I do not own Naruto. Only OC(s).
Akirai flexed her fingers. The frost in the morning made her fingers more stiff. She was grateful for the cold though. The training from the day before left her muscles sore. Shisui exercised with her through a few movements that would improve her fighting style and stamina. He was gentle, encouraging her through every part even as she muscles complained.
Rubbing her hands together in a poor attempt to create warmth as she entered her classroom, she spotted Kamano in one of the first rows. Without speaking, she sat next to him as he continued to stare at the front of the room.
Today was the big day. She knew without hesitation that she'd be able to pass the test. That wasn't what worried her. What worried her was if Kamano was going to pass or not. He always struggled with making clones- which was typically the graduation exam. Not only that- she'd be able to fight alongside her brother soon, and Itachi and Shisui!
A small smile graced her lips as she daydreamed the future- the four of them going on various missions together. Looking to her side at Kamano, guilt overtook her. He'd be able to go along with them she supposed.
"Good morning, class," sensei entered with a clipboard as he glanced over the class that echoed a response.
"Today is an exciting day as we are holding our graduation examination."
Tension within the room built up quickly.
"Going down the list of names, we will call each one of you to perform in a separate room."
Anxious glances shifted throughout the room.
"Okay, first up, Mikito Kamano."
Akirai looked to her side with wide eyes staring at Kamano as tension froze his body at the mention of his name. Standing stiffly he glanced up at sensi with a smile and turned towards the class, "Better set the example for you losers." A nervous laughter escaped his lips before turning back around as sensei led him to a back room. Kamano's hands shook visible.
Kamano didn't come back, which was to be expected, but she wanted to know his results.
About half the class had already gone by before Akirai's name was called.
Standing up quickly at the utterance of her name, she faked a smile, hoping that it'd calm her nerves. It didn't.
"Alright," one of the scorers looked down at his clipboard, "Hotake Akirai," he glanced back up with slight surprise and further interest, "create one clone."
Taking a deep breath, she pushed her nerves down. Allowing for her hands to perform the familiar signs, she opened her eyes to see her results. Only a few regular clones appeared behind her.
With a disappointed huff, the scorer in the front mumbled a pass. He waved his name to the side, allowing her to pass through the door to the right.
Shrugging, she was undoubtedly being compared to her brother - again. Not her fault she can't perform shadow clone jutsu or master her mother's families secret. Hard to shine when you're stuck in your brother's shadow.
A hard slap on the back brought her to her surroundings. A more classmates of hers passed than she thought. They talked eagerly about who'd they want on their team in small groups. Kamano was beside her smiling, a hand swung around her small form.
"So, you made it!" Akirai smiled back at him.
"Of course! How can someone like me not be able to make it?" He stood to the side, striking a ridiculous pose.
"Oh, silly me," Akirai played along.
"But look," Kamano became serious, "I wanted to wait for you so we can choose our headbands together!" He stood out of her view showcasing rows of hand bands of various colors with the Konoha symbol on them. The classic one being a dark blue.
Kamano and Akirai excitedly ran to the table, taking in the various colors.
Kamano settled on a classic dark blue that went well with his tan colored hair. Tying it around his forehead, he turned to showoff to Akirai.
Akirai on the other hand grabbed a dark blood red one that she was currently tying around her neck in a loose fashion. Kamano stared at her for a moment as she looked up at him.
"Whatcha looking at?" Akirai mumbled, becoming embarrassed.
Rubbing the back of his head, "N-Nothing," He looked at her before continuing, "Looks good on you."
Rolling her eyes, Akirai grabbed onto Kamano's arm, tugging him back to the classroom once the sensei's announced the end of the exam.
"Come on, we're gonna find out our teams!" Akirai bounced in excitement. The two friends always talked out being on the same team as one another, it'd be difficult if their dream didn't come true.
The ones that were able to graduate sat in the front few rows, staring at several shinobis.
Sensei took in front of them all, "Congraduations, you are all shinobi." Shouts erupted the classroom as everyone cheered.
Once it settled, Sensei continued, "And time to announce your teams."
Essentially everyone leaned forward, awaiting their names. As Sensei went through the list, the ones called went to greet their new Sensei and left. Akirai's classmates began to dwindle quickly without her name being called.
"Team 8: Hotake Akirai, Mikito Kamano, and Almakio Goichi," Kamano turned towards Akirai who was still leaning forward, listening. He didn't anticipate himself to be this lucky.
"Your Sensei is Asao, you may leave." Standing up, Akirai led the way as Kamano followed behind her quickly. Goichi shuffled his feet forward after them.
