
December 21st, the shortest day of the year in terms of sunlight, started with a cleansing, soothing fall of snow that sprinkled down magically onto the town of Hollow's Grave. The three boys woke on their wedding day to the sound of breakfast sizzling on downstairs. Still, despite the picturesque weather, and loud promises of a delicious meal, Harry found himself deadly nervous. He dressed slowly in his pajamas and followed his two future husbands downstairs, glancing now and again everywhere, as though Satan will spring out behind every corner to steal him.

When he went into the kitchen, he was surprised to see that Loki was already there, dressed in a lovely black dress that shimmered in the sunlight. "Hello," he said uncharacteristically calmly, "I hope you're ready to box a fallen angel. Gods I love weddings—I mean, Me I love weddings, boxing a fallen angel might be my favorite yet!"

"Yes, and it will pull off without a trace, correct?" Uncle Sirius asked, giving the old god a stern look. "There are no second chances in this, old god, you know this. If the devil wins—"

"Relax mortal, sheesh you're gone for a few thousand years and suddenly everyone is paranoid," Loki grumbled. He rolled his eyes and looked at Harry, "But you! You look too glum on your wedding day! Come on, come on, smile! Your god demands it!"

"Uhh…" Harry did his best to fake a smile as he, Draco, and Blaise awkwardly moved to sit down.

"We had no visitors," Blaise said, "I did not even smell my father inside the house, we were able to have a peaceful night of sleep."

"That's good at least," Uncle Remus nodded. "So… today is the big day, huh? The wedding is scheduled to start at sundown, I've watched the news and the weatherman says that that would be at four-thirty this afternoon. The morning is yours to relax and prepare boys, Sa—gods know we need it." The three nodded.

For the rest of the morning, they spent every moment they could together, holding and touching one another, fixating on the feeling the others' skin had on theirs, the love and affection they all had for each other. Just in case they ended in failure.

Around noon, Uncle Remus had Harry follow him to start getting ready while Uncle Sirius moved with Draco and Blaise in a different room. Harry and Uncle Remus moved into a dressing room by the event room. It was small with several mirrors and a simple wardrobe in which Harry's marriage suit hung. "I know that this might not be the best place to talk about it Harry," Uncle Remus said as Harry opened his wardrobe, "but there is something that I need to tell you about Sirius… something that I am positive that he'll be too proud to tell you until it's rather more obvious."

"What is it Uncle Remus?" Harry asked, turning to his uncle. Uncle Remus gave a soft smile, "Some good news on this nervous day," he said. "You know how we've always had trouble getting me pregnant… well, after that incident with the first demon… your uncle and I talked and, well, stuff happened and…we're going to have a baby." Uncle Remus smiled.

"That's brilliant!" Harry gasped. "Uncle Remus! I'm so happy!" He launched towards his uncle and squeezed him, "Uncle Sirius is pregnant?"

"Most likely, yes, he kept having morning sickness lately, just like your mother when she was pregnant with you," Uncle Remus said. "So there… some happy news to hopefully relax you… how are you feeling Harry?"

"Much better," Harry smiled. He turned to a mirror and gave a large breath, "Now I am certain that our trick will work," he nodded.

"Oh? How's that?" Uncle Remus asked.

"Simple, I have to succeed so that I can help raise my little cousin," Harry smiled. Uncle Remus laughed and shook his head, "As long as you don't insult your uncle when his stomach grows… the same goes for Draco and Blaise."

"Of course," Harry nodded, and he turned to see his wedding outfit. It was a beautiful simple white suit, with a black undershirt to go with it. Harry dressed in it and sat in front of the mirror to do his makeup. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and Mr. Riddle walked in, looking at them. "I hope you are fully prepared, Harry," he said.

"I am, sir," Harry said politely.

"Good, then I wish to go over the procedures one last time before it begins," Mr. Riddle said. "A demon shall walk you down the aisle towards myself and Mr. Malfoy and Blaise. There, I shall conduct the ceremony where you three shall exchange your vows of loyalty to your spouses and our Dark Lord. Afterwards there is the exchange of rings, which I must confess I approve of your choice of rings, I have just saw them, and afterwards you will seal your marriage with a kiss as in tradition. I will say 'may this kiss bind these two in everlasting marriage' and your brief, chaste kisses will commence. First it shall be yourself kissing Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Malfoy kissing the Dark Lord's son, and lastly you shall deal your marriage to the Dark Lord's Son. Is this all understood?"

