Chapter 29: One Year Later
Eleven years ago
Emma, who's lying in a hospital bed with her foot handcuffed to the rails is told by her assisting the doctor to give a "big push" as she endures giving birth. She screams as she follows his instruction, but this intense pain causes the lights around her to flicker, glow, and then lose power once the baby is out. She regains her breath, clearly exhausted, which causes the lights to turn back on; the doctor holds up her newborn son after wrapping him up in a blanket and carries him over to Emma, commenting that he's beautiful and telling her the sex. The blonde turns her head, she intends to never gaze upon the child, which leads the doctor to wonder what's wrong. Emma simply shakes her head, and the nearby nurse whispers into her superior's ear, supposedly telling him that the new mother plans to give her baby up for adoption. She is assured that it's not too late to change her mind, but she replies, "No... I can't be a mother."
Still refusing to look at her newborn baby. The doctor tells her that it's not too late to change her mind, and something suddenly dawns on the exhausted new mother. "Wait..." she utters, turning to her son and requesting to hold him. The doctor happily hands him over and Emma takes her child in her arms, smiling down at his face as she ceases crying. At that moment something extraordinary happens. At that moment, her son in her hands, images suddenly appear affront to her in the back of her head. She then smiles and remembers the memories that she'd spent in the Enchanted Forest. Looking down at her son, relieved that he's not Neal's child but with her husband is comforting to her but also filled with sadness, as he's not here, welcoming their son to the world. As they silently bond, and within that false moment, she is in love with her son and knows what she is going to call him.
A portal opens and closes with two people who are not from this realm, instead, they come from a realm called the Enchanted Forest. Now in a foreign city, the young woman knows that they're in the right realm however she doesn't know which state or city they're in, however, her papa knows. He tells his daughter that they're in New York City as he's been here only once and puts the unfortunate memories locked in his head remembering what he did.
"Let's go find your mother." The man says in leather garb.
"No, we are first going to blend in and then find mama." The daughter says and then of course her papa, deviates from her, looking at his daughter.
"Finding Emma, your mother should be the first thing to do Felicity."
"Yes, I know that's a priority, papa but not like this," Felicity says her eyes looking at her papa's, waving her hands and pointing to their clothing emphasizing the problem and breaths, "not dressed like this. We stick out like a sore thumb papa and we need to blend in so that nothing bad will happen to either of us. So that none of us will end up in a cell with bars. We can't march in, wherever mama is and believes us, especially dressed up in clothes that are centuries years old, she won't buy it, she is not the mama that we both remembered, right now her mindset is in seeing to believe anything, she will want proof and we can't provide that."
Reluctantly Killian Jones, nods his head, admitting his defeat to finding his wife right away. Felicity did have excellent points and finds himself telling her, "what do you suggest we do to blend in?" then she starts talking again, focusing that they first need is money from this realm. They then looked to the surroundings, finding something like a pawnbroker or an antiquities store to sell one doubloon. They had to walk a few blocks until they found one. Once inside the store, they saw that they're only people in the store which is good and told the men behind the cashier their request. The man takes the doubloon and takes a magnifying glass, checking to make sure that the gold doubloon is real and not fake.
"Where did you find this?" the deal broker says impressed that what he is holding is in fact real and in good condition.
"There is nothing to be said. You won't believe us if we told you, let's keep it at that," Felicity said her eyes staring into the man's making he'll understand and comply with their request. He nodded thankfully and went into the back explaining before he stepped out of the room, that to give them the proper funds, for such a fortune is something that's in a safe. He came back out a few minutes later and gave them the proper money to them in the twenties, according to him it was about a couple hundred dollars, nearly all of the money that he had that was in the safe, used for only purposes such as these, rare precious objects that have such momentous value. As Felicity got the money in hand, she turned to her father as he gave her a pouch and opened it to put the money in, they then thank the man for the business, then they left.
