Power Rangers Cyber Force


Chapter 43: Warriors of Perseverance Part 1

At the evil headquarters, the dark cyber warriors are meeting together as they see that three of them are out of it. It appears that something has gotten to them in the ranger battles. "I don't know about the rest of you, but they have really gotten beaten by those pesky rangers". One of the dark cyber warrior said to them.

"Yeah plus those rangers even have the nerve to call them by their real names". Another dark cyber warrior said to them. The second dark cyber warrior is unimpressed by how the rangers has figured out their real names.

The third dark cyber warrior is pondering about something else as well. "How is it even possible that those rangers has found out about their real names is beyond me". The third dark cyber warrior said to them. It gives all of them something to think about in reflection as well.

The other dark cyber warriors look at them as they are thinking about the same thing. "Yeah we have never said anything about them to those pests". The fourth dark cyber warrior said to them.

Some of the other dark cyber warriors are thinking about it. "There is one possibility that he has some how told them about it". The fifth dark cyber warrior said to them as the others turn to it.

"What do you mean by a possibility about it"? The fifth dark cyber warrior asks the warrior as the others are getting the possibility now. It is becoming clear that the warrior is on to something about another cyber warrior.

"There is one of us who resisted from being turned evil. He is connected to that medallion, and that the ranger's friend has the medallion". The sixth dark cyber warrior said to them. He expresses it as he is making the valid point about it.

The other dark cyber warriors look at the sixth one as they realize it. "That human friend of the rangers, he has been seen in the battles recently". The seventh dark cyber warrior said to them.

"Yeah if we target him, those rangers will be protecting him as well". The eighth dark cyber warrior said to them as they have a plan up their sleeves. A new plan is coming together they seem to be in agreement about it.

"It is a brilliant plan. If we continue to target him, those rangers will get tried of protecting him". The ninth cyber warrior said to them. THe warrior is on board with the plan.

"Then we will strike to get that human friend and snatch the medallion from him. We also have the other rangers to personally target as well". The tenth dark cyber warrior said to them as the other three warriors are out of it.

"I have my eyes set on the pink ranger. There is something about her that draws me to her". A dark cyber warrior said to them as it stands up. He makes the announcement as he looks at them.

Another dark cyber warrior looks at them like he has made a decision. "The purple ranger is also mine alone as well". The warrior said to them as he joins with the others.

"I have my eyes set on that gold ranger as well". The third dark cyber warrior said to them as he also joins them. The cyber warriors nod as it is not long that they gather Digibots for their needs. The rest of the dark cyber warriors left the room to do other things.

"So what's the plan exactly for this"? The second dark cyber warrior asks them as the digibots are gathered with them. The three of them are coming up with a plan.

"Since there is three of them that we are targeting, I say we devise the play the bait and switched with a mix of divide and conquer". The first dark cyber warrior said to them.

"How that will work exactly though? I mean bait and switch and divide and conquer are two completely different plan tactics". The third dark cyber warrior asks them. The second dark cyber warrior looks at them as it wants to know the same thing.

The first dark cyber warrior smirks and grins as he looks at them. "It is quite simple. That human boy has always been around the rangers when one of us has attack them. On top of it, the same human boy has been there when somehow the rangers seems to figure out our real names when they say them. Plus a human can't be at two places at the same time. So my plan is this, have the rangers believe that the human boy with the medallion at three different locations, but in reality we will set up a trap for them". The first dark cyber warrior said to them as he explains the plan.

The two other warriors grin as they like the plan. "Although, we should have three digibots to appear to be the human boy with the medallion. That way, it will be a real bait and switch. Plus should we trap the human boy with the medallion as well". The second dark cyber warrior said to them as he thinks about it.

The other two cyber warriors look at each other as they do realize that point as well. "It would be way to distract the rangers even further. Once they realize that the trapped human boy is really a Digibot, they will surely come for the real one". The third cyber warrior said to them. The two warriors look at him as they realized that the plan has gotten even better. They used their powers to turn three Digibots into robotic versions of Elias. They head out from the headquarters as they put their plan together as well.

In the dungeons of the headquarters, a lone cyber warrior sighs as he is still trapped in a cell as the strong hold on him is still in place. 'The rangers are coming along with getting through to them. It is the only way that the power in this cell decrease. Once they have done it, I can go and do my duty'. The imprisoned cyber warrior thought to himself as he continues to wait for his ultimate release from the headquarters.

