This is chapter is primarily my thoughts and back story of the main character.

Story is in next chapter.

The backstory of the main character might seem ridiculous but it's not totally out of the realm of possibility.

This is a transmigrant story but not just an ordinary transmigrant but a fully prepared transmigrant. Someone who has all the necessary tools and preparation to survive in an unknown world, in this case the old world.

So the main character gets sent there along with his house fully stocked up with all the weapons and equipment necessary to survive there.

Now I naturally need to explain all this crap with a more or less reasonable explanation and not just suddenly finding all this crap in his house.

In my opinion that generally means that the story is not very well thought out and is generally an indication the story is going to be crap.

The explanation I came up with might fall on the extreme side of normality but it still falls within the realm of realism.

Now the backstory of our main character.

William Silverman from a... Shall we say 'special' family background.

It all started with his grandfather who is obsessed with a 'commie' invasion. This is of course not strange at the time no small number of people has underground shelters in their homes.

His legacy is naturally an underground shelter that is slightly larger and more complex then most underground shelter. It has a toilet, a bedroom, a few storage rooms, and a generator room. Fully stocked and with rationing, a person could last years down there.

The other thing he left behind that is worthy of note is that he also left an M2 machine gun. While in the present day you couldn't buy a machine gun but in the past is very different, in the past with looming communist threat gun laws were not as strict. After it's in the government's best interest to arm every citizen in case, the red do invade.

Next down the line is William's father. William's father being affected by his father obsession of a communist invasion naturally grow up... Shall we say paranoid. He started to immerse himself in conspiracy theories.

He died from cancer a few months before the story starts. His last words are 'it's the Chinese'. His legacy for William is the greenhouse in his backyard, due to his belief that the rich people and the government is working side by side to kill off the inferior breed of humans, by putting harmful chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay! (sorry can't resist. Sights... I miss that guy) anyway, you get the point.

Another thing left behind is his workshop. He worked as a blacksmith where he takes custom orders ranging from making custom rings to knives with intricate design to medieval swords and armor. One of the special orders he has handled is creating a copy of Dante's sword from Devil May Cry and it's not a prop but a real functioning sword with a hardened edge.

Anyway now enters our 3rd gen weirdo and main character of this story William. Suffice to say growing up a single conspiratorial parent would naturally make him... Different from your typical average Joe.

William is an apocalypse believer. Meaning he believes that the apocalypse will happen in his lifetime. While he's not sure what the apocalypse will be like but he's pretty sure that it's the Zombie Apocalypse.

In preparation for the oncoming Apocalypse, he made a few changes into the house like replacing the windows with bullets resistant glass and security bars just for safe measures. He replaced the front door with a metal door.

He bought books of every kind in case he suddenly found himself the leader of a small group of survivor and is trying to rebuild civilization. He had a more extensive collection in digital format but in his opinion having a physical book is better for obvious reasons, like if the power out.

William has a generator. What if it runs out of fuel? Well, it runs on diesel which can be made from vegetable oil or also known as biodiesel. William has a few plants in his greenhouse that could be used to make vegetable oil so it all works out.

Just in case he has if he really needs electricity quickly, William could just attach a generator to giant hamster wheel and run in it. But seriously he could just attach a generator to a propeller and make a wind turbine.

As for solar power? The problem with solar power is that once it's broken there's no way to fix it.

As for water? He has one of those well digging kits and a few water filters. Alternatively, he could just gather the rainwater or find a river and run them through the filters.

As for weapons he bought a few bows and crossbows and a few guns. Why bows and crossbows?

Well... in the Apocalypse manufacturing bullets would be... while not impossible but quite hard. The initial stages of the Apocalypse guns would be crucial but later when the bullet stockpile starts to run dry, then people would be switching to bows and crossbows as arrows and crossbow bolts can be reused and easier to manufacture.

Finally just one last thing. Once he transmitted he will have eternal youth. You know I've read a few of these transmigration stories where some guy some guy from our world goes to a medieval-like world and totally transform the entire society into an industrialized one in the span of a few years. I think that it's very unrealistic as Japan in our world took a little bit over a hundred years to be industrialized and China failed its initial industrialization after the opium war, it's not until quite recently that China is considered industrialized.

Now in those stories due to the limited lifespan of the main character they compensated by making dumb ass nobles go through great lengths to pick a fight with the main character. This is also not a single time event as this big and bigger fish will automatically look for the main character for a fight, the main character will naturally win all these wars propelling him to higher and higher positions.

Anyway gone off a little rant there, but I wanted to make a story that is more realistic. You know more organic No BS luck, randomly taking huge risk for no particular reason other then he is a modest Japanese person.

Sometimes it's quite irritating to read these Japanese novels keeps blabbering being a morally righteous and humble because he's a Japanese.

Maybe it's just me but it seems that they have completely forgotten the last they were in and the atrocities they committed that warranted the drop of THE BOMB.

Anyway, that just covers about the key points.

Story in next chapter.