Out of the shop, they then talked for a little bit discussing whether they should find now or get a place to sleep as the sun starts to set. Given the late hour, they then started a brisk pace of finding lodgings. Once they find one, they would go inside the hotels and asked if they had a room for a night with two beds. It took a while to find one, however, when they have gotten a room, Felicity grabs the room key figuring it better for her to use this plastic device instead of papa who would take a while to get a hang of it. After hearing the directions, they thanked her and went off to their room.
Inside the room was two queen beds with white sheets. The room had the color of a taupe/beige color that brought a little color to the room and was also showed with the extra pillows that were used for decorative purposes only. There was also a small oval table with two chairs and next to it is the dresser with a big screen of this realm's modern inventions. Once they were situated, Felicity wanted to try the bathroom naturally to get cleaned up before she sleeps. While she's in the shower, one Killian Jones is looking at the room in interest, particularly looking at the screen, which he had found out is called the tv and found the remote to turn it on. Once it was on, he clicked on the arrows changing the channels, finding the tv a marvel in itself, as he settled down on placing the channel on a news channel.
By the time Felicity was out, refreshed from the invigorating shower with the towel around her, she looks out and finds her papa entranced by the screen, watching it. It was an improvement, she thought, watching her papa working around himself with these modern inventions that this realm has had created. It was an improvement, then he stands and walks to the bathroom, ready to be refreshed as he goes to the bathroom and closes the door. A minute or two later, she hears the water going off as she then sighs, she goes and picks a bed and watches the screen. A couple of minutes later, her papa, gets out of the bathroom and before he goes into the bed, he sees his daughter nearly asleep, so he goes towards her and gives a kiss on her forehead giving her the customary treatment like when she was young as he tells her good night as she sleepily says good night to her father. He then turns the screen off and goes to the bed, a few minutes later father and daughter are asleep.
When dawn approaches, Killian Jones is awakened as usual as the little specks of light come filtering in the room. No matter the realm or the time, he is always awakened at dawn. Last night, the night that he had, he found himself strangely well-rested, for the past year it has been hard getting to sleep and staying asleep as he always thinks about his wife, Emma. Sure, he has his daughter with him, most of the time, but it's still hard, as he took care of her and she took care of him. As he looks at Felicity still asleep, he decided he should change back to his clothes and decides to wake her up in another hour or so or sooner, depending on what he is feeling.
Thirty minutes later, he found himself not waking Felicity up, as she woke up herself, well rested, and ready to go, as he finds himself, in the bathroom once again as he waits till she is changed. Once changed, she grabbed the key as they left the room, as they left the room with their clothes back on and the pouch that papa still has, they were ready. When they got downstairs, they followed the smell of food and saw that the food is free, taking advantage of it, they grabbed a plate and went to tables where the food was and grabbed the food that looked familiar, the scrambled eggs and bacon, then Felicity looked at the few people there and saw bread, she went over there and placed two bread in the machine, she waited for a minute or two till they were ready and put them onto her plate as she found papa already sitting down. She collects the bread and put it on her plate, saving one for herself and one for papa. They ate in silence, worried that if they talk, no matter if they were only a few people there, they knew they couldn't risk anything. By the time they were finished, she put the key in the box as they left the hotel.
Outside, they walked and talked, deciding that they should get the clothes today. Unfortunately for them, the stores don't get to open up until an hour or two. While as they waited as patiently as they can, they looked around the city and finding stores that were promising that was in their price range. When the hours were gone, they walked to one of the stores that they passed by and went in. As they went in, they've gotten help, that they needed as they didn't know their sizes and soon found decent clothing to blend in within their preferred colors. Felicity followed the advice from the store clerk and got colors in blue, green, grey, while her papa took on the dark colors, the dark blues, black, dark red, and greys. When they were finished, two hours had passed and the sum was of great value after they got everything they needed in clothing, including the undergarments that they had needed to get, except for shoes, they then went to another shop one for shoes and found decent comfortable footwear.