The next day at school things are about as normal it can be for the Cyber Force teens. Sofia looks at them as she is thinking somethings out. 'I wonder who is next to get a secondary power. I mean Maggie, Daniel, and Zeke has already gotten their secondary forms already. However with Daniel and Zeke's, how is the meaning of fatherhood have a significance to being a warrior exactly. I remember various stories about the rangers from Auntie Verna. One of the teams she talked about was the Spirit Warrior team. Each ranger had a power of a particular warrior type throughout history and what they represent in a way. From what I remembered, fatherhood is not one of them while leadership is'. Sofia thought to herself as she is wondering how she can tell the others about it.

The teens notice that Sofia is quiet as they are heading to class. "Are you ok Sofia? You are a bit quiet today". Maggie asks Sofia as they are walking around together. Zeke nods in agreement as he looks at his sister as he is curious about it. However, they have no idea what she is about to say that will change everything.

Sofia looks at the teens as she might as well let them know what she is thinking. "Guys, how come Daniel and Zeke achieved their secondary forms based on something with no correlation with Spirit Warrior team"? Sofia asks them as she is curious about it. The teens look at each other as it is something they didn't think about before.

"What does having a direct correlation with a team from over well over 150 years ago have to do with it Sofia"? Kwan asks Sofia as he is wondering if she is jealous of Zeke of getting his secondary form. The others look at each other as it is something to think about.

"I remember my Auntie Verna was telling me about the Spirit Warrior team and a quality of some sort that they represent. Fatherhood wasn't one of them, and yet Daniel and Zeke gained their secondary powers. Maggie gotten her secondary powers because she proved to that dark cyber warrior that she has the leadership of the warrior. That matches to the red ranger of the Spirit Warrior team. I think that Zeke's and Daniel's secondary power should have some correlation with the Spirit Warrior team". Sofia said to them as the teens think about it for a second.

Zeke looks at Sofia as he doesn't really buy the theory that she is cooking up with. "I don't know about that Sofia. Just because it didn't match to a previous ranger team, it doesn't mean it had to be that way. Yes it matched to Maggie, but it doesn't mean that will or won't be true for the rest of the team". Zeke said to Sofia as he makes a strong counterpoint to her theory.

The teens look at each other as they can agree with Zeke more than Sofia. "I agree with Zeke, Sofia. It might not have a correlation with the Spirit Warrior team. It may be a small coincidence that it did match with Maggie". Bly said to Sofia as the others some what agrees with him. Sofia looks at Bly as she feels her theory is destroryed.

Sofia gets up as she looks disappointed about it. The teens look at her as they are wondering if they just crushed her spirits. "Then how would you explain it then"? Sofia asks them as she runs off from the others.

"Sofia wait please", Bly said to Sofia as he is about to go after her. Maggie stops Bly as she shakes her head to the white cladded teen. "give her some space for now Bly". Maggie said to Bly. Bly looks at red cladded teen as he knows that she is right. The teens are wondering how they will talk some sense into Sofia.

After school, Sofia is alone as she sits at a park bench as she has other things on her mind. 'How could they dismiss my theory about it? Plus I have another theory, but they will dismiss it like they did with it earlier at school'. Sofia thought to herself as she is thinking about the second theory.

"Sofia there you are". Casey said to Sofia as she has Jade with her. The two older teens went towards the younger girl as they are happy to find her. Sofia looks up to the two tougher girls on the team as they sit with her.

"We were looking for you to head towards the main headquarters". Jade said to Sofia as she has her arms crossed with her. Her look in her eyes has that tough mom expression on her face.

"Why so they can dismiss more theories of mine"? Sofia asks them as she is annoyed about it. She looks down on herself about what happened at school today. She turns her head away from them as she is still angry about the conversation at school earlier today.

"Come on Sofia, you know that you are not the kind of person that gives up so easily especially on life". Casey said to Sofia as she is knocking some sense into the gold cladded teen. What they don't know is that someone is already close by to them.

"Yeah listen to Casey, you already have those moments when you really continue to fight even when the enemy wants you to give up like that". Jade said to Sofia.

