Naruto: The Regional Ace

Summary: After defeating Kaguya and ending the 4th Shinobi World War, the Elemental Nations finally could move on to an era of peace. For Naruto it was a different story, for defeating Kaguya and bring the Elemental Nations into an era of peace he was rewarded with a few gifts from Kami herself. Though to the people's eyes they were gifts, but to him they were a curse. Naruto was awarded the powers of Kaguya and the Sage of Sixth Paths. Which in effect gave Naruto everlasting life, in other words immortality. Now living his life as an immortal Naruto was forced to watch the people and the world he knew and loved around him move on. Unable to find any sense in living Kami decided to right the wrong she had done by sending Naruto to a new world where could start a new. As and added bonus anyone he were to form a bond with would be able to gain immortality. So he wouldn't have to live his life alone and finally have a good amount of happiness in life.

Character Information

Name: Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze


Height: 5'11

Rank: SS

Occupation: Jounin [Former], Anbu [Former], Anbu Captain [Former], Kage[Former]

Bloodline: Rinnegan - Byakugan - Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan - Chakra Chains - Elemental Bloodlines - Body Bloodlines - Yin-Yang Release


Ninjutsu: S-Rank

Taijutsu: S-Rank

Kenjutsu: S-Rank

Genjutsu: A-Rank

Fujinjutsu: Seal Master

Senjutsu: SS-Rank

Summoning: SS-Rank

Extra Info

Aura User

Physic User

Career: Trainer - Breeder - Coordinator

Skills & Talents: Crafting - Potion Brewing - Trap Making - Weaponsmithing - Cooking - Gardening - Farming - Poffin/Pokeblock Making - Pokeball Making

Naruto x Mass Harem

Harem: Delia - 35

[To those who read the original story, I have read your comments on Delia's age concerning about having Ash at an early age. My plan for that was to make Ash an adopted child or make it the situation of how Mary had Jesus. ]

[Members of the Harem will be added as the story progresses]

Character Ages

Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze - 19

Ash Ketchum - 16

Professor Oak - 55

Disclaimer: Hey guys I wanted everyone to know that I do not own any of the elements used in this story unless told otherwise. Being that said the only thing I will own are the OC's that will be added in the story.

"I Choose You" Normal Speech

'I Choose You' Normal Thought

"I Choose You" Bijuu/Pokemon/Legendary Speech

'I Choose You' Bijuu/Pokemon/Legendary Thought

"I Choose You" Attacks/Moves/Ninjutsu

'I Choose You' Attacks/Moves/Ninjutsu in Thought

Author's Note:Hey guys it's Shu Ottegowa and I'm back with the revamp version of the story

"Naruto: A Pokemon Master to Be", to those who read the Original I decided to do a rewrite of the original after doing some self evaluation on how it went about. This story will for the most part have the same concept as the original, but a few things will be changed and added to this version that I thought would be a better fit. After reading a few comments on the story, it made me look back at how the story could have been better in some aspects. So here I am with the revamped version of "Naruto: A Pokemon Master to Be". Also to those who have more question additional information will be posted at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 1: A New Story Begins

WARNING: Lemon In This Chapter

Standing in a clearing was a young man who looked to be around the age of sixteen, and young man found himself far away from home. He stood around 5'6, has spikey blonde hair with a tint of red in it. He wore black t-shirt with some kind of plate carrier over it. He also wore a set of black cargo pants, black combat boots, and pair of black fingerless gloves. His face was concealed by a white mask in the shape of a fox, while the rest of his body was covered by a hooded cloak. Jumping from down the tree above the young blonde ran through forest floor silent as the shadows concealing him. He ran and ran for what seemed like hours until he came to the stop of the forest edge. Upon reaching the forest edge he was graced with the sight of what appears to be a quiet town, now walls, no guards, no shinobi. Inspecting further around the small town, he spotted what appeared to be some type of ranch at the summit of the hill nearby. Upon closer inspection of the ranch it had a windmill and had a building larger than any of the other homes within the town. Deciding that this was his best bet to head there for further information, the young man quickly made his way into the town before anyone could spot him. Nearing the main road the young man quickly hid into a nearby bush as a few towns folk were passing by. The towns folk appeared to be an elderly couple who seemed to be taking a casual stroll around the town from what he could hear them talking about.

Once they were gone in a blur of speed he continued on his path towards the ranch on the outer edge of the town. Within time it didn't take him long to reach the edge of the property. Looking around to see if anyone was around he made a move to inspect the outer perimeter of the building. Cautiously moving about he discovered this place was some type of research facility besides acting as a type of home for the residence. Before he could even attempt to enter the building he heard a sudden voice nearby.

"Dragonite use Focus Punch" Before the young man could even move, he was stuck by a powerful force launching I'm a couple feet away. Upon impact the force was strong it formed a small crater in effect. Standing up from within the crater the young man spotted what appeared to be a strange dragon,it was large and has light orange skin, grayish-green eyes and a round snout with small nostrils. A pair of long, thin antennae sprout from the top of its head, with a small horn set between them. Its striated underbelly is cream-colored, and extends from its neck to the tip of its long, tapering tail. It has thick arms and legs ending in three claws each. The leg joints are well defined, while its arms have a smooth, rounded appearance. The dragon's wings are small relative to its body, with teal wing membranes. Behind the man were two people an elderly man with gray white hair, he wore a white lab coat, black loafers, khaki pants, and a red polo shirt underneath the lab coat. The second figure was a women who appeared to be a woman in her late twenties, she has brown eyes and brown hair. She wore a pink short-sleeve jacket with a yellow undershirt, a purple skirt, and light green shoes.

"Who are you young man? And what are you doing here on my property?" The elderly man watched the masked teen wondering who he was. This young man had snuck onto his properties with unknown intentions and was dressed in some strange clothing.

"I'll ask you again who are you? And what were you doing near my home young man?" Professor Oak saw he wasn't going to get any answers from this young man.

The young man was currently thinking his options right now, after suddenly appearing in this strange world he had very little to go off of. Barely getting any rest after the battle he fought was putting a lot of stress on his body. His only choice right now was to play along and wait for the right moment to escape. Looking towards the old man he spoke, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki".

[Scene Change & Time Skip - 4 years later Viridian City Pokemon Center]

Standing at a nearby video phone booth is a young man, standing at 5'11 with sunkissed blonde hair. He wore a black hooded cloak over his body, underneath he wore a grey shirt and black cargo pants. Over his shirt was a black vest with multiple pockets and compartments, on his hands he had black fingerless gloves, around his neck was a strip of cloth with a metal plate. On the metal plate is a symbol is some sort of spiral. Completing his attire is a pair of combat boots, item holsters along his leg, and a sword strapped along his back. This young man was named…

"Will Naruto Uzumaki please report to the front desk, your pokemon are ready to be picked up. I repeat will Naruto Uzumaki front desk" The voice of Nurse Joy spoke over the loud speaker.

