A/N: So sorry for the long wait. A shooting happened in my home town recently, and I've been struggling with that for a bit, along with life kicking me in the groin.

So a


This chapter contains come heavy stuff at the beginning. This is just for world-building. No views expressed blah blah blah. You know what I'm saying. Character is an asshole, don't blame me.

Back to other stuff, this chapter was fun to write, at least.

So here it is!

A boy with brown hair struggled to free himself from the grasp of a heavily dressed man, thrashing in fear and anger as he's dragged out of a house and tossed into the snow.

His breaths come out in burst of white fog, rapid and unsteady, as the man approaches his spot on the cold ground. The boy scrambles to get away, tumbling backwards into a tree a few meters behind his landing spot as the man, who had now removed his goggles and pulled back the hood of his parka, trudged towards him.

"Don't move boy!" The man shouted, causing the kid before him to freeze and stare up at him in terror, "I told you not to come here again! I told you, you little mixed-blood pile of resentment, to not. Come. Here. AGAIN!"

The man grabbed the boy, who had just started to scramble again, halting his escape. Roughly handling the boy, the man then began to raise him up, pushing the child against a tree. The brown haired boy thrashed still, trying to get out of the man's iron grasp.

"Stop struggling!" The man growled, "Look at me! Stop struggling! STOP STRUGGLING!"

The boy halted his movements, but kept his head turned away from the man. A gloved hand quickly corrected this, yanking his jaw, and as a result, his face, towards the man's own. Black-grey eyes met green, staring deeply into eachother, while the man still held tight to the boys aching jaw.

"When I say look at me, you look, get it? I told you once, and I'll tell it to you again now... don't come back here. You are why my daughter doesn't have a mother. Why we lost our homeland, so many of our people. I look at you, I see your father laughing as he raped my best friend and put you in her. I see that same woman dead from suicide after your birth. I see my wife being raped and brutalized in front of me as I guarded my daughter." He gritted out, his meaty breath blowing against the now crying child's face, "Don't drag your sorry hide back to my house ever. If I see you around my little girl once more, I will-"


A shout broke the man's concentration, loosening his grip for a second as he turned to face the newcomer.

"The hell are you doing!? What the hell are you doing!?" An older man shouted, marching quickly towards the pair.

The younger man dropped the kid in his hands at this, turning to face the other adult.

"Telling this piece of shit off for trying to rape my daughter!"

"To the abyss with that! He's seven for spirit's sake!"

The two laid their eyes on eachother's weapons strapped to their hips, before meeting their eyes in a glare.

"I told you that you're to treat Tatsumi with kindness, Tayo. Kindness. He did not commit his father's sins." The old man sighed.

"You know as well as I that that kind of evil runs in the blood. I refuse to treat this... thing with respect, Elder Matasa. He doesn't deserve an ounce of it!" The man returned with venom, "You can't boss me into letting this monster out among our people, eating our food, drinking our water, our houses hold him, our land is his hunting ground and one if not more of our daughters will be his prey!"

The older man held his cold look, rigidly standing up to the younger, enraged man.

"I've had enough of your stupid forgiveness! Forgiveness?! How can you forgive someone for a crime anywhere near the level of what those things did to us. To me" Tayo continued, "I won't let that mixed-bag mook anywhere near my daughter, my people, my house! Near me! Take that shit-stain out of my life! I say, we just kill him!"

At this, Tayo drew his knife, turning and sprinting towards the cowering boy, who quickly stood and ran screaming and cry as he did so, before-


Tayo stumbled, and the boy froze and turned towards the sound, only to see the man crumple like a sand bag to the ground, a growing patch of red snow beneath him. The boy didn't know what to do. The image would surely haunt him for the rest of his days. Not because he was disturbed by it, or scared...

But because he didn't feel anything at all

Tatsumi woke with a start. Nothing too severe, but still a bit quicker than the average morning. Maybe it was a side effect of, you know, coming back from the dead? Maybe it was the bad memories dredged up by the dream he just had. Who knows? He didn't.

Judging by the sound of the shower in the background, Esdeath had woken already. He supposed he would surprise her, make her feel good. And hope she made him feel good in return. So, he hopped from the bed, stripped, grabbed a new set of clothes, and entered the bathroom in a quick jaunt.

