Outside Mount Ebott: Outside a Cave, Night…

A figure stared out at the city in the distance. This figure wore a red, armored battle suit with white highlights and matching helmet. In addition, they wore a white scarf, boots, and gloves. They carried two ninja katanas, Red blade with white handles, on their back.

The figure looked up at the sky before backing into the cave as a helicopter passed by overhead. "The World Government's Army has been active in the city and forest ever since the seventh soul entered Mount Ebott. Eighth if you count the first child, but her soul is gone."

The figure walked back into the cave. "That means it's only a matter of time."

They entered the main hub of his temporary base which contained various monitors that he was proficient at keeping up with. Each displayed different information pertinent to them from the city nearby to the Underground. There were also three figures gathered around.

The first was a huge, hulking red mass, a golem, created to serve. That was by no means interesting. Even more so when compared to the other two companions. The first was decked out in red armor exactly like Undyne's.

He even had a spear but had the added benefit of a shield. That shield bore the Delta Rune. The last was a goat monster with regal horns and red, regal robes. A white Delta Rune was imprinted on the front. He carried a white trident and had an x shaped scar on his left cheek.

He joined his comrades. "Soon it will be time test Frisk. Find out what makes him tick."

Army Base Outside Ebott City: Interrogation Room

A man with dirty blond hair, fair skin tone, and blue eyes sat tall next to his wife who was a few inches shorter than him with a slightly darker skin tone, green eyes, and beautiful, long brown hair.

Even though they both wore orange jump suits, they still looked like the spitting image of a trophy wife and husband. A young man with the same complexion and hair color of the woman, just kept short, entered the room. He also had the same blue eyes of the man.

He wore a black suit with sunglasses around the color of his shirt. Twin pistols were holstered at his side. In contrast to this modern appearance, he had a buster sword sheathed on his back. It was clear that the man and woman weren't happy to see him. The feeling was mutual.

"Martin and Sandra Welton…" The man began.

The man angrily said, "Glad to see this is how you treat us after everything we did for you Lance."

"You mean the child abuse and attempted murder. It's been recorded on your rap sheets. Speaking of which, let's look at what you're charged with beyond that. Martin, you have been found guilty of assault, money laundering, and tax evasion.

Sandra, you've been found guilty as an accomplice" Lance shook his head. "To think, I was unaware of this when living under your roof." He slammed the clipboard on the table. "Of course, you're now pending a murder charge, so I suggest you tell me where Frisk is."

"What difference will it make?" Martin replied. "We'll be old and gray when we get out. What's a few more years until our death especially since our reputation's down the drain?"

Sandra nodded in agreement. "We have no reason to reveal where Frisk is?"

Lance growled, but he managed to contain himself. "Do you two have no love for your children? Nothing at all?" He looked at Sandra. "Did we really mean that little to you that you're willing to say nothing on Frisk?"

Sandra looked at the ground sadly.

Martin scoffed. "As far as I'm concerned, Frisk could be dead for all I care. It'll only save the world trouble down the line."

Lance sat down. "Look, I'll level with you. Martin, you got a good 50 years and Sandra takes 30 pending good behavior. More than you deserve for your crimes in my opinion…" He took a deep breath. "…but you have done enough good for me to be okay with that.

Your company, despite what the month before your trial turned up, has advanced the world beyond what we could have imagined; however, you're never getting out if Frisk is dead. I'll make certain of it. Now, there is a life in the balance. Where is Frisk?"

Martin was glaring daggers, but Sandra seemed uncertain as she looked around the room frantically.

Lance nodded before looking at her and taking a deep breath. "Mom, you were a doctor. You took an oath to save lives. Please, tell me where Frisk is. For that matter, why are you two so against saying anything? We don't matter to you. You've made that clear."

"Mt. Ebott!" Sandra shouted.

Martin turned to her. "Sandra!"

Lance ignored him and focused intently on his mother. "Mt. Ebott? He's at Mt. Ebott? Why?"

"Before you were born, two people teleported into our home and trapped us in a barrier. After they assured us, they weren't there to hurt us, we calmed down, and they showed us the future. The first explained that Frisk had to go to Mt. Ebott.

The second told us that it was crucial, we do our best to make him lose Determination. He even explained how we'd go about it. You saw what he told us put into action against Frisk. You were merely unintentional which is why you were freer than him." Sandra explained.

