After getting Tobias into the house, Sarah helped Irene wash the blood from his body. Sarah said a silent prayer that there were no cuts on his body. While she was happy the blood didn't appear to be her brother's, she still felt uneasy. Where had he been? What happened to him? How did he get home?

If he was taken by the being she feared that he was taken by, the only way he would have been released was if something had happened. When she wished him away all those years ago to the goblins, the only way to get him back was for Sarah to beat Jareth's Labyrinth. So what happened to get Tobias back this time? She hoped her brother could tell her what happened.

Once Tobias was washed and clothed, he was tucked into bed. He stared at the ceiling, never blinking or speaking. Irene and Sarah both tried talking to him, but it was useless. He made no indication that he even heard them.

Over the next week, Irene barely left his side. She forced water and a little bit of food into his mouth, but it wasn't enough. Each day he grew paler. Irene prayed over him all day, asking God to save him from whatever evil spell he was under.

Sarah kept a watchful eye on things around the farm. While the crops, flowers, and even the grass around the farm continued to die, there was plenty of life in the woods. She spotted numerous faerie rings, heard whispers and laughter from the woods, and the few pieces of jewelry Irene had kept with her had suddenly vanished. Sarah was of course blamed for that.

The twins had been spending more time whispering to the black goat, but no longer sang their obnoxious song or dance around him. They simply sat in the hay talking quietly with him. Occasionally they would give Sarah odd looks as she walked by, but Sarah tried to keep her distance from the beast.

One evening, when Irene was finally convinced to leave Tobias's side, Sarah sat by her brother and held his hand. He felt cold to the touch and was white as a sheet. "Oh, Toby..." She sighed as she kissed his hand. "What happened to you?" Tears welled up in her eyes as she brushed his hair from his face. His blue eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. "Were you taken again? Did he do this to you?"

Sarah laid her head beside her brother as the tears streamed down her face. She cursed herself. If only she hadn't wished him away all those years ago, maybe none of this would be happening.

"The babe..."

Sarah sat up when she heard the voice. "What?"

"The babe..." Tobias mumbled.


"Remind me of the babe..." He continued to mumble.

"Babe? What babe? Tobias, what are ye talking about?"

Tobias just kept repeating the same thing over and over. Sarah called her father to the room. Robert rushed to his son's side and took his hand. "What is it, my boy? Tell me what's happened to thee."

Irene, hearing the commotion, rushed in and pulled Tobias into her arms. "My baby, my baby..." She sobbed as she rocked him in her arms. "Praise be to God."

"The babe..."

As Sarah watched the scene before her, she felt a cold shiver run down her spine. Before she had time to react, the twins ran in shouting, "Tobias! Tobias!"

Robert grabbed them both and kept them from tackling their mother and brother. "Give him some space."

"Black Phillip said he was awake." Michael grinned.

"He said we could play with Tobias now," Grace added.

Their comments filled Sarah with dread. "Father..."

"Relax children. Your brother only just started talking." Robert said, ignoring Sarah. "All he is saying is the babe. I haven't the faintest idea what he's talking about."

"Babe with the power..." Tobias looked at his father and kept mumbling.

"Jesus." Irene smiled as she kissed Tobias's head. "My boy is asking that the son of God help him through this." She bowed her head and started praying.

Robert had the twins sit by their brother and bowed his head and joined his wife in prayer. Sarah moved closer and joined them in prayer. After a moment, Sarah noticed the twins weren't praying. "Grace, Michael, bow your heads," she instructed.

Realizing that they weren't praying, Robert opened his eyes. "Pray children. Thank the Lord for returning your brother to us."

"I can't," Michael said as he grabbed his stomach, his face scrunched up as if in pain.

"I've forgotten how to pray," Grace added as she also grabbed her stomach.

Their lack of prayer was quickly forgotten as Tobias started to spasm. He writhed and cried out in pain. "No! I won't go back!"

"Tobias, speak to me." Irene held his hand as tears poured down her face. "What has happened to thee?"

The boy sat up and started coughing and grabbed his throat, his breathing labored. Robert patted him on the back as he whispered to him. Continuing to hack, Tobias doubled over, his body shaking as it tried to purge itself of something. Sarah grabbed the twins and tried to pull them from the room, but they fought her every step of the way. With one final heave, a blood-covered object flew across the room, stopping at Sarah's feet.