Once they were hungry, they then found a pizza place to eat at. While waiting to get served, Felicity asked where the bathrooms were at and told her father that she is going to change into her new clothing. Before she left, she told him to get the cheese pizza, if the server comes back with no drinks, as they got complimentary water and were fine with that. Apparently, as she left, she was right at the server came back, and by the time she was back the food shortly came. As they ate, she suggested that he should change into the new clothing when they finished eating. By the time they were full, her papa left the pouch to her, as he went to the directions to the bathroom, she gotten the check and paid the bill in cash, with the change back, she left a few dollars as a tip. By the time she paid, her papa came back, changed. Then they left the pizza place, and now Killian breathes as finally, finally, they were going to find Emma and Henry at last.
They had to find another place, to find her, it took them a while to find a place that they had computers, to search for her from the internet but they found a place. Once at the internet café Felicity sat down and entered her mom's name unsure of what name she is going by, Swan or Jones. She didn't find anything with Swan however she did find the Jones name and to double-check her work, she checked that the person that they were searching for, also matched to the one they know, so when she found the Bail Bondsperson, Emma Jones, she had to pay a dollar into the machine to print out the directions. Once they got the directions, the map that they got from the hotel that they stayed at from last night, that papa holds, opens it up.
They had two options. It appears that they are far away from where Emma and Henry live at, which they found out from the map when they saw it. Looking at the map, Killian said that they could save money and sleep in the park as they walk the many damn blocks or as Felicity suggests is to use the subway transportation that runs underneath the city, even though they'll losing money fast, it is a faster way to get to them. While they could find a motel instead of a hotel from last night, that is if they find a motel instead of a hotel, in hopes of saving money by the time they find a place to sleep at and if they don't find one, then they'll sleep in the park as much as she doesn't want to, she knows it's better to have a plan in place. Her father likes the plan albeit because of the compromise that they've made if they couldn't find a motel.
After much thinking and walking, when Killian Jones admit defeat, with the endless blocks of walking through people and the heat they felt from all of that walking including adding the people that they were passing through, it was no wonder that he admitted defeat. Yet what they've accomplished is good, however, it still wasn't enough, other people would've said it was impressive that they could manage twelve blocks. They weren't even halfway there, so with a little a hidden smirk that one Felicity Amelia Jones made, she was relieved that her father's plan failed, I mean they are holding their clothes in bags still and she was getting tired fast, so she waited until her father admitted defeat. It took a great amount of time, of patience to get where they are now.
Now as they found the closest underground station, as her father put it as they went down and found a machine, to purchase the tickets. Naturally, as she's better handling these inventions, she was the one who got the tickets, and as they got another map and try to align it with the other map and the address to see what the train they have had to take. As they try to search it, someone came to help them as they do look lost and are tourists in their sense of the word, Felicity looked at her father pleading with her eyes that they needed help as she said yes.
In no time less than five minutes later, after they've said their thanks to the kind stranger, they were following the directions the stranger said. It wasn't hard and as she and her papa have a great memory, so as they walked, and found the right train car, they went in, found room to sit down thankfully and waited until they stood up as they exited the train car.
Once they're out of the underground station, Felicity heard her papa giving one long breath as he sighed, relieved most likely as she remembered his expression once they set in the train car. It was one of fear, one of the worries, a facial representation that she rarely or of anyone would get to bare to witness, scared. He says this, "we are not going to use that mode of transportation ever again. You hear me, Felicity, that thing is a metal death trap." He shook his head.
Then she said, "Well it's a good thing that we don't have to do that again, as we are near our destination. At least we're close to them," she said seeing her papa agreeing with her statement as he nodded. "Now let's see if it's possible to find a motel." As they walked, they managed to find the building and for a moment wondered if they should visit them tomorrow instead of the morning. As they searched the area, being in the perimeter of within five blocks, they found a place to eat or rather try what they have on the stands as they haven't exactly tried that yet. Once they tried the classic hotdog, they knew it was okay, glad to have something in their stomachs as the sun is starting to set down. When finished they searched the perimeter again and in her dismay knows since they were no motels in sight, faces with the fact that for tonight they'll be sleeping in the park, on a bench most likely.
