Epilogue: Day In White.

"I wish mom could see you." Gohan said softly as he looked down upon his little brother.

"She would be yelling at me and probably telling me to straighten some part of my outfit." Goten laughed sadly.

"She would be right though, you missed a button." Gohan pointed at the front of his brother's jacket.

Goten quickly unbuttoned the white overcoat, cursing about the inconvenience. He was stressed, Gohan could tell, but Gohan didn't blame him. Marriage was a huge deal and today Goten would be getting married. Goten looked up at his brother anxiously.

"I don't know if I can do this." Goten muttered softly. "I don't know if I'm ready."

"Dude you have literally been waiting for this day since middle school." Gohan joked softly elbowing his brother. "You can do this."

"I just feel too nervous." Goten muttered softly.

"I bet Trunks is freaking out just as much as you are." Gohan said softly. "It's normal."

"Were you this nervous when you married Videl?" Goten asked softly.

"No…" Gohan said softly. "I guess that probably should have been the first sign that we weren't gonna last."

"Are you nervous to ask Bulla?" Goten prodded.

"Hey…none of that. Today is about you. So shut up and go get married."

"I don't know…" Trunks muttered to his sister. "I'm freaking out."

"Oh come on, you're fine. This is Goten we are talking about." Bulla straightened her brother's tie before reaching up to smooth his hair.

"Yeah but, what if he changes his mind? He deserves better than me." Trunks grumbled as he repetitively clenched and unclenched his hands, his anxiety showing in his actions.

"See that's the thing about these guys." Bulla said cautiously. "They like us even though we are crazy so you gotta catch them while you can."

A nervous chuckle escaped Trunks as he began to bite his nails. Bulla grabbed his hand and pulled her older brother into a tight hug. This seemed to calm him momentarily, but his arms were shaking as he hugged her back. This was the biggest day of his life and he was terrified. He knew Goten would be there waiting for him but his fear was that he would fail as a husband. He wanted to be a good husband, like his father had been to his mother. But he was afraid he would turn out to be more like Goku.

"Does that mean you're gonna catch the other one before he loses interest?" Trunks asked raising an eyebrow at his sister.

"Hey today is about you not me." Bulla growled avoiding the question. She didn't answer him though mainly because she didn't have an answer, at this point she was simply waiting for him to ask.

"I'm scared Bulla." Trunks said softly as he ran his hands down the front of his jet black suit.

"Scared, or nervous?" Bulla asked as she grabbed her brothers hands to keep him from wrinkling the suit with his anxiety.

"Nervous." Trunks said before taking a shallow breath. "And scared."

"You'll be fine." Bulla said softly. "It's normal to feel like this, I bet that Goten is just as nervous as you are."

"Shit, you're probably right." Trunks muttered before he smiled down at his younger sister. "Hey, thanks for being here for me."

"Anytime." Bulla smiled before wrapping her arm in his. "But not really cuz I don't think I would be okay with you having another wedding."

"That's ok." Trunks said softly. "I don't plan on having another wedding."

It had been a beautiful day, the party was set up along a lake, and unlike many of Bulma's previous gatherings this one was small consisting of only family and close friends. Marron had accompanied the Gowen down the aisle as he threw flowers and stopped every few feet to explain to her that his dads were getting married today. Gowen was followed by Trunks and Bulla who waited at the altar for Goten and Gohan. Gohan and Goten appeared and all eyes were on them. But Goten's eyes were planted directly on Trunks. Once their gaze's met the nerves faded and they were both happy and filled with love. Gohan had to steady Goten to keep him from running down the aisle to meet Trunks. They made their slow procession and when finally they reached the altar Goten was all too ready for Gohan to give him away.

They exchanged sweet vows that they had no doubt both waited until the last minute to write, and the kiss was perfect. Everyone cheered, weddings were a happy thing. Looking out on the crowd Bulla couldn't help but notice that the scene had brought her father to tears. Bulla met his gaze and smiled at her father as tears of her own escaped. Everyone was caught in the moment. Except for Trunks and Goten who seemed to be in a hurry to get done with the wedding and get to the Honeymoon.

"I don't think I want a real wedding." Bulla muttered as she sat next to Gohan. The wedding had begun to wind down. They had finished pictures and cake cutting and now all that was left was to eat, dance, and bid the newlyweds farewell. "Way too much work."

"Too much work for your mom to do?" Gohan asked rewarding him an elbow in the side.

Gohan smiled softly and took her hand in his. He had not gotten a chance to speak to her at all today, she had been busy helping Trunks and he Goten. They had both been far too busy for each other. It was okay though today wasn't their day, today belonged to their beloved brothers. It was their turn to be happy and both Gohan and Bulla had been more than willing to assist.

Gohan squeezed her hand. His eyes had been on her the entire wedding though. From the moment he saw the Briefs standing at the end of the aisle waiting for Goten, Gohan had been locked on her. She looked stunning in her ice blue dress but he swore to himself someday soon he would see her in a white one.

"I guess we will just have to elope then." Gohan muttered as he leaned over to kiss her cheek.

It hadn't been hard for him to observe the outside wedding from afar, he had just found a tree to perch in and watched. They had both told him, but deep down he knew he didn't need to be there. It was only customary to invite the family, but an invitation did not always mean one was welcome. Chi-Chi would have loved to be there, of this he was certain. Nothing would have made her happier than to see her youngest child get married. 5 years, she had missed it by 5 years. In reality that was not a lot of time, but the days had seemed to creep on painfully slow since he watched them lower her into the ground. He was past trying to survive at this point, no instead he pushed himself each day to the point where he thought he was going to die, and then he awoke painfully saddened that he hadn't gone. He could feel it today though. This was the only thing that had been keeping him, now he could go tell Chi-Chi about the wedding, and she would be so happy. Goku rose out of the tree and departed, never to look back and never to return.