"They are correct as well". A young woman said to them as she smirks to the three of them. The young woman even has Elias with her as she looks at them. She notices the expression on Sofia's face as she sits with her.

Casey, Jade, and Sofia looks at the young woman as they are curious on why Elias is with her. "Wait you are Tabitha the Blue Defender Beast Ranger. You were with us during the rescue mission a while back". Sofia said to the woman named Tabitha as Casey and Jade nods in agreement. Elias looks at Tabitha as he is wondering more about her.

Tabitha nods as she looks at them. "Thats correct, it is good to see you guys. Actually, I meant to talk to you three in particular though". Tabitha said to them as she has a lot on her mind.

Jade is a bit perplexed as she looks at Tabitha as she is wondering why Elias is even with her. "Why us in particular and why is the jock with you anyways"? Jade asks Tabitha as she is still unsure about Elias being around the other rangers.

Tabitha smirks as she looks at Jade as she is reminded a bit of herself when she was younger and a ranger as well. "When I look at you three, there is a word that fits so perfectly well that it reminds me of my own past as well". Tabitha said to them as she closes her eyes and opens her eyes again.

Casey, Jade, and Sofia look at Tabitha as they are curious about it. Elias is a bit confused as he feels a presence within him as the medallion is beginning to glow as well. "A word, what word is it though"? Sofia asks Tabitha as she is wondering about it.

Tabitha smirks as she looks at Sofia with a light smile on her face. "The word is perseverance. Daniel has told me about things in your life that made it difficult in life, and yet you three have achieved some success in it as well. To tell the truth, am I right"? Tabitha asks them as she has that knowing expression on her face.

Casey, Jade, and Sofia look at Tabitha as they realized that she is right about it. "I suppose that is right. Ever since the prank, I went from a social butterfly to a scared and bullied girl. People in my life has made my life even more difficult that I even almost ending my life. Even after I got help for my problems, I wasn't prepared to see Zeke again when it did. Even when Zeke and I became teammates on the same team, I refused to believe that he has changed until he was taken away by one of their officers. I knew that I had to end the hate towards him and fight for him. That officer didn't realize that I wouldn't give up on rescuing him". Sofia said to Tabitha as she thinks back on it.

Jade sighs as she looks at them as she doesn't really want to say anything about it. "I might as well say this as much. My life is not easy being hit at home. I pretty much didn't want people to be around me, and yet I end up getting close to others even when after I talked about the stuff that was going on at home. I guess I have pushed on in life without giving in to it". Jade said to Tabitha as she thinks about it.

Casey looks at Tabitha as she nods in agreement as she does have a similar painful past like Jade. "Yeah, I couldn't throw in the towel either. Growing up, it was me and Cliff in the hands of Aunt Tina McCoy. She always beat me and doing other really distasteful things to me". Casey said to Tabitha as she reveals her tattoos that her aunt had forced on her. "Even after Cliff and I were rescued, we were placed in that group home together. I knew that I couldn't be there forever, but I still pushed through all of that as well". Casey said to Tabitha as she thinks about it.

Tabitha nods as Elias realizes that Casey, Jade, and Sofia are stronger and tougher people than he orginally thought especially in Sofia. "Having the perseverance allows you to keep going in life. It is something that I know all too well. I also speak from personal experiences as well. Tabitha said to the three girls as she thinks back to her teenage days.

Casey, Jade, and Sofia are stunned as they look at Tabitha as they are wondering what she meant. "What do you mean by personal experiences"? Sofia asks Tabitha as they are just as curious about it. Elias is stunned as he didn't realize that the veteran ranger has some personal experiences as well.

Tabitha nods as she looks at the teens with a smile grin on her face. "You see when I was a ranger, none of my teammates had no idea that I was a homeless teenager". Tabitha said to Casey, Sofia, Jade, and Elias as she reveals a truth about herself. The teens are stunned as they look at Tabitha. "You were a homeless teen and a ranger at the same time"? Sofia asks Tabitha as this is new to her.

"Your life must not have been filled with happiness and rainbows right". Jade said to Tabitha as she feels that she can relate to the veteran ranger. Casey notices the speechless expression on Elias's face as they want to know more of the story.