Moving towards the front desk Naruto went into thought as it has been 4 years since his arrival into this world. Over the years he has been learning everything he could about the world and it's origins. During his search he learned and studied under every known and uncommonly known professor there was. From of Kanto to of Unova, learning under all of these famous researchers molded him into a young man of knowledge. He knew almost all there is to do with pokemon, how they live, battle, train, survive, and evolve. He also knows other things having to do with pokemon trainers and battling. Such as battle tactics, creating attacks, making items such as pokeballs and healing items. Though beside the fact of learning almost everything he has made a couple names for himself throughout the world. He is known by many names "Fox Flare" , "Shadow Hunter" , "Pokemon Tamer". All these names made him the spectacle within the pokemon world, many seek him out for many reasons. But his many names carried many meanings, "Fox Flare" for his cunning intelligence and beauty in battle. "Shadow Hunter" for his deeds in takings down criminal organizations, groups, and gangs but also his heroic deeds across the regions. "Pokemon Tamer", it is said he is able to subdue, tame, calm, or soothe any pokemon in existence.

Snapping out his thoughts Naruto reached the front desk as he was greeted by the local nurse joy. Taking in the appearance of Nurse Joy she wore the standard uniform for all Nurse Joy's in the Kanto Region. During his time traveling the regions Naruto became a high topic within the Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny groups. It wasn't a secret among the two female groups on who earned those titles as Naruto changed their lives after teaching and training them within their respective school/academies. After thanking Nurse Joy for her help he claimed the three pokeballs, clipping them to his belt he bid farewell to Nurse Joy before returning to the video phone booth. Once he returned to the booth, Naruto began dialing in one of his associates contact number.


After a moment or two the call was answered and on the screen revealed to be none other than Profesor Oak. The elderly man looked the same as always with his gray white hair, white lab coat, black loafers, khaki pants, and a red polo shirt underneath the lab coat. Seeing who it was that called him the professor greeted him, "Ah hello Naruto, I see that your doing well. Now how can I help you my boy."

"I'm doing well Professor Oak, I just wanted to inform you that I should arrive in Pallet Town in few hours. I am currently her at the Viridian City pokemon center, so after I finish with this call Ill be making my way there. Upon my arrival there are somethings that I wish to discuss with you, unless you have something on your plate right now?" Naruto looked at the professor with a serious yet casual look.

The professor smiled and replied, "Not at all my boy, I can't wait for your arrival and what news you have for me. Also Delia will be happy to see you back here, as it's been a while since you've been here. Even though you make the time to call her, she really misses spending time with you all the time."

Naruto gave the man a sad smile before replying, "Well I'll just have to make it upto her when I return, anyway see you then professor." Naruto ended the call and made his way out the Pokemon Center. On his way out he said his goodbyes to the local Nurse Joy and thanked her for all the help she's given him over the last few days. After saying his goodbyes to Nurse Joy, Naruto began his journey towards Pallet Town.

[Scene Change/Time Skip - Professor Oak's Laboratory]

Within a couple hours of traversing through route 1 it didn't take long for Naruto to arrive in Pallet Town. It makes sense he would make it there within a couple hours as still being a shinobi does have it's benefits. He may not be an active duty one but he is a shinobi nonetheless. Upon reaching the front door of the lab, he raised his hand and knocked on the door a couple times.

Soon enough the door was answered by none other than Professor Oak, seeing who it was that knock on his door the professor greeted him. "Ah Naruto my boy your here as you said you'd be, please come in as I know you have much to tell me".

Upon entering the lab they found piles of paper everywhere, stacks of books along the counters, and clipboards & files littered across the floor. Following the Professor he is led to a waiting area where he was asked to take a seat. They took a seat on the couches as Professor Oak entered one of the nearby rooms, closing the door behind him. A couple minutes later the professor returned with a notepad, pencil, and a cup of coffee. Taking a seat across from the young blonde, the professor got himself situated before they started. Once he was ready, Naruto began doing a recap on his adventures after leaving Pallet Town four years ago. In those four years Naruto had traveled across the many known regions learning all he can about pokemon. Having studied under all the renowned professors, researchers, scientists, and breeders helped him the most. Naruto also was able to assist the Pokemon Rangers. Champions, Gym Leaders, and the G-Men with every known criminal organization by developing a spy network one able to make Jiraiya's look like highschool gossip. He also assisted in a couple missions in foiling those organizations plans as well. Besides that Naruto in honor of his godfather Jiraiya published his work Icha Icha, but with his own take to it, Now instead of straight up smut, it had actual plot in it. So after publishing his series Naruto accumulated a fortune from it, making him one of the most richest people in the world. Though he tried to remain anonymous as the books author as having a fan club didn't sit well with him. I mean take Sasuke's fan club for example, I mean some of them were just straight out creepy. Now I understood why Sasuke wanted to remain off woman's radar so much, but at least he didn't have that problem.

Once Naruto had finished going over what he's been doing over the course of 4 years, he decided to get straight to the point. "Professor after thinking long and hard I've decided it's time for me to start my pokemon journey. Sure I may have traveled these four years but actual going around challenging league to league and having adventures with friends appeals to me. Also I think I have something that maybe of interest to you" The professor raised a brow at this.

"Oh really?, well may I ask what it is that may be of interest to me?" Naruto took out a pokeball an released what was inside.

The professor could not believe his eyes, this is something he hasn't seen before. This pokemon had the shape of Reshiram but different, it looked to be ocean blue and white in color, parts of his body seem to be comprised of ice. Looking to the blonde shinobi he asked, "My word Naruto where did you find this pokemon?".

"Well you see professor, I took some time to travel through the Orre Region and discovered a hidden cave a nearby mountain range. As I explored the caves tunnel it led me to an underground valley, which contained a number of pokemon. Some that haven't even been discovered yet. So I a moment to study them and take a few notes" Naruto handed Professor Oak the journal he had.

Looking through the notes the professor couldn't hold in his surprise, "My word these findings are astounding, I'll have to take some time to look these over. Once I'm done i'll hand them back over to you" Naruto nodded, looking over the the pokemon it just lowered it's head and nuzzled her trainer.