Lance was utterly furious to hear this, but he contained himself. "What color was the magic? what did they tell you the outcome would be if Frisk was loved and not forced to Mt. Ebott? Lastly, what did they people look like?"

Both adults were surprised that he believed them.

Martin sighed as there was no point in hiding it now. "The first was a man with short, blue hair, orange eyes, and blue and orange robes. The second wore red and white including a helmet. I distinctly remember the vision appearing from black smoke. We saw the outcome. The world was obliterated by Frisk himself. We had no choice."

Lance twitched before standing up and slamming his hands on the table. "You two are both despicable and utter morons. They played you for pawns in whatever scheme they cooked up, and you never realized a thing."

"Are you saying, they were lying?" Sandra asked.

Lance took a deep breath as he attempted to maintain his professionalism with these two. "That 'vison' you say was illusion magic. You tormented Frisk and, to a lesser extent, me for nothing."

"Are you saying Magic is real and common knowledge to you? Is it common knowledge to the World Government? Does that mean Monsters are real as well?" Martin inquired genuinely curious.

Lance simply walked to the door. "You two have been cooperative; however, it was your actions that drove Frisk to that mountain. If he is dead, then you two are never getting out of prison." He opened the door.

"Another Paladin will be by. I suggest you cooperate." With everything said, he left the room. "Hold on Frisk because I'm coming to get you. I don't know what's true about Monsters, but I hope not all the legends are true."

Underground: Waterfall Castle…

Frisk had taken a good shower and was currently dressed in the long sleeved, white shirt, gray pants, and black shoes while his trench coat outfit and Temmie armor where drying from being washed. Chara had followed him into the living room however she seemed rather down.

Frisk looked back at her concerned. "Chara, are you alright? You've been like this since we returned."

Chara looked at Frisk before leaning against the wall. "Frisk, how can you be alright with someone who told you they once tried to genocide the entire Human race? My explanation wasn't even that good or complete for that matter."

"I figured as much." Frisk replied.

Chara looked up in shock. "You mean, you knew I hadn't told you everything?" She looked at the ground. "You asked for my full story, but I didn't give it to you. That's just another thing that makes me question how you can be okay with this? With me?"

"It's because you didn't have to." Frisk replied getting Chara's attention. "I've said it before. I trust you Chara, and I know you're trying to be a good person." He gave her a slight smile. "While I may not fully understand why you hate humanity, you must have a good reason."

He chuckled. "I mean, I don't know the type of person I am because I'm only getting the chance to really explore that down here, but I'd like to think I'm the type that will listen, attempt to understand, and forgive. You don't have to tell me anything Chara."

Chara sighed, "Honestly, what I left out wasn't much, and I'd feel better saying my peace."

"I'm all ears." Frisk stated.

Cara held her arms. "My mother was a member of an influential family a 100 years ago. She was captured by some men and taken advantage off. She'd been rescued, but the damage had been done. I was born. A baby out of wedlock.

Her family disowned her. My 'mother' couldn't take it. I was placed on the steps of an orphanage and later learned she'd killed herself. I wasn't enough for her to stick around. My 'family' saw me as a disgrace to their legacy.

They retook me in only to make me suffer. I'm surprised, after hearing what you went through, that they didn't do so physically, but what they did emotionally and mentally was another story. I was called every name and swear in the book.

I was treated like the black sheep. They didn't care about my wellbeing. Any clothes I got where already rags, my room was small, and I was only given enough to survive on. On top of that, their influence made it so no one would help me.

In fact, the people were encouraged to treat me worse than dirt. I could see many of them growing to like it. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore, so I did as I said. On our visit to Ebott City, I climbed the mountain to end my life only to meet Asriel. The rest is history."

"I'm sorry Chara." Frisk hugged her. "My brother always said that women are meant to be treated as queens. You were not. I just wish there was something more I could do for you. Just know, I still think you're a good person. Nothing you say will change."

Chara weakly chuckled. "You know, you're a strange one Frisk." She hugged him back. "I just want you to know, that what you've already done for me is more than I ever could have expected. Thank you."

Frisk pulled away from her with a smile. "You don't have to thank me. The simple fact is that I care for you. As you once told me, I want to help you find happiness. So, is there anything you want to do?"

"There's a piano in the other room, and you did promise to play me that song." Chara nodded. "Would you please play it for me?"

