Chapter 3

[Shimura Tenko I]

Kakashi wasn't in the habit of making the same mistake twice, and who expected of a ninja to keep his words?

Life was a shitty game, people were sheep, hypocrites, overly dependent of supposed heroes, not doing anything by themselves and waiting for the hero to come and save the day. People feared him because of his quirk, as if he had asked to be born with it. And they were right to be, his quirk was dangerous, a villainous quirk, capable of killing someone so easily. Skins would crumble in milliseconds, flesh in seconds, and bones in less than one minute, he knew the effect of his quirk on a human body better than he should, better than I would have liked, and it would only get more and more powerful as he gets older.

An unfortunate accident they would call it, pity him and fearing it at the same time, no heroes had helped him, but they still patted their back for a job well done. Such a disgusting society, people who clinging to heroes like castaway to a plank of wood, they could have done something, helped, but because there was heroes to save the day, they would just stand in the sidelines and cheer. Heroes were hypocrites, saving people for their own self-satisfaction, and then went away thinking about their good deeds with a smile.

"Aren't you a big young to frown like this?"

Shimura was teared away from his thoughts by the cheerful voice of a stranger. He didn't know when the masked wearing man had crouched down to his level, but his face only one inch away from his, startled, Shimura knocked his head to the wall he was leaning against.

"Who are you?"

Nobody talked to him, no children, no adults ever did, and if they did they would go away after learning about him, be it his past or his quirk.

"A family friend, Shimura Tenko."

A family friend? His father had been an orphan, his adopted parents had died in a car accident and if his father was right, neither had living family.

"Your biological grandma. It's a long story.

The hours after passed like a blur, the man, who later presented himself as Todoroki Enji, took him to see a old man, there had been shouting, but Todoroki convinced the man to allow him to take him in. And now, he was now the ward of Todoroki Enji, a mysterious and powerful man, normal people couldn't just adopt some random kid in a matter of hours. Todoroki was strange, he was like a bug, he understood how the system was supposed to work, but disregarded him, and went at his own pace. A pace that had swept him too, and Shimura felt like he had used a cheat code to go from a powerless orphan to a ward in a warm bedroom. His bedroom, it had been a guest room before Todoroki had said, they would buy furnitures and clothes tomorrow, but Shimura wasn't dumb, the man had planned this more than he had let it seemed, it had not been a whim as the old man had screamed.

The bed was a bit on a smaller side to be suited for an adult, but perfect for a child, the walls were painted in a bright color, and if it had been someone else, then maybe Shimura wouldn't have thought much of it, but Todoroki's apartment had been incredibly minimalistic, only the necessities, a place to live and nothing more. The apartment was situated in a good neighborhood, and in a modern building, and so the man had money, but the furnitures weren't anything fancy, only bought because of necessity, practicality and no pleasure.

Shimura had not visited Todoroki's bedroom, but he bet that the room would be the same as the other room, basic furnitures, the same white wall that had come when he had bought it. And no respectable interior designer would have painted the walls with such a bright shade of orange, so the man had chosen it himself.

His life had changed into a more interesting game, the orphan had been adopted by a powerful and mysterious stranger because of his unknown legacy, a hidden and a powerful villain on the other side who had killed his grandmother and would surely kill him or use him.

And now here he was, laying on a soft mattress, staring at a bright orange ceiling, his life changed in mere hours, maybe life wasn't such a shitty game after all.

[Gran Torino II]

Sorahiko needed a drink, or maybe ten. The day had been a complete mess, and all thanks to Todoroki Enji. His ex-student had just barged in, dragging along a kid, and he had like all smile and flippant when he declared that the said kid was Nana's grandson. The family that Nana had forbidden for them to contact, that even him didn't know the whereabouts.

"Have you gone crazy? Nana had forbidden us to get in contact with her family!"

His ex-student had always been whimsical, flippant about everything, but at the same Gran Torino knew that the man thought about his actions, and that he was someone who he could count on, and this was the only reason he didn't punch him.

"I had my fingers crossed." he had the nerve to joke. "Just kidding, but it would have been foolish of us to just leave Nana's son and grandson alone, without protection when we all know that All for One could be after them, and would have all the resources to find them."

"And if we had stayed close, it would have only painted on them a bigger target!"

"His parents didn't died naturally, and the system seemed to unfortunately glitch when it comes to Shimura Tenko." cut Todoroki, voice uncharacteristically hard, none of the previous casualness present. "We don't have the luxury to respect a dead woman's wish."

This got him a punch, a well deserved one, and it was only because Gran Torino knew that Kakashi had respected his friend that he barely used any strength in his punch.

"I only told you this because you deserved it. Shimura was you and Yagi's friend, not mine." continued coldly Todoroki.

"And I don't make the same mistake twice." Gran Torino thought the man had said just before leaving.

Maybe it had been foolish of them to hope for Nana's descendant to have a peaceful and uneventful life, maybe it was foolish of them to think that All for One wouldn't find them. Gran Torino finished his drink and heavily put it down, and sprawled in his sofa. Life was going to get quite hectic.

AN: I still don't have a plot, just some random ideas, but yeah, it should be really different from canon, as you would have expected it from two reborn shinobi... Don't forget to review if you liked it! Also constructivism cristicism and typo you have found are more than welcome!