So, I am really sorry for the delay. Please don't kill me!

I got the urge to post this from watching Infinity War (My brother laughed while I sat there crying) and write about what SHOULD have happened to Thanos.

Get this, though… MY BROTHER IS ON TEAM CAP FOR CIVIL WAR! So I literally nearly murdered him, cuz I'm on Team Iron Man. Review and let me know which side you are on!

Story Of The Post – The Monster Under The Bed by StardustOwl. It is about what would have happened if Loki had discovered his Frost Giant heritage when he was much younger. It is still being written, but it is really good.

So, on with the story!



Our story begins millennia ago, when Yggdrasil was just a tiny seed, and each Universe was one.

Time passed, with the World Tree growing and adapting, species evolving that could not live in the same ecosystem without dying.

The One Who Watches (And Sometimes Meddles) saw this, and lent the World Tree the magic to grow and separate each prevalent species into what would one day become the Nine Realms – Midgard, Asgard, Niflheim, Jotunheim, Nidavellir, Muspellheim, Helheim, Vanaheim, and Alfheim, as well as the Void Between Worlds. (Not even going to try to spell that LOL)

All was well.

Until the Asgardians, (idiots) created the Bifrost.

By doing this, the bonds that separated the worlds shattered – not into six, as many believed, but seven – one for each part of the Bifrost.

These pieces were beautiful gems, known as Mind, Space, Time, Reality, Power and Soul. Each of these stones had a vibrant glimmering hue, each unique and beautiful in its own right.

And then there came the Seventh Stone, The Stone Of Death.

Unlike its counterparts, it wasn't bright, or considered beautiful by many who saw it.

It was black, a black so deep and dark that it appeared to suck the very colour from the air around it, yet simultaneously glimmering with the light of a thousand trapped galaxies…until it was cursed.

Anitoch Pevrell created the Elder Wand when given a Thestral foal by Death – Hela was bored and wanted to mess with mortal's heads – slaughtered it for its heartstrings, using the stick of elder wood soaked with blood as the wood.

When he was murdered for the wand he had created, Death gladly and cruelly took him (Garm liked his new chew toy…)

Ignotus Pevrell, wise and loving, could not bear to touch the slain Thestral foal, except to bury it after his brothers had plundered its corpse. Instead, he gathered hairs that had fallen out when Ignotus had groomed him, and wove them together with the hairs of a Demiguise, his tears of sorrow creating the famous liquid-like texture that marked it as the Third Hallow.

When Death took him, she did it gladly. A thousand years later, he was still trying to get permission from her Dad to date her.

Cadmus Pevrell, the middle Pevrell child, committed the worst crime, though.

When the foal was slain, he took the rest of the heart, compressing and binding it until it was a stone almost identical to Death's.

Cadmus then used a Forbidden Rite to summon the Seventh Stone, merging the foal's heart the Stone of Death, creating the fabled Resurrection Stone. The power was corrupted, and the Stone grew dull.

Death cursed his name, and even the One grew saddened by the atrocities he had caused.

When Death took him, e went screaming. Thanos much enjoyed the gift of an everlasting torture dummy, even if it DID make him think that he was in with a chance of dating her.

Ignotus was different to his brothers, which was why Death liked him. He was a mess of contradictions – the youngest, yet the wisest, and knew what he must do, to prevent destruction from being wrought upon the world.

Another Rite was used. This one was not of the Blacke Artes, however, but was Lost, a fabled Lost Rite that the One had blessed and placed in his path.

Ignotus Pevrell, youngest and longest living, least and greatest of the trio, cursed the Hallows.

The wand would forever be passed from murder to murder, until a descendant came, of pure heart and sorrowful soul, and sought to only use the power of the Wand to protect.

The stone was cursed to drive all who used it to suicide; due to the pain it caused those who crossed the Veil. It's powers were bund and diminished, with all traces of a Seventh Stone wiped from the annals of history. And so it would be until one of the Pevrell bloodline came to use the stone – not for riches or knowledge, but for love and resolve, with pure heart and sorrowful soul.

And he bound his own Cloak, to remain always with his bloodline, passed from eldest child to eldest child, until it reached the Childe, the one who would break the curse on the Wand and the Stone, of pure heart, sorrowful soul, and firm resolve.

The Rite drained Ignotus' magic, and h lived the rest of his life alone, passing the Wand, Cloak and Stone to his children, until he grew old and feeble, whereupon Death greeted him as an old friend – a little late, maybe, but no matter. (Well, less of an old friend, more of an old lover, judging by the giant snog that she had given him.)

The Seventh Stone was forgotten. Rumors of six powerful stones spread throughout the Universe awakening the interest of Thanos, he who sought to court Lady Death – never mind that she already had a boyfriend, and had friendzoned him millennia ago!

The Seventh Stone was forgotten, yes.

By all but one.

And s it came to be that Harry Potter united the Deathly Hallows, breaking the curses Ignotus had placed upon them.

The Seventh Stone had awakened, and just in time.

Thanos was coming.

And first chapter DONE!


Loki/Any original Avenger

