Hello again!

Here's the second chapter! Starting with the official first two episodes!

Also, I will go beyond the end of the episodes at times.

Disclaimer: Cartoon Network owns Hero 108. Not me.

Let's begin!

Rabbit Castle/Elephant Castle

Three months later…

Gavin sighed as he rested at the edge of the bamboo forest along with his turtle companion. He was waiting for Lin Chung to return. Lin had gone into the forest to get more ammunition for his staff, which was hollow so he could fire and store the sharp tips of bamboo shoots. As the 18 year old rested, he thoughts about all that had happened in the three months that he had been in Hidden Kingdom and part of Big Green. He had been shown all of Big Green, and been introduced to everyone who was a part of the organization, including the animals, who were, to his surprise, quite intelligent and different in sizes and colors from the ones in his world. He had done training, and improved his reaction time, flexibility, and fighting skills. Surprisingly, his phone had come with him when he had arrived in their world. He didn't use it much, since they hadn't really harnessed the power of electricity yet. Some of his powers had appeared as well. He could understand any animal language now, and could control water, and stone, though not without wearing himself out.

He was drawn from his thoughts when Lin emerged from the forest on his turtle. He got up, waking his turtle, and hopped on, saying, "Let's go."

The turtle nodded, and started moving. They soon caught up alongside Lin and his turtle, and headed back to Big Green.

"You get your ammo?" He asked Lin. He nodded in response. "Good." They then returned to Big Green, where they then made their way to their briefing room. There, they found Mr. No Hands pacing and hovering impatiently.

Upon seeing them arrive, he shouted, "Lin Chung! Gavin Woodring! Where have you been!?"

"I was in the bamboo forest. With nature as my companion," Lin replied with a smile, placing a hand on his waist while holding his staff.

"I was with him as well," Gavin added with a nod, looking down as he did so. The humans of this world, he had discovered, were overall a bit shorter than him, which took some getting used to.

"Mystique Sonia and Mighty Ray and Commander ApeTrully have been taken captive at Rabbit Castle!" Mr. No Hands exclaimed, causing their smiles to disappear.

"I must go to them!" Lin said as he launched himself out of the room with his spear.

"They need our help!" Gavin added as he ran after him, leaving Mr. No Hands behind.

They hopped onto their turtles and raced away from Big Green, heading towards Rabbit Castle.

Soon, the landscape became dotted with giant carrots that towered over them like trees. In the distance, they could see Rabbit Castle, which had a large and thick broken bluish stone wall surrounding a cone-like stone building with round windows and an elegant tear-drop-like stone carving at the top. They stopped behind a row of the carrots and launched themselves at the wall. Lin used his spear to climb quickly up the wall and jump into a window, while Gavin used his stone powers to make the stones of the wall extend, allowing him to launch off them before he went through the same window.

They landed on a ledge overlooking the lobby of the castle. Looking down, they saw that two rabbits, who were about the height of Mighty Ray, were holding a jump rope and making Ray, Sonia, and ApeTrully jumprope while tied to giant carrots.

Gavin watched as Lin loaded up his staff with the tips, and then fired them by flicking air into the end, the red feather on the tip acting as a scope. The tips hit the giant carrots with great force, breaking them apart and freeing Sonia, Ray, and ApeTrully.

Sonia used her long blue tongue to grab the jump rope, causing the rabbits holding the rope to spin with it, and then threw them at the other rabbits in the room, knocking some of them over and tying them up.

"Baaaad bunnies!" She said, Yaksha pointing a finger at them for emphasis. The rabbits were enraged by what she had done to their comrades, and started hopping towards them. Ray took out a banana from inside his jacket, and opened it, making a disgusted sound as he pinched his nose and ate the whole thing minus the peel. Upon swallowing it and burping, he yelled, "I am Mighty Ray!" He then touched his eyes, causing them to spark lightning. "Fear my eyeballs!" He then jumped into the air, and lightning shot out from his eyes, hitting all the rabbits. Once the lightning disappeared, the rabbits fell to the ground unconscious, scorch marks covering their bodies as smoke rose from them.

Another rabbit appeared, carrot in mouth, and started talking to Sonia, Ray, and ApeTrully, hopping and waving his arms angrily. The rabbit was white furred, with long black rectangular ears, large black eyes, red irises with white pupils, and a scar with stitches above his right eye. He also had the characteristic buck teeth.

Gavin sighed in frustration upon hearing what the Rabbit King said. ApeTrully turned to Sonia and Ray and said, "The Rabbits are unwilling to make peace with Big Green and humans. Furthermore, they will only surrender if you can best them in a game of jumping rope."

