Hello everyone!

I'm here with a new story!

It's time…for Hero 108!

Loved the show so much, I just had to write a story about it!

I will be writing about most, if not all episodes, but with my own twists. And I will continue the show after it ended.

Story includes: Romance, adventure, slight cursing, singing, fights, transformations, powers, possible harems, OC, and, of course, Animals! There are other things as well, but you have to read it to find out what exactly.

Disclaimer: Hero 108 is owned by Cartoon Network. Not me.

Let's begin!

The Discovery

In the bamboo forests of Hidden Kingdom, a young man was meditating on a purple staff that had a red feather on it. He was wearing black pants, studded brown bands on his wrists, a black shirt that had a long black right sleeve and a cut away section on the left side that revealed half his chest and left his other arm bare, and a brown square helmet that had a woven pattern on the front. The man himself had broad shoulders, a narrow waist, deep-set eyes, a pointed chin, a broad squarish nose, pale skin, and straight, shoulder-length, thick grey hair that stuck out a bit and covered his ears.

As he meditated, several bamboo shoots sprouted below him, their sharp tips pointing up in the air.

The man opened his eyes, revealing that they were white with black pupils. He looked down at the shoots, and smiled.

"Thank you for growing little shoots," He said as he reached down and broke off the tips, placing them in a pocket. He then hopped onto his turtle, which was on tank treads and about the size of a mixing bowl.

They started heading out of the forest, but stopped when they saw something strange at the edge.

"What is that?" The man asked as he stared at the strange object. A swirling black hole had formed above the ground just beyond the edge of the forest, emitting multicolored sparks of energy along its edges.

He hopped off the turtle, and slowly started making his way towards the hole. As he cautiously approached the hole, holding his staff in front of him, more sparks were emitted by the hole. The hole started swirling faster and faster, producing a gust of wind that caused the man to hold his helmet on his head.

Suddenly, something was flung out of the hole and right at the man, causing him to jump to the side to dodge it. The hole then closed, leaving no trace that it had even been there before.

"Strange," The man said as he stared at the empty space where the hole had once been. He then heard a groan, causing him to look towards the thing that had flown out of the hole. It groaned again, causing him to run over to check it.

"Are you okay?" He asked the thing as he knelt down next to it. It groaned one more time, before it rolled onto its back, knocked unconscious from traveling through the hole.

The man's eyes widened when he saw what it was, and quickly scooped up the being in his arms, feeling the boy's head with a hand. He then hopped onto the turtle, and said, "Hurry! We must get to Big Green!" The turtle nodded, and started running on the treads, causing them to speed off towards Big Green.

Twenty Minutes Later…

The man and his turtle entered Big Green, which was an enormous green turtle shell floating on an inland lake.

Once they came to a stop, he ran to Woo the Wise's lab, where Woo the Wise was currently working on a new invention.

"Woo the Wise!" The man yelled out, startling Woo. "This boy needs your help!"

"Right away Lin Chung!" Woo cried. Woo was a short man, with slightly tanned skin, with a black raindrop type pattern around his right eye (which was white with a black pupil) and a white raindrop pattern (facing the other way) around his left eye (which was black with a white pupil), a little pointy nose, a small mouth, and a fake mustache to make him seem older although he was just a young man. He was wearing a long yellow shirt, and a yellow triangle shaped flip book on his head as a hat.

"Set him on the table here," He said, gesturing to a low table nearby. Lin Chung complied, and gently placed the boy on the table. "Now, what exactly is wrong with him?"

"He has a bad fever," Lin replied.

"Alright, I will take care of it," He said as he started gathering some medicines. "Now you go wait outside while I take care of the boy."

Lin nodded, and started to head to the door.

"I will come to you once I am finished with him," Woo called out as Lin headed to the door, glancing at the boy before he left.

Two hours later…

Lin Chung was leaning against the wall outside Woo's lab, waiting patiently for news on the boy. While he waited, some of his friends arrived, having learned about what had happened.

