving it to bleed out.

I cut a bloody warpath through Hell, slaughtering all manner of demon between me and the nearest portal. After all, the Doomslayer was not an empty title. Now it was time to return to Earth. I had some unfinished business with the fallen before resuming my campaign through Hell. I also had to take care of Hayden, who undoubtedly had a hand somewhere in all this. Hell could wait. I activated the teleportation sequence.

The portal charged up, argent energy spreading across the nearby ground, increasing in intensity over the next few seconds. Then it stopped. The teleportation sequence had been interrupted by outside influence. Blue electricity sparked up in my suit, arcing between my limbs and across the ground, and according to my hud, the tether system in my suit had been remotely activated. Hayden.

Suddenly, I found myself suspended in the air in a presumably UAC facility on Mars, and being approached by a three meter tall white robot. A very familiar robot. "So, you've returned. And you brought back to me what is mine." He held out his hand, and the Vega backup I had made a while ago flew into it. He then turned to leave before letting out a low chuckle. "Welcome back, Doomslayer. Pleasure working with you…" The cyborg casually waved over his shoulder as he left. Then the computer running the facility came on speaker. "Rerouting tether coordinates complete." My hud once again reminded me of the tether activation, and everything went white.

Samuel Hayden POV

There was much work to be done, and now that I had Vega, the process could be expedited. I arrived at the rebuilt Vega control room. After hundreds of years working on reconstruction, it had been redesigned. The cooling requirements were not as needy as before, and as such, the control room for Vega could simply be integrated into this facility, as opposed to being a separate one. At last I reached the center console and inserted the chip into it. The system began to boot up, and a blue hologram of a man in a UAC uniform appeared. "Hello, Dr. Hayden. What may I do for you." I thought for a moment before responding. "Initiate protocol 42B. You will find updated versions of all the plans in your database. There is much work to be done Vega, and we must finish preparing for the inevitable arrival of our mutual friend. In the meantime you will distract him. Give him an enemy to fight. It does not matter if they cannot hope to win against the Doomslayer, so long as they keep him occupied and out of my way." I walked away, intent on getting to work, and Vega dipped his head. "Of course, Dr. Hayden."

AN: Ever wonder what music to listen to when writing Doom and whatnot? While the Doom soundtrack is nice and all, I'd say that the soundtrack needs gameplay as an ingredient, and something is missing without it. So why not listen to Deathstep, for it really captures the brutality in the music. Anything by Code: Pandorum is really on point. My favorite song as of this moment is The Pearly Gates(also by Code: Pandorum of course).

Anyways, the reason I included the topic of the super shotgun was in reference to an odd game mechanic in Doom 2016. When you get the final upgrade for the super shotgun, it allows you to fire twice before reloading, meaning you are firing one barrel at a time instead of two. Logically, one would expect the damage per shot to be reduced since you are only outputting one shell per shot, but no, the damage per shot is the EXACT same, or at least close to it. Talk about OP. XD Leave your reviews below and don't forget to follow and/or even favorite if you find this story adequate. :D See y'all next time.

P.S. Sorry it took so long to update. I have no excuses this time. RIP