So, when the sky turned dark, they were in the park, finding a place to sleep. Turns out she was right, they were going to sleep on a bench and as it got colder, she put on the coat as well as did her father even though he didn't need it. As she sat on the bench at the same time as did her father, knowing that she is not going to sleep by sitting down, she moved, laying her head on her papa's leg, soon as she still holding her clothes in the bag, her papa's hands moved as his right hand grows near towards his head, trying to make it comfortable for her. Soon enough she was asleep while Killian Jones thinks what tomorrow morning would bring, thinking of all the possibilities as they had discussed on the way here. Shortly after his thoughts fly away, he gets to sleep.
When the dawn comes and Killian is awake, he looks around, making sure everything they'd are still there. He was relieved to know nothing was stolen, when they were asleep, knowing that Felicity remembers everything that Emma said many centuries ago when life was good with just the three of them. As he looks down at her, he smiles knowing that he's proud of her, this past year may be tough with her going back and forth between him and the grandparents. It was hard and yet they'd made it work somehow and he was grateful that she was with him, as he got the letter from a bird stating a new curse was coming. He was proud of her for also remembering the memories that were from centuries ago because he knows that's not an easy thing to remember as time passed too long and things from your past start to inconveniently, unfortunately, disappear. He knows that, and he knows that she knows. When he mentioned this, all she said was that she tried to remember the important memories, the interesting conversations when asked about this realm that they're currently in, he would ever be grateful for her remembering as he forgot. At least someone remembered that otherwise they would've been lost in all the ways.
When he woke her up, she did it grudgingly as she moved up and got off the bench, with the bag now sitting on the bench as she stretched as sleeping on a bench never does anything good to your body. She grunts silently or as she is trying to be quiet about it. While Killian just shakes his head amused. Soon as she stands her bag is back in her hands while her papa gets up as well, only putting his good hand by smoothing down his neck, trying to fix the crank of his neck that he knows he has. After that with his bag of clothes in hand, he then guides his daughter to the nearest diner where they could eat breakfast before meeting Emma once again. There unlike yesterday morning, Felicity decided to try something new, looking at the different types of omelets, pancakes, waffles, not knowing what she wants to do try, all she knows is that she wants something to fulfill her stomach. Looking around the diner, she didn't see a lot of people here, so she went back to the menu, deciding to try the omelet with toast while her papa went to try the pancake with eggs and bacon. Once finished, they walked to the building, their anticipation of what's to come is pounding with their heartbeats.
We are treated to a view of New York City, its skyline filled with all the usual hustle and bustle one would associate with the Big Apple. From out an apartment window, birds are seen flying overhead as the shot moves down to reveal a digital alarm clock on the window sill, which begins beeping when the time becomes 8:15. A hand is seen stretching out from its owner's bed, hitting a button on the touch-screen clock that means the person wants to wake up. As "Charley's Girl" by Lou Reed begins playing, the person to whom the apartment belongs is seen cracking eggs into a bowl, whisking them, pouring the mixture into a frying pan, and turning on the stove, an omelet underway. The person is revealed to be Emma Swan, who stirs her upcoming omelet whilst looking over at her son, Henry, who's joyously watering the plants by the window. She smiles and returns to her cooking, soon serving breakfast to her and Henry, the latter of which is already sitting at the table. She grabs the hot cocoa she's prepared for him and slides it over, but the young man points out that his mother's forgotten something. Realizing what it is she's forgotten, she grabs some cinnamon from the kitchen and hands it to his son, who begins sprinkling it on his beverage. She then takes a seat opposite him, where she has an omelet and cup of cocoa of her own, and the happy family clink mugs before they start their first meal of the day, this all being seemingly routine.