"After studying a few of the unknown species, I caught a few of them and sent them to my personal estate to be looked after. This one decided to come with me as it showed interest in pokemon battling. I named her kind Lumigon, she is a dragon/ice dual type and she can very deadly when threaten. It took me a bit of time for her to even trust me, but in the end we became good friends" Lumigon licked her trainers face earning a chuckle from him.

[Author's Note: To those of you who are wondering Lumigon is a creature from the mobile game EvoCreo. The reason I'm adding it and other creatures from other places is that, I believe they would be better in pokemon. As you have seen in the latest generation of pokemon the creators are... how would I say losing ideas in their creations. I'm not trying to insult or discredit them, as I can understand making new generations of pokemon from scratch is difficult. So in response to this I'm doing a bit of other crossovers in this remake.]

Getting his pokemon to settle down, Naruto turned his attention back to the professor, "Well Professor I'm I'm gonna go see how Delia is doing, I'll be back tomorrow to register as a licensed pokemon trainer".

The Professor nodded as he watched the blonde returned his pokemon to it's pokeball before exiting the room. Once he has left Naruto made his way towards Delia's home which was not too far since the town was moderately small. So it didn't take but about 10 to 15 minutes to arrive at her home. The house was colored a typical white color, but it's very spacious and cozy on the inside. The house is two stories and on the houses exterior was surrounded by a garden, which in some places was turned into a kitchen garden by Delia, given her passion for gardening. Upon arriving at the home he couldn't help but remember the time he spent here with the young women. Having been a single mother while also the owner of an inn was stressful for her on a daily basis. So in response to the problem Naruto had obtained a few people who could help with all the work around here. You see just after giving birth to her son Ash, Delia's mother had passed away due to an illness. Due to her mother's passing Delia was forced to inherit the inn her mother was running. Walking up to the door the blonde shinobi knocked on it a few times waiting for someone to answer. After a couple seconds the door opened to reveal relatively tall bipedal Pokémon resembling a fox. It is covered in a coat of fur that resembles a robe; this "robe" is primarily dark red, with red-orange, flame-like markings near its knees, as well as a thin tuft of white fur on its torso, flanked by yellow fur draping down from its shoulders. It has three tufts of red-orange fur protruding out of each ear. Its forearms feature long red fur resembling sleeves, and its hands and feet are dark gray with three clawed fingers and toes, respectively. A tail covered in yellow fur protrudes from its "robe". When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen on its upper jaw. When Delphox saw who answered the door the female fox pokemon squealed in happiness and tackled her trainer to the ground. Upon landing on his back, Naruto was being cuddled by the excited female.

"Delphox? Who's at the door?" A voice called out.

The sound of footsteps made it's way towards the door, and a moment later a women about 6 ft tall appeared. It was none other than Delia Ketchum herself, getting up from of the ground he noticed she hasn't changed much since he last visited her. Delia still has her brown eyes and brown hair. She wore usual pink short-sleeve jacket with a yellow undershirt, a purple skirt, and light green shoes. After getting a good look at her, Naruto walked upto the women and pulled her into a loving embrace. Delia who snapped out of her surprise realized who was hugging her and greeted him, "Oh Naruto it's so good to see you, I missed you so much" Delia sealed his lips with hers.

Naruto wrapped his arms around the lovely brunette and deepen the kiss with a passionate embrace. After a moment or two the two released one another taking in breaths of air the their lungs were so deprived of. Once they had calmed themselves the two along with the fox pokemon entered the home. Upon entering the home Naruto noticed how much the placed has changed. Sure it still had that welcoming feeling to it, but after living here with the Ketchum family for a year it wasn't any surprise. He remembered helping Delia remodel the house to her imagination, from installing a more modern and fancy kitchen to ha d deluxe master bedroom. Taking a seat in the living room Naruto waited for his lover to return from the kitchen with refreshments, it wasn't a surprise to others who knew about their relationship. I mean yeah it would seem a bit strange for a 19 yr old to be dating a woman way above his age but again it wasn't noted. Here once a child obtains his or her pokemon trainers license they are technically considered an adult. Like how in the elemental nations once a child becomes a genin regardless of age he or she is an adult. Like the old saying 'Old enough to kill, Old enough to drink, Old enough to fuck'. So there wasn't any problems or issues with these two having a relationship, but snapping out of his thoughts Delia returned from the kitchen with some tea and biscuits. Taking a seat next to her blonde lover the mature women poured them both some tea.

"I'm happy your back Naru-Koi, i missed you so much it's been lonely here without you. Even though I have some of our pokemon to keep us company along with Ash it still not the same without you." Delia said.

"I'm sorry for having been gone for so long but you know why I had to leave, ever since I came to this world you and the old man have been nothing but kind to me. You both gave me something I wasn't able to have as a child, a family and a place to call home. I couldn't thank you enough for all that you have done for me." Naruto said with a smile.

Delia laid her head on his shoulder as she leaned into him, "I know, besides tell me what have you been up to ever since you left us ' Flare'?" Delia grinned.

Naruto grinned back as he held the woman in his arms and begun telling her all of his adventures over the past 4 years. Once he was done, the loving couple went into the kitchen to start dinner as it was about just that time. After an hour of cooking the couple finally finished cooking and were now setting the table. As they were setting the table the sound of someone entering the home shouting was heard, "Mom were home".

Entering the home was a young man standing at 5'11ft and looked to be around the age of 16 years old. This young man had jet black hair, auburn hazel brown eyes, and adorn lighting shaped birthmarks on his cheeks. He wore black and white sneakers, blue jeans, white and blue jacket, a black t-shirt, and a pokeball themed hat. Next the young man was a young woman who looked to be similar to the boy. She also stood at 5'11ft, has short raven black hair with red high tips and highlights. She had vibrant ruby red eyes but didn't have the same birthmarks as her counterpart. She wore a black hoodie with a black t-shirt under it, gray cargo pants and black & red sneakers. She has a slight slim hourglass figure along with a pair of high C-Cup breasts. Looking at the two young teens, Delia who apparently was the mother of the young teens greeted him. "Welcome home you two, now go and get freshened up as it's about dinner time. Also we have a guest over so I want you to be on your best behavior." Delia said.

The young man and woman nodded and made their way upstairs to get ready for dinner, once they were out of sight she let out a soft moan. The reason being their apparent guest had heard the conversation and appeared just as her son was making his way upstairs. As he was making his way upstairs Naruto was fondling the women's ass which surprised Delia. Even though she was worried about her children noticing the idea of her being caught in this situation excited her. As Naruto continued to fondle her rear he leaned into her back until he reached her ear, "That was a very dirty moan you let out their, your not getting horny from having your ass fondled are you?. Maybe the idea of your kids seeing their mother being groped turns you on greatly hmmm?" Delia squeaked at the previous.