"Oh-ho! Bold today aren't we! I like it." Esdeath said as the naked form of her lover drew back the curtains of their shared shower, before pushing her against the wall with a kiss, "Mmmm... oh, even more than I thought..."

Tatsumi's hands soon found their way beneath his lovers bottom, lifting her up by the thighs and pushing her into a corner before entering her, not even asking or warning.

She liked it that way.

They kept it up, aside from small movements and breaks, for a few more minutes as the hot water ran down their bodies. To say their motions were desperate, or aggressive, would be incorrect. But they weren't gentle either. Enthusiastic may fit, but even that would feel out of place. Passionate was most accurate... wildly passionate?

It was distinctly Esdeath and Tatsumi, anyway.

It was only after nearly ten minutes that Tatsumi climaxed along side Esdeath, finishing inside her mouth as she orgasmed in response.


Nothing else needed to be said. Not really. It was amazing for both of them. Truly enlightening.

And over in a flash, without doing much but momentarily curb Tatsumi's foul mood, as it returned to the forefront as he dried himself and exited back into Esdeath's- or, rather, his room. Their room. He quickly waltzed over to the dresser in his simple pants and button-up, white shirt combo, pulling out a military officer's coat with Esdeath's army's symbol and a few insignia verifying him as a member of the Jaegers and as an official Colonel of the Imperial army.

'Colonel... Me, a colonel...' He thought, still frowning, though the edge had diminished again, 'I always thought I'd make it. Just never thought it would be this way...'

He finally gave a short smile.

'Best path, though.'

The green-eyed man then slipped his cap on, and looked at himself in the mirror, silently approving himself.

'You'll always be pathetic...'

The voice rang in his head again, filling him with anger in an instant, all good thoughts gone as he growled audibly.

"What's the matter, my love? Uniform not up to standard?" Esdeath asked, her hair shadowing her eyes, "I can have the seamstress sent to our... personal interrogation chamber, if you wish. We can-"

"It's fine."

His voice was somewhat raspy, and his answer too stern for even Esdeath to take at face value.

"What;s bothering you, then?"

He stayed silent and still for a moment, before sighing.

"Man in my childhood. Made my first seven years of life an absolute hell. Hated him, wanted to rip his head off. But I never got to, and it still irks me."

Silence reigned in the lovers' room. Esdeath stayed still for a few moments, letting her companion cool, before smiling and yanking him out the door with her.

"Whatever it was that happened made you fantastic so I don't really care." She said, her awkward and blunt words actually managing to stir Tatsumi from his slump as he boisterously laughed his way down to the dining hall.

Esdeath and Tatsumi were the last to enter for breakfast.

Because everyone else was eating lunch.

"Oh hello! Nice to see you this morning, Tatsumi! And you too, Esdeath!" Bols said jovially as he roasted some chicken in the kitchen off to the side, "Or should I say, Mrs... Actually what is your name again, I'm so sorry I forgot, this is unforgivable..."

Tatsumi just lightly smiled as he took a seat at the table.

"Names Farraios. Means Blacksmith. Father apparently made swords and decimated small tribes with them as well. Only piece of him I accept. Mostly because I feel it's a mockery."

Bols nodded wistfully.

"Our friends filled me in. I'm quite sorry."

The young officer 'tched' and shook his head.

"No need. He's long dead. And now, so is most of his people."

Silence hung in the dining room, atleast, among the newer occupants. Esdeath leaned into her lovers chest, stroking his fantastic muscles, which definitely turned her on.

She finally stopped after a few minutes, before eating the meal Bols had served... and then promptly returning to her absolutely-stacked-chest cushion. (His muscles were like steel, this was amazing!) He continued to stroke her hair as they sat, content.

"I have a meeting in a few minutes with the Prime Minister... but I don't want to move. Can you come along?" She asked gently.

"No, that would be rude and give you a bad look."

"Don't care about look. I want my pectoral pillow..."

"Well, I have my own errands to run, so this fits with my schedule as well."

"No. Not splitting up after we got back together."

He chuckled, standing up and pushing her off as he did. His coat and cape, resting on the back of his chair, quickly found its way back onto his shoulders.