Suddenly, there is a loud knocking at the door, much to the blonde's confusion. Henry wonders if someone's coming over, but she answers negatively, finding this occurrence strange. The person behind the door then knocks again, this time more fiercely, and Emma becomes worried. She tells her son to wait where he is as she goes to answer it, turning off the music on her way, and she opens the door to reveal Kilian Jones at the front of the door while behind him is Felicity. "Emma..." he utters fondly, but she simply stares at him, unbelievably not believing in what is happening, as she recognizes them. He takes a step towards her hesitantly, but she outstretches her hand to halt the pirate, not knowing what he is going to do. As he goes, leaning towards her, he says her name again, then she says so quiet that he can only hear asks, "Killian is it really you?"
He looks astonishes as he heard her say his name and instead of answering her, when he has leaned too close to Emma, he kisses her. Instantly Emma got her memories back from the past year. Instantly she kisses for a little too long, until cough-
Felicity. "Okay it seems that you remember mama, but can you two please wait, and let us inside mama. Please." Felicity says making her presence known, making them remember the reality of the situation, ending their fantasies and bringing them back to reality.
Once Killian and Felicity was in the apartment, Emma still stunned to find her husband and their daughter together and, in her apartment, she instantly halts. They looked at her wondering what's going on as she thinks about what to do quickly. Knowing what she is going to do she smirks, finding what she is going to do will be quite amusing as she doesn't tease much.
"Henry," Emma says as she gets out of the hallway from the entrance, looking at her son smiling, "remember the stories I told you about your father and your older sister." She says knowing how her son will react.
"Yeah," he says then gives a moment pause adding in, "why?"
She then moves a little bit closer to Henry, as the two figures come out. As Henry watches he is no longer sitting down at the table but got up quickly. As he looks at them then eyes back to his mom waiting for her to confirm what he thinks is who he thinks. She nods and says, "Henry this is your father Killian and your older sister, Felicity."
She watches as Henry without his memories meet them again. She looks relieved, almost feeling like she wants to cry watching them down reunite. Although this is what she hadn't expected it to happen. Then she looks back at the time and as much she wants Henry to stay, he needs to go to school. "Henry I'm sorry kid, but you still got to go to school. The bus will here soon, get dressed and I'll walk you out."
"Mom what about the permission slip for the trip to the museum?"
"Yeah about that Henry, what do you think about missing school?"
He then lightens up, unbelieved what he is hearing as he goes to his room as he got dressed quickly. His mom then follows him out and a few minutes later, the bus just arrived on time thankfully, she quickly said her goodbyes to him as she goes back to the apartment, ready to hear what her husband and daughter will say about what's happened from the past year. Usually, it has to be something bad, as they're here.
When she's back in the apartment, she gets two glasses with a bottle of liquor, as she sees her daughter looking at and before Felicity can say anything. "No Felicity you are not having any of this." Her daughter frowns as she looks towards her husband with eyes saying what did you do. "Killian." She said sternly then curiously asked, "when did our daughter start drinking?"
"Nine months ago." He said, already worried by the tone of his wife's reaction.
"She shouldn't be drinking, why is she drinking?"
Instead of her papa answering, already almost fidgeting with his fingers, she answered. "I had nightmares about Neverland, Peter Pan, it wasn't easy talking about it. The rum helped but don't blame papa, he's not the only one who let me drink. Grandma Snow and Grandpa David also let me drink saying in their exact words, I was more of an adult than a teenager because of what I've been through with being forced to live at Neverland for centuries and all. Also, in the Enchanted Forest as because that they're royal, it was also required to start drinking at the age of sixteen."
As Emma hears this from her only daughter, she realizes many things, the most important thing that's in her mind, she is going to confront her husband with her parents for allowing Felicity to drink. Her husband is lucky for now. She doesn't even want to hear those excuses when that day will come.
"Felicity you can't drink here. Here in the land without magic, there are age limitations and here you will learn to not drink until you are twenty-one years old. That's my rules. Deal with it." As she heard her daughter groans at the idea waiting for four more years. Then she hears the story from them both after taking a few sips of the liquor burning through her throat.
There's another curse. Not much of a surprise there, as obviously they're here to warn her about it and how they're not in Storybrooke.