Frisk smiled. "Of course. It'll be the best use of those piano skills I have."

So, they walked into the next room and sat before the piano. Frisk placed the music box on top and opened it. As the music began, he tried his hardest to follow along. Chara leaned her head on his shoulder unable to sleep given her state.

She was touched by Frisk's kind nature none the less. Frisk stared at Chara and noticed a genuine smile. Seeing that, made him smile and attempt to nail the song better than he had been for her. This was nice.

Next Day

Frisk was kicking back for a while before getting back on the road. Snow had the same idea because he was currently curled up next to him. What with this free time to think, he had to wonder what a familiar was?

He looked back at Chara. "Chara, what's a familiar?"

Chara jumped onto the couch. "It's been over two months since we found that out and you're only now asking?"

Frisk put his hands behind his head. "To be fair, I was really concerned with training."

Chara sighed. "Fair. Most days you did end up exhausted. Very well, a familiar is an animal conjured from a Wizard's magic to fulfill certain purposes. Combat is such an example. It is important to note that you usually conjure a familiar fit for the roll.

Snow, based on what we saw, was made to interact with magical items. He does faithfully for Mars' family. You. Man's best friend personified. The fact that Snow has lasted this long is a testament to the strength of one of the seven who created the barrier.

To tie his continued existence to magic sources is no small feat. Especially since it's been over 2000 years since the barrier was created in the first place. It's likely he'll be invaluable in unlocking further secrets, or just wielding, that orb when the time comes."

"I guess Mars would have had to be powerful to be one of the seven who created the barrier." He looked at the ceiling. "You think Gaster would know anything about Mars or did he come along after the barrier's creation?"

"I'm having trouble recalling if he's ever mentioned anything about Mars or that brother your decedent seemed so concerned with." Chara admitted before looking at him. "Another thing you probably should have asked me earlier."

"That is a good point especially since Mars seemed so convinced his brother is still around to this day." Frisk admitted back. "Better late than never."

He brought out his phone and called Gaster. "Ah, Frisk. How are you doing?"

Frisk replied, "I'm doing well. Just had some questions on my mind recently that you may be able to answer."

"Of course, ask anything you wish." Gaster replied.

"Recently, I found out I'm a descendant of Mars Alister." Frisk began. "I was wondering if you knew anything about him and/or his brother."

"Aries Alister." Gaster stated. "That was his younger brother's name. Mars was older by quite a few years and great friends with Monster Kind. Two of his best were my father, Semi, and Asgore's own father. His younger brother was right around our age back then.

We three became good friends as well. Naturally, the war saw Mars and our fathers on separate sides. They had their kingdoms and people to think about. Still, thinking about it, your connection to the Alister brothers should have been obvious. You're just as kind as they were."

"Something seems to have changed after Monsters were imprisoned then because my ancestor left a message, in a prism that I found, and he warns that Aries is still alive." Frisk explained.

Gaster was shocked. "Come again?"

So, Frisk explained everything about the artifact and message.

"This is most troubling." Gaster chuckled. "Admittedly, it is not the first thing to trouble us, no?"

"Your right about that." Frisk replied.

"Given that, should this prove true, Aries can in fact enter the Underground due to his soul being that of a Wizard's. The questions we should ask are why he hasn't done so already and why he's not doing so at this moment? I imagine he'd have some way to track this artifact you speak of."

"Good point." Frisk stated. "I'll just have to watch my back from here on out just in case. Thanks Dr, Gaster. I know you disbelieve it, but you don't outright deny the possibility."

"I must admit, to think that Aries could have changed from the person I know into someone his brother is weary of is hard to believe; however, my time in the Void has shown that the unexpected can very well happen. Thank you for updating me on this."

"Any time." Frisk replied.

They both hung up.

Frisk sighed and rubbed his head. "I'm starting to think that 2 months of training wasn't enough; however, I can't stay here forever."

Chara crossed her arms. "Then don't. I have your back. That means now, and should I come back to life. I know I haven't been the most useful in combat, but I'll do what I can."

Frisk smiled. "That means a lot Chara." He stood and Snow jumped into the backpack before the Human put it on. "I certainly feel confident progressing now." He stuck his hands in his pockets. "Let's go already."

Chara nodded before they all vanished from the room.

