Epilogue: The Resolution, Ten years later…
Severus looked up from the book he was reading in the hammock behind the cottage when the sound of running feet became louder. Miranda Snape, age 6, ran past laughing with her brother Evander, 9, in tow. They were both still on summer break since it was August, and as such they had too much time to annoy each other and everyone else.
"Give it back!"
With a lazy flick of his wrist he immobilised both children, causing Miranda to shriek in outrage. "Children. What are you up to?"
"She took my paint kit," Evander said, scowling at his sister. The boy had his mother's dark brown hair although his was straight. He had Severus' narrow face and hooked nose, and Hermione's fuller lips.
"Did not! Mummy said I could!" Miranda had black hair but otherwise she took after her mother. She was, indeed, carrying a set of water colours and brushes.
Severus tapped his nose. "Don't you have your own set, Miranda?"
"But I couldn't find it!"
"And what should you do then?"
Miranda bit her lip. "Emmm… take Ev's?"
"No!" her brother shouted.
"Try again."
"Ask Winky?"
Severus shrugged. "If you are unable to keep track of your things, Miranda Snape, then perhaps you are not old enough to have them."
"No no dad, I'll find it! It's in my trunk, it was just too far away! Promise!" Miranda looked at him, wide-eyed.
"And did your mother say you could use your brother's?" He raised an eyebrow at her.
"Not exactly…"
He sighed. "Miranda. You know better. It seems both of you need some work to do if you have time to be such nuisances. Come, let us go to the lab."
"I'm sorry, Dad. Sorry, Ev." She handed the paint kit to her brother when Severus released the body-bind.
He snapped his book shut and led them to the lab. They had their own workstation for when they wanted to join him, with equipment in the proper size for them and some small cauldrons they could use.
"Let us make another batch of Pepper-Up, then. Miranda, you will measure out the Doxy eggs. Evander, cut the Jewelweed. You remember how, right?"
Miranda sighed dramatically but went to fetch the Doxy eggs and ginger root from storage, and Evander fetched Shrake spines and Jewelweed. Soon they had several cauldrons going with enough Pepper-Up for Hogwarts' autumn order. He didn't have to do much routine brewing anymore since Lucius was managing the Potions factory they'd set up in a warehouse outside London for the standard orders, but he often still brewed the potions Hogwarts requested. It gave him a reason to go visit Poppy and Minerva from time to time.
He thought back to his time as a teacher at Hogwarts, during the war years. Never would the thought have crossed his mind that he'd be a father of four wild children, with a wife and a successful business. Had someone told him that he'd end up marrying the Insufferable Know-It-All Miss Granger, he'd have thought them mad. Back then he'd been certain that he'd never survive the war, and he had welcomed the thought as an end to the misery that was his life at the time.
Closing his eyes he could sense her through the bond. She was at work, he knew, busy with something or other at the office in London, so her feelings were slightly muted compared to when they were closer to each other. She seemed to be pleased with something. Learning about the nature of their bond had taken some trial-and-error over the years. Gradually they became aware of sensing the other one's feelings, and they also knew roughly where the other one was, as in a sense of general direction and distance. When their first had been born the strength of what Hermione was feeling had almost decked him, but once he worked out what it was he could actually help by sending comfort and assurance in the other direction and taking some of the pain for himself.
After learning about the pregnancy, Hermione had immediately started to research magical birthrates together with a team at St Mungo's, and Severus had put Septimius Solutions to work on the problem as well. Luckily everything went fine with the pregnancy, aside from her odd cravings, the physical symptoms and mood swings. Hermione was home with Evander for a year while she also set up her own consulting company, taking on Arithmancy problems since she could do that from home part-time even when caring for a baby. It helped that Severus worked from home, too, although it took him some time to adjust to not only considering his own needs.
Hermione had asked Luna and Ginny to help collect anecdotes, stories and statistics about anything that seemed relevant, but they weren't much closer to a solution three years later when, luckily, Miranda was born without issue. Hermione had stayed at home for another year but then her business had started to take off. She set up an office in London and hired two other Arithmancers to help out, letting her focus on the things she wanted. Luckily they had also found a magical family nearby who wanted to set up a daycare for magical children.
Miranda was nearly three when they'd finally managed to work out a regime that would greatly reduce but not completely eliminate the risk of miscarriage due to malfunctioning magic. It was complex, requiring the man to take a potion once a day for at least a full month before the witch was in a fertile phase, and for best results the couple should also renew their bonds to make sure their magic was synchronised. It seemed as if one of the reasons for the current issues with miscarriages was that the traditional bonding had gone out of fashion a bit, partly due to the backlash after the war against Grindelwald when it was seen as more progressive to do a more Muggle-style wedding. They had also needed to invent a new charm which was to be cast immediately after the deed to ensure the conditions were optimal. Hermione had of course insisted on trying it all out, for science, and so they ended up with fraternal twins the following year, a boy and a girl. Lysander and Cordelia were currently napping, he fervently hoped. He had been their main caretaker the last year and was very ready for them to go to daycare when schools started up again. Evander and Miranda were in a Muggle primary school close by at Hermione's insistence and seemed to have fit in reasonably well, with not too many magical accidents. There was another magical family nearby with children in that same school, so they weren't alone.
Severus felt the bond stir, she would soon be home. "Let's wrap up for today, your mother is soon home. Have you packed your things to go to your grandparents?"
Miranda squealed in delight and ran off. Evander started clearing the workstation while Severus put the cauldrons in stasis. His eldest son had always taken an interest in Potions and enjoyed sitting next to Severus when he worked. In two years the boy would be off to Hogwarts but he'd probably know at least the first and second year potions already by then. Severus ruffled his son's hair, and together they went back to the cottage where Winky was feeding the twins a snack.
The crack of an Apparition sounded and soon Hermione entered from the foyer. Miranda tackled her from the side, and even Evander went over for a hug. Severus smiled at his wife. Ten years later and four children but she was still just as beautiful.
"Welcome, wife." He kissed her lightly.
"Husband." She burrowed into his arms and took a deep breath. "Mum is expecting them in half an hour, I think. Are they ready?"
He shrugged. "I presume Winky has sorted it all out adequately."
Some time later when all the chaos had receded, the children had been adequately disposed of with their grandma and they were alone for once, he produced a piece of parchment from his pocket and handed it to her.
"What's this?" Hermione looked confused.
"What does it look like?"
"The Alchymist… a hotel reservation? In Prague?"
He smiled. He did that more often nowadays, for some reason. "Our Portkey leaves in half an hour so you'd better go change. Winky has already packed our bags as well. You do remember the date, don't you?"
A slow smile lit up her face. "Our wedding anniversary. Oh, love, are we going back to Prague? I can't believe you managed to keep this a secret from me! You naughty, sneaky man!"
"At your service, milady." He sketched a bow at her.
"How long?"
"Four nights."
She threw herself at him. "You know I love you, right? Because I do, more and more for every day that passes."
"You may have mentioned the fact once or twice."
Hermione laughed, and kissed him.
Yes. He was precisely where he was meant to be. Home.