"Yes, sir," Harry nodded. And some point during this, he thought to himself, Blaise's father will intervene, we must be on the lookout for him constantly.

"Good, then I will leave you for I must get my robes blessed by all the darkest demons of the underworld," Mr. Riddle said and he stared at Harry for a long moment, his eyes moving up and down, as though looking for something, and left with a satisfied look on his face.

Uncle Remus sighed and shook his head. "I do not know about you Harry," he sighed, "and I know this is technically supposed to be a day of celebration, even though it is fake, but I just want today to be over and everyone safe in bed."

"Me too, Uncle," Harry nodded, turning back to the mirror. "Me too…"

One by one, the guest arrived dressed in their winter-best; dresses and gowns that glittered like fresh snowflakes, suits that were as crisp as the sharp air outside. Some wore white while others wore black or golds or lovely shades of blue or red. Mrs. Riddle, being the wife of the Head of Coven, wore an official looking black dress that was very modest, looking to come from a past era than the twenty-first century. Mrs. Weasley, who was always a crier at weddings, wore a lovely simple dress of blue with a cute little hat and a small purse that was filled to the brim of soon-to-be-used tissues. She came into Harry's dressing room to offer her congratulations and ask Remus a few questions about Sirius's condition. Harry still could not believe that his uncle was pregnant, he never saw the man throw-up or complain about sickness… then again Uncle Sirius was never a really big complainer… usually. And perhaps, he has just not started to show yet. Thinking that that was what made the most sense, Harry chose to believe that.

The dressing rooms were adjacent to the event room, near the far-side by the entrance, so Harry heard a loud noise of "ooh's" and "ahh's" as Draco and Blaise walked out of their dressing room to wait at the top with Mr. Riddle. Uncle Sirius came in and Harry's eyes went immediately to his stomach, only to see his uncle's usual slight podge that Harry was always polite enough to ignore.

It looks a tiny bit bigger… maybe, Harry thought to himself as Uncle Sirius pulled him into a hug. "Ohh let's just hope that Satan's an early crasher," Uncle Sirius said. "The sooner he is gone, the sooner we can call it all off and you can wait until you are forty-five to get married for real," he groaned in the hug.

"Forty-five—but Uncle—"

"Fine… Forty," Uncle Sirius said, "please Harry, this is for me more than you. I don't know how you feel, it must be hundreds more intensified than I am, but I am just very anxious right now… which reminds me afterwards we need a talk, the three of us," he said, looking up at Uncle Remus. "There's something important—"

"You're pregnant?"

Uncle Sirius stared at Harry, flabbergasted, before looking up at Uncle Remus. "You told him!"

"Well yes, I thought he needed some good news to calm him down," Uncle Remus said, "and we were alone and I wanted to calm him down somehow—it was much better than your 'let's tell them after' approach."


"It's okay," Harry said, hugging his uncle, "after this is done, you can tell me it again your way, and I'll act equally surprise."

"There's a good nephew," Uncle Sirius smiled, patting Harry's back. He checked his watch and looked out the window. "Sundown is in ten minutes," he said. "Remus, come with me please? We have to make sure everyone's seated."

"Of course," Uncle Remus said, the two men gave Harry one final hug, "everything will go right today Harry," Uncle Remus whispered, "you'll see." But still that did not calm a violent flood that was storming in Harry's stomach.

"I will be back when it is time," Uncle Sirius said. Harry nodded and watched his uncles leave before sitting back down. "The cube is in place… we just need to say his name," Harry sighed, "Lucifer Morningstar the Light-Bringer…" he muttered under his breath. "Lucifer Morningstar the Light-Bringer…" He shook his head and stared down at the mark that he received on his Dark Initiation, which felt almost a lifetime ago. All too soon, time passed and Uncle Sirius knocked gently on his door before entering. "It's time," he said.

Harry nodded and stood. Uncle Sirius took him by the hand, and together they walked out arm in arm.