Once outside the academy, the children stopped, turning towards their Sensei, a full analysis washing over him. He didn't look too impressive compared to some of the others that Akirai saw. Average height and average weight. His tanned skin went well with his dark green standard uniform of a Leaf Shinobi with his dark brown hair but nothing to write home about. He just looked average.
Asao continued to walk, without commentary. Confused, his students followed wordlessly.
Exiting the Leaf walls, and entering the forest outside of the confining walls, Asao turned towards his students, sat down on the ground, legs folded and motioned them to do the same. Following his example, they looked at each other.
This was the first time that Akirai got to see Goichi. He had noticeably dark purple hair and freckles that spread across his cheeks. He wore dark green colors with tan shorts. The collar of his shirt was high, covering his chin that he attempted to hide his whole face with. Overall, he didn't look like a threat. He joined the academy about mid way in during the year from apparently a different country. There was many rumors around him as he didn't talk so no one knows the truth. Just a shy kid in too deep.
Asao began to talk, "My name Asao. No last name. You're first students. Tell about self- big goal." Akirai glanced at him questioningly, his accent being a broken Northern one. Definitely not from around here.
Kamano was the first to speak, ignoring his accent. "My name is Mikito Kamano. My goal..." he faded off into thought, looking at Akirai, she smiled at him encouragingly. "Is to become the strongest shinobi! And..." he faded off once more, coming up with nothing of interest to tell.
Akirai began to speak to fill in the awkwardness, "I'm Hotake Akirai, my goal is to protect the village." She was surprised by her own answer but continued, "I love reading," a habit she picked up from her father- she just didn't mentioned what genre, "and I want to some day go on missions with my brother and his friends." Kamano's proud shoulders sank and he mumbled something no one could hear.
Goichi went next. "I am Goichi," he didn't mention his last name, which was odd to Akirai but then again he was odd, "my goal is to prove myself." He spoke with certainty on that one thing. "And I love to swim." He added quickly without thought.
Asao stood up after the introductions were made and shook off invisible dirt from his pants.
"Time. Teamwork." Akirai was beginning to wonder if he purposefully spoke in riddles.
Asao led them into a more open clearing away from the trees and dragged out a pair of bells from his pocket. He stood in front of the curious trio and made a point to show them the bells by jiggling them in their faces.
"Catch bells from me," he grumbled. One of hands was cocked on his hip, a doubtful look on his face, "Two make shinobi. Third quits."
That dragged their attention quickly.
"What?" Kamano yelled too loudly for Goichi who moved away from the growing angry fur-ball, "You must be confused," He growled, taking into account his accent, "We are already shinobi! We passed the exam!"
Asao shook his head, "Catch bells, then shinobi." He stated once more.
The trio stared in shock. How? Why? Isn't it true that they were already made into shinobi? They all had to the head bands to prove it. Akirai rubbed her fingers over the engraved symbol on her head band. No. She worked too hard for this.
"Fine." Turning towards her teammates, "Don't worry guys." She tried to smile at the two as they looked at as if she was crazy, "We got this." She nodded. Kamano immediately understood that devilish look. She had a plan.
He nudged Goichi. He doubted both of them but he didn't have a choice either. It was now or never,
Turning towards their Sensei, Akirai nodded. "We'll take it."
Asao pointed towards the sun, "Have till sundown."
Kamano was hot on Akirai's heels. Their target was obvious. Asao hadn't even attempted to hide, instead choosing to sit in the middle of the clearing and meditate.
They were on about the fifth plan of Akirai's to take the bells. She lost count after the third as her frustration took hold. Asao seemed to evade all of their attacks.
This one was different however. It was going to be a sneak-attack rather than a head on attack. Plus they were becoming more desperate.
On the other side of the clearing, Goichi played with the sunlight and one of kunais, making it flash. Kamano copied his signal.
All was a go.
Goichi was the first to race out from the shadows. Asao stood up without raising his head. Several kunais flashed from Goichi's hands. Asao evaded them gracefully by moving his body in a dance-like movement. Kamano was next. He leaped out from the shadows of the branches and threw one of his ninja stars. Asao easily evaded it before Kamano flicked his wrist and it began to follow Asao with a quickening pace.
Akirai dropped down from the branches silently, lightly stepping further along the clearing, taking a good view of the scene playing out.
Goichi was on Kamano's heels as they chased after a frustrated Asao, still attempting to evade Kamano's ninja star as he continued to flick his wrist, sending small bursts of wind in various directions to direct it.
