You know sometimes it takes you one school Halloween costume to pull you back in Harry Potter fandom and read all the books and watch the movies again, then decide to write a fanfiction about it.
Evelyn was sitting in the living room holding two envelopes in her hands. Two envelopes that decided her future but brought a hard decision to thought that she was too young to think about this decision but her parents had decided that the choice was hers and for her it was too difficult.
She opened the Ilvermorny envelope and read the letter in it.
Ilvermorny, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Agilbert Fontaine
Dear Miss Sinclair King,
We are delighted to inform that you are invited to study magic in Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States of America.
In the other page of letter, we have written to you a list of necessary books and equipment for your school year term begins in September 1st. We will wait for your decision until July 31st.
Lucah King.
She read her father's name a few times not even bothering to look at the list on the other page.
Her father was a teacher in Ilvermorny. He taught Defense Against The Dark Arts for years now in Ilvermorny and he was deputy headmaster of the famous American school.
She knew all about Ilvermorny. How it was founded, the story behind the founder whose name had been Isolt and how it came to be one of the best schools of magic.
But not the best.
Because the best one was Hogwarts. The school her mother had attended with rich history and better teachers. She knew all about Hogwarts and how it was the safest school of all schools of magic.
"You got your letters?" She turned her head to see her childhood best friend, Don Bailey. He sat next to her and saw that she hadn't opened the Hogwarts letter. "So, are you joining me in Hogwarts?" Don asked his brown eyes showing a little fear. He was doubting that she would go to Ilvermorny.
"I don't know, Don." She responded as she looked at her best friend. "My father is a teacher in Ilvermorny, the school is quite good and I would not have to face my cousins every day."
"There is a but there, isn't there?" He asked her and she gave him a curt nod in response.
"You are the but." Her confession made him smile a little. "I can't think of spending more than nine months away from you."
"You spend six months away from me when you go to America." He pointed out and she let out a sigh. She pushed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "Come to Hogwarts, Evelyn."
"What if we both attend Hogwarts and we end up in different houses?" Evelyn asked and Don snorted a little before speaking to her.
"Look, we don't know what houses we would be sorte-"
"Well, I know for a fact you won't be getting into Hufflepuff because you are not patient at all." He gasped in mockery making Evelyn laugh a little.
"And you won't be joining Gryffindor because you are too much afraid of bats." Don teased her earning a nudge to the ribs by her.
There was silence between the two friends before Don spoke once again picking up the envelopes. "Your decision is yours, Eve. You need to decide soon because the end of July is almost a month away."
Evelyn didn't say anything as she looked at the envelopes again.
"Eve, will you help me set out of the table?" Her mother asked as Evelyn was changing the channels on the TV.
Even though Evelyn was a pureblood like both of her parents, they had decided to show her the muggle world as her father had married a muggle woman ans she had two half blood siblings.
"Where is dad coming?" Evelyn asked as she turned to look at her beautiful tall mother. Her mother was only 33 years old but she was still the most beautiful woman Evelyn had ever seen.
She had long blonde hair that Evelyn had inherited from her, green eyes that were the color of green apples which Evelyn didn't inherit from her, a heart shaped face with high cheeks and full lips. Her whole look was matched with a sweet smile and a kind personality.
"In half an hour." She responded and Evelyn said nothing else as they put down the plates.
Evelyn was nervous. She had made her decision but she was still nervous how she was going to tell her parents.
"Eve, are you alright?" Evelyn heard her mother's voice and she looked up to meet her mother's green eyes.
"Just tired." The girl responded but her mother didn't seem to believe her at all.
"It's your choice, Eve. Your father and I won't resent on you and your decision." Evelyn wasn't assured by her mother's words because she knew that her father wouldn't be happy with her decision.
He always pushed her to Ilvermony direction and he had even taken her to it a few times. He wanted her to attend the school but Evelyn didn't want to.
Just then a green light came from the fireplace and Evelyn turned to see her father come out of it covered in dust and a little Floo powder. He shook the powder off and turned to look at her
"Happy birthday, munchkin." He said to her with open arms and she moved to hug her father. He wrapped his big arms around her and pulled her closer.