Seeing what it was, Sarah froze. The twins broke free of her grasp and rushed back to their parents. Tobias fell forward, unconscious, and Irene grabbed him pulling him to her.

"I don't want to be a goblin!" Michael exclaimed.

"Goblin?" Irene slowly laid Tobias back on his bed and stood. "What are thou talking about?"

"Tobias is going to turn into a goblin," Grace said quickly. "Sarah did it! She witched him away. I heard her. She was going to let us be turned into goblins!"

"What nonsense is this!" Robert demanded as he stood. He grabbed Grace by the arm and made her look at him. "Tell me now, child, is what you speak the truth?"

"Aye!" Grace cried as her father squeezed her arm. "I heard her! She said she'd let him make us into goblins!"

"Sarah, tell me truthfully, did thee say such things?" Robert asked as he turned to glare at his oldest.

"Witch!" Irene cried. "You cursed my boy and this family!" She lunged at Sarah and grabbed her by the throat. "I should have drowned thee long ago!"

As Sarah fought against her stepmother, the twins started chanting, "Power of voodoo, power of Voodoo..."

Robert struggled to pull his wife off of Sarah. "Let her go, woman!" He pried her hands away from his daughter's throat and tossed her to the side. He pulled Sarah to him and hugged her close. "Shhh..." He rubbed her back and guided her outside.

Outside, Robert let go of Sarah and paced around in front of the barn. "Sarah, you know I love thee, correct?"

"Aye, Father, and I love thee."

Sighing, Robert ran his fingers through his hair. "I know losing your mother was hard and ye haven't' always gotten along with Irene, but tell me and I want the honest truth. Are ye a witch?"

"What?" Sarah's eyes bugged out. "No, of course not.

"Have ye made a pact with the devil? Did ye sign his book?"

"No! No!" Sarah fell to her knees in front of her father and grabbed his hand. "I would never do such a thing! I am no witch!"

"Then explain what I saw inside? What happened to your brother? Why did the twins forget how to pray?" Robert demanded.

Sarah hesitated. She had no idea why the twins acted the way they did. "I..."

"Did you witch your brother away?" Robert questioned.

"No, I..." Sarah debated telling him about wishing Tobias away to the goblins but thought better of it. That would be the same as telling him she was a witch and would surely anger her father. "Wait... the twins!"

"What about them?" Robert was growing impatient.

"They talk with Black Phillip. Doesn't the devil often take the form of a black goat?" Sarah stood and looked around. "I knew something wasn't right about that goat."

Robert thought about what Sarah said and charged back inside the house. The twins were still chanting bout voodoo and Irene was crying over Tobias's sleeping form. "Enough!" He grabbed the twins by their arms and pulled them to the center of the room. "Are thee witches? Have thee made pacts with the devil in disguise as Black Phillip?"

The twins instantly turned silent and stared at the floor. When neither spoke, Robert grabbed them and drug them outside. "Sarah, Come with me!" The twin screamed the whole way to the barn until he pushed them inside. Sarah followed her father obediently. "Since ye will not tell me the truth, you can stay in there with your Black Phillip!" The twins cried and begged him not to leave them there.

Before Sarah could react, her father shoved her into the barn with the twins. "Wait!" Sarah tried to fight but he was too strong.

"The three of you shall remain here tonight," Robert stated as he placed a board across the door, locking them in.

Banging on the door, Sarah pleaded with her father to let her out. "Tis not fair!" Sarah cried. "Please, Father, don't leave me here with them! You can't leave me locked up with that beast!"

Robert ignored their pleas and cries to let them out and returned inside to see to Tobias, who was still unconscious. The twins huddled together in a corner and watched their sister as she paced. Sarah kept her eyes on Black Phillip, who was tied to his post in the back of the barn.

Grace rubbed her arms and looked around, unsure of what to do. "Sarah."

"Yeah?" Sarah wasn't sure she wanted to talk to either of them at the moment, but something about Grace's tone made her respond.

"Were you really going to have us turned into goblins?" Grace asked as she grabbed her brother's hand.

Sighing, Sarah sat down. "No, Grace. I would never let you or Michael become goblins. I made that mistake once."

"What?" Michael's eyes bugged out. "Are you a witch Sarah?"