The event room was full of guests, all standing to the occasion. Music played from nowhere. It was a light melody, perfect for a wedding that had a dark undertone, leaving worry and tension in Harry's body as it relaxed and sweeten the rest of the hall. Step by step, Harry and Uncle Sirius went down the aisle, smiling and waving softly at their guests. Harry smiled at Cedric, who was dressed in a very handsome silver tuxedo. He did not want to let go of his uncle. He wanted to walk on forever, even if they went nowhere. He did not want to reach the halfway point, where a demon will take his uncle's place, and he did not want to reach the end, where his lovers were, as he knew Satan will try something to steal the boy away.

Still, however, unfortunately, they walked on arm in arm, steps perfectly synchronized until they have stopped halfway and waited. Harry thought that a demon would appear instant and looked around in anticipation. The guests, too, started to look after a moment or two as Harry and his uncle stood waiting. A minute passed, the melody continued, and under it Harry could hear whispered. He looked up to his uncle, who stood firm. "We must wait…" he whispered at Harry. He nodded and looked straight forward where his beloveds waited.

Flash! Crash! The lightning bashed and with a roaring fire, he appeared. Tall, muscular with beautiful, perfect skin as black as midnight. Two horns, large and sharpened, his feet hoofed and a smell of fire and something else that Harry could not explain. And his face… Harry expected to see a goat's head, instead it was a weathered angelic face, perfect for seduction, perfect for mischief and wrong-doing… and he looked so much like Blaise. "Harry," Satan smiled, his voice rumbling in everyone's stomach. He held out his hand expectedly.

Harry froze and looked up at his uncle. They were too far away for the cube to work! He needed to be close—five feet at least, which was where Blaise and Draco were standing at precisely. Harry saw his Uncle looked strained, Sirius's hold on Harry tightened. "I'll go," he whispered, gathering all his courage.

Uncle Sirius looked down and nodded, letting go of Harry and offering him to the King of Demons. Satan smirked and his arm immediately wrapped around Harry's and they began to walk. "I do not know what you are planning little boy," Blaise's father whispered, "but it will fail… by the end of the day you will be my wife, little boy… and you will be a good girl for me."

"I am not a girl," Harry said defiantly. "And you will lose."

The devil only chuckled at this and patted Harry's arm. "You are whatever I tell you… if I wanted, I would make you a girl… and you will beg for it."

Anger filled Harry, he started to grit his teeth but said nothing, his eyes darting towards Blaise and Draco, who both were glaring at the devil as the two walked slowly. "Yes… I will have to punish those two as well…" the devil muttered. "Make you watch as I burn them… make them infertile… perhaps I'll take the child in your Uncle, as punishment Harry, for resisting." The Devil chuckled, "of course all of this will be after I make you my wife."

"I will never become your wife, you disgusting brute," Harry spat. "I will worship God before that happens, the old and new."

"Old and new? What has my son been filling your head with?" Satan sighed. "Good girls don't need to think, all my girls don't…"

"I am not a girl!"

"Shut up."

Harry glared at the devil; they were finally at the end of the aisle. Just a couple more feet closer, Harry thought, but instead they both stopped, the Devil looked up at Mr. Riddle and said in a clear, loud voice, "I offer up Harry Potter, a faithful and loyal servant, to be married in my honor on this dark day."

"We thank you, oh Lord of Lords, oh Dark Lord of all Infernos," Mr. Riddle said, "for blessing us on this day and bringing the blessed to his marriage…" he motioned for Harry to walk up just as he did in rehearsal. Harry gave the Devil a final glare. Follow me, grab me as you do so, get closer please! He mentally begged, but the devil did not move. Instead, as Harry stood by Draco and Blaise, Satan only took a step towards them, so that he could turn and sit in the reserved seat for himself, right next to Mr. Malfoy, who looked rather egotistically proud to be sitting next to the Dark Lord.

We should have placed the cube there, Harry lamented. Now, all we can do is wait for him to interfere.

"It'll be okay," Draco whispered, leaning in toward Harry. "He will make his move and we will be ready."

"Just focus on us love… it's our day, remember. We'll make it memorable." Blaise said, offering a small smile. Harry nodded, and closed his eyes for a moment, taking a breath, before reaching out to hold Blaise's hand, as Draco held the other.