Akirai did a variety of hand signs before placing them on the ground, "Earth jutsu: Swamp!" She yelled out as the ground turned into a lumpy mud in a straight line behind Asao as he attempted to fight off the multiplying ninja stars and thrown kunai. Asao stepped a heavy foot into the mud behind him before he stopped. His eyes widen with realization as they landed on a quickly approaching Akirai.
Goichi and Kamano gripped onto the sides of Asao's arms, holding onto them with death grips. Akirai stretched out an arm towards the bells.
Akirai's vision blurred as Asao shook off the boys, a flying Goichi ramming into her, knocking her off her feet and Kamano going on the opposite side of them. Asao tried multiple times to loosen his foot, each attempt allowing the foot more room to escape. Akirai panicked, all of their hard work was gonna go to waste.
Goichi got off of Akirai, flopping over to his side with a grunt and noticing their Sensei's motions. Flying through a variety of hand movements, he yelled out, "Ice Jutsu: Snow Typhoon!"
Asao looked up in time to see the monstrous size of the storm building up towards him.
As the storm was fading, Akirai was the first bare the pounding bullets of building up snow. She clutched onto Asao's body, feeling it shiver as she was. She balled her fist over the frozen metal of bells on his belt. Yes! Yes!
Snatching it off his belt, she created a hold in the ground with her jutsu and began crawling out of it on the other side of the storm as it began to fade.
Asao squinted his eyes open, afraid that they were frozen shut, and was amazed at the sight in front of him.
Goichi held up a bell for him to see while Kamano and Akirai both held up the same bell.
"We all caught the bells." Akirai stated firmly.
Asao shook off the snow that had built up on him. He had to say, he was impressed. He never expected children to be so persistent on a singular goal. Nor had he expected such unique plans to come from someone as small as Akirai, who obviously led the pack. Goichi on the other hand, he was surprise. A jutsu on that scale wasn't natural for someone his age. There was something off about him as he hid behind that high collar.
The month passed by without anything noteworthy happening. Akirai trained with her brother nearly daily, both of them working on summoning jutsu. With her team, they simply did a lot of 'Team Building' D-ranked Missions or as Kamano and Akirai called them: Dick Missions. Always having to suck up someone. It was beginning to urk Akirai. She never anticipated that she'd have to do these simply things as part of being a shinobi. Certainly she never heard Akitoshi mention them.
As the trio walked through Konoha, Akirai spaced out as the boys mumbled about getting another D-ranked mission.
She wondered first what their real mission was going to be like. Where would they go. What would they do. She tried to imagine fighting a real shinobi, not someone like her teammates or brother, but someone with killer intent on killing her. Someone trained to murder. She shook her head out of the thought, sending a chill down her spine.
Seemed like fate heard her wishes as their Sensei held up a scroll for them to see.
"Leaving Land of Water." Akirai sat back in surprise. Huh. Maybe she should space out more often.
Akirai patted her sack of supplies on her thigh for the fifth time since leaving Konoha. Once Akirai got home in a hurry and told Akitoshi what was happening, he immediately dragged her and two Uchihas that were browsing the fridge to get new equipment. It was more exciting than she thought it'd be. With her savings from the missions she stared at the walls of various weapons shined against the sunlight that was pouring into the dusty stalls. Other stalls lining the market in Konoha sold various other supplies that surprised Akirai but Akitoshi spared no expense on getting her things. Shisui even bought her a few things- such as a light weight sword that mirrored his own.
The item gave her a small shock. That's right... she melted his own. She looked at the handle that was poking out from his side. Looking around the stand she motioned for the owner to pull down a holder for that sword. Looking it over, she bought it immediately. As Shisui turned around, talking with Akitoshi and Itachi, Akirai approached him slowly from behind. Draping the holster over his shoulder and standing on her tippy toes to pin it up. Shisui blinked in surprise but didn't react until Akirai was finished.
"What do you think?" She smiled at him warmly.
Shisui had to admit that it did fit him nicely. And he was growing out of his old leather holster around his waist. What could he say? He liked the Hotake meals.
Shisui turned around for the others to admire.
"Looks nice on you," Akitoshi responded thoughtfully. Itachi nodded in agreement.
Turning back towards Akirai who was beaming ear to ear, he couldn't help but smile. Pulling his short sword out from it's old holster, he placed into the next one, testing the grip on it.
"Looks like I won't be needing this one anymore." He unbuckled his holster and wrapped it around Akirai's small form.
Akirai sighed at the memory of his touch. So gentle. She blinked at her teammates who seemed to also be in their own world. Who would've guessed it'd be this boring.