"No, no. I just made a mistake." Sarah motioned for them to come closer and after a moment of hesitation, both moved closer to their sister. She told them the story of how she learned about the Goblin King and in a moment of frustration said the words that would haunt her for years. The twins listened intently as Sarah told of her adventures in the Underground and how she saved Tobias.

When she was done, Grace sat on her lap and hugged her. "I'm sorry, Sarah."

"I'm sorry too," Michael added as he leaned against her.

"We were just having fun." Grace explained.

Sarah smiled and hugged her siblings. "It's alright. We just have..." She froze as she glanced over to where Black Phillip was always tied. The rope had been chewed threw once more and the black goat was gone.


Once the sun went down, Sarah found herself feeling extremely on edge. The twins stayed by her side and their parents hadn't bothered to come out to check on them. Sarah did her best to keep them warm once the night air became chilled. The goats and chickens huddle by the children and all seemed quiet. Too quiet.

Sarah had searched but found no way that Black Phillip could have gotten out of the barn. There were no holes and the door was still locked from the outside. Sarah had a theory, but she kept it to herself. "Does he really talk to you?" She asked Grace.

The young girl shrugged. "I like to think that he does. I hear a voice in my head at times. Does that make me crazy?"

"No, Grace. You're not crazy. Just be careful listening to voices in your head."

The night was dark and cold and filled with strange sounds. Despite all the odd noises the animals in the barn with Sarah and the twins were calm and sleeping peacefully. The twins eventually passed out from exhaustion and Sarah kept watch over them till she started to doze off herself. Just as she was drifting off, the barn door opened.

Black Phillip stood at the barn door and his eyes seemed to glow. Sarah stood and stepped forward as he stared at her and the twins. "Did you come to free us?"

Phillip tilted his head as if considering her question. He shook his head, snorting and stamping the ground with his hooves. Sarah was certain he was preparing to charge and she was correct.

Sarah barely managed to grab Grace and Michael and pulled them to safety as the goat charged them. She raced for the barn door but it closed just before she reached it and refused to budge. "Father! Help!" She cried out but was certain her father and stepmother were asleep and even if they heard her cries the would most likely ignore them.

Turning to look behind her, Sarah saw Phillip preparing to charge again. Frantically she searched for something to use to defend herself or somewhere to get out of his reach. She saw a rope hanging from the rafters and grabbed Grace, who was hiding behind her. "Quickly, climb the rope to the rafters." She said as she lifted the girl up so she could reach.

Grace grabbed the rope and slowly climbed up, stopping only to scream as she saw Phillip charge again.

Sarah held Michael in her arms and dodged at the last second as the goat attempted to ram into her with his black horns. He missed the children and ran into the wall his horns impaling the wood.

Sarah quickly lifted Michael up and told him to join his sister on the rafters. Just as he climbed up and grabbed the wood by Grace, Phillip shook his head free of the wall and turned to face Sarah.

"Look out!" Grace cried in fear.

Sarah looked back in time to see Phillip charge once more, but not at her. Blinking in confusion, she watched as he ran into the support beam in the center of the barn, causing the entire building to shake. Grace screamed and held on tight as Michael, who had been attempting to climb onto the rafter, nearly fell.

"He's after the twins..." Sarah realized. As the goat rammed the pole a second time, Sarah grabbed a pitchfork and got between him and the pole. "Hurry! Climb up the rafters to the roof. Thou should be able to climb through if you go to where the hole is."

Michael wasted no time scurrying up the beams. Grace hesitated as she watched her sister fend off the goat. "What about you?"

"I'll keep him away from the beams. Once ye get out carefully climb down and open the door." Sarah explained as she slowly forced the goat to back up.

Reluctantly, Grave joined up brother higher on the beams and they made their way to the hole in the roof. The hole itself wasn't large enough for them to crawl through, but they could reach through and pull at the thatching. Once they started pulling at the sides of the hole, dried leaves, grass, and straw started raining down on Sarah.

She backed away to avoid the debris and risked a glance up just in time to see Michael scrambled up on to the roof. She only took her eyes Phillip for a moment, and that was all the time he needed to slip by her and charge the support beam once more.

Up on the roof, the twins had managed to escape and were looking for the best place to climb down. As they stood on the edge of the barn's roof, the building shook and they screamed as they lost their footing.