Gavin shook his head as he hopped to the floor along with Lin. "This will be interesting," He said as he walked up to the rest of First Squad with Lin.

They then made their way out of the castle, the turtles and rabbits following them. They arrived at a clearing, and the Rabbit King stood on one side, his fellow rabbits behind him, while First Squad stood on the other with ApeTrully.

"Anyone who is able to burst through the Rabbit King's rope shall be declared the winner," ApeTrully said, causing Ray to laugh.

"Hah! I can beat any rabbit easy!" He said with a smug grin.

The Rabbit King jumped into the air with a jumprope, and started spinning the rope around him at incredible speed. One rabbit slowly hopped over to the barrier created by the jumprope, and help a carrot up to it, causing the carrot to be cut into pieces.

Mighty Ray stared in surprise for a few seconds before his pride returned. He grabbed a jumprope, and started spinning it around him quickly as well. He and the Rabbit King then rolled along the ground using the rope and clashed, creating sparks.

Sonia watched this for several seconds nervously, before she shook off her nerves and charged in as well with a jumprope. It was 2 vs 1.

The Rabbit King beat them, and pushed through them, causing them to fly off in opposite directions. Ray hit a carrot, and fell to the ground, the images of bunnies jumping rope floating over his head. "Pretty bunnies," He said, before he fell back to the ground.

Sonia landed next to Lin, dropping her jumprope.

Now it was Lin's turn. Gavin watched as Lin charged at the Rabbit King, spinning the jumprope. They clashed several times, their ropes grinding against one another. Soon, flames were being created instead of sparks.

"Come on Lin! You can do it!" Gavin shouted as Lin was pushed back a few feet. He pushed back, and an explosion then occurred, causing Lin to fly back and land on his feet. They watched as his jumprope burned into ashes.

First Squad had a quick group meeting. "What are we gonna do?" Sonia asked Lin. "That bunnies too jumpy for us to beat."

Gavin shook his head. There had to be a way to beat the Rabbit King.

"I don't think so," Lin replied. "There might still be a way. Here's my plan."

A few minutes later…

The rabbits watched as Gavin and Sonia spun a jumprope around Ray, who was juggling himself on one hand inside it. They increased their speed, and soon they were spinning the rope and Ray so fast that it looked like a giant eye.

"Now Mighty Ray! Use your magic electrical eyeballs!" Lin shouted, pointing at the rabbits.

Ray did just that, and yellow rings of light flew from the eye to the Rabbit King, causing his eyes to swirl.

"The Rabbit King is getting confused!" ApeTrully cried in surprise.

"The game ends now," Lin said as he held his staff in front of him. He spun the staff with his hands into the air, and hit the butt of it with his palm, causing it to fly into the air. He then jumped into the air after it, and grabbed on, causing him to spin along with it. He came down right on the Rabbit King's rope barrier, and started drilling into the barrier. Another explosion occurred, blowing all the rabbits away, and Lin landed on the ground with his staff in hand, the Rabbit King's jumprope wrapped around it. The Rabbit King flew through a giant carrot, leaving a rabbit-shaped hole in it. He stuck his head through it, chattered for a second, and then hopped over to Lin. He bowed down, extending one of his ears for Lin to shake. Lin shook his ear, and then let go, allowing the king to stand back up and hop in place with happiness.

"The Rabbit King declares…he would be proud to be allies with humans who have such amazing skills!" ApeTrully announced, causing the rabbits, Ray, and Sonia to jump in joy. "You did it Lin Chung."

Gavin smiled as he watched them all celebrate. Another victory for them, and a loss for High Roller.

A few hours later…

They all sat in the briefing room as they watched the Rabbit King jump around with joy.

"Rabbit King, we are honored by your decision to join us in First Squad," Lin said, causing the Rabbit King to clap his ears happily.

"Yeah! You're so cute and jumpy!" Sonia added.

"And, you got a set of big, floppy ears! Woobyjooby!" Ray said as he messed around with his ears, causing the Rabbit King to get angry. He flung Ray off his ears, and stared at him, red veins appearing in the black of his eyes. He started turning red, and fire started coming from him, making smoke that went up to the ceiling, activating the smoke detectors.

Gavin and Lin's eyes widened, and they jumped onto the dragon-head water sprinklers moments before they kicked on. They watched with amused expressions as the rest of their team got drenched.