"How much longer Sensei?" She grumbled. It had been days since leaving Konoha and that means days since her last bath. Ew.
"There, few days for city." He responded without looking at her directly.
So we were already within Land of the Water. The environment didn't change much expect for the noticeable thickness of the air- humidity. Must not be very far from Land of the Fire's borders since there wasn't much variation within the plants themselves. The same tall trees crowded in on the road ahead of them.
Goichi stopped suddenly, looking around the trees.
"What is it?" Kamano asked with an attitude, must be the lack of sleep if the bags under his eyes were anything to go by.
"Don't you think we should go this way?" Goichi pointed into one of the denser parts of the forests along the road.
"No?" I looked at him sideways, "Looks like we'd be eaten by monsters in there."
Kamano snickered at my comment, "Only you'd be scared of monsters."
"Didn't say they existed!"
Kamano was about to open his mouth to retort before Asao raised his hand in the air, "Silence."
Akirai went on high alert, looking around the edges of the trees. Kamano next to her stood in a fighting position.
Goichi looked onward with no sign of fear.
With a flicker of an image, a man in a mask appeared on the road ahead of them. Behind them appeared two more, a male and a female with their lower faces covered in a torn cloth.
"Mean no harm." Asao spoke loud enough for all of them to hear.
"Land of Fire always means to harm," the one in front spoke in a deep voice before rushing towards Asao who met him in a battle of fights. Asao dodged a few and took a few.
"Run!" Asao yelled out as none of his students went to move.
"Goichi!" A woman's voice sounded from behind them. How did they know him?
"Do it now!" She yelled out as they raced to met the children. The woman appeared unarmed and the male with brass knuckles and a long sword attached to his back.
"Goichi?" Akirai turned towards the purple hair boy who was looking downcast.
"Shouldn't done what I said..." He faded off in his words as he unsheathed a small knife from his holster.
Kamano was the first to wake from the shock, physically shaking with anger, "Traitor!" His voice boomed beside Akirai as he lunged at Goichi.
Akirai could hardly contemplate the scene in front of her. Kamano wrestled for control of Goichi's knife as two more enemy's approached quickly. At the sound of a deafening crunch, she looked behind her in time to see Asao bloodied and slumped against the burly man that he was fighting. One of the other men pulled out a bloodied sword. Flinging it to the side, spread a line of blood droplets across the ground. The man shook him off, tossing him to the side with a thud. A few cut marks were left on his chest and face and covered in blood... only it wasn't his.
Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes, blurring Akirai's vision. Taking out her short sword from behind her she shook with fear as there was several enemies approaching on either side of her.
"K-Kamano..." She whimpered, holding the sword in front of her.
The men approaching stopped abruptly. Glancing down at their skin, it began to melt off. Their flesh dripped in puddles of blood as they scratched and screamed at their own bodies. Only the whites of their eyes were visible as they howled in pain. Falling to their knees they clawed at themselves, attempting to push off Asao's blood. His last offense. Just like him.
The woman stopped her approach as well, staring at the men. "W-what..." The men fell in a lump of their own blood and flesh without another sound. Expect for the sizzle of their still burning flesh.
"How..?" The woman questioned Akirai, the closest to her. Taking a step backwards Akirai shook her head, unable to answer. "How could you?" The woman tore off the cloth hiding her lower face, revealing that her cheeks were gone, exposing the set of teeth she had. "They're dead because of you!" She raised her nails, as Akirai noticed that they were sharpened.
Lunging at Akirai, the woman screamed, "I'll kill you!" As the woman ran towards her at speeds she could hardly follow, Akira steadied her hands on her short sword, gripping it until her knuckles turned white. Raising it above her head, she drove it through the woman. Immediately the woman stopped moving. In shock, she placed her hands on the handle of the sword. Looking up at Akirai she coughed up blood onto her before going limp and falling in a lump against the ground. She twitched a few times before stopping, staring lifelessly to the side.
"Mother!" Goichi's voice sounded behind her. Turning, she saw Goichi running with his knife lowered at his waist. Akirai dazed didn't even attempt to move.
A flicker of tan hair went across her vision as Goichi reached her. Kamano was in front of her. He growled at Goichi, both of his hands on his shoulders, "Traitor." He spoke through grated teeth.
Placing both of his hands on the knife in his stomach, he tugged it out, still glaring at Goichi.
"K-Kamano..." Akirai voice sounded behind him without notice as he flipped the knife out of Goichi's hand and rammed it into his naval. A stunned gasp sounded as Goichi's eyes became wide.