"Brothers and sisters," Mr. Riddle began, "Friends, family, and honored guest, we are all here today, on the longest night of the year, to celebrate the union of two devoted followers along with the privileged son of the Dark Lord Satan in unholy matrimony, binding both body and soul from now to life everlasting in the beloved warmth of the Dark Lord's sanctuary. We will begin the union, as we always do, with a reading from our unholy bible. Please rise."

The congregation all rose obediently, Harry glanced back to see that only Satan was sitting. Would he act so soon? What will he do? Steal me away? Grab me and kill my lovers while flames take us both? He was starting to feel tense. He squeezed Blaise's hand reflexively, and Blaise squeezed back, offering some relief as Harry turned back to Mr. Riddle.

"From the Book of Zod, passages twelve to seventeen," Mr. Riddle declared, "'And he said, 'Lo behold me, for I am your Dark Angel, your temptation, the deliverer of Lilith and grant the gift of Free Will to humanity. Behold and worship me, for I am your Dark God Lucifer, your Lord Satan, and it is with my pleasure that you hold magic; it is with my power that you hold faith; and it is with my will and you hold life. Live in Free Will ever after in everlasting worship of Me, and shall be rewarded.' And so it is Brothers and Sisters, from the beginning of time to the end, our gifts of magic, of power and our Free Will are all gifts from our Dark Lord, and so it is our duty to devote our lives in the debt that we cannot repay. It is in his grace, that tonight we see the union of Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, and Blaise Zabini." There was a recall of faithful replies. Harry glanced back to see the devil standing smug. He looked around real quick, and noticed that he couldn't see Loki at all.

Where is he? Harry worried. He is supposed to be sitting next to my Uncles!

"Draco Malfoy," Mr. Riddle said, having Harry's attention again. "In your life, you have shown to be a devoted follower of our Coven, a star pupil in the Academy, and a man from a family of good respect. In this matters, I believe you will be a good husband as well as a good example to lead your family straight."

"Thank you, sir," Draco said softly. Mr. Riddle nodded before turning to Blaise.

"Blaise, son of Satan, Lord of Darkness and Inferno," Mr. Riddle said, using his titles, "the similarities between you and your father are plentiful, and I believe that you will lead not only this coven, but all covens into a new era of worship and respect for your Father. With your power, I believe His influence will spread further than ever before and together, you, and your father," and he looked at Satan, "if I can be most humble to say this, my Lord, will bring down the False God and rule supreme over all…" The most devout cheered and clapped at this while Harry grew extremely cold, shivering at the thought of Satan ruling over the world.

Mr. Riddle allowed the cheers to die down naturally, holding his hand up for attention, "However, that day will not be today, as today is about marriage… about love, honor, obedience, three things Harry Potter will swear upon, becoming the men's wife." Harry glared at that. We agreed on calling me husband! Blaise and Draco also gave Mr. Riddle a sharp look, which he saw. "Husband, I mean," Mr. Riddle corrected himself with a good-natured chuckle. "I must admit that Harry's beauty stunned me, that for a moment I have saw my wife standing in front of me."


"Harry," Mr. Riddle said, "in all seriousness, you can be a stubborn boy, a very stubborn boy… however, you are also resilient. You have a resilience and strength I have seen time and time again. Though at times we might have our own agendas, and at times we might have been at odds and have different views, you are still a part of my coven, our town, and I for one am proud to call you my spiritual Brother. I have watch you grown from a babe to a beautiful man you are today, and now I have the honor of marrying you not only to a well respected son of a well respected family, but to the son of our Dark Lord himself. Harry Potter, I thank you for this opportunity, and I know that your parents would have been so proud."

Harry felt weird. Behind him, people were applauding politely, Mrs. Weasley was blowing her nose loudly as she cried, and yet… Harry felt nothing. He did not know how to feel about Mr. Riddle, he never did. Still, Harry found his lips smiling slightly out of politeness more than anything, as Mr. Riddle looked from him towards the room, both hands up in appreciation. Even the Devil himself was clapping along, though Harry could feel that his eyes were always on him, always staring at the back of his neck or his ass, slowly drilling into both with his piercing, cold, and unwanted gaze.

"And now," Mr. Riddle said, "we shall have our own read their vows to each other, as they take their final steps towards unholy marriage."

