Author's Note: This is my first fanfic and I got an inspiration after reading so many good stories on here. I am a Jason/ Raven shipper at heart but do enjoy the pairings of our resident demon with various bats. This story is AU. Ahead will be minor lemons and otherwise adult material so young people that don't fall into the bracket for M rated stories...advert your innocent eyes.

I do not own the teen titans or anything remotely related to DC (although that would be pretty neato)

Robin/ Dick Grayson POV

He should not be here. She should not be here. It was suppose to be just businrss but how did it turn out to be this pleasurable?

3 months ago

Had he not known her for years as teens, he wouldn't have recognized her as the mysterious and now sinfully tempting goth titan. It was their shared bond he sensed first and then the soft pale flesh of her thighs that gave her away. When she'd gotten around to taking off the light cotton bag over his head his "buddies" had thrown over him as part of the scene they were setting for their undercover work, all movement stop. All sound stopped. The whole world stopped as they locked eyes. Cerulean blue eyes stared into deep amythest eyes.

Raven abruptly got off his lap leaving a deep aching within him. Just as Richard thought that was going to be the end of their interaction she grabbed his wrist, bid his coworkers farewell on both their behalfs and dragged him toward the private showrooms. He tried to aviod staring at Raven's ass barely concealed beneath thin black leather panties trimmed in a navy blue ribbon where her ass cheeks peeked out the bottom. Richard could feel his member twtich still burning from the ache. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt himself be thrown onto a leather sofa and a heavy wooden door slam. When he looked up he saw a very angry Raven glaring at his with her arms crossed over her scantily clad chest.

"What do you think you're doing here? Are you trying to keep tabs on all of us again?" She huffed and started pacing the dimly lit room, " I thought we were done with this, with us... I mean the team! It's been two years Dick, let us live our own lives."

Richard just stared dumbfounded, at a loss for words at her aggresive rant. All he could think to say was hello.

"Hello? That's all your going to say after you let me give you a lap dance in front of all your friends?

"Raven," he started, " I'm not trying to do anything to interrupt"

"Then what the hell was that out their? Hm? Were you trying to prove something to them or to me?" She cut him off.

"No, listen..."

"No, Dick," His nickname sounded so harsh as she spat it out at him, "You listen. You broke the team up, broke our family up for what? So you can go an start a new life in Gotham where you can be pals with Bruce again? I don't want to see you right now." Raven turned back to the heavy door and just as she put her hand on the knob, Richard stood up ready to defend himself. Next thing he knew Raven had tackled him back to the sofa but she was straddling him awakening his member again as she grinded into him.

"Rav-" He started.

"Shh shut up for a second," she hissed in his ear. She flipped around in his lap letting her ass rub against his pelvis now. She grabbed his hand guided them over her soft curves. He could have sworn he heard a light shwoosh coming from the entryway but brushed it off and he threw his head back relishing in the silky mounds he held in his hands and the coolness from Raven's hands on his own.

He heard that same sound again that drew him from his ecstasy and in the next moment Raven was across the room again. A soft chuckle escaped her lips.

"I was about to apologize but it seems to me that you didn't mind a bit." She cocked her eyebrow and pointedly looked at his croch. Finally having some blood return to his brain he followed her line of sight and saw his erect member creating a sizable tent in his suit pants. A blush crept up his face as he stood to adjust himself.

"Raven what the hell was that? First you yell at me, then cut me off when I was trying to explain and now you just jump on me again like were back out in the lounge? I thought you were suppose to be pissed for me being here, not trying to get me off!"

"Look Dick, you don't understand how this place works, how it runs. I only jumped back on you because Big Louie was 'checking on us for our safety' there's a sliding peep hole essentially to each room back here and I sensed him coming and didn't want to make anyone suspicious. You're turn."

"I don't like that Rae, that seems inappropirate and honestly creepy."

"Richard," she sighed, "you can't come to my place of business for a surprise visit and act all concerned. I know what I'm doing here and I know how this business works. So if we're done here, because I definitely am. Please leave." She went over to the closet in the corner of the room and pulled out a black satin robe.

"Raven, I promise you I had no idea you were here nor that you had to be the one to give me a lap dance. My colleagues and I have been planning to do some undercover work here to investigate the potential sex traffiking ring happening in this city. We have a lead pointing us here. The celebration out there was a front and nothing more. However, us meeting must have been fate." For a second he thought he saw her resolve soften a little and a pause as she was securing the belt on her robe. He continued, "I mean you could give me insider information and I can help you get out of here!"

Whatever softness he thought her body language held immediately dissolved. "You never changed a bit Dick, and for being a big shot detective you are so clueless. Not to mention I don't need you help to get out of here, I am where I'm suppose to be-"

"You don't belong her Rae, you use to be a superhero, what happened? You have so much to you that can be using for good. Don't waste that!"

Raven chuckled darkly. "I'm here because I'm undercover too boy blunder. Azar, do you really think I'm so hopeless without the team that the best I could do is work at a gentleman's club? Thanks for that and no I don't think we need the Gotham PD to work on the same case. We've got it handled."

"I'm sorry Raven. I didn't mean it like that. I just thought-"

"And that's where your first mistake was. You always think too much." The last bit she said with a hint of sadness. He went to reach toward her but stopped himself, instead he continued the weighted discussion at hand.

"I'm on the Bludhaven roster for the time being now actually, as both Detective Grayson and Nightwing."

"Oh great more potential run ins. Whatever, just drop this case. We've got it handled and we don't need any interference from either verison of you."

"Who else are you working with? You keep saying 'we'?"

Raven smirked a little. "Jason."

Author's note: The end of chapter 1! I've got a plan for this story and let me tell you it gets interesting. Let me know what you think! Please review and follow!