"Fae Language"
Letting out a soft sigh, Toshinori looked up at the ceiling of the room that he was staying in. After his attempt at transforming into his other form, his magical form had put such a strain on his body that he had all but blacked out. Gran Torino had knocked him down, that was something that had confused Toshinori a great deal. Though maybe the kick had literally knocked his magic out of his body for the time being?
Or maybe he was over thinking this.
Rubbing at his forehead, Toshinori tried to think on what he was to do. There had to be a reason about his magic, or at the very least on how it was to work.
It was hard to say since there hadn't been a magic like this in anything that he had ever seen. Looking over at the other side of the room, Toshinori couldn't help but smile a little as he gazed at the sleeping form of Inko. Ever since he had tried to transform himself, Inko hadn't left his side in fear that he would go back to the state that he had ended up in after his attempts.
Even Kiyoshi hadn't let him out of his sight. The wolf almost seemed just as worried as Inko about his magic. There was no way of knowing what the wolf was trying to do, but he knew that he was looking out for the fae. Even though said fae, has no idea what was going on.
It just seemed as if ever since the wolf came into his life, it had turned into chaos but, at the same time…
He couldn't really be mad.
Kiyoshi was his friend, the first one that he ever had in his life. Then of course there was the fact that Kiyoshi even went out of his way to try to save Toshinori from the water. Even though if it hadn't been for Inko, he still would have been dead from the trauma and the water still in his lungs at the time.
Letting out a soft sigh, the young man rolled over as he gazed at the wall near his bed. He couldn't help but think about that day. The memories were still fuzzy from when he first woke up, from when Inko saved him. He remembered waking up and seeing her surrounded by the sunlight, making her appear to have had some kind of heavenly glow about her.
A soft blush crept up his neck to his cheeks at the memory. For he had never seen anyone as beautiful as her before in his entire life. Then of course it made him think that maybe he didn't deserve to be around her, thinking that he was far from deserving because of the fate that had been placed for him.
Now though…
Now he didn't know what he was to do. Knowing that Inko was the one he had chosen, the one that he wanted to be with more than anyone in the whole world? He didn't know what he could do. But knew that he would still protect her no matter what may come their way. Though, now he felt like he had some other tool that could be used to protect her.
But not just her, but the entire world.
Sighing softly, the young man pushed himself up from his bed before walking out of the room. He had to learn how to use his power. Had to learn to use it so he could keep Inko safe. If he couldn't protect her, how was he to protect the world from a mad man that wanted to conquer the fae villages as well as the human villages?
What about the capital?
Gritting his teeth, the young man took a deep breath as he started to make his way outside. He needed to get out, had to get some air. Though maybe this would also give him time to try to learn how to use his magic. Maybe without Inko around, he could try without much restrain. Such as a small part of him must have been subconsciously restrained in order to keep Inko safe.
So maybe, if she isn't around, he should be able to transform without much issue?
Shaking his head, the young man looked back at the house before giving it a small frown. Was he doing the right thing by trying to do this on his own? He couldn't be sure, though knew that he still had to try to do something. Sitting around doing nothing wasn't going to help him learn how to control his power.
Walking on ahead, the young man found himself a clearing. It was a bit aways from the house, but still a little too close for his own comfort. But this was needing to be done. If he didn't at least try then there was no telling what would happen.
Inhaling deeply, the young man knew that he had to calm his nerves. This was going to be it, he just knew that this was going to be it. He had to do this, he just had to!
Tightening his hands into fight fists, Toshinori tried to bring up his power once more. His skin starting to feel warm. Unsure if it was because of the power or because he was focusing too much that it was making his blood boil. He couldn't really be sure right away, until he saw that his body was starting to steam much like it had before. His temperature was starting to rise now as well.
Breath hitching, the young man felt like he couldn't breathe, this time not due to flowers filling his lungs. But the steam itself. The heat that was building up from within himself, it was weakening his body to the point that he soon found himself on the ground, resting on his hands and knees.
He had never felt this kind of stress upon his body before. Not even when he was working hard on training his body in order to help him survive in the wild for as long as he has. This was cruel and unusual punishment for him and it was only getting harder and harder. Digging his nails into the earth below, Toshinori felt like he was about to black out, or at the very least on the edge of losing consciousness but he had to keep fighting. Had to fight through this in order to make it past this stepping stone to controlling his power.
His body slowly started to turn red, his markings glowing a bright electric blue as sparks seemed to be moving along his body as if trying to help him with this transformation. It was rather strange yes, stranger though when he didn't even feel it.