When will he do it? Harry thought, as they turned towards each other, so that the crowd can see them too instead of their backs fully. They decided earlier on during their practice rehearsals, and planning that Blaise would go first, followed by Draco and Harry last. Will he act during Blaise's vows… Draco's… or will he object to mine? Harry worried. His eyes darted to the Dark Lord. Satan was sitting, his arms crossed, looking perfectly normal if it wasn't for his devilish looks. He looked more likely to yawn than to attack or launch himself at Harry. How will he do it? Harry wondered next, but Blaise's words took him out of it as they all held hands closely, standing close to one another.

"Harry, Draco," Blaise smiled, "you both quite literally summoned me into your life." Despite his worry, Harry found himself smiling gently. "And ever since then, my life has been nothing short of an adventure. Being bound to you two, only for you two to bound to me and finding love, going through rough times and good times, through dramas and lazy afternoons. Draco, together we've found a common ground, and through our love improved and grew into better men… and Harry," he paused for a moment, taking a breath and looking at Draco, smiling, "I am confident to say that you've made our lives so much better and fuller than ever we can imagine. You are my beautiful mage Harry, and you are my handsome mage Draco… and I cannot wait to see what our lives have in store for us, on here and ever after. With this marriage, I vow to always be there for you both, to help you grow into the best that you will be, and to love you both when you fall and rise. I will be a devoted husband, a caring lover… a good friend and, hopefully, a good father… but only when we are all older of course."

There was a sob and Harry glanced back to see Mrs. Weasley dotting her eyes with a tissue. There was a small laughter from the congregation as she waved, her face a little red as she continued to cry. Next was Draco's he squeezed Harry's hand, "Harry… I ran into your life quite literally and I've fallen in love first sight. From our meeting at the old tree stump to our first kiss and now, all I've ever thought was you, and providing you a man who you can be proud of. You deserve everything Harry, and I want to give you that and more. I vow to be a good husband who can provide to your every need, a helpful presence to lift you during your falls… and your shield to protect you from the dangers. You are my first love Harry, you opened the world to me in ways that I could never know, and together we've met with our love Blaise. Blaise, I am not sorry one bit for summoning you. You are arrogant, powerful, dress rather lewdly and yet you've stolen my heart, as you have with Harry's and we with you. From bound to friends to lovers you have stayed with me, always a solid pillar of support, always a man that I can believe in and put my trust into. You've showed me worlds that I never knew, positions that I thought I could never take…" Blaise winked which caused Draco to blush and laugh while, behind them, both Mr. Malfoy and Uncle Sirius gave them a warning glare. "Blaise, I love you for who you are, and I hope that if you change, that I and Harry will change with you, for I know that you will only bring about wondrous and beautiful changes."

Again, they could hear the soft sobs of Mrs. Weasley, and Harry glanced back. Still Satan sat, looking bored, dressed in his black suit, far from taking actions, he did not even look as though he was waiting his time. He looked like an estranged father who invaded his son's wedding and refused to leave. Harry forced himself to look from Satan and to his soon-to-be-husbands. Taking a deep breath and squeezing his hands, he looked at both of them, doing his best to forget the world around them, forget the doom that sat just a few feet away, and said, "Draco, Blaise… thank you. Thank you for sticking with me, throughout all the trouble I've caused. Not only have we defeated two demons that attacked us, but we somehow lived to tell the tale." He paused, there was a creak. Was that it! With haste, his eyes darted towards Satan. He was still there, never moving, always watching Harry, his eyes burrowing further into him. "Ahem… I thought that I would never find love, let alone a friend. Being the only orphan… and being me, I was bullied and grew separate from all, never wanting to venture into the world for fear of getting hurt. Draco, you've changed that. Your love and friendship showed me that there is a world outside, a beautiful world full of love and happiness, and world big enough for you and me… and Blaise came along and that world became bigger. I moved out of my comfort zone, always being who I am, and what I found was beautiful. A world full of friends, family, people who support me for who I am. There were enemies, yes, people who hated what I do, but both of you, Draco, Blaise, you've protected me. You gave me love to survive a destiny I thought that will drown me, to survive a life that will surely kill me. So, with my vows, I vow to love you and love life. I vow to honor and obey you both, to be your loyal husband and take care of you two when you are at your lowest points. Through sickness and health, life and death, I will love and honor you Draco, Blaise… now and forever. I love you."