It was most likely cast by Regina's older sister, Zelena, who turns out to be the Wicked Witch of the West. Apparently, her weakness is light magic, and they tried using her daughter, to deal with her however it later backfired as she wasn't powerful enough to defeat her. Which means that her parents and everyone else back in the Enchanted Forest, knew that they had to get her back.
Two hours later. After hearing the stories of what happened ever since she left, she only groaned. Then she heard the story when they've arrived and was impressed with Felicity, indicating to her that she did the right thing to do. She was also impressed with what they've had experienced here, the shopping experience, trying new foods, and even going through the subway at which Killian remarked once again how that thing is a metal death trap. She had found herself amused with her husband, Killian was going through, she even laughed. It was good knowing everything. Then she told them since they slept at the park on a bench last night, they are going to wash up with new clothes while she takes a nap as she waits for them. When Felicity and Killian have gotten refreshed by going in the shower and wearing new sets of clothes. Now with them done, they all left the apartment as they headed towards another store. This time getting backpacks or duffle bags, whichever they prefer with more undergarments as Emma found out that they've gotten clothing from this realm. Before she napped, she looked at how much clothing they've got and seen they got about clothing that will last them for about a couple of days and decided that also needed more shoes.
As more hours pass by, shopping for clothes and shoes were done. She was thinking if they all could fit in her small yellow bug. The more she thought about, the more worried she was that everything and everyone would be clustered in such a tiny car. So, when their shopping excursion was over, she was happy and luckily thought she was driving her car today. She doesn't drive her car around a lot much these days, for this past year. As she is driving, instead of going back to the apartment like Killian and Felicity expected to do, she surprised them as she drove into a used car dealership.
"I don't think all of us are going to fit in here along with our stuff when we leave tomorrow." She simply stated besides, she should get rid of the bug that she had for so long. That car had many memories in it, most of the memories of her ex, Neal. Bad memories involving him and some good memories that she wants to forget, she just wants to move on. It seems today was that day, getting rid of this car, is like pulling one long yarn out. She wondered why she hadn't done this, in the past year, instead of now.
Once there, she tells her husband and daughter to come out and see which new car she'll get. After about an hour of viewing cars, they decided that the red 2009 Ford Edge SEL would do. When they first arrived, it was rather decided fast that the car will be red, something that everyone agreed. Killian mentioned that it'll go well with her red leather jacket. After that, they've discussed if she would get a normal car that's a sedan, an SUV, crossbody, or a truck. Finding the type of car took a little bit longer and decided that a truck just wouldn't do, Killian complained about being in a small car, given his tall stature. Given that taken in, it was almost impossible to find a car that would not only suit the driver, Emma but also making sure it was comfortable for everyone else or making sure that her husband would fit inside the car.
Once she traded the car for the newer car, the three of them took everything out of the bug and put them into the new car. Once when they got in the car, Emma drove them all back to her apartment while telling them that the plan once they're back inside. First, they're going to give Henry the potion so that he can remember the past year. Once given the potion they're going to tell him that they're going to leave tomorrow morning. She would tell him to pack the things that he can put into his luggage along with his clothing that she will do once they arrive there. Well after she put all of her clothing into her luggage first obviously with some small trinkets.
By the time that they're back at the apartment, Emma noticed that Henry would be here soon as she noticed what time it was. That Henry would already be in the school bus coming home. Once there, after getting everything out from her new car to the apartment she said for them to take their clothes out and put most of them in their new luggage while telling them to leave one outfit out for tomorrow.
When Henry arrived back to the apartment by himself, he took in what he's looking at around him, as he spied the luggage. Emma instantly comes from her room as Killian gives her the potion. As she easily convinces Henry to drink the odd drink, the instant that he gulped it down, swallowing the entirety of the potion, he remembers. This time he eagerly went to his father and sister throwing them into a hug, saying that he missed them. He didn't question the luggage's this time, as he figured out very quickly that they're going to be going back to Storybrooke. Meaning that their time in New York City is now up.