"No I'm not it's just-" Delia moan out as Naruto squeezed her ass suddenly.

"Now now Delia-Chan, what did I say about being honest with yourself?" Delia began to fidget in embarrassment which Naruto decided to take advantage of.

"Well since your not being honest I guess we won't be having any fun later" Naruto was about to let go of her when Delia spoke suddenly.

"Please Naruto-Sama I'm sorry, yes I get turned on from the idea of being caught like this, please don't leave me alone tonight i beg of you." Naruto smiled as he stood completely behind her, leaning into her he grinded his hardened dick under his clothes against her rear causing the woman to gasp. 'Oh GOD! It's even bigger than last time, it has to be at least 9 inches' Delia thought.

"Alright since you were honest I'll give you a reward before bed, now let's take a seat at the table as it's about time for all of us to eat. I believe your children will be joining us soon, so let's hurry and finish setting up" Naruto said as Delia headed into the kitchen. As they were walking towards the dining room, Naruto caught glimpse of a pair of ruby red eyes upstairs.

[Delia's Daughters P.O.V]

Inside her room the young teen was kneeling behind the door to her room as she watched her mother and their guest play with one another from upstairs. As the two continued to sexually touch one another her body began to feel hot all over. Even though she never experience sex, she did get the time to experiment on herself as a result. Reaching into her pants the young female began thrusting her fingers into herself vigorously as she watched the two feel each other up. Quietly moaning in pleasure she watched as the two ended their play and begun heading towards the dining room, but before the guest even entered he looked right at her with a grin before winking and walking away. Stopping her actions the young woman quickly grabbed a fresh set of clothes and went to take a shower before dinner.

[Scene Change - Dining Room]

Thirty minutes later everyone was seated at the table happily enjoying their food, after Naruto was introduced to the two they became overjoyed hearing that he was a pokemon an unofficial one anyways, but they were excited nonetheless after dinner was finished everyone was sitting in the living room listening to Naruto talking about some of his adventures across the regions. When they asked if he had any pokemon he nodded his head in confirmation, asking if they could probably see one he was a bit hesitant at first. But he agreed none the taking out a pokeball from his bag he tossed the pokeball into the air and it opened reveal what was inside. To their amazement it was a pokemon they have never before. This pokemon has the shape of Reshiram but different, it looked to be ocean blue and white in color, parts of his body seem to be comprised of ice. As it breathed the air around it you can see the ice mist from it's breath, looking to the shinobi who already what they were going to ask. Naruto had learned that the two young teens names are Ash and Ashley, so he dubbed them the Ketchum Twins

"This pokemon is named Lumigon, she is a dragon/ice dual type and she can very deadly when threaten. It took me a bit of time for her to even trust me, but in the end we became good friends" Lumigon licked her trainers face earning a chuckle from him.

The dragon watched as the young humans approached her and looked to her trainer that nodded in confirmation. Lowering it's head the female dragon allowed the humans to touch her but kept it's guard up just in case. When they young humans were finished petting her Lumigon looked to the other female in the room. Upon recognizing who it was said dragon pokemon went over and nuzzled her cheek against the woman. "Hahaha it's good to finally meet you in person Lumigon, I hope Naruto is treating you well?" Lumigon nodded her head in confirmation signalling that she is correct. Once Lumigon was acquainted with everyone they decided that it was best to call it a night and head to bed. While everyone was heading off to bed Naruto received a call on his cell phone, pulling the device out of his pocket he answered.

"Hello? Naruto speaking" Naruto said.

"Hey Boss it's me the chief clone for the research department. I wanted to inform you that the recent shipment of supplies and research material came in. Right now I'm having some of the men unload them" the clone informed.

"I see very good, I'll be stopping by their to do a few things before heading out the next day on my journey. So make sure everything is in order before my arrival, I'll be holding you responsible if anything were to go wrong understand?" Naruto replied.

"Yeah I got it Boss" The clone answered.

Hanging up the phone, Naruto begun cleaning and clearing the downstairs of the mess that was left over before heading up. He washed and put away the dished, took out the trash and recycling, then wiped down the table and kitchen counters. Once he was done Naruto put all the cleaning supplies away back under the sink and made his way upstairs. On his way up Naruto thought, 'Well now that everything has been taken care of, I think it's time to rewards a certain little minx'.

[LEMON WARNING! - If do not wish to read please skip ahead to the end of the segment]

[Scene Change - Delia's Bedroom]

Inside her room Delia had just finished changing into her silver nightgown, the nightgown reached just below her panties. The gown was made out of silver silk which would make it see through, closing her closet she was about to go freshen up in her bathroom until a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist. Before she could even say a word the persons hands grasped her large D-Cup breasts causing her to moan out in surprise. Looking back she her eyes met a pair of crimson eyes, it's pupils in the shape of slits as if it was predator eyeing it's prey. Delia moaned out once more as one of Naruto's hands reached into her panties and began rubbing her wet core. As she withered in the feeling of pleasure Naruto's voice filled her ears, "My my, your nipples are already getting this stiff and you pussy is just drenched. You've been anticipating this haven't you? You got like this as soon as you felt my big cock rest against your plump ass. Your nothing but a sexually frustrated nymphomaniac mother aren't you?!".

As Naruto continued to play with her body Delia spoke out, " But that's only because…" *Moan* "of you Naruto-Sama!. Your so good at rubbing my pussy and boobs!" she moaned as she reached her first climax of the night.

"Look at you cumming from me just playing with you breasts, but don't worry I'll make sure your properly punished for cumming before me. As we have the entire night ahead of us Delia-Chan." Naruto picks up Delia bridal style and carried her over the the bed. Laying her down in the center of it Naruto began stripping himself of all his clothes. Once he was stark naked their standing tall in all it's glory was his 12 inch long and 1 ½ inch thick cock. As soon as Delia saw her intended desire she thought, 'Oh Arceus it's even bigger than the last time we fucked'. Snapping out of her shock Delia kneeled at the end of the bed and took his harden member into her hands gently caressing it, causing him to groan in pleasure. But his groaning turned into a moan as Delia out of nowhere began licking his cock, starting from the head then all the way to the base. After licking his cock for a couple minutes she gave the head a passionate kiss before taking his cock into her throat all the way to the base.