"Lin Chung!" Mystique Sonia called out. She had white skin, light blue lips, triangular light blue eyes, a beauty spot below her left eye, black and bobbed hair that covered her ears. She was wearing her friend Yaksha as a hat, puffed red pants, black boots, and a grey strapless dress which had a picture of a skull on it with black curvy lines and a pink outline. Yaksha was a magenta colored creature. He was rectangle shaped, with pointy horns, which are striped with darker pink, round dark pink eyes with small black pupils and black eyelids, small nostrils (one bigger than the other), long flat arms with square ends with three long thin black claws on each of them, and small frog-like legs at the back of him. He also had 3 pointy black teeth.

"There you are!" Mr. No Hands shouted. He had salmon pink skin, small round black eyes with a black line going through them, a nose that turned up at the end like a ski-jump, black hair, and squarish ears with black "plus" shaped insides. He was wearing a hat that had a yellow brim and black on top with a tassel on it that resembled a ponytail, a uniform, which is white with blue "tails" at the back and a yellow square in the front with red symbols on it, black and blue striped trousers, and black and white shoes. The uniform made him look squarish and large.

"Lin Chung!" Mighty Ray cried out as well. Mighty Ray was quite short and chubby, with tanned skin, black hair tied up in a short ponytail on top of his head with a red band, and yellow eyes with red pupils. He was wearing a red vest with an open front, black trousers with a red belt with a lightning bolt on it, a red headscarf, red wristbands on his wrists and red shoes.

"How is the boy doing?" Commander ApeTrully asked him. He was wearing his usual outfit, which consisted of a large brown square helmet with large eyes, no mouth, and a yellow robe with purple striped trim. At the top of the helmet was a hat with an umbrella shaped ornament.

"I do not know," Lin Chung replied, shaking his head sadly.

Suddenly, the doors opened, catching their attention as Woo walked out and looked at them.

"How is he?" Lin Chung asked in earnest.

"The boy is fine," Woo replied, causing them to sigh in relief. "The fever broke an hour after I had started working on him."

"Thank you Woo," Lin said in gratitude.

"It was nothing," He waved it off.

"Can we see him?" Sonia asked Woo with pleading eyes and clasped hands.

"Yes. Follow me." He then walked back into the lab, the rest of them following him. The boy was still laying on the table, breathing softly in slumber. They gathered around him, and got a good look at him. He had slightly tanned skin and light brown hair. He was wearing a blue short sleeved shirt that had a fox on the front, green shorts, blue shoes, and a purple fox necklace.

But what caught their attention were his legs! They were longer than any human they had seen in their time.

"Oh my!" ApeTrully said in astonishment. "This boy is like the humans of old, with longer legs than humans of today!" He turned to Lin Chung. "Lin Chung, where did you find him?"

"He fell out of a mysterious hole in the air on the edge of the bamboo forest," Lin replied. "Once he fell out, it disappeared without a trace."

"What?!" Ray cried out, only to be shushed by everyone. "Sorry!" He whispered in apology.

Before anyone else could ask him more about the hole, the boy started to shift around, catching their attention.

"He's waking up!" Ray cried out, only to be shushed again. "Sorry!" He grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Ugggh," The boy said as he sat up, putting a hand to his head. "What happened?" He then opened his eyes, revealing that they were a bright blue, and saw them all looking at him. "And who are you?"

"My name is Lin Chung, and these are my friends," Lin said as he gestured to each of them. "This is Mr. No Hands."

"Glad to see you're alright young man," He said to him, causing him to smile.

"This is Mystique Sonia, and her friend Yaksha," Lin continued, gesturing to her.

"I'm so glad you're alright!" She said with a smile.

"Thank you," The boy replied. "And I must say, you look very nice in that dress."

She smiled, and said, "Why thank you!" Yaksha hopped off her head and got onto his lap, startling him a bit. Yaksha looked at the boy closely, and then nodded, making some weird noises before getting back on Sonia's head.

"Yaksha said he likes you," Sonia told him, causing him to nod.

"Alright," He replied, not completely understanding how she could understand Yaksha or what Yaksha even was, but decided to not worry about it.

"It's my turn!" Ray said as he made a cool pose. "I am Mighty Ray!"

The boy stared at him for a few seconds before responding. "Okay."

Lin continued, gesturing to Woo. "This is Woo the Wise."