Once the sprinklers cut off, they hopped down, and Gavin couldn't help but chuckle at how Rabbit King looked more like a wet rat than a rabbit at the moment. He sighed, and held his hands up at them, saying, "Let me dry you off." His hands glowed dark blue, and the Rabbit King watched with wide eyes as the water started floating off their bodies and to his hands, where the water started to form a ball.

As the water continued to flow to his hands, their bodies became drier, until all the water from the sprinklers had been removed. The ball that had formed in Gavin's hands was now the size of three soccer balls. The ball continued to grow as the rest of the water in the room went to it.

"Thanks Gavin! I don't know how long it would have taken for me to dry myself," Sonia said with gratitude as she sat on her now-dry seat, Ray following her example.

Gavin smiled, and nodded. "It's no problem," He replied before noticing the confused look Rabbit King was giving him. "Oh! You're wondering how I'm able to do this?" He said to the rabbit, getting a nod and chatter in response. "Well, I can do this because I have powers."

The rabbit chattered some more, waving his arms around.

"What kind of powers? Well, I can understand the language of animals, for one thing. I can also control water and stone. I might have more powers, but I have to discover them first," He told the rabbit.

The rabbit chattered some more, clearly excited. "I'll show you later, alright? First I need to bring this ball of water to Woo so he can reuse it for the sprinklers," He said to the rabbit. The rabbit frowned at this, but nodded.

Gavin then left the room through a hatch, holding a ball of water the size of five soccer balls.

A Few days later…

Gavin and Ray panted as they trained in the desert sun, lifting turtles and rocks, running long distances, and jumping across clifftops.

Finally, they paused in their training to stand under the much-needed shade of an umbrella, where the rest of First Squad was relaxing.

"This is so stupid!" Ray said in frustration. "Why are we the only ones who has to train when it's so hot out here!?"

"You must practice eating bananas," Mr. No Hands said to him while fanning himself with his hat tassel. "And Gavin must work on his endurance and stamina." Gavin agreed with that, already doing more stretches.

"Bananas are gross!" Ray declared, looking away from the crate of bananas they had brought for him.

"Bananas give you your power. If you could eat bananas without gagging, you could be the most powerful member of Big Green!" Mr. No Hands exclaimed.

Ray looked apprehensive as he took and peeled a banana from the crate. "Ok banana," He said through gritted teeth. "Try not to be so gross." He then popped the banana into his mouth, and swallowed it. He then made a disgusted face before it became a determined one and said, "I am Mighty Ray." He stared at a wooden target in the distance that had a red circle painted on it. "FEAR MY EYEBAALLLLS!" His eyes lit up with electricity, and fired at the target, destroying it and the cliffs behind it.

"Not bad," Mr. No Hands said as he sat up

"Hahah! I am the mightiest of all!" Ray said, flexing his muscles.

"Now, eat another banana," Mr. No Hands replied as he laid back down.

"Another?" Ray repeated with an unsure look. He tentatively reached out with a shaky hand and picked out another one. He pinched his nose shut and placed the peeled banana into his mouth, swallowing it whole while everyone watched with bated breath.

Ray started acting weird after he ate that second banana, sputtering gibberish, shaking in place, swirling eyes, and then falling to the ground, the banana flying from his mouth when he hit the ground.

Sonia walked over to him, and snapped her fingers, signaling Yaksha to dump a bucket of water on Ray. Ray woke up immediately when the water hit, and cried out in surprise.

Gavin sighed, and kept on doing his training, wanting to be able to use his abilities without draining his body completely of energy.

A few hours later…

First Squad was now in their briefing room, which was stuffy and hot.

"It's hotter in here than it was out in the desert," Mr. No Hands moaned as they sat on their seats in puddles of sweat. All looking miserable except for Lin and Gavin, who were sitting there with crossed arms. "I better talk to Woo the Wise."

As First Squad sat in their briefing room, feeling miserable, the alarm went off, and a figurine of ApeTrully rose from the center of the table, its eyes flashing red.

"Commander ApeTrully is in trouble," Mr. No Hands said as he entered the room through one of the many hatches in the walls. "First Squad, deploy!"

They each took the tops of their seats off, revealing that they were hollow. They all then hopped into them, sliding down tubes that twisted and turned till they landed on their turtles.

They were then launched onto a runway that ran through the base to the lake. They went up a ramp and jumped the distance from the shore to the base, landing on the other side.

As they made their way towards Commander ApeTrully's position, Sonia said, "Feel that breeze!" They continued on their way, but Lin Chung, upon seeing an interesting sight, jumped off his turtle, causing it to stop and turn around. He was looking at a tall tree that had pink leaves.