"Life stinks sometimes, but we will have plenty of times that don't do so where we can be together. You have a few prisoners scheduled for this evening, remember?"

She smiled and got redressed herself.

"How could I forget? Well, suppose I'll see you there. Have fun on your little foray!"

The green-eyed man quickly found himself pecked on the cheek, standing with a hand over it as his fellow Jaegers either mocked or cooed.

He didn't care, he was too busy thinking of all the ways he could... enjoy... punishing those criminals this evening.

"So, it seems you're all set. Papers are in order. If you need to have help being escorted around the capital simply ask any of the guards, they'll be sure to assist when you show them your badge. Simple gist of where you're going is that palace on the upper district, see? Large, square, blue building? Yeah, that's the Jaeger's hall." A fat man with well pronounced jowls said, his loose neck-fat jumping as he spoke to the smaller girl in front of him, "A nod to the wary, don't head towards District 13 unless you enjoy... more carnal sport. Oh, and one final, final piece of information..."

The larger man sniffled sucking in air at an alarming rate before almost coughing it out.

"No one is as they seem. Not me; not you; not the small, sweet little girl you find on the street corner begging for scraps n' scrounge. No one is trustworthy except for those you can kill without looking. Be careful."

The girl nodded at him, before bowing. It was almost comical as she did, the huge longbow behind her nearly thwapping the larger gatesman. It was only cause for him to laugh, however, as he jovially bellowed out a call not unlike a rutting earth dragon.

"Polite, I see? It will, contrary to some statements, get you far if you kiss up to superiors..."

She pulled out of her polite bow, staring aggressively at the man.

"You suggest that you are superior to me. I should slit your throat. But I will be merciful, as you have been kind. Don't push it." The warrior girl said, growling out some parts, much to the shock of the gatesman.

"Ohohoho! That was not my intense, young miss! Simply a bit of advice!" He quickly blurted, his jowls wraggling as if they had a mind of their own, "No harm, no harm at all, Miss... Sahh-yo?

"Sai-Oh. Sayo. And it's Misses."

The man was once again shocked.

"Misses? You're married? To whom? He must find himself lucky..."

She shook her head in the positive.

"He will be. I am not married now, but I will be soon."

The older man raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm? Ahh. What is this man's name, if I may ask."

Sayo smiled.

"Tatsumi. Tatsumi Farraios"

Sayo then walked past the man, entering the bustling city as he just stared back, worried. Everyone knew the name of Sayo's "lover." For it was the man, that Esdeath intended to marry. Even though he knew this shouldn't go well for Sayo... he somehow felt, whether it was her aura, determination, or ridiculously large longbow that screamed death... he seemed to get the feeling that Esdeath was in for some fierce competition.

Tatsumi waltzed casually down the streets of the capital, military outfit and cape, the full regalia, adorning his form. He breathed in the smell of so many stalls; took in the sight of the many different people; listened to the many little conversations that filled the air with sound.

It was a gorgeous day. Simply delightful. And he took extra solace knowing that, at any moment, he could make every single one of these people bow before him. Before, he had feared an attack at any angle, and felt timid and shy enough to fret over any minor inconvenience he caused even one man. Now, he simply strode through and people moved. Why wouldn't or shouldn't they? He had earned every one of his laurels, and that marked him as an officer of the military and the law. He could, and would, dispense justice whenever he felt it needed dispensing, and they simpy had to move out of his way.

But one of the passersby clearly didn't get the memo.

"Hmmf!" He said in shock as he ran into someone, "Oh! Watch where you're walking, you could be hurt!"

He was in too good of a mood to be soured by some minor in... con...vien...


Everyone froze, turning to look at the commotion going down in the middle of the street. It wasn't- well actually it sort of was everyday that you saw an officer do something like this. Sad state of affairs indeed..

Well, this was still quite interesting, as it seemed like a positive thing was going down.

"S-sayo!?" He questioned again, looking down at the smaller woman, "You're- you're alive and well!"

"Tatsumi?" She asked, shocked written in her face, and a smile in her soul, "Is that you?"

The larger man quickly hugged the woman before him, squeezing her tight against him.

"I feared you were too weak to get through into the army. I'm so glad you did! Is that Captain markings? Already?"

She smiled up at him.