Inside, Sarah swiped at the goat with the pitchfork and tried to chase him from the pole. She heard the twins scream followed by a loud sickening thud. "No..." dreading what that sound meant, she dropped the pitchfork and raced to the door. The door pushed open with no effort and she raced out, leaving Black Phillip behind.

Sarah came to a halt once she rounded the corner. By the light of the moon, she found her young siblings laying in the dead grass, their eyes staring at the stars. They would have looked peaceful if not for the blood dripping from their noses and lips along with the odd angles their lips were positioned in.

"No!" Sarah fell to her knees, tears pouring down her face. "Grace...Michael..." she sobbed.

As Sarah buried her head in her hands, Black Phillip came up behind her and observed the scene. Finding nothing of interest, he turned and return to his usual place in the barn.

Once Sarah got over the shock of the death of her siblings, she got up, wiped her eyes and went to wake her Father. She would most likely be blamed for their deaths, but it didn't matter anymore. Tobias was unconscious, possibly dead, her youngest siblings

The front door was locked, which she found unusual. Banging on the door she called out to her father. There was no answer, in fact, she couldn't hear a sound at all, inside or out. Glancing around she saw Phillip watching her from the barn, his eyes seemed to glow red for a moment then he vanished into the shadows.

A shiver ran down her spine and she banged on the door again with more urgency this time. After several attempts with no luck, Sarah sat by the door with a heavy sigh. Glancing in the direction of the barn she thought of the twins. She blamed herself. If she hadn't sent them up on the roof maybe they would be alive. If she hadn't wished Tobias away all those years ago, maybe none of this would have happened.

The night grew colder and darker as Sarah sat by the door. Despite her determination to stay awake, she soon fell into a deep slumber. She slept till morning when the sound of her father coming outside woke her.

Blinking her eyes, Sarah started to stand when she saw her father walking towards the barn. "Father..."

Hearing her voice, Robert turned to face his daughter, surprised that she was no longer in the barn. "Sarah, what are you..." The rest of his sentence went unspoken as two large horns tore through his stomach.

Sarah covered her mouth, too shocked to scream and too scared to move an inch.

Robert looked down at the horns protruding from his stomach. The horns quickly disappeared as the black goat pulled back and shook his head. Robert clutched his gut with both hands and stumbled forward. Sarah started to run to her father, but the goat charged him again, knocking him to the ground. As the goat trampled her father, Sarah raced to the barn to grab the pitchfork.

When she came back, Balck Phillip was gone, and Robert was face down in the dirt, muddy hoof prints covering his back. Rushing to his side, Sarah dropped the pitchfork. "Father!" She rolled him over and placed his head on her lap. "No! No!" She cried as she cradled his head.

"Get away from him witch!" Irene screamed as she ran out of the house. She grabbed Sarah by the hair and tackled her to the ground, Robert's body lying limp beside them. "You killed him!"

"No!" Sarah protested as she tried to fight off her stepmother. "It was Black Phillip! He did everything." She tried to explain but Irene wasn't listening. She had her hands around Sarah's throat and was trying to strangle her. Sarah fought back, but she wasn't a match for Irene. The woman may have been skinny and frail looking she was stronger than she looked. Sarah felt her tightening her grip and began to feel light-headed as she struggled to breathe. With all the strength she had, Sarah rolled forcing Irene on her back. She had hoped to catch Irene off guard and break free. She completely forgot about the discarded pitchfork.

Irene's grip on Sarah loosened and her eyes went wide. Sarah pulled away and stood. That's when she realized what had happened. The blood bled through Irene's dress and she choked and wheezed before her head fell to the side and her chest stopped rising and falling. She was dead.

Sarah looked around. Her father lay near Irene, also dead. Around the side of the barn, the twins lay in the grass, also dead. Blinking, she looked around. There was no sign of Black Phillip or anything else. Sarah went back inside and found Tobias still laying on his bed. "He's probably dead too." She thought as she returned to the kitchen. "They're all dead."

Sarah sat at the table with her head down. She knew she should close the door, find her Father's gun, and prepare herself for when Black Phillip came for her. No not Black Phillip. It was him. Phillip was just a rouse, a disguise he used to get close to her. He was responsible for everything. He took everything from her. What more did he want?


Hours later, Sarah woke. Her neck was sore and it was not completely dark outside except for the light of the moon. She stood, stretched and removed her blood-covered dress. She knew what she had to do. Walking outside, she looked for the black goat but found no sign of him. Nor did she see any of the other animals. All she saw were the corpses of her family.