Naruto from his end had to stop himself from cumming immediately after Delia took his cock all the way down her throat. Grabbing the sides of her head Naruto held her head in place as she began deep throating him as fast as she could. Naruto continued to moan in ecstasy while his lover continued to bob her head up and down on his cock. But a moment later he began to near his first release and started to face fuck Delia with all he had. Delia for her part was glad she had this affect on her blonde lover, "Oh-god Delia-chan...I'm so close...I.I'm..cumming" Naruto released a torrent of cum as Delia began swallowing every drop she could. After a moment of two Delia starts coughing as she withdraws her mouth from his cock as there was a bit to much for her to handle. But as she let go of Naruto's cock the rest of his cum gushes out, covering Delia's face as she coughed a little while feeling the warmth of Naruto's cum all over her.

Soon after that, Naruto laid on his back with Delia rested above him going into a 69 position. Seeing that his cock was still hard as an Onix Delia took this large member again into her mouth and began bobbing her head at a steady pace. While she was having away with his stiff member Naruto took the time to admire how sopping wet she was. Cum was leaking from her steamy pussy like a waterfall oasis, but that not all that got his attention. Looking further up a noticed that her ass had gotten a bit bigger since the last time they had sex. Noticing this a smirk grew along his face, raising one of his hands Naruto gave Delia a quick smack on her ass.


Delia stopped her deep throating and let out a cry of ecstasy from the sudden smack on the ass Naruto gave her. However without any warning, Naruto smacks her ass again as it caused her to cry out louder than before.

A couple minutes went bye as Delia had just moaned out in pleasure from reaching her current orgasm. Naruto could see cum pouring out from her aching pussy and decided to relieve her of that discomfort. Spreading aside her pink wet folds Naruto inserted his tongue deep within her sacred hole, earning him a series or moans from Delia. Though she was the one losing this little game of theirs it didn't mean she was going down without a fight. Mustering what will power shed had left Delia in one go took his cock down her throat deeper than she has ever done before. Once the whole appendage was submerged within her windpipe Naruto had to suddenly stop his assault due to how tight the widows throat was holding him.

[Time Skip - 15 Minutes Later]

With 15 minutes had passed, and the room is filled with the sound of flesh hitting flesh, moan after moan, and scream after scream. Laying on the bed were the two sex crazed humans as they just through another recent climax.




Taking the moment to catch their breath both took the moment to see that either of them were covered in the stick essence of the other all over, both lover decided to take the moment to rest as they still had the thirst for more. "Delia-chan that was amazing but i don't think we are done yet right?" Naruto asked as she responded "you're right Naruto-kun, We're not, not by a long shoot" said Delia as both were still trying to catch their breath. After taking their 5 minute break, Naruto and Delia are already at it once again, Delia was not bent over on the side of the bed as she turned her head to see Naruto standing there with his cock aiming for her sacred entrance. But before they could go any further, Naruto wanted to say something "Delia-chan, I want to say thank you for everything you have done for me, as there was nobody who could compare to the kindness and passion you possess" said Naruto

Looking back at him with a smile Delia responded, "There's no need to need to thank me Naruto-Kun, it should be me the one who should be thanking you. Even though after we nursed you back to help and taught you everything about this world you could have just left and went about your business. But instead you stayed at my side after finding about my past and how I was forced to raise two beautiful children. But it didn't stop their you also gave your time to helping everyone including pokemon around you. So again thank you Naruto-Kun for everything". Once the two had gotten past their loving and caring moment they were back at each others bodies once again. Naruto was now smacking her ass once again with Delia moaning so loudly while blushing even more redder than before. Naruto with his passionate self gave his lover a couple more smack across the ass.




Once he was done, Naruto places his hands onto her legs and spreads them and by doing so, He gets a good view of Delia's need pussy long with her delicate asshole. Seeing that he was admiring her two holes Delia grew a deeper blush on her face.

"Please Naruto-kun be gentle, as it's been awhile since I've had anything this big in me" said Delia with a look of cute yet sexy on her as Naruto can't help feel his cock get even harder than his head in understanding Naruto responded "O-okay Delia-chan".

Taking his harden member Naruto began to rub his cock at entrance of her pussy with her moaning lightly from the sudden friction between her wet folds. Then without anymore hesitation Naruto gently thrusted his cock into Delia's pussy, as she feels the thickness of his cock within her. 'I can't believe it's been this long since we've been together like this! And to imagine how big his cock is now! With it he could possible break me this time! I mean really 12 inch long and 1 ½ inch thick' trying hold back her screams so that she wouldn't wake up her children Delia hear Naruto speak, "It's alright Delia-Chan I placed silencing seals around the room, so we can be as loud as we want". As time passes, Naruto is continuously increasing the speed of his thrusts as Delia was slowly but surely feeling the pleasure more than before. If her screams getting louder by the sec and her ass being hit against Naruto's waist with sound of skin hitting each other wasn't a sign then I don't know what is.

"NARUTO-KUN THRUST YOUR COCK MORE INTO ME! PLEASE DO ME MORE FASTER!" yelled Delia. Hearing that Naruto grabs hold of her Double D-Cup breasts then starts thrusting his hips to make his cock go deeper than earlier, Delia began to scream out even louder from the feeling of Naruto's cock going deeper and deeper into her. Soon enough the room Was filled with Delia's cries of pleasure, sweat and the smell of sex filled the air. As both lovers kept at it for hours on end as well as switching positions for when one of them had ranch they climax and more.

[Time Skip - 6 Hours Later]

Six hours has gone by as Naruto and Delia were in the final Position which is Delia being fucked brutally in a doggystyle position, with Naruto thrusting into her like madman from behind with his hands holding onto her ass as both of them completely covered in sweat and Delia screaming out "I LOVE YOU NARUTO-KUN! I WANT TO HAVE MORE SEX WITH YOU FOREVER AND EVER!". Naruto began to listen as his lover announced her everlasting lust for him. "I'LL ALSO BECOME WHATEVER YOU WANT ME TO BE WHETHER IT BE YOUR COCK-SLEEVE OR CUMDUMPSTER!" yelled Delia with all she had.

Naruto decided to follow suite and yelled"I LOVE YOU TOO DELIA-CHAN, I'LL MAKE YOU ONE OF MY WIVES AND MAKE YOU HAPPY! I'LL ALSO GIVE YOU LOTS OF CHILDREN TO SPOIL ALONG WITH YOUR FUTURE HAREM SISTERS. SO YES I'LL ACCEPT YOU AS MY COCK-SLEEVE AND CUMDUMPSTER". With one last thrust Naruto fires his final load into his lovers pussy and filling her up to the brim in cum, as Delia herself screams aloud as she too came from feeling Naruto's cum inside of her.


