"Andre Anthony Grimes!" Michonne called out, turning the corner into the living room, a drowsy Judith on her hip, her little arms loosely draped around her Mama's neck.

She pulled her baby girl across her chest, taking a moment to kiss the thick, downy curls covering her head. Her heart swooned as the current baby of the household softly sighed, then tucked her head under the cozy nook of Michonne's shoulder.

Leaning against the arched doorway, she watched Andre quickly turn towards her, before turning back around so that Rick could zip up his costume and spin him around for Michonne's inspection. She smiled, watching the toasty flames from the fireplace envelope two of her most favorite people in an ethereal glow.

"You look so pretty Mom," Andre said, excitedly clapping his hands and finally rousing his sleepy sister.

"She does, doesn't she," Rick murmured, turning to gaze back at his wife.

As Carl nodded his agreement from the couch, Judith squirmed out of her mother's arms and ran to the waiting arms of her eldest brother, who promptly lifted her onto the couch and pulled her to his side.

"Thank you babies," Michonne replied, walking over to take the spot on the other side of Judith.

"And you look so handsome son," Rick said, taking a knee and giving Andre an eye-level smile. "Can't see how anyone beats the Grimes' this year. We got this thing on lock!"

"Daaaaaad!" Carl groaned, the ten-year-old never missing an opportunity to needle Rick on any attempt at contemporary slang.

Andre, chest puffed up, opted to ignore his big brother's' grumblings and instead gave his father a smile teeming with pride. It'd felt like forever, but his favorite holiday was finally here and this time, it had been his turn to pick their costumes.

Year two of Sasha's extravagantly themed Halloween party – this year's being The Family Who Plays Together… – had put a bit of pressure on the six-year-old. Luckily, big brother Carl had happily guided him to the perfect idea.

Shortly after Sasha eloped with the loveable red-headed menace on their first official date, a not-so-quiet rivalry began. Michonne may have been the only one not shocked by the lightning speed of their courtship, but that was only because she knew Sasha so well. The tough, sarcastic exterior shielded the softest heart Michonne knew. She'd immediately sensed the same in Abe: two halves of the same coin, just like Rick and herself.

She wasn't even surprised at how Abe had deftly convinced her citygirl-for-life best friend to move her whole existence to their small town, nor by how well Sasha had taken to their slower-paced life. At the end of the day, Sasha was like her, searching for solid ground; she'd found it in Abe.

What had shocked her was how promptly Sasha switched her Halloween allegiance from guaranteeing Michonne and Andre have the fiercest costumes, to ensuring she and Abe were recognized for the sheer epic-ness of their costumes. Luckily, friendship could sometimes override a new hubby, so Sasha was quick to assist the Grimes' on the final touches. But as Michonne bragged, she no longer needed Sasha when she had the 'fabulous' ideas of certain young Misters Grimes. Between Andre and Carl, she figured they had ideas for years to come.

Still, she didn't have the heart to tell her boys that Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI, complete with what was sure to be insanely period-specific accessories, could potentially trump their more upbeat interpretation of the theme. Sasha's macabre choice notwithstanding, the Grimes would need a bit of luck to get past the dynamic duo.

Rick turned to look up at his gorgeous wife, extended tummy visible through her spandex bodysuit. Walking over and sitting in the empty spot next to Carl, Rick patted his thighs, beckoning her to sit on his lap. As Michonne rose to grant his wish, Andre took her spot, helping Carl secure the black mask over the face of a skeptical Judith.

"It's starting to feel like I'm always pregnant on Halloween," Michonne whispered, leaning over and wrapping her arms around Rick's shoulders. "I hope you're not planning on making this a habit."

"Well, Mrs. Incredible," Rick teased, shrugging as he planted a kiss on her shoulder. "With you looking like you do in these outfits, can't expect a man to make promises."

"Mom?" Andre interjected, shifting Michonne's attention from Rick. "Do you think Judy'll remember this Halloween? She doesn't remember last year and I really want her to remember this one."

"I do 'member!" Judith protested, tugging the itchy mask onto her forehead.

"Aw baby," Michonne cooed, reaching past Carl to rub Judith's head before cupping Andre's chin and lifting his eyes to hers. "See? She does remember. It's just that memories are more like feelings when you're little. When she gets older, she'll start remembering more of the details."

Andre nodded, knowing that's how it was for him when he thought about his Daddy Mike in heaven. He couldn't remember this man who his Mom had a book full of pictures of, but he could feel him when he looked at the pictures. And that feeling made him warm and happy inside.

"If we keep telling her about, she'll remember right?" Carl asked, probing his Dad for confirmation.

"She will," Rick said, nodding as he pulled Carl in for a hug.

He kissed the top of Carl's head, drawing a smile from the pre-teen's lips, even as a deep blush reddened his cheeks and ears. He was growing up, but thankfully, didn't mind the affection everyone in their household was always eager to share.

Michonne laughed, shaking her head in wonder at how her entire world ended up being these four… soon to be five, souls on display right in front of her. Rick turned to look up at her, catching the gleam in her eye. She bent down to drop a kiss on his lips, inhaling his singular scent, the one that would always remind her of home.

"I'll help them put on their jackets," Carl interrupted, turning towards his brother and sister.

Michonne watched the three leave to get the jackets she'd organized by the front door. She released a blissful sigh, leaning into Rick once more. She looked around the home they'd built, already overflowing with so many magical, happy moments. She never would have imagined being able to move on from her loss. But she had, and so had Andre. They were happy, healthy, and most of all, surrounded by love, exactly like Mike wanted.

"Maybe you shouldn't be so cocky about winning this year. You seem to be forgetting that Sasha and Abe handed us our lunch last year."

"Nah, I remember. I just think we have the perfect theme this year. Meeting you and building this life together… if that's not incredible, I don't know what is."

Michonne rested her head on his cheek as he palmed her belly. Meeting Rick had been a call to her soul. A chance to lay down her fears and stand in the sun once more. This man had brought sweetness to the bitter she'd been given, showing her joy was still possible. They'd only just begun crafting memories and gratitude overwhelmed her; she savored every single one.

Hearing impatient rumblings from the foyer, they reluctantly rose from the sofa.

"Do you think we're ever gonna have a Halloween where I'm not in spandex or some related form?" Michonne joked, taking his hand as they walked to the front door.

Rick squeezed her hand, causing her to stop and turn towards him. He looked his wife up and down, his tongue running across his pretty pink lips.

"Sweetheart, not if I got anythin' to do with it."

A/N: Sorry for the delay. No good reason aside from my ridiculous aversion to editing.

As always, thank you for reading!