"Ohh!" Mrs. Weasley cried out, but she wasn't the only wet eyes in the church. All three boys were smiling at each other, tears in their eyes that they did not want to wipe away. "I love you," Harry whispered.

"I love you too," both Draco and Blaise whispered back.

Mr. Riddle nodded and held his hands out for attention. "And now," he declared, "the rings…" He clapped his hands twice and a purple pillow appeared, floating by itself in the air, carrying three golden rings with a burning ruby melted into them in a waving design. Harry watched as it floated towards them, his eyes darting between the rings and Satan. Is it now? Will he corrupt the rings somehow? Will it be a flick of a finger? A nod of the head? Harry caught Satan's gaze. The devil simply gave a smirk and Harry felt fear. What did he do?

The pillow reached the three, and, with Mr. Riddle's instructions, each took one. "Now, Draco, repeat after me," Mr. Riddle said. "'With this ring, I thee wed.'"

"With this ring, I thee wed," Draco said, sliding the ring onto Harry's finger, "I offer my heart, body, and soul in everlasting love for thee."


Harry nodded and turned to Blaise. Will they switch places? Will the devil push Blaise away as I slide the ring on? I better be quick before he does it! He quickly shoved the ring onto Blaise's finger, "With this ring I thee wed, I offer my heart, body and soul in everlasting love for thee," he said a little too quickly. Satan was still sitting and Blaise was still standing where he was. Please shrug it off for nerves, Harry pleaded. Blaise and Draco smiled in support.


Blaise took his ring and turned to Draco. "With this ring," he said confidently, "I thee wed. I offer my heart, my body, my soul in everlasting love for thee."

The rings on their finger glowed warmly and turned into two sets of small rings, to show their marriage to both.

"And now Brothers and Sisters, we shall all stand in honor as these men take their first meetings as husbands," Mr. Riddle said. The sound of standing filled the church. Just three kisses, Harry thought to himself. Me and Draco, Draco and Blaise, Blaise and me… three kisses and we're done, we'll be married. Whatever Satan does, it'll be now. I must be vigilant!

"Harry, Draco, may this kiss bind these two in everlasting marriage, in the honor of our Dark Lord," Mr. Riddle said. Harry's eyes grew close as he and Draco closed in, their lips pressing together, Draco's lips tasting the same, having the same feel and love that they always held. They moved away and smiled to each other. They were officially married to one another, but it wasn't over yet. "Draco, Blaise, may this kiss bind these two in everlasting marriage, in the honor of our Dark Lord." Blaise and Draco smiled and kissed one another, their lips dancing slightly, sealing their marriage and love to one another before moving away. Behind them, harry heard crying and sniffling, as many people, including Mrs. Weasley, blew their noses.

Now just me and Blaise…

Mr. Riddle turned to Harry and looked between him and Blaise. "Harry… Blaise, may this kiss bind these two in everlasting marriage, in the honor of our Dark Lord." This is it, Harry thought to himself. He and Blaise looked at each other, smiling softly. They began to lean forward and, like for every kiss in his life, Harry's eyes slowly closed, wanting to fully embrace every sensation Blaise's lips can offer. They were centimeters away when he felt it. It was subtle, so soft that it could be mistaken for a breath, however Harry still felt it. A breeze pushing pass, just as their lips were about to touch. Harry opened his eyes.

Blaise was gone. Instead the Devil stood before him, just microseconds away from sealing a marriage with him, with a kiss Harry's soul would be forever bound and intertwined with Satan. Panic flew through his body, and the boy screamed out the first spell he could think of just as the Dark Lord's clawed hand grasped onto Harry's wrist. "Scutum!"

A shield appeared between Harry and Satan, pushing the devil back a few inches from Harry, his grip on Harry still strong. "You idiot boy—"


Satan stopped, he turned to see Draco standing before him. Next to him was the cube that Harry was desperately waiting for. "Mor—"

"Lucifer Morningstar! Light-Bringer! I bind you!" Draco yelled out. The cube began to whirl, the strange markings carved into it began to glow. The Devil looked at the cube, then at Draco, and began to laugh.