"I am glad that you recovered from your fever," He said to the boy, making the boy's eyes slightly widen.

'I had a fever?' He thought to himself as he turned his attention back to Lin.

"Finally, this is Commander ApeTrully," Lin finished, gesturing to ApeTrully.

"Greetings," ApeTrully said happily. "I welcome you to Big Green. May I know your name?"

The boy put a hand to his chin in thought, before he responded. "My name is Gavin Woodring," He replied.

"What a weird name!" Ray said, getting a slap on the head by Sonia. "Ouch! What was that for!?"

"You shouldn't say rude things like that!" She scolded him.

"It's okay Sonia," Gavin said to her. "I guess it is a strange name here." He then gained a curious look. "Also, where and what is Big Green?"

They looked at him with wide eyes.

"You have never heard of Big Green? What about Hidden Kingdom?" ApeTrully asked him.

He shook his head. "Haven't heard of that either," He replied.

"Hmm. Most interesting," ApeTrully said, putting a hand to his chin in thought.

"Do you remember how you got into that hole you came out of?" Lin asked him.

"Hole?"Gavin said as he put a finger to his chin in thought, before he closed them in concentration. Several seconds went by, before he gripped his head in frustration. "Nothing. I can't even remember my life," He said sadly.

"Try to remember," Lin encouraged him. "Your memories are in there somewhere." He sighed and nodded. He closed his eyes in concentration, and tried to remember. Suddenly, he found himself in a black void.

"Hello?" He called out. His voice echoed through the void, before it stopped. He called out one more time, before deciding to move. As he walked, he said, "Where am I?"


A white cloud of smoke suddenly appeared in front of him, startling him.

A large sign had appeared in front of him. It read: "Your mind."

"Ah. That makes sense," He said as he looked around. He looked back at the sign, only to see that it had been replaced with something else.

A large box had appeared on a red table. He cautiously approached it and saw that there was a piece of paper and a note next to the box.

He picked up the note first, and opened it. It read: "Gavin, if you are reading this, then it means you lost all your memories except of your name. I'm sorry. I never meant for that to happen. But I planned ahead in case something like this would happen. The box before you contains all your memories, as well as a special surprise I made for you. All you have to do is open the box. Sincerely, K."

His eyes widened after he finished reading the note, and set the note back down. "Who is this K?" He asked himself. "And what is this 'special surprise' they speak of?" He looked back at the box for a few seconds, before he sighed. "Well, I want to get my memories back, and the only way I can is opening that box."

He sighed again as he reached out and gripped the flaps of the box. "Here I go."

He opened the box, and looked inside, only to be surprised when a beam of light shot out of the box and hit him in the face, causing him to stumble back a few feet before regaining his balance. He clutched his head as a wave of pain washed through his head while his memories returned. He remembered everything, from his beginning to his untimely death to meeting Kami.

Once all his memories had returned, he felt a few tears form as he remembered his family. "Mom, Dad, sisters. I'll miss you. But you would want me to move on with my life," He said to himself. He wiped his eyes, and nodded. "Yeah! I'll do that!"

He then glanced back into the box to make sure it was empty. His eyes widened when he saw a glowing multicolored orb sitting in the box. "Is that the special surprise?" he asked himself as he reached in and picked up the orb. He lifted up the orb and held it front of him, examining it closely. He watched with wide eyes as the orb started to sink into his hand, being absorbed by his body.

The orb was quickly absorbed into his body, leaving no trace it had existed. Suddenly, his body started to emit a white aura that soon began shining like a spotlight. His body floated off the ground, and began spinning for several seconds, before it stopped, and he floated back down. The aura then disappeared.

"What the Hell was that?!" He asked as he looked at himself. Knowing he probably wouldn't get the answer any time soon, he decided to not worry about it.

He then picked up the piece of paper, and saw that there were instructions on how to show others his memories. "Huh. That's convenient," He said as he memorized the instructions. "Now, how do I get out of my mind?" He continued as he looked around.

A large lever phased into existence before him, and he stopped, examining it. The sign above it read: "Pull to exit mind."