Then he froze, remembering what he did to his mom's boyfriend who had also proposed last night. Remembering that early morning today he sent a text to him on his mom's phone while she let their rest of the family into the apartment. Emma froze, unbelieved that Henry did that, and instantly regretted once when he met his father and sister in the morning. She only nodded briefly understanding the situation, then told Henry to pack his clothes as she's still doing hers at the moment.
Everybody then resumed what they were doing. Once finished, she called for Chinese food for delivery for dinner, thinking it better to not cook for dinner and for her husband and daughter to keep trying new food. Today for lunch they ate an Italian bistro and they seemed to like Italian so far. Besides, they did try the same meal which was the bistro's famous spaghetti and meatballs while she took the fettuccine alfredo.
When the bell rang off, Emma knew that it was Walsh as she just ordered dinner ten minutes ago. As she went to the door, she takes one long breath of air then opens the door. A short while later, Emma and Walsh make it to the roof of the former's apartment and she apologizes, stating that her place is a mess at the moment. Walsh, clearly not believe this, says she doesn't have to avoid a romantic gesture by passing it off as a housekeeping malfunction. An uncomfortable Emma announces that she can't marry Walsh. He puts on a brave face and says it's too soon, but Emma explains that she needs to go home and sort out a few things. Confused, Walsh points out that Emma said she was an orphan and all she had was Henry. She assures him that that's true...but there's a part of her life she's been blocking out and it'd be impossible for him to understand. He asks how she'd know that and then asks what changed overnight. Emma explains that someone from her past showed up, so Walsh believes it to be Henry's father.
When she didn't answer, the silence spoke volumes. Walsh seems to be slightly frustrated with this answer, asking how he's supposed to sleep at night knowing that the person she truly loves from her past is back into her life. An upset Emma says that it kills her to have to make this decision and to leave her whole life behind. Walsh tries to persuade her that if she loves this life so much then she should just stay, however, she insists that she can't, wishing he could see things the way she does. Walsh nods, finally given up, and then with a cold expression states "I wish you hadn't remembered". As he paces away, Emma is left with a confused and scared look on her face. As he begins throwing chairs around, Emma asks what he's talking about. Once he stops, he tells her in a sinister tone that he actually kind of liked her. Confused, she asks who he is. However, he doesn't respond, his eyes simply glow red before he charges at her, ready to hurt her.
She quickly dodges out the way, causing him to tumble off the roof. When she looks over the edge, she's horrified to see a winged creature flying up towards her. "Really?" she huffs, having seen it all before. The blonde turns around and notices a metal bar. When the fury creature reaches the roof, she grabs the metal bar and smashes it across its face. However, this doesn't shoo it off and it goes to attack her. Using the metal rod, she holds the beast off and manages to shove it off the edge of the roof, causing it to fall to the floor below and dissipate into white dust. Once it's over, she looks down below and takes deep breaths of relief. Killian suddenly makes his way to the roof, asking what happened. Emma tells him it was a reminder that she was never safe and what she wants won't be possible for the savior. She tells him that it's a good thing they're leaving in the morning before walking away with a determined look on her face.
Once she was back in her apartment, after learning that she was spied upon for months, for the first time she didn't feel safe at where she lived. However, normalcy tried to be picked up in place, as the delivery boy came and gave them their dinner once she closed the door after reentering her apartment. She quickly told Felicity and Henry what happened on the roof, as they described hearing a noise from above and seeing their father run-up to her, making sure she was okay. Needless to say, they were shocked to hear that the guy that she dated for months turns out to be a flying monkey, Henry felt more shocked as he was the one who encouraged her to date and knew that Walsh was a nice man, well supposedly until now that is. While Felicity was just shocked that her mom dated, not that she blames her for it given the circumstance, but seriously he was a creature clearly stunned her even though she didn't know about it until now. The dinner was somewhat awkward however Henry took the joys of telling his father and sister about his past year as they then traded stories, that Emma has heard from earlier and other tales that she didn't know about. That seemed to do the trick as they ate and later shortly after falling asleep into their respective rooms, as Henry goes to his while Emma took Killian to hers while Felicity gets the couch.