Finally collapsing from exhaustion, the two lovers allowed themselves to succumb into slumber. As hours of intense sex took everything out of them so a well needed rest is in high demand right now.

[Time Skip - Next Morning Naruto's Compound Near Pallet Town]

[Scene - Naruto's living room]

Naruto had woken up early morning and after making sure Delia was alright he returned home back at the compound. Upon returning to the compound Naruto went down to his underground lab to check up on the progress of his personal projects and agendas. Once he was done with that Naruto had found some packages and letters left by his doorstep when he arrived. Picking up one of the letters he saw it was addressed from Professor Oak. Opening the envelope he took out the letter within it and begun to read it,

Dear: Naruto

If you are reading this then you must have found the letters along with the packages outside your door. The letters and packages were mailed to my laboratory and were addressed to you. Upon reading who had sent them the packages and letters were from the pokemon league along with the champions from the many other regions. When I went to go look for you so that I could hand deliver them to you, it appeared you were ahem!, preoccupied at the Ketchum residence. So I in my good nature decided to drop them off at your doorstep so you could look through them later.

Sincerely Professor Oak

Putting down the letter Naruto began sorting the letters and packages by the person who sent them. Once had had finished sorting them the first letter he opened was addressed to him from one of his many friends. The Pokemon Champion of Kanto and Johto Lance himself.

Dear: Naruto

If you are reading this then it's safe to assume the package along with the letter have safely reached your hands. I wanted to inform you that after looking over your past deeds in helping the pokemon league with many excursions, it was decided that once you receive your official pokemon license from Prof. Oak you would be granted the title of Ace Trainer. Now along with gaining the title of Ace Trainer, your pokemon carrying limit has increased to 12. But for obvious reasons you will only be allowed to use 6 pokemon in official league matches. Also inside the box holds a couple things that you should find useful for your pokemon journey.

Opening the box Naruto took out the contents and found three strange devices he hasn't seen before. Picking up the letter once more he continued reading,

The first item if you look is a new state of the art pokeball belt, what's different about this on is that instead of the usual trainer clipping their pokeballs to the belt, they magnetically lock in place for more secure traveling. The second item next to it is a prototype pokedex, we attempted to turn the pokedex into a type of gauntlet. So that it would be easier for a trainer to have access on pokemon information. But what makes this so special is it gives the user info on a pokemons origin, possible movesets, natures, abilities, stats, egg groups, breeding pairs, and other interesting information. Now the third and final item is a trainer crate, this device is to be attached on your belt as it acts as a storage crate for all your other pokemon you catch. Think of of the as a mobile PC unit. Hope you make use off all the equipment we sent Naruto, don't disappoint us.

Yours Truly Lance

Putting the items back into the box, he places the open package onto a nearby utility cart he had. Once he place the box on the cart, he returned and opened the next letter and package. Looking who sent it it was from Steven Stone the champion of Hoenn,

Hey Naruto

If you're reading this then you must have gotten my letter along with the gift I sent over along with Lances. Inside the box contains a wood and glass case containing a mega ring along with every known mega stone to date. Also under the case is a second one containing a set off all the evolution stones known to all the best regions out there. Hope you find a use for these but knowing you, you just have basically everything there to pokemon stored away somewhere.

Naruto couldn't help but laugh at the comment as it was basically true, I mean with his vast spy network, shadow clones, subordinates, as well the many other facilities he had in the other regions didn't give him a hint then I don't know what will. Setting the letter and box aside he went for the next letter and package. This letter was sent to from Alder the Champion of Unova. Opening the letter Naruto took the moment to look through it, after taking the moment to read it a serious expression grew on his face. Summoning a Shadow Clone he had the clone take the letter to his office and the package to he vault as this was a serious matter to look back at later. Moving the the fourth and final letter he saw who it was sent by. This letter along with the package was sent from Cynthia the champion of Sinnoh, Dianthe Champion of Kalos, The Joy Family, Jenny Family and all the female gym leaders/elite four members he meet during his travels. Opening the letter he read,

Hey Naruto-Kun!

If you got our letter then you must have gotten the package along with it, when we heard of your promotion along with your adventures throughout the other regions, we couldn't help but feel you should be rewarded for your efforts. So inside the very large crate behind you are a couple things the girls and I wanted to give to you. But we're not gonna tell you what it is as we wanted you to find out for yourself so enjoy.

P.S. inside the envelope are our contact numbers so you can call us anytime if just wanna talk or maybe hangout.

Setting the letter aside Naruto went into in of the many storage rooms within the compound and found the large container spoken of in the letter. Setting the utility cart aside he called for a Shadow Clone to come take the cart and return with it one the items on it were stored away. He also asked for him to come back with a couple more carts along with a few of his subordinates within the compound. From way back Naruto could remember when he started up his spy network and multiple facilities the number of subordinates under his employment and command had skyrocketed. If he were to count he had hundreds of people under his command, but what confused him though was why most of his subordinates were women. Setting his thoughts aside Naruto went and opened the large container as it was kind of big in his opinion. The container was the size of a large metal shipping container so it made him wonder what the girls sent him. Welp no sense in just standing there wondering about it, unlocking the metal doors to the container looked inside to only have his jaw drop to the floor in shock.

Inside the large container were shelves holding pokemon eggs of various pokemon, stepping inside Naruto spotted a couple of boxes on the sides as well. Opening on of the boxes Naruto looked inside he was blasted back from a massive nosebleed. Inside was photo albums from each and every female he's meet and the photo album consisted of photos with them in erotic poses, costumes, and scenarios. Sealing the boxes carrying photo albums to *Cough* study later, he moved onto opening the last of the boxes which were just filled with Healing Items, Pokeballs, and a couple items for contests. But what surprised him were the large number of eggs gifted to him, probably from the all of his friends mated pairs. Leaving the clones to take care of the eggs and stuff Naruto decided it was time fore him to prepare for tomorrow as it was the day he would officially become a trainer.

[Scene Change - Naruto's Lab]

Entering the lab Naruto saw all of his clones at work and nearby some of his clones were coming in with the carts full of items they had recently obtained. Heading over to the resources department he entered the room gaining his clones attention. After acknowledging them one of the clones led him to a nearby table with items they recently brought in. Looking at the table he saw and assortment of fossils like old amber, dome fossils, and a few helix fossils taking the clipboard nearby he saw that these fossils came from Grandpa Canyon located between the Safari Zone and the Cinnabar Islands. Putting down the clipboard he went over to the next table, on the table were different trays filled with different Pokeballs. Picking up another clipboard it says that these were the first batched of Pokeball that were successful in being made, apparently the procedure to making a single Pokeball was no easy task and required a lot of manpower and skill. He counted 6 Regular Pokeballs, 4 Great Balls, and 1 Ultra Ball. Seeing enough Naruto headed to the data collection center.