"Stupid mortal, you think to trap me? You wish to face against a god?" the devil gloated.

"Lucifer Morningstar!" It was Blaise, standing from where, just a second ago, the devil was sitting. "Light-Bringer! I bind you!" The cube made noises, as though waking from a long sleep. It rumbled and began to suck, however the devil stood firm as he laughed. "I should never have made you, child," he said, glaring at Blaise.

"Lucifer Morningstar! Light-Bringer! I bind you!" was Blaise's reply, he and Draco chanting together.

"You cannot win you stubborn fool! Harry is my wife! Mine!" the Devil screamed, and he raised his arm that held Harry, only to see that he was gone. Instead two huge dogs and a fox stood, growling menacingly at him. Harry was with Draco, his hand aimed towards the cube. The Devil stared at him, "Think of the consequences, Harry. What will this coven do if you trap their lord? What will Hell be without Lucifer! God of all!"

"You are no god," Harry said. "Lucifer Morningstar! Light-Bringer! I bind you!" The cube's suction increased, the runes on it began twirling and the cube began vibrating. It was not enough, yet its power was growing. "Lucifer Morningstar! Light-Bringer! I bind you!" the three chanted.

Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus stood up quickly and joined Harry, their hands too outstretched to the cube. "Lucifer Morningstar!" they said, joining their boys, "Light-Bringer! I bind you!"

"What are you doing?" Mr. Riddle demanded. "This is outrageous—"

"Shut up or else I'll make you shut up!" Uncle Sirius cursed at Mr. Riddle. The two men joined the three boys in their chant, but it only made the devil laughed.

"Fools each one of you!" Satan said, fire beginning to appear around him, its embers being sucked into the cube. "I am a God! Your god! The one true power that rules this earth!"

"And we heard quite enough from you!"

Lucifer turned, shocked, to see Mrs. Malfoy was standing. She looked at her husband, "Our son is in trouble Lucius! We have to help!" She outstretched her hand and joined in the chant. "Lucifer Morningstar! Light-Bringer! I bind you! Get up Lucius!"

Mr. Malfoy sighed, looking reluctant, but stood as he outstretched his hand as well, "For my family… Lucifer Morningstar! Light-Bringer! I bind you!"

"Lucifer Morningstar!" It was Mrs. Weasley, her face red and wet from tears. "Light-Bringer I bind you! Get up you lot or else!" She threatened her family. The Weasley clan stood up, as did the Diggorys, Finnigans, and Changs. One by one their voices added to the spell; their hands outstretched.

Magic poured from their bodies, becoming a visible miasma that fueled the celestial cube. Satan gave a roar, his flames lashed and burned, but the cube was becoming powerful, too powerful, for the aged fallen angel. Harry stood a step closer, his eyes glaring at Lucifer. With all his might, he screamed out.

"Lucifer Morningstar! Light-Bringer! I bind you!"

The cube flew into the air, a tornado coming from it's opening that swallowed the flames that the Devil spewed, his handsome form turning to dust as he was being ripped piece by piece into the cube. His roars and screams deafened by the congregation's chanting until, in the end, there stood nothing but the cube, blank and dull-looking once more.

Silence fell over the congregation, everyone physically exhausted. Then, from his assigned seat, came a slow clap and Harry turned to see Loki sitting perfectly relaxed, wearing a revealing dress. "My, I have to say my lovely femboy, this has been a most interesting wedding… one of the most entertaining I have been in a millennium. Now—" He stood up and strolled towards the boys, Harry's uncles, and the cube. He bent and picked it up, shaking it slightly, "I told you he is in here… why don't you kiss that handsome devil and finish this off?" Loki winked.

Harry nodded and turned to Blaise, leaping into his arms and crashed his lips into Blaise's sealing their marriage before anyone could object or speak. The three boys smiled at each other, laughing in sweet relief as they hugged and kissed each other. The room was still in a state of shock as Loki walked towards Mrs. Riddle, who was still sitting, never reacting to anything. "My… what a poor snake you are," he tutted. "I think you'll make for a nice belt for my sister once I find her," and he took the snake, disappearing with her and leaving Mr. Riddle alone.