Tabitha looks at Jade as she smirks to the purple cladded teen. "That is correct Jade. When I was a kid, my dad and I lived in the roughest and toughest neighborhood in Majestic Hills. My dad worked two jobs just to make ends meet. My mom took off on him and me when I was a little kid, so she wasn't around when I was growing up. However, when my dad died when I was 11 years old, I knew that I couldn't stay at that neighborhood for much longer. Since then, I raised myself on the streets and alleyways of Majestic Hills. I had to survive on the streets all alone. I had no idea that I had two older brothers or even other family members. I picked up fencing and street fighting as well to defend myself. I had to work hard in school and keep the appearance that I was in a safe situation. From time to time, I had to go into hiding from an overzealous CPS agent from taking me into their custody as they say it". Tabitha said to them as she remembers about that time in her life.

"How did your teammates find out about it though? I bet they were not pleased to learn about your secret". Casey asks Tabitha as she is inspired by the veteran ranger. Jade and Sofia nods as they are just as curious about it.

Tabitha looks at them as they want to know about it. "When I was a ranger, I was ambushed one night in the alley by a drone. It was trying to brand me with a strange mark. However, I was saved by a veteran ranger named Brandon Young. He was the one that found me in that alley. It was the next morning that the Neo Defender mentor came to our headquarters and asked my teammates about being homeless. They were in shock to say the least, but I managed to leave the headquarters for hiding. After I was found and brought back to the headquarters, I was not prepared to tell them about my living situation let alone getting use to know that two of my teammates are actually my half brothers. I was living on my survival instincts that got me through my hardest time in my life, and it is that perseverance that got me through". Tabitha said to the three current rangers as she remembers about her time.

Sofia, Casey, and Jade are stunned as they had no idea that the veteran ranger was actually homeless at one point in her life. Elias is also deeply surprised to learn about Tabitha's past. 'She is a lot tougher than she looks. She grew up on the streets, and yet she became a ranger just like them. She is the true definition of perseverance'. Elias thought to himself as all the sudden he is being pulled away and teleported away.

"I had no idea that you had to deal with all of that in your life Tabitha. Plus I do understand that we do share something in common with you of all people". Jade said to Tabitha as she does admire the blue veteran ranger.

"Yeah, plus I can relate to you on facing many hardships before and during being a ranger as well". Casey said to Tabitha as she smiles to the young woman. She and Jade are looking at Tabitha as a tough girl mentor as well.

Sofia looks at Tabitha as she remembers that the veteran ranger mentioned about her two brothers. "How did you warm up to them as being your brothers though? Plus are they still around now though"? Sofia asks Tabitha as she is curious about them as well.

Tabitha looks at them as her expression changes to a solemn expression as one of them is not alive. Just as she begins to tell her, their communicators are going off. "Guys, we got major trouble. There are three locations of digibots and a dark cyber warrior at each spot. Plus some how, Elias is held captive at each spot". Maggie said to them on their morphor.

Sofia, Casey, and Jade are stunned as they didn't realize that Elias is held captive by them already. "We are on our way Maggie". Casey said to Maggie on the communicator as they are getting concerned that there are three seperate battles. "We better go ladies". Casey said to them as they teleport to the headquarters.

At the headquarters, the teens spot Sofia with Casey, Jade, and Tabitha as they about to head to various locations. "Maggie, where are the locations of the sightings of the dark cyber warriors? Plus how did they got to Elias"? Jade asks Maggie as they are wondering how could have gotten Elias. The teens are a bit confused by it as well.

"That is a good question Jade. We better split up to fight off each of the dark cyber warriors". Maggie said to them as the teens agrees as they split into three groups. Daniel nods as they grab their morphors out as they are ready to morph into ranger form.

"Cyber Force Transform", the teens including Daniel yells out loud as they morph into ranger form. Tabitha smirks as she grabs out a morphor. If you guys think you are going to have all of the fun, I am joining in the fight as well. "Defender Beast Rise to Defend", Tabitha yells out loud as she morphs into her ranger form as well. The teens are stunned as the veteran ranger morphed as well. They head out to three different battles as they are about to find out that not everything is not what it seems to be.


I decided to break this into two parts since it has more than one character focus. Plus with the COVID-19 Virus being spread around like global wildfire, I am going to write more often than I normally do.

NEXT CHAPTER: Warriors of Perseverance Part 2