It started to feel like it was starting to rip him apart from the inside, as well as boiling his insides. He wanted to cry out from the pain but couldn't even bring himself to do such a thing.
Toshinori thought he heard something howling in the distance.
Was that Kiyoshi?
Falling over onto his side, the fae looked over as he let go of what grip over his magic that he had. The steam dissipating, the lights from his tribal markings fading as was the sparks of power. He could only groan as he looked over at the approaching form of Kiyoshi as the wolf rushed toward him. How did he know that he was out here? How did he know that he was in danger- no not danger, just at risk wasn't it? He was trying to use his powers when before he couldn't and ended up in slightly rough shape?
The wolf rushed toward the fallen fae, sniffing at him and nudging him as if asking if he was okay. Toshinori blinked slowly as he groaned. Trying to push himself up, only to fall back onto the ground. Kiyoshi tilted his head a little before nuzzling Toshinori. As if trying to get him to get back up again. Though the fae wasn't sure if he could even try to get up again.
"You can get up Toshinori, your power should be able to get up again." came a voice, one that he hadn't heard before. It made him rather curious as to where it came from. Slowly lifting his head, Toshinori frowned a little as he looked at Kiyoshi. He was the only one there, the wolf just looked down at him, his blue eyes shining with concern and worry.
"Kiyoshi?" whispered Toshinori, unsure if he was right on this but felt like there was something wrong with this.
Kiyoshi just tilted his head a little before bumping his head against the fae's side once again. Telling him to try to get up now. To push himself up and… do something?
Taking a deep breath, the young man pushed himself up onto his shaky legs, trying to get his bearings together. His body shook, trying to regain his own physical control over himself or at the very least, his strength. Once he was on his feet, the young man tried to take a few deep breaths, he looked over at the wolf once again.
Kiyoshi was just sitting there. Giving him what one could describe as a serious look. Though Toshinori couldn't be sure if that was the case, or if it was something more. Shaking his head, the young man closed his eyes, though opened one as he gazed at Kiyoshi. The wolf just seemed to glare at him, as if telling him to just get on with trying to get control his power or something. That was the feeling that he was getting from the wolf.
Closing his eye like the other, Toshinori didn't know if that was what was needed to be done. That Kiyoshi was telling him to try to use his magic once again. Honestly? He didn't know but it was some kind of weird feeling that he was getting from the wolf. It felt more than just simple stare downs so to speak, more as if the wolf was sending his own thoughts and feelings through to the fae. How Toshinori thought about that was… well a mystery.
Feeling his power building once again, it seemed… easier this time around. No pain, though there was still steam emitting from his body. It started to surround him in a cloud much like it had once before when he tried to save Inko from the villagers.
His markings started to glow once more, yet more brightly. Electricity sparking along his form, his body growing in size. Unsure as to what was going to become of him, Toshinori couldn't help but wonder what was going on this time. Was he starting to finally grasp his transformation or was it something more? He couldn't be sure, though he knew was that he was thankful for the fact that he didn't feel any kind of pain this time around.
Once the steam started to clear Toshinori found himself to be much larger. His eyes widened when he saw that he was even standing on longer legs, even his markings were glowing a bright blue. Wait, how was he able to keep himself in control this time around? Was it because of the times that he tried to transform before and was able to finally gain the upper hand? Or was it something else? Something more?
Slowly, the young man turned his attention to the wolf. Kiyoshi almost seemed to have a sparkle within his eyes. As if he was somehow proud of Toshinori finally being able to control the magic that was within him. But, why would he appear as such? It just didn't make sense to him, though Toshinori felt like he needed to know, that he had to ask about what had happened.
But, how was one to ask a wolf such a question when animals couldn't speak? Or at least not to those who couldn't understand animals either by how they spoke, or their thoughts.
"Kiyoshi…?" Toshinori whispered, wanting to at least try to speak to the wolf only for his eyes to widen in shock. Wrapping his arms around himself, the fae felt all of his magic starting to fade from him. It felt as if it was being ripped away from his body, but at the same time being torn away to be buried deep within himself once again.
Letting out a small cry, Toshinori found himself falling to the ground, his form shrinking as steam started to form around him. The pain wasn't intense, but it was still something he could have gone without. Letting out one more gasp, he found himself just lying on the ground, breathing deeply and quickly.
He hadn't been able to hold his form for long. That would have to be something else that he would have to work on.
Groaning, the fae managed to roll onto his side before letting out another groan and tried to push himself up. Only to fall back onto the ground and whined a little.