Ebott Army Base: Monitor Room

Lance walked into the room and found exactly who was looking for. She was a young woman with a slightly darker skin tone, forest green eyes, and brown hair which she kept short. She was dressed in a black suit like anyone else who worked for the World Government's Army.

Unlike most, she let the jacket hang around her shoulders. Her build was that of a fighter, but the only visible weapon she had was a wooden staff with a black crystal. She was currently surrounded by men and woman in casual black clothing looking at the various monitors.

"Katlyn… High Paladin Katlyn." Lace firmly stated. "Why was my request to head inside Mt. Ebott denied?"

"The information you got out of your 'parents' leads me to suspect that you are too close to this matter to use your best judgment." She turned to face him. "Right now, your feelings for your younger brother would only cloud your judgment.

You know full well that the World Government has been divided on this issue. It's delicate. We don't know if the Monsters have been killing or taking care of the Humans that fell. We don't know their stance on our kind. Anyone I send must be both sound of mind and body."

"Please, High Paladin." Lance pleaded. "I do care about my little brother more than anything, but I swear, to whatever you want, that I won't let that impede my judgement. If given no other choice…" He sighed and looked at the ground. "…I will do what I must to protect Humanity."

Katlyn looked at lance before sighing. "Take a team of seven, you trust, to the mountain Paladin. Until you can confirm the situation down there, do not kill a single monster. If it comes down to it, take a Boss Monster Soul and get everyone out."

Lance was relieved. "Thank you, High Paladin. I promise I will use my best judgement."

Katlyn walked up to him and looked him in the eyes. "Whatever happens down there, you are to come back to me. You made a promise." She showed her ring. "A promise that I'd like your brother to see, but not at the cost of your life. Understood."

Lance nodded. "I have every intention of fulfilling that promise ma'am."

"You better." Katlyn stated.

Lance turned away from her. "Relax High Paladin." He smiled back at her. "I may have my flaws, but there's a reason I've thrived in this army." He walked out of the room. "I will come back with my brother. Once this whole mess is sorted, I will make good on all my promises."

Katlyn closed her eyes and touched her engagement ring. "You better." She opened them and looked at the information unit who were staring at her. "What are you all looking at? Get back to your monitors! I want a status report on that Determination Soul now!"

Everyone turned around while a female stated. "Ma'am, our scans of the mountain indicate that the Determination Soul teleported to Zone Three. That means there's only it, Zone Four, and Zone Five standing between them and the barrier. The other 6 souls are still in Zone Five."

Katlyn bit her thumb. "Seven Wizard Souls of the seven known traits gathered in one place. It can't be a coincidence since the seven Wizards were of those same traits." She addressed her men. "Keep me posted."

Underground: Hotland

Frisk teleported to the water cooler area and walked past it where he found two men in black armor guarding the way north, a way to the south, and a lab to the east. There was also a save point in the center of the area.

Frisk glanced at the men, but they made no move to attack him. The Human decided it was better to leave the be, so he touched the save point before deciding to check out the way to the south. There he found nothing but a lake which likely led back to Waterfall and Snowdin.

"You think this is where the River Person was?" Frisk asked.

"Certain of it." Chara replied. "Asriel and I met them often which only makes it strange that you keep missing them. I know you delayed coming here by 2 months, but…"

She didn't quite finish, and Frisk nodded. "Were they odd? Maybe a little quirky?"

"A bit, why?" Chara asked.

Frisk scanned down the river towards Waterfall before turning his attention up the stream. "Eh, it's probably nothing. Just bad timing on my part." He walked back up. "Come on. The only way forward is through that lab."

Alphys' Lab

Frisk walked into the lab only to notice that it was dark. He walked forward and looking at a monitor which both displayed him and a second screen.

"Frisk" – Level 1

HP: 20/20

MP: 100/100

EXP: 0

ATK: 10 (7)

DEF: 10 (20)

Weapon: Red Umbrella + Tough Glove

Armor: Temmie Armor

"Whoever the current Royal Scientist is, they've found a way to technologically Check an individual." Chara stated.

"Check?" Frisk asked. "What are you talking about?"

"Check's a basic spell that gives the caster information on anyone they wish. Basically, what you see here." Chara explained.

Frisk started walking again. "You didn't think to teach me that?"

Chara shrugged. "You didn't ask."

Frisk sighed. "That's fair."

He stopped as the lights turned on and Alphys entered the room from a doorway.