"Again? How convenient," He said, pulling the lever. There was a flash of light, and then he found himself back in the real world.

"So, what do you remember?" Lin asked him upon noticing he had reopened his eyes.

He looked at them and smiled. "Let me show you," He replied. He then put his hand out palm up, and said, "Please place your hand, or foot, on top of mine."

They looked at his hand, and then at him with unsure looks. "Trust me. Everything will be fine," He said. They still looked unsure, but Lin then placed his hand on his while looking at the others.

"I trust him. Gavin here has no reason to trick us. Even though I do not know how he will show us what he remembers, I trust him," Lin said, making him smile.

"Well, alright," Ray said with reluctance as he placed his hand on his. Sonia shrugged as she placed her hand on his. Mr. No Hands placed his foot on top, while Woo, Yaksha, and ApeTrully placed their hands on top of his.

"Great! Now we can begin," Gavin said as he closed his eyes. His hand glowed white, and covered their hands and foot in white as well.

Suddenly, they all stiffened as his memories went through his head. They saw his life, the way he tragically died stopping bank robbers, and how he met Kami and was given a second chance along with abilities. Once he had finished showing them his memories, his hand stopped glowing, and he opened his eyes as he removed his hand from the stack.

He watched as they shook their heads, and then stared at him with wide eyes. "As difficult as it is to believe, I showed you my life," He said with a sigh.

Suddenly, Yaksha leaped off Sonia's head and onto Gavin's, wrapping his arms around him in a hug. He tensed up for a second, not expecting that, before he relaxed, and gently pat Yaksha on the arms.

"Thanks Yaksha," He said with a smile. Yaksha simply nodded, and went back to Sonia, while Gavin looked at the others.

Sonia, ApeTrully, and Woo had tears in their eyes as they looked at him, while Ray looked sad. Lin looked upset, and put a hand on Gavin's shoulder as he looked at him.

"You are a true hero Gavin," Lin said, causing him to shake his head.

"No I'm not," He replied. "I'm just someone who tried to do the right thing."

"While that is true," ApeTrully said, catching their attention. "You saved those people from the robbers, although you lost your life. That is what a true hero does. They help people not for attention or glory or fame. They do it because it's the right thing."

Gavin hummed in thought. "I guess that makes sense," He replied. "I guess I am a hero."

Lin nodded. "Yes. But do not let it go to your head."

Gavin nodded as he moved himself to the edge of the table, and stood on his legs, holding onto the table till he got his balance. As he stood to his full height of 6 ft 2 inches, he noticed that everyone else was smaller than him, with Lin Chung being about 5 inches shorter than he was, and Sonia was a few inches shorter than Lin.

"So, what's going to happen with me?" He asked them. "And can you explain to me all about Big Green and Hidden Kingdom?"

"I will gladly tell you about Big Green and Hidden Kingdom," ApeTrully said before he began explaining everything to Gavin. He explained how humans and animals used to live in harmony in the Hidden Kingdom, but High Roller lied to the animals and told them that humans were evil. ApeTrully then started Big Green, an organization dedicated to making peace in Hidden Kingdom. He also told him that Mystique Sonia, Mighty Ray, Lin Chung, and Mr. No Hands were on a team called First Squad.

"Now that you know about Big Green and its mission, will you join us?" He asked Gavin.

Gavin hummed in thought for a few seconds before he replied, "I will."

Everyone cheered that he had accepted.

"But I would like to work with First Squad," He added. "Is that alright?"

"Not at all!" ApeTrully replied before turning to Mr. No Hands. "Is that fine with you?"

"Hmm," He said as he looked at Gavin for several seconds. "It's fine with me. First Squad?"

"Yeah!" Sonia and Ray cried with joy, while Lin Chung simply nodded.

"I look forward to working with you," He said to Gavin, who smiled and then turned his attention back to ApeTrully.

"So, may I be given a tour of the base?" He asked.

"Why of course!" ApeTrully replied happily. "I would be happy to show you around. Follow me!"

With that, they left Woo in his lab, a smile on Gavin's face as he was shown around his new home.

Well, this was an interesting beginning!

Can't wait to write the next chapter!

Please review!

PuzzleMaster1998 signing off!