Kiyoshi whimpered before making his way over to the fallen fae before nudging him with his nose. "I'm fine." Toshinori whispered, it wasn't painful for him to move. No, more along the lines of his body being rather numb. What was wrong? Why couldn't he move now?! "Um… Kiyoshi, can you go and get Inko?" He asked, unsure if the wolf would even understand him right now. Or even better yet, if Kiyoshi could even get Inko to him in the first place.
Letting out a soft sigh, the young man could only watch as Kiyoshi ran toward the tree that homed Gran Torino. Wondering if they would even know what the wolf would want.
Closing his eyes, the young man tried to get himself to calm down. Trying to get his body to regain any kind of feeling once again. Though he wasn't sure what he could do. Or what he should do at the very least. His arms could move thankfully, but he just lacked the physical strength to even allow himself to get off of the ground.
Letting out a soft sigh, Toshinori opened his eyes as he looked over at where Kiyoshi had taken off. There was no way of knowing how long he would be left here, it allowed him to let his thoughts wander so to speak.
If Gran Torino knew his parents, and knew that Toshinori would be born and most likely the one meant to stop the evil fae, why didn't he say anything to his parents beforehand? Was it something that he couldn't speak of, or something that would have prevented Toshinori's birth? No, most likely would have made his parents not want children. More so if they knew their future child, or any child, would be destined to destroy someone. Even though it was a slim chance, it was still a chance that no one would want to take.
More so, when hybrids like himself were already a sin.
"Mom, dad… did you ever plan to have children or was I just unplanned?" He whispered, not really expecting an answer from anyone.
Who could answer this question in the first place? It wasn't as if anyone could answer him anyway. His parents, the only ones that could were long gone. Gran Torino wouldn't have an answer, at least not likely. Did they even know that he would have any kind of power or that he would go most of his life magicless? Closing his eyes, the young man tried to get himself to collect himself. Needing to think of an idea as to what he could do. Or at the very least something that he could occupy his mind with until he could get himself back up again.
"Toshinori!" shouted Inko, causing him to turn his head a little over to the forest. Watching as Inko and Gran Torino ran toward him. He had to admit, for an older man, he could run pretty well. "Oh god are you okay?!" Inko called out as she dropped to his side checking everything over.
"I was able to transform. But, couldn't hold the form for long and couldn't get back up. I have no strength in my body, it's numb." The fae explained.
"Because you aren't used to it. Most likely from trying to transform so close to the other time you tried. Yet, to be able to hold the form for even a second is progress." Gran Torino said before looking over at the fae, only for his gaze to fall over to Kiyoshi. It seemed the older man knew something that no one else did. And it had something to do with the wolf. Before Toshinori could even ask, the older man reached into his pocket and pulled out a vial.
"What's that?" asked Toshinori.
"It's something that I whipped up in case this would happen. My grandfather had left notes on the magic that he foresaw you would have. It would put physical strain on your body, so I had these set up should any kind of physical problem happen. This here, would help with anything that could happen with your magic." Gran Torino said with a soft sigh before making his way over to the fae. It had Toshinori a little confused as to how he would have such a thing set up. Honestly, how convenient was that anyway?
Letting out a soft sigh, the young man found himself getting pulled up to sit down on the grass. Once he was seated, Gran Torino helped him drink the potion.
It had a bland taste, at least it didn't taste bad so that was something to be happy about. Once it was all down his throat, Toshinori started to get feeling back to his limbs, even regaining his strength once again. Blinking in shock, the young man pushed himself to sit up and grinned. Before he could even say 'thank you' Gran Torino kicked him in the head, having jumped in the air.
"You idiot! You could have caused some terrible problems for yourself! Next time you try to control your magic, have us around to supervise!" Shouted Gran Torino.
Rubbing his head, Toshinori pushed himself to sit back up on the ground and nearly tried to hide himself behind Inko. "Right now, you'll next to relax or risk your health next time. Go and get some fruit. It'd be nice to have something healthy for dinner. We can hunt tomorrow." With that, the older man left to go back to his home.
"Toshi, he is right. You shouldn't' have done that." Inko said with a soft sigh.
"I know, I know." He whispered before looking up at her. Inko frowned down at him, yet wrapped her arms around his shoulders in a comforting hug. "I'll listen next time I promise." Toshinori whispered.
"Good, or else I'll have to punish you." Inko scolded.
His ears perked at that. What kind of punishment could sweet Inko think of in the first place? Looking up at him, he couldn't help but blink at her in wonder and curiosity. Maybe he should take that break, if Inko could have thought of a way to punish him well, he didn't want to know what it could be.