"You ruined everything!" Kamano screeched as he lifted the knife upwards, slicing through the soft tissue of Goichi.
Goichi's mouth opened momentarily, gurgled as blood ran out of his mouth, a few comprehensible words escaping, "...set... free..."
Panting, Kamano turned around to Akirai, one of his hands placed on his wound, blooding seeping through his fingers.
"Lay-Lay down, please..." Akirai's wide eyes captured every moment as he smiled dully at her.
Reaching through her supplies, she ran through her mind on the basics of medical that she knew, tears piling up at her own frustration of not paying more attention. Her hands shook as they fumbled with opening up a package of gauze.
Kamano's hand gripped her wrist, "It's okay." His voice was weak.
Akirai shook her head, not trusting her voice.
Kamano nodded, his eyes began to dull. He pressed his hand harder on his wound, more blood spilling out through his fingers, blending with the others around him.
Akirai's tears began to streak down her cheeks, "Why? Why'd you save me?" Her voice croaked, "You could've lived a happy life..." The back of throat seemed like it was on fire.
"Rather than losing you, I don't mind risking my life." His smile began to falter. The blood draining from his face.
With his other hand, he reached up and touched her face, smearing her tears with blood, seemingly staring past her, "I loved you, you know?" His voice was raspy.
Akirai held his hand to her face, gripping onto it with all the strength she had. Suddenly, it went limp.
"Please..." Akirai gripped his hand harder, "Please, Kamano..." Realization dawned upon her as she stared at his empty face. "How could you..."
It felt like hours had past before she was able to stand up. Her eyes puffy red, no more tears able to fall. Numbly she glanced at the scene around her. At some time she summoned her spirit, a hedgehog named Nanito. Without speaking, he understood her situation. Going down on all fours, his quills pointing upwards in a shield way. Dragging the bodies of Kamano and Asao onto Nanito in the space he provided as shelter, she numbly stared at Goichi's body.
"You were apart of Land of the Water more than you were with us." She shoved his body next to the clawed woman. They should at least be next to one another.
"Let's go." Her word was final as Nanito helped her climbed onto his forehead, placing herself in-between his ears, one of the only places were there was no quills and instead fur. He labored slowly, rocking from side to side as Akirai held her short sword covered in dried blood in her lap, unwilling to part with it.
Somewhere along the way, she drifted into a dreamless slumber.
Akirai woke with a start. Her breathing was heavy, gripping onto her sword tightly. She rubbed up eyes with her cold fingers from the morning air, feeling refreshing against her puffy eyes. For a moment, she was hoping it was all a nightmare- a part of her imagination. A small laugh escaped her lips before she looked at the blood covering her sword. With wide eyes she continued to stare at the sign that her entire team was gone. In a single day, gone. She tried crying, she really did. None fell though. As she relived the events she tried to focus on where she went wrong. She pictured her team together once more. She pretended that it wasn't real. That they'd all greet her at the gates of Konoha. But she knew it wasn't true. She knew they'd never tease her again. She'd never train with Asao again. She'd never be able to play with Goichi's hair. She'd never be able to see Kamano smile.
Akirai lifted her eyes towards the gates of Konoha. Her senses faded as a few of the guards shouted towards her. Nanito stopped momentarily but with a light tap behind his eyes with Akirai's foot, he continued.
Akirai was greeted with unfamiliar faces who stared in astonishment at her. She made Nanito push past them.
"Stop! You'll cause a panic!" Someone shouted from the ground.
Who did she care? Everyone deserved to know the truth. The horrors.
"Akirai!" She lifted her eyes numbly at the sound of her brother's voice.
He appeared beside her, bending down next to her, "Akirai! Are you bleeding?" He glanced over her body, afraid to touch her if she was injured.
"Not- Not mine." She whimpered.
Shisui appeared next to Akitoshi as he took in the scene. The short sword he gave, she clung to like her life depended on it, and it probably did if the blood had anything to say about it.
"Akitoshi, tell the hospital." Akitoshi looked up at Shisui in shock, but obeyed. He needed orders in these types of situations.
Gently, he supported Akirai's neck and held her in the bend of her legs, bridal style. Gracefully jumping off Nanito, he turned towards the spirit, "Thank you for bringing her back safely," he bowed, then turning towards a few of the guards of the towers, "Take him around to the back entrance. Exam the bodies." They nodded, leading the way for the enormous hedgehog. Akirai really was something to be able to summon him at her age.
Yes. I cried making this... don't judge me.
Please review as always 3