"I got a teigu. I'm actually here to join an elite group called the 'jaegers.' It's a force-"

"-headed by my love, Esdeath! Yes I know."

She froze. Her heart shattered.

'My love Esdeath!... My love Esdeath!... My love Esdeath!... Love Esdeath!... ESDEATH!'

The phrase bounced around her head. It couldn't be.

She tilted her head down, hair shadowing her eyes as an oppressive aura surrounded her, blue-green flames bursting to life on her hands and shoulders.

"Your... lover?" She ground out, "Your lover?"

She slammed her foot down, launching everyone around up into the air, sending them running off, screaming.

"WHAT ABOUT ME!" She screamed, "WHAT AB- ack!"

He struck her in the gut, her eyes white as blood flew from her mouth.

"I won't tolerate disrespect. Even if you are my childhood friend, I- mmgm!"

She kissed him. Unfazed by the punch that could level buildings she just took to her gut.

"That was amazing~! I'm willing to share you!"

He pulled away as he grit his teeth.

"WHO SAID YOU DECIDED ANYTHING ABOUT ME!" He shouted in return, only getting her to snuggle into his arms, "GODDAMIT! WHY AM I ATTRACTED TO THE CRAZY ONES!"

"Hmmmm~. It's because you're crazy yourself..." Sayo responded, kissing his glorious, chiseled abs.

"Oh yeah..." He said absent mindedly, "We're still talking about this, though."

Leone had run as fast as she could. Racing, she sped her way back to the outpost. Boss needed to know. She needed to know what had just occured in the middle of the capital.

She burst through the door, running full speed towards the one eyed woman, pinkette, and red eyed sword specialist in front her.

"You won't believe it!" She panted out.

Najenda stood, as Mine and Akame just looked on in puzzlement.

"Whatcha runnin' for? Got another one-night sweetheart chasin' ya down after you swindled him of just too much cash?" Mine said, snickering.

"No... No..." Leone took another moment to catch her breath, almost coughing her lungs out, "He... Tatsumi betrayed us! He's with Esdeath!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

This... was indeed important news. It shocked Akame to her core... and Boss seemed deep in thought.

"What an asshole!" Mine shouted.

"""NOT NOW!""" The three other women shouted, causing the pinkette to roll her eyes.


So, those of you wanting an update on, well, updates...

I don't have any more down the pipeline.

I've got two new stories I want to show, and a full actualization of the real plot of the Naruto story I wrote in the works as well.

The two stories are one for The Rising of Shield Hero called Irony (working title) where, basically, Malty is such a selfish, egotistical, cruel asshole that she goes full circle through a series of events and ends up as the good guy, while learning nothing and still being a egotistical asshole... and getting rewarded because she does accidentally do the right thing.

It's pretty funny.

The other story is called (also working title) Justice and is for One Piece. It's about a Marine Luffy and a backwards Strawhat crew in a universe where only a few men can wield Haki or Devilfruits (Did this because many reverse characters ended up female anyway, so I did it to explain the abundance of women. And because it's fun). What do I mean? Well how about a Nami that's the child of a female Arlong and Fisher Tiger, a female Usopp that wields a repeater-rifle and blames Yasopp for abandoning her, Kuina, and a Robin that works for a World Government that is... not so bad. Especially a particularly fun Gorosei.

Anyway... This is me signing out, until I publish one of those stories!

PS: Nortfolk is a name that the other tribes call the members of the northern nation. They themselves, in my world, are more Roman. For multiple reasons.

1. Tatsumi is a supposed to be half-northernnationer. He is a shorter, olive skinned, brown haired, green-eyed man. It fits pretty well.

2. Makes them different from the rest.

3. Rome kinda conquers a lot of little Germanic tribes

4. Rome falls to poor Emperors, overexpansion, and general instability. Same as the Northern Nation.

To add to this, multiple references are made.

1. Tatsumi's last name is Farraios, like Ferrarious, which is Latin for Blacksmith.

2. Tayo calls Tatsumi a Mook, which is a slur for both Asians (Tayo tribe, and thus, Tatsumi's mother's tribe is definitely Asian inspired) and for Italian males. It just fits.

3. Tatsumi's appearance, which I already mentioned, fits quite well.