Upon entering the data collection center he was greeted by the clone in charge, following the clone he approached a nearby monitor and saw he was receiving a call. Answering the call and pressing the live video feed, he saw the monitor change screen. Appearing on the screen were two people that brought a smile to his face."Hey Old Man, Hey Delia-Chan how are you guys?" Naruto saw the depan expression face ad Delia just giggled behind him. "Your never gonna stop calling me that are you?" seeing the blonde shake his head, the Professor just sighed. "Well anyways were just fine my boy, but i'm just here to remind you to not be late for tomorrow. I mean it is the day you get start your journey". Putting what the professor said aside, "Alright Old Man i'll be there bright and early, and I hope to see you there as well Delia-Chan" Naruto cut the transmission and on the other end was a cherry red faced Delia with steam coming out of her ears. Leaving the lab Naruto headed back to the research department he saw some of his clones standing by one of the fossil restoration machines, walking over to them he asked them what was the commotion.

One of the clones had escorted him over the control panel and has explained the one of the test fossils they were restoring was just about to awaken. Catching his interest Naruto pulled out his gauntlet-dex. After experimenting around with the new device he discovered a few extra features, such as a 3D holopad with life size projections, another is the live calling function allowing him to make video calls with it. Activating his Pokedex and holding out a regular Pokeball, he waited for the fossil to awaken. Soon the awakening process was complete and the containment unit was open, as it open the smoke from inside the container cleared to reveal a reptilian, bipedal Pokemon with large, membranous wings. It has sharply pointed ears and a fierce expression with intense eyes. Its snout is ridged, with a gaping mouth and strong lower jaw full of serrated fangs. Its body is covered in light violet-gray skin with violet wings. The wings consist of a membrane running from the side of the body to the tip of an elongated finger. The clawed hands at the bend of each wing allow it to grasp objects. A hump-like ridge grows from its back and it has a strong, arrow-tipped tail.

"Aerooo….Aeroo" The clones made 11ft perimeter as the Pokemon exited the container, once out it glanced around the room. After so many years of slumber it finds itself in a large strange room with many strange life forms. Turning its gaze to the only life form closest to it, the figure before emitted a strong source of power. Curious within its thought it approached Naruto cautiously, in seconds it stood before Naruto as it were inspecting him. Seeing its confusion Naruto slowly raised his hand to touch its snout, the Pokemon saw his action an released a low growl. Naruto paused for a moment waiting for the Pokemon to stop, once it had stop the Aerodactyl lowered its snout and sniffed his hand. Feeling everything was fine Naruto slowly pets its snout earning him what sound like a deep purr. Once he knew they were comfortable with one another he decided to send a small pulse of Chakra to its mind and share his memories with it. After some time had passed Naruto removed his hand and watches as Aerodactyl smile down at him, seeing he was ready Naruto asked him a question. "Now that you know the situation your in I wanted to know if you would like to come with me on my journey?, you see tomorrow I begin my quest as Pokemon trainer to become a Pokemon master." Aerodactyl looked at the human awe, the dream, the ambition this boy had was outstanding. Liking the sound of the idea he agreed with him by the nod of his head, seeing that as a confirmation Naruto held out a Pokeball and explain its use. "You see Aerodactyl this thing in my hand is called a Pokeball, it allows trainers to be able to catch Pokemon and use them in Pokemon battles. It also prevents others from trying to take you away and use you for their own purposes or hurt you. If you allow me to capture you it would signify me as your trainer, and as a trainer it's my job to help a Pokemon reach its full potential and nurture them into the best they can be. So the choice is your buddy if you want to really come with me just touch the center of the Pokeball." Aerodactyl took a moment and saw that this human was possibly like no other, seeing this was a chance in a lifetime he tapped the center of the device and allowed his capture without struggle.

Once he was caught Naruto exited the lab, and out the back door of the compound into the ranch, once outside he released Aerodactyl from the Pokeball and showed it to its new home. His was was a part of the ranch Naruto constructed, which was a small rocky mountain area with a couple of caves and ledges for it to nest in. Taking flight he took the moment to tour his home then returned to Naruto. "This buddy will be your home along with many others that come along our journey. Now I'll let you get some rest and i'll come by in the morning to get you, if your hungry there's a couple of fruit trees just behind those rocks." Nodding its head Aerodactyl decided to nest in a nearby cave with a nice view of the compound. Leaving his friend to get acquainted with his new home Naruto quickly ate some dinner before heading off to bed.

[Time Skip - The Next Day Early Morning]

Getting up out of bed, Naruto grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom to take a shower before breakfast. After a 15 minutes shower Naruto got dressed into his new clothes that Delia got for him as a gift since today is the day he would be starting his journey. Naruto new appearance was astonishing, his sun kissed blonde hair was now identical to his father, his a were a more deeper shade of blue. A pair of golden earrings he wore and took on the habit of wearing glasses. He wore a black hoodie with orange on the inside, a grey undershirt, navy blue cargo pants, and black and orange running shoes. Once he was dressed Naruto went and packed his things he would need for the journey, he even stopped by the research lab to grab a few things. Once that was out of the way he grabbed breakfast on the way out as well packed some food for the journey ahead. After exiting the house and locking the door he headed over to the ranch too pick up Aerodactyl, and to his surprise he was waiting for him in a nearby tree next to the gate. Flying down to meet hits trainer Aerodactyl showed signs that he was set and ready to go, returning him to his pokeball Naruto went on and made his way to Professor Oak's Lab.

[Scene Change - Professor Oak's Lab]

Arriving at the lab he knocked on the door a couple times to signal that he was at the door. After waiting a little bit the door opened to reveal the middle aged professor. Seeing who was at the door the professor smiles and greeted him "Well Naruto my boy I see your here nice and early to start I just as you said you would. By the way Delia should be by a bit later with Ash and the others." Nodding his head Naruto entered the lab closing the door behind him, upon entering the lab Naruto saw a lot of papers littered everywhere as well a couple books sitting around too. "I see you have been busy Old Man, too much world piled up?" Professor sighed and turn to face the boy. "I'm afraid so my boy, I've been too caught up in my research as of late, with me losing a lot of sleep lately, and having to distribute starter Pokemon today it's just too much". Nodding his head he continued to follow the professor until they reached the research lab. Upon entering the service center he noticed and capsule unit in the center of the room, within the capsule unite were four Pokeballs signifying they were the starter Pokemon to be handed out. Walking over to it Professor Oak began to give him the run down and standards of his journey. "Now Naruto what I have here before you are the three starter Pokemon you may choose from, the Pokemon you choose will be your partner and friend for the rest of your journey. Make sure you take good care of your Pokemon and to raise with the best of your ability. Now as a trainer you will be allowed to challenge the various gyms of the Kanto Region, and if you manage to obtain all 8 badges then you will be able to qualify for the Pokemon League. Know that this is no easy task and will take your best efforts in completing it." Professor finished his speech as he allowed his student to process the information at hand.

