I don't own the Persona Series or Devil May Cry just the plot.


We all know a of a little run-down service shop named Devil May Cry, known for taking some…extraordinary jobs.

But…what if we replace it with something else.

What if… we replace it with another service shop that does the same things.

Only that their shop isn't a craphole like Devil May Cry.

This shop is run by four individuals, each wielding the same unique power.

A power that exist in ones soul.

A power that is only obtained by those with great resolve.

The power of Persona.

With such a power, making money has never been easier for these four.

These four are willing to give their lives for the world.

First they lived as High School teenagers.

Now they live as people of fortune.

So if you have a problem.

And no one can help you.

If you know how to contact them.

Then maybe you can get…WILD CARDS


Hey everyone this is Nicdragon8 here with another story.

This time my story is where the main Protagonist of Personas 3, 4, and 5 including FEM MC will be replacing Dante as the main hero in the Devil May Cry World, so in this world Dante does exist, but these four will be the ones going through all of his adventures from DMC 1 all the way to DMC 4…if I get that far in this, if I do than I will probably do DMC 5 when it comes out…probably.

I know this summary was short and hopefully you guys will figure out the movie reference I put in.

Anyway the first official chapter for this will hopefully be put up before I leave for vacation, I won't have time for writing at that time.

Anyway like always Favorite this, Follow this, or both.

This is Nicdragon8 signing off.