Evelyn looked up at her father's clear blue eyes that she had inherited from him.
"How does eleven feel like?" Her father asked as they pulled away from the embrace.
"Slightly more matured." Evelyn joked earning a snort from her father. He then looked up to see her mother who was with the table.
"Hi, Rose." He said with a smile to her mother who only offered him a little smile in return.
They all took their seats on the table. Evelyn in the middle of her parents like she had been all her life. She always got uncomfortable in times like this considering there was still resentment in her parent's relationship.
Her parents had met in 1958 in Ilvermorny as her mother Rose was sent by the Ministry of Magic to look at the school as her mother worked in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. She had gone to inspect the education and had met her father who was a teacher at that time.
Evelyn never got the rest of the story but she guessed it ended up with a heartbreak in her mother's part considering her father was happily married and had kids with that woman.
"So Evelyn, have you decided about your school?" Her father asked as they were eating dinner and Evelyn gave him a nod but she didn't stop eating.
"I did, dad." Evelyn said as she avoided eye contact with both of her parents
"And?" Her mother pressed making Evelyn look at her parents with a little bit hesitation.
"I decided to go to Hogwarts." She waited for a reaction from both of her parents bit she only got it from her father.
"Hogwarts? Why Hogwarts?" Her father seemed to be disappointed in her decision while her mother was not showing any emotion in her face.
"Because I want to." She told him looking at her father straight in the eye, her position unwavering which made her mother smile in secret. "Because I would fit better there than in Ilvermorny."
"You don't have estranged cousins in Ilvermorny." Evelyn knew that her father was right about that as her mother had been disowned by her family after she gave birth to Evelyn and since that day she hadn't spoken with her family. "There is no chance of you ending up in a horrible house when you can turn to-."
"A Horrible person." Her mother Rose spoke as she turned to look at the father of her child. "I got sorted in Slytherin and I didn't become a horrible person. Slytherins are known for being ambitious, cunning and resourceful and one of the greatest wizards was in Slytherin."
"I don't want my daughter to socialize with that lot." Evelyn in that moment wanted nothing more than for the earth to swallow her whole because she knew what was going to happen next.
"I was that lot in Hogwarts, Lucah." Her mother's voice had gone an octave higher making Evelyn wince a little.
"You did show that you were that lot when I first met you, Rosemarie." The use of her mother's full first name was just an invitation for a fight.
Evelyn looked up to meet her mother's eyes and when she did, her mother's anger was replaced with guilt as her and Lucah were fighting on front of their daughter.
"Evelyn made her decision, she chose to go to Hogwarts." In that moment, Evelyn wanted to hug her mother but she didn't. She only gave her a small smile.
"Then I have to get 'Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them' by Newt Scamander." She told her mother as they were in Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley. Evelyn was holding the list of equipment and books for her first year in the Hogwarts.
"Here is your last book." Rose had found the book for her daughter and Evelyn looked at the books in complete awe. "God, you are so much like your father when it comes to books." They moved to pay for the books and then got out of it.
"Now, we are going to Ollivander's." Evelyn almost squealed on delight at the thought of her having a wand.
"How would he know what wand to give me?" Evelyn asked as they made their way to the shop.
"It takes a lot of year to know and he doesn't always give you the right one for the first time." Her mother explained before entering the shop.
Evelyn took a deep breath as she looked at the old and dusty shop which was filled with boxes and shelves.
"Ah Rosemarie Sinclair, a Beech wood with Dragon heartstring, nine inches and not flexible." Evelyn's eyebrows shot up in surprise of how the man could remember the wand that her mother possessed. A wand he had given her 22 years ago.
"You remember her wand?" Evelyn asked as she took a step towards the man who was behind the counter.
"Every wand that I gave in my lifetime I remember." The man responded to her and Evelyn couldn't help but look at the man in amazement. "I presume your daughter?" Rose gave the man a nod and Ollivander studied a wide eyed Evelyn as she looked around the shop.
"I know what wand would fit you." He walked away from them and Evelyn looked at her mother in excitement before Ollivander entered the room.