It took hours to have the guest leave, everyone wanted to shake Harry's hand, to congratulate about the wedding and talk about their contribution, many not believing they took part while others took it smugly. Mr. Riddle waited by the newlyweds and waited until it was just them, Harry's uncles, and Draco's parents. "You have used me Harry," Mr. Riddle said, he looked more proud than angry.

"We needed to defeat Blaise's father somehow," Harry nodded. "I'm sorry Mr. Riddle for using you."

"Don't be, I've tried using you," Mr. Riddle said, "however now that this has all happened… I must ask what now? Our entire belief system was rooted in the Devil, and now he is gone, trapped in a box. …I feel lost, too lost, to feel anything else."

"There are other gods," Blaise said, "Real gods. Loki is one of them, he was the one who gave us the box. My grandfather is another. They are all trapped now but, I'm sure, that Loki or my grandfather will go to free them… they are the ones who gave humanity magic, real magic, stuff more powerful than what my father stole."

"The old gods… huh," Mr. Riddle said, "the other covens will have to hear about what is going on. Especially Greendale's. The High Priest there is even more stubborn than me if you are to be believed…"

"I can help with that," Blaise offered. "I can explain and give reason."

"And what of Hell?" Mr. Riddle asked. "With your father gone, who will rule it?"

Blaise thought for a moment. He looked around the empty room. "Lilith."

The sounds of clicking heels filled the event room. Doors opened, and a beautiful woman with black hair walked in, looking impatient. "I was waiting for you to call on me, brat," the demon Lilith said. She stopped and looked around, "Your father?"

"In a cube until Loki deems it," Blaise answered.

"Oh… good, so now you are here to gloat then?"

"No, to offer Hell to you," Blaise said, "I will not rule it, not while I am here, on Earth with my loves. So, until we are ready, Hell is yours, Lilith, and with it the powers it gave my Father."

Lilith stared at Blaise for a moment, a small smile appeared, "I knew that you were more sensible than your father. …Very well, I will accept this burden, Lord of Darkness and the Infernos, on one request."

"What is it?" Blaise asked.

"That I get to reduce a sentence your father gave on an old friend of mine, she will be distraught over what happened, but I am sure that she will get over it," Lilith said. Blaise nodded, "Very well," he said.

"Thank you, then until you are old and frail, my Lord," Lilith said, she turned and left through the doors, never to be seen on the human world ever again.

Blaise turned to Harry and Draco and held their hands. "I think," he said, looking around, "that Harry, Draco and I need to rest… Uncle Sirius, Uncle Remus, you can yell at us after our rest."

"You bet we will," Uncle Sirius said, "and both of you are grounded for this, separate rooms for the next two years!" His glare softened and pulled the three into a hug, "I'm just glad that it worked," he breathed. "Go on, you've earned a rest."

"Draco…" Mr. Malfoy said. Draco stepped away and looked up anxiously at his father, scared of what he will say. The Malfoy patriarch surprised him, however, as he outstretched his hand and patted Draco's shoulder, "You have done well," he said. "I am proud."

Draco looked as though he was going to collapse, "T-Thank you father," he said. Mr. Malfoy nodded and looked towards Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus, "So… we are now in-laws it seems."

"It does indeed Lucius," Uncle Sirius said. Both men grimaced.

"This changes nothing Black. Come along Narcissa, I feel I need a bit of a drink, I am sure we have a bottle of your favorite still saved at home," Mr. Malfoy said. He waited for Mrs. Malfoy to hug and kiss Draco, and the two left.

Exhausted and wanting nothing but his bed, Harry led Draco and Blaise by the hand to his room where they undressed and slipped into bed as husbands; Blaise in the middle with Draco and Harry laying on him, their hands held while Blaise's arms were holding their shoulders. "So my beautiful mages," Blaise said sleepily, "what big adventure should we do next?"

"Graduate school," Draco said, his eyes growing heavy.

"That is a good suggestion… and afterwards?" Blaise asked.

"Well… Loki might need help, you know, finding the old gods," Harry said, looking up at his husband. "And I always wanted to meet the God of Love."

The three shared a rueful smile. "A wonderful suggestion Harry," Blaise yawned. "Then let us do both my loves… graduate school and meet the God of Love…" The two murmured agreements, and together they've slept a peaceful sleep, one full of love and devotion as nothing more will come to trouble their own paradise in each other's embrace.