30 Moments - 30 scenes between Todoroki Shouto and Yaoyorozu Momo

Chapter 1: A Night In (#27)

It was an evening not that dissimilar to any other. Sitting next to each other, classwork between them, books open with notes littering the coffee table. Him on one side of the sofa, sitting casually as he pored over his work, her on the opposite side, a leg folded under her as she scrunched her brow in concentration. Every once in a while one of them would interrupt the other with a question or observation and they would confer over that particular subject before returning to their studies. It was comfortable and commonplace enough now that not even their classmates felt the need to point it out to them anymore.

Yaoyorozu asked Todoroki if he had managed to successfully apply the formula to the last problem on the current chapter. Silence. Yaoyorozu looked up, wondering if he was just so engrossed in his reading that he hadn't heard her; She had always admired his ability to focus.

Her eyes widened.

His face was so different in sleep. Perhaps because his remarkable eyes weren't the focus of his expression when they were closed, it allowed Yaoyorozu a rare moment to study the rest of his features. Momo had never had a problem with the mark on the left side of his face yet the hypertrophic scar had always made her want to ask if it bothered him as they tended to be sensitive to the touch. Staring at him now with his head tilted onto his shoulder allowed her to see so much of his right side. The white strands that lay over the unblemished skin was soft-looking, making her wonder if he performed any sort of maintenance to it or if it were naturally beautiful. His skin was even with a light tan that made his hair all the more striking. She wondered if he could suffer heatstroke since he could regulate his body temperature with his quirks but thought it might be rude to ask.

Momo fidgeted before she felt herself take a deep breath and lean forward, homework forgotten as loose papers fluttered to the floor. Her fingers reached, her mouth going dry as the sudden craving to touch overtook her.

Only a hairs breath of distance between her fingertips and his curiously smooth looking skin when a hand shot up and Momo gave a breathless jolt.

Stunned she watched Todoroki blink at her, the hand that he gripped her with loosening it's steel hold on her wrist but not letting go. "Y-Yaoyorozu...?"

In an instant the Creation Hero-to-be flushed in an explosion of crimson and she ducked her head and scrunched her shoulders as her mind fizzled. "A-ah..." She struggled to form a coherent sentence, thinking of no way to explain herself without revealing just how embarrassingly infatuated she was with the idea of touching him.

So lost in her own torment she didn't notice that he still held her hand until she felt a gentle tug and her heart stopped as she finally realized that he was touching her. Her head flew up.

His expression was difficult to decipher as his brows were drawn down and his mouth was formed into a frown but he didn't appear upset. Rather she believed the best word to describe what she saw would be contemplative, though his eyes did pin her with an intensity she usually saw when he was in the midst of battle.

His hand let go and she felt her stomach drop for a moment before she felt his fingers slide over her skin until he gathered her fingers in his and slowly drew her hand close to his face.

"What were you trying to do?" He asked simply.

Momo dropped her gaze and shuffled nervously, the papers that had gotten stuck under her knees scratching. "I...uh... You fell asleep," She pointed out lamely. "And uh... I wanted to...wake you up..." Had she ever been this embarrassed in her life?

"I see."

She sighed, believing the moment broken, yet when she went to tug her hand back she felt him resist and she gave him a quizzical look. "Todoroki-san?"

"You're a bad liar." Was all he said before he brought her fingers up to his lips and placed a feather light kiss to her knuckles. There was an intake of breath from her and an interesting blush before he let go and she fell back onto her side of the couch with her brain blank and fingers dazedly attempting to grab the papers that had fallen. Todorokoki returned his attention to the book in front of him acting for all the world completely unfazed.

He scanned the page before asking if she had understood the content of the chapter, citing his confusion over a particular section. Yaoyorozu only stared at him blankly before her brain managed to catch up and she desperately scrambled to put her notes together as she hurriedly responded. "O-Oh! Of-of course!"

As she frantically reviewed the paragraph in question she didn't notice the small smile that formed across Todoroki's face as he gave her a side-long glance.


Since I clearly have no self control here's another theme challenge while I work on my KingxDiane Thirty Kisses. This is a drabble collection and since I define drabbles as anything between 100 to 1500 words, just about anything goes here. So please enjoy!

29 more to go! Ugh. What have I gotten myself into?