"A Walnut wood wand with a dragon heartstring and eleven inches long' with a little flexibility." Ollivander pulled the wand out and gave it to Evelyn. The girl looked at the wand and took it but it felt to her like she was using a piece of wood, not the wand that she was going to carry all of her life.
"Flick it." Ollivander told her and Evelyn did so which resulted in some boxes falling from their place. "Seems I got it wrong."
Evelyn gave the wand back and the man put it in its box before moving to get another one. He came with another box and this time he seemed more confidence about the wand.
"Cypress wood with Unicorn hair, fourteen inches and a half with an unyielding flexibility." As soon as Evelyn touched the wand, she felt some sort of connection with the wand and in that moment she knew that this was the wand for her.
"This is the one." She muttered as she examined the wand with wide eyes.
"In that case, you're going to grow up to be a hero my dear." Evelyn smiled at the words of the man but her mother frowned as she started to think what the old man really was saying.
Evelyn now was on the store of the Bailey family called 'Star Gazer' which sold telescopes and various books about astronomy.
"You got a Cypress wand? I got a Rowan one." Don looked at one of the telescopes in total fascination.
He had always loved astronomy and sometimes it got annoyed of how much he talked about stars, planets, satellites etc.
"Do you want to buy a telescope?" He asked her and Evelyn shook her head in reply.
"No because mum went to get me a ca. A black kitten in truth." He grimaced at her words before looking at her.
"Black cats bring bad luck according to Phineas." Don told her but Evelyn didn't seem to care what her best friend said.
"I don't care and I always wanted an animal. I'm going to name her Sabrina like the witch from Archie Comics."
"What is Archie Comics?" Unlike Evelyn, Don wasn't familiar with the muggle world and sometimes he didn't understand many things Evelyn said.
"I'll bring some in Hogwarts and you can read them. Anna told me about it, the last time I went at Dad's." Anna was Evelyn's half sister who was only two years younger than her but again the two girls got along quite well and Evelyn got along well with Samuel who was 6 years younger than her.
Don was about to say something when the door opened to reveal a beautiful dark haired woman with grey eyes and a boy who was looking down at the ground with black hair.
The way the woman looked at the shop gave Evelyn a shiver but she ignored it as she turned to look at the boy who was still looking at the ground like it was the most interesting thing ever.
"Since when do children work in a telescope shop?" The woman asked annoyance in her tone as she looked down at Evelyn and Don.
"Sorry, ma'am." Don's father Julian came from the back of the shop and looked at the woman who narrowed her eyes at him. "With what can I help you?"
"I want you to find me the best telescope you have." The woman said but before Julian could move the boy spoke.
"I don't want a telescope, mother." Even when he spoke, the boy kept his eyes on the ground.
"Keep your head straight, Sirius." The boy finally looked at the other people, his eyes wandering the whole store. "And we are getting you the best telescope. Period."
The boy didn't say anything else just nodded his head and Evelyn looked away thinking that her new wand was more impressive.
She noted that the woman and the boy followed Don's father while her and Don stayed in their place.
"She seemed mean." Don whispered in her ear and she nodded her head in agreement. Just then the door opened and her mother entered with a cage.
"You got it!" Evelyn exclaimed in delight as both her and Don turned to look at the cat. Evelyn opened the cage to see a small black kitten with green eyes. "She is adorable." She picked up the kitten who was looking at Evelyn with its green eyes.
"Rosemarie Sinclair." The woman who had entered the store before came towards their direction while her son was behind her, his attention was directed to Evelyn and her cat.
"Walburga Black, how are you?" Her mother asked with a smile that Evelyn knew from her experience was fake.
"Good." The woman that her mother called Walburga said in a cold voice before her eyes met Evelyn's. "This must be your daughter." The way the woman looked Evelyn made her feel so small like she was some sort of a fly around them. "Your bastard daughter to be correct."
The pregnant pause that filled the room after what Walburga said wasn't a good sign and it made Evelyn realize that what Walburga said was an insult.
"How dare you call my child that?!" Her mother spat to the woman who was clearly older than her.
"It's the truth Rosemarie. She's a bastard." Evelyn was so lost in that moment and she looked to her mother who had her lips curled up in a snarl.
"Come on, Evelyn!" Her mother clutched the cage she