"What a strange tree," He muttered as he stared at it.

Gavin and the others arrived right as Big Green's tanks were in battle with elephants, who were using party whistles as weapons. The elephants were barring the way to Elephant Castle, which was a tall damaged light tree bark brown tower with square windows, a moat surrounding it, and a dark green stone boat-like structure at the top with several holes on the sides that had water coming out and down to the moat below.

"First Squad!" The tank commander shouted happily upon seeing their arrival. "I'm glad you're here! The elephants captured Commander ApeTrully and took him inside the Elephant Castle. Maybe Lin Chung could sneak inside, and…" He trailed off when he realized that Lin wasn't there. "Hey! Where is Lin Chung?"

While everyone else hmmed in thought, Gavin sighed. Lin was probably drawing something interesting. He was an artist after all.

"We don't need Lin Chung," Ray said. "I'll sneak in, and save ApeTrully!" He continued, flexing his muscles.

"You?!" Sonia exclaimed with a smile. "Don't make me laugh. Hahaha!"

"I'll make you laugh so hard that it comes out your butt!" Ray cried before he drove his turtle carefully towards a waterfall. He hopped over the barbed wire in front of it, and entered the castle through a hole in the wall.

He slowly peaked around a corner, and watched in confusion as the multicolored elephants that had deflated upon blowing the party whistles at the cannons use pumps to reinflate themselves.

"Mighty Ray," A familiar voice quietly called out to him, catching his attention. Upon seeing who had called his name, his eyes widened, and he ran over to them.

"Commander ApeTrully!" Ray cried as he untied him. "What are the elephants doing?"

"The elephants are using inflators to pump themselves up," He explained.

"I think it's time they got, deflated," Ray said as he pulled out a banana. "Okay banana. You're goin down." He then ate the banana.

"I am Mighty Ray," He said as he tapped his eyes, activating their power. "FEAR MY EYEBAAALLLS!" He cried as he fired bolts of lightning at the inflators, turning them into ash.

"You're no match for Mighty Ray!" He cried happily. He then ran over to the doors and opened them, allowing the rest of First Squad to enter.

"Excellent work Mighty Ray," ApeTrully told him, making him grin smugly.

"Yeah, not bad. Bananabrain," Sonia said.

"It was easy for me because I am so awesome!" Ray replied.

The Elephant King then trumpeted, catching their attention. Gavin sighed again when he heard what the king had said. Looks like things were going to get difficult.

"The Elephant King says they will never give up. They request a contest to see who is the best," ApeTrully translated.

"Why not? I'll just beat 'em again," Ray said smugly.

The king trumpeted and blew the party whistle in his mouth as well.

"I don't know Ray. This type of contest really isn't your thing," Gavin said when he heard what the king said the contest was.

"I don't care! I'll still beat them!" Ray said with pride. Gavin shook his head with a sigh.

"Alright. The Elephant King says that the contest will be a whistle blower contest," He said, causing Ray to laugh.

"This will be easy," Ray replied smugly. He pulled out a small whistle blower and blew it, making it completely straight.

The king trumpeted again, and Gavin shook his head at Ray. "The contest will not be with tiny whistles. It will be with…this one," He said, gesturing to a giant whistle that had previously been covered up with a large shade.

Ray sputtered as he stared at the whistle. One of his eyeballs actually popped out of his socket and onto the floor.

The king trumpeted once more, which Gavin translated. "Elephant King says that the one who blows the whistle the straightest will be the winner," He told them.

Elephant King then made his way over to the whistle. He took in a deep breath, and then blew into the whistle via his trunk, causing the whistle to unroll till its end was pointing straight up at the sky.

He then stopped, and the other elephants trumpeted their cheers.

"Well. That whistle is mighty big, but I am Mighty Ray!" Ray said before he walked over to the whistle. He took in a deep breath and blew into the whistle. A large bulge of air appeared just past the beginning, before it disappeared, going back into Ray and causing him to fart as he fell away from the whistle.

While Gavin and the others covered their noses from Ray's fart, Lin Chung rolled up.

"Lin Chung, where have you been?" Sonia asked him.

"I have been on an important mission," Lin said as he pulled out his sketchbook and opened it. "Look." He showed them a page that had the trunk of a tree with the leaves looking like bird feet.

Sonia was unimpressed. "Hmph! Your great mission was…to draw a tree?"

Suddenly, a party whistle lashed through the air, damaging the sketchbook beyond all repair. They looked to see who had blown the whistle, and saw that the Elephant King had been the one to do it.