"I understand Old Man and will do my very best to exceed your expectations, now why don't we take a look at these starter Pokemon shall we?" Naruto watched as Prof. Oak took three out of the four poke balls and tossed them in to the air, upon doing so came three streams of light which revealed three small Pokemon. Taking out his Pokedex he started to scan each Pokemon one by one,

[Charmander - The first Pokemon shape was of a bipedal reptilian Pokemon, with a primarily orange body. Its underside from the chest down and soles are cream-colored. It has two small fangs visible in its upper jaw and two smaller fangs in its lower jaw. Its arms and legs are short with four fingers and three clawed toes. A fire burns at the tip of its slender tail and has blazed there since Charmander's birth. The flame can be used as an indication of Charmander's health and mood, this Pokemon is female.] Nodding at the Pokemon he looks to the next Pokemon.

[Squirtle - The second Pokemon shape was that of a bipedal tortoise, with a primarily blue color. It has large eyes and a slightly hooked upper lip. Each of its hands and feet has three pointed digits. The end of its long tail curls inward. Its body is encased by a tough shell that forms and hardens after birth. This shell is brown on the top, pale yellow on the bottom, and has a thick white ridge between the two halves, this Pokemon is male.] Chuckling at the Pokemons antics he moves to inspect the final one.

[Bulbasaur - The third and final Pokemon is a small, quadruped Pokémon that has blue-green skin with darker green patches. It has red eyes with white pupils and scleras. It also has pointed, ear-like structures on top of its head. Its snout is short and blunt, and it has a wide mouth. A pair of small, pointed teeth are visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is open. Each of its thick legs ends with three sharp claws, this Pokemon is female.]

After scanning each of them he began to consider on who he was going to choose to take with him. After a bit of consideration he walked towards the small fire lizard and kneeled down before it. Catching its attention Naruto greeted the young Pokemon "Hello Charmander my Name is Naruto Uzumaki and I was wondering you would like to come with me on my quest to be a Pokemon Master?" Seeing the Pokemon was about to decide he stopped it for a moment, "Now before you make your choice I want to let you know that this will be no easy task. The training will be hard and i'll only accept your best efforts when traveling with me. We will face many challenges together as well have various adventure along the way, now I ask again are you up for it?." Naruto watched Charmander carefully, the Pokemon stepped forward with confidence and saw in its eyes a fiery passion deep within its soul. The will to never give up and fight for what it believes in, Charmander look to the human and saw it place its right hand over his heart and nodded. Knowing that was the only answer he needed he walked over and took Charmanders Pokeball and returned the Pokemon to its Pokeball before clipping it to its belt. As he did so Naruto looked down and saw the sadden expression on the other twos faces, not wanting to discourage he kneeled down next to them. "Hey guys don't be upset,I know you guys will get a trainer worthy of your talents soon, you just need patients. Besides you guys look strong enough already just you wait by the time I see you two again you'll already be a Blastoise and Venusaur." The Pokemon looked at one another with pride then thanked the blonde shinobi by tackling him into a group hug, once they had settled down Prof. Oak had returned them to their Pokeballs.

After returning them to their Pokeballs Prof. Oak handed Naruto a few extra Pokeballs and talked to him a bit more on what is to be expected as a Pokemon trainer. Putting his items away Naruto told the professor goodbye as he made his way towards the ketchum residence.

[Scene Change - Ketchum Residence]

After leaving the laboratory Naruto decided to make his way over to Delia's House, on his way he was greeted by the local town residence nearby. Naruto during his time in Pallet Town became a well liked person among the populace. Ever since he found a home for himself here Naruto made the time to get to know the locals there. From helping with small businesses, assisting the elderly, assisting with his trainer school, helping the local school and daycares. Finally reaching his destination he knocked on the door a couple times as he waited for a reply. Soon enough the door opened to reveal his passionate and caring lover, wearing a white sundress hugging her figure and adorn a tan sun hat. Seeing who it was at the door Delia smiled as she hugged the young adonis and soon found herself in a deep and passionate kiss. This kiss then led to her being carried inside, the door closing behind them, as she was soon laying on the living room couch still locking lips with her lover. But after a moment or two the couple separated for a breath of air as the stared one another in the eye. Sitting up from the couch Naruto set his bags aside and began to speak.

"Delia-Chan today is the day I finally get to be an official pokemon trainer", Delia looked down with a sad smile as what he said was true.

Seeing his lovers expression, Naruto cupped her chin and raised her head to face him, "Hey now, no need to be like that. I know i've just returned a couple days ago but you know i'll always come back to you know matter what. Besides you know I can return back here anytime from anywhere, I mean who am I?"

Delia smiled as she looked at the blonde shinobi, "You are Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, the man I lover with all my heart". Naruto smiled at his lover and handed her a strange kind of knife, looking to the blonde she took it into her hands without question. "Listen Delia-Chan if you ever need me no matter what it is throw this down and i'll be here before you know it" Naruto and Delia stood and hugged each other one last time. As he was heading towards the door Naruto looked towards Delphox who just entered the room, "Take good care of her while i'm not here alright?" Delphox nodded to her master and stood by her mistress side.

To Be Continued….

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the story and please do give your feedback on this, I also wanted to apologize if the Chapter was rushed, short or bad i'll try to make it better as I progress.

Trainer Info

Name: Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze

Age: 19

Place of Origin: Pallet Town

Region: Kanto

Regional Professor: Professor Oak

Pokemon Team

Slot 1: Lumigon

Gender: Female

Type: Ice/Dragon

Region: Orre Region

Moves: Dragon Rush - Icicle Crash - Dragon Rage - Ice Beam - Ice Fang

Slot 2: Charmander

Gender: Female

Type: Fire

Region: Kanto Region

Moves: Growl - Scratch - Ember - Smokescreen - Slash

Slot 3: Aerodactyl

Gender: Female

Type: Rock/Flying

Region: Kanto Region

Moves: Bite - Wing Attack - Iron Head - Agility - Roar