Entering the barn, Sarah lit the lantern and took a deep breath. "Black Phillip I conjure thee to speak to me." She waited but nothing happened. "Speak as thou does to Grace and Micheal. I know thou understands my English tongue. Speak to me!"

She stood there in silence for a long while. Just as she turned to leave, a voice whispered. "What does thou want?"

"What can thou give?" Sarah knew his tricks. He would tempt her, try to get her to give up something of value. But what more could she give? He had already taken her family.

"Would thou like the taste of butter?" The voice whispered. Sarah felt a presence behind her and could have sworn a hand caressed her shoulder. "A pretty dress?" The invisible hand ran down her arm and around her waist. "Would thou like to live deliciously?"

Sarah could feel his breath on her neck, the brief brush of lips against her ear. "What does thou want in return?"

He ignored her and asked, "Would thou like to see the world?"

"What will you from me?" Sarah demanded.

"Does though see the book before you?" He whispered. Sarah looked and suddenly a black book was in front of her. "Remove thy shift." He instructed.

"Why? I can not write my name. Why dost thou do all this?" Sarah turned to face him, but all she saw was a black shadow. " Show yourself, Black Phillip... Or should I say Jareth?"

A shadowy hand took her and pulled her to the book. "I will guide thy hand."

"Remove thy hand from what's mine."

The shadow let go and she turned to see Jareth standing to her right. He looked as regal and intimidating as he did all those years ago. "Jareth?" Sarah asked confused.

"Hello, Sarah. You've grown." He gave her a feral grin and moved to stand between her and the shadow. "I see you hadn't changed at all brother. Still trying to take what is mine."

The Shadow changed into a man almost as tall as Jareth with similar features. "You mean what should be mine." he snarled. "I'm the eldest and as such, I should be King!"

"But you're not." Jareth glared. "You try my patience with these games. I will not give you my Sarah."

The other Fae chuckled. "You grow soft brother. Caring for humans now. Nice trick by the way with the peach in the boy. You saved him from my curse."

"Tobias lives?" Sarah asked with a hopeful heart.

Jareth nodded. "I protect what is mine. Nothing more, nothing less." Jareth replied. "They both belong to me and I won't let you have them." Jareth turned and placed a hand on Sarah's shoulder, gripping it tight enough to cause her slight pain. "Now leave."

The shadow vanished and Jareth let go of Sarah. As he started to walk away, Sarah called out to him. "Wait!"

Turning back he smirked. "Did you want something, precious thing?"


"Why what?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Why did thou save Tobias? Why did thou stop me from signing his book?" Sarah asked as she took a step towards him.

"Make no mistake child, you and your brother are mine. You have been since the moment you wished him to me." Jareth placed his finger under her chin and made her look into his mismatched eyes. "I won't let another have you."

Again he turned to leave, but this time Sarah grabbed his arm. "Wait, does thou intend to leave us here alone? What of my parents? Grace and Michael?"

"What of them?"

"Can ye not bring them back?"

"Even if I could why should I?" he questioned. "They serve no purpose to me." He pulled his arm free and headed once more for the door.

"We'll die out here alone."

He tilted his head as he turned to look at her. "What would thou have me do?" Before she could reply he summoned a crystal and juggled it from one hand to another in front of her. "Would thou like a pretty dress?" He held the crystal out to her and inside she saw her self dressed all those years ago in the ballroom. "Would thou like to dance and be merry? To live deliciously as a Princess? Or even as a Queen?"

Sarah started to take the crystal but pulled her hand back and the last second. "What of Tobias?

"He was a lively little chap and as he also belongs to me I shall take him to the castle as well if that is what thou wishes." He held the crystal out once more. "Does thou want it?"

Sarah reached for it once more and gasped as he tossed it up into the air. She scrambled to catch it, not daring to let it hit the ground. Once her fingers wrapped around the crystal, she vanished.


Months later someone from the village came searching for Robert and his family. They searched for days before they found his farm. They were horrified to find he decayed corpses of two adults, whom they assumed to be Robert and Irene, and two small children that appeared to be Grace and Michael. There was no trace of Sarah or Tobias and they searched for a week, but never found them. They could only pray the two children met a better fate than the rest of the family.