Gavin grew angry at the king. How dare he do that to his friend!

"My mysterious tree," Lin said as he fell to his knees over the remains of his sketchbook. He then stood up and pointed a finger at the king, saying, "YOU! Apologize immediately."

The king trumpeted back.

"The king says he will only apologize if you can blow the whistle blower straighter than he did," Gavin told him.

Lin spun his staff with his hands into the air, and hit the butt of it with his palm, causing it to fly into the air. He then jumped into the air after it, and grabbed on, causing him to spin along with it. He came down onto the ground, where he then launched himself from the spear towards the whistle blower. He flipped in the air, placing a hand out in front of him. He landed with his hand touching the mouth of the whistle blower, pushing a quantity of air so large through the whistle that it went completely straight, sounded like a foghorn, and destroyed the whistle's end.

The king looked shocked at this, and trumpeted sadly.

"You have beaten the Elephant King!" Gavin announced, causing everyone else to cheer.

Ray was off in the corner grumbling. "Who cares about a stupid whistle anyway!?"

The king trumpeted again, and then stood on his hind legs, holding his front legs to his chest. He coughed a few times, and then collapsed on his side onto the floor.

"The Elephant King has passed out!" ApeTrully cried, pointing at the fallen elephant. "Somebody do something!"

Sonia turned to Ray, and held out a banana.

He felt himself grow sick at the sight of it, and shook his head, clearing it before he grabbed the banana. "I am Mighty Ray," He said before he ate it. He tapped his eyes, and then jumped onto the king's side. He pulled out his electrically charged eyes, rubbed them together, and then placed them onto the elephant once, twice, three time! The Elephant King then woke up, and slowly got up. Ray, still holding his eyes in his hands, jumped onto his outstretched trunk as the king trumpeted cheerfully.

"Elephant King is grateful to Mighty Ray for saving him. He declares that the elephants will be friends with the humans from now on," ApeTrully said happily, causing everyone else to cheer. Ray was rather dizzy and worn out, causing him to fall off the king's trunk onto the floor.

Gavin walked over to him, and placed his eyeballs back into their sockets, before he picked him up. He turned back to the rest of the squad, and said, "Let's go home. I'll carry Ray and his turtle as training while we head home."

They nodded, and they got onto their turtles. They left Elephant Castle, waving goodbye to the elephants, who trumpeted their goodbyes.

Eventually, they made it to the lake where Big Green was located, and Gavin used his water powers to make a solid runway back to the base. They quickly sped over the runway, and Gavin then made the runway disappear.

A few days later…

"It's certainly much cooler in Big Green these days," Mr. No Hands said as he flew alongside Woo. "How did you do it?"

"It was easy once the Elephant King joined us," Woo replied as he opened a hatch, revealing a room. "He blows cool air all over Big Green."

The Elephant King stood in the room, a pipe in front of him. He took in a deep breath, and blew through his trunk into the pipe, sending cool air through it to other pipes that traveled all over Big Green.

First Squad sighed in relief as the cool air washed over them.

"Ahhh! Now we don't have to worry about the summer heat," Sonia said with a smile.

"Ah…Ahhh…AHHHHHCHOOOO!" Ray sneezed, making him fly through the wall behind him.

"We just have to worry about Mighty Ray's summer cold," She continued with a sigh.

Ray stood up, and sniffed, his nose slightly stuffy.

Gavin sighed as he got up, not wanting to catch Ray's cold. "I'll see you guys at dinner," He said with a smile and wave as he left the room.

"See you then," Lin said with a smile.

Gavin smiled as he went to his room, shutting the door behind him. He felt the cool air produced by the Elephant King fill the room, cooling him off. He sat on his bed and looked around the surprisingly large room. It could fit at least two other people and their things in it comfortably. He had a large desk, a chair that matched the desk, a nightstand, a bookshelf, and his bed, which had green pillows with purple sheets. He also had a wardrobe.

Gavin looked at the necklace around his neck with a smile. During the three months he had been in Hidden Kingdom and part of Big Green, he had slowly gotten over losing his family, albeit he was the one who had died and not them. The necklace had been a gift from them on his 18th birthday.

He sighed, and shook his head, before heading over to his desk. Sitting in the chair, he pulled out some art supplies, and started to draw, deciding to pass the time.

Well, this was interesting! Wasn't it?

Can't wait for the next chapter! There will be transformations soon! Also, I will have to change the order of the episodes to make the story flow better.

PuzzleMaster1998 signing off!