Author's Note

I'll try to keep the story line following along with the anime, though obviously there will be some changes with the new characters and such. Sorry for any mistakes, this is unedited.

This story is also available on Wattpad (Chasing Reality by sienasummer) where it is read as a x Reader so you can insert yourself into the story. It will also be updated more frequently on Wattpad and you'll also be provided pictures for each chapter.

For those of you who have already read the first few chapters as I'd written them originally, I'm sorry that I've had to take them down and make some changes, but I'll update them as frequently as possible. Enjoy!

Veronica sat beside her aunt on the dark leather couch, eyes downcast and back straight as she listened quietly. She'd been dreading this meeting all week, the conversation that could very well determine how the rest of her life played out.

"Mr. Todoroki," her aunt Caroline began, leaning forward and smiling at the stoic man who sat across the coffee table from her. "I can guarantee that my niece will be the perfect match for your little boy."

Endeavour grunted, his calculating eyes focusing on Veronica's small frame. "And what exactly can she offer? My son has developed two powerful quirks, and I'm not interested in arranging a weak and useless bride for him."

"No, of course not," Caroline placed her hands on the girl's shoulders. "And that's why I thought you'd take great interest in Veronica's... unique quirk."

He raised an eyebrow. "And what would this quirk be exactly?"

Caroline's grip on her shoulders tightened, her nails starting to dig into her skin through the fabric of her frilly pale blue dress. "She has what's called "Second Sight". Essentially, she has the ability to watch, hear and predict her opponents movements. The range is only 50 meters at the moment, but she's only 7, so we're working on increasing the range and endurance."

Endeavour nodded as she continued. "She also has the ability to physically transcend our reality, something she calls "Void Walking". She can move about and through things, all while being unseen and unheard."

"Show me," he directed his attention back to Veronica as Caroline released her grip on her shoulders.

Standing up from the couch, she closed her eyes, breathing in deeply as she focused on emptying her mind and feeling the air and world around herself. Within seconds she felt the shift in her body as it slowly dissipated, allowing her to merge into the world, into the Void.

Veronica opened her eyes and sighed, relaxing as she took a step forward through the coffee table, escaping her aunts watchful gaze.

Looking around the spacious living room, she noticed a small figure, his eyes widening at her sudden disappearance as he watched intently from the hallway. Red and white bangs fell into his face as he peeked his head around the doorway, intrigued by her quirk.

"Veronica," Caroline called. "Go and stand by the front window, then return to the physical world," she instructed.

The girl nodded, knowing that her aunt couldn't see her, and made her way across the room, turning to face them again as she stood in front of the closed curtains. Following the same process, she closed her eyes, focussing on returning to a physical form.

Endeavour nodded in approval as Veronica reappeared before them. "And her parents?"

"Gone," Caroline stated flatly. "Her mother died 3 years ago when they were involved in a car accident, and her father was never in the picture. I guess that's what she gets for leaving home to chase after a married man. Such a tramp," she tsked.

Veronica ground her teeth together, biting her tongue as Caroline slandered her own sister, the girl's hands slowly forming fists at the memory of the accident. "That's how this one discovered her abilities actually. She was in the back seat and saw the crash before it happened, then merged out of reality to save herself."

"Which brings us to where we are today. Veronica was placed in my care, and I've made sure to enrol her in of all the appropriate classes for a lady of high society. Etiquette lessons, multiple forms of combat, communication and hosting, etc." Caroline smiled smugly. "Nothing cheap, but it's to be expected of someone who will one day be in the eye of the public."

He smiled. "Of course. Why don't you join me in the other room and we can discuss further?" He stood and motioned for her to follow him out of the opposite door and into another room.

As soon as he'd left the room, Caroline turned to glare at her niece. "Stay here brat. Don't move or touch anything," she commanded before following Endeavour.

Veronica flinched at her harsh words. "Yes ma'am." She lowered her head to look at the expensive rug, placing her hands behind her back, waiting.

Once the door had closed and she heard their conversation resume, she peered her light blue eyes up through her bangs, glancing towards the doorway where the boy had be listening in secret.

Grey and turquoise eyes started back at her, full of curiosity as he shifted from foot to foot.

"Hi," she said, lifting her head to smile sweetly at him, just like she'd been taught. I have to make him like me.

He widened his eyes in surprise, ducking back behind the wall, before peeking his head out once more. So cute!

"It's okay," she cooed. "I won't hurt you. My name is Veronica, Veronica Unmei."

He nodded slowly, coming out from behind the wall to stand in the doorway. "I'm Shoto Todoroki." Shoto looked at her, caution in his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

Veronica's smile faltered. It's not like I want to be here. "I'm here to meet you!" She forced her smile to return.

"Oh." He stops to think, taking her answer into consideration before walking towards her. "Do you want to play with me then?"

"Sure!" Her smile became genuine. It had been so long since she'd been able to just relax and be a kid. Between school, her extra lessons and quirk training, she never had any free time anymore.

A toothy grin spread across Shoto's face as he grabbed Veronica's hand, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Let's go then!" He lead her out of the living room and down the hall, his grip on her hand tightening.

Not 10 minutes later the two of them were running around and laughing, playing with toys in Shoto's room.

Two hours later, that's where they found them, curled up together on Shoto's floor, picture books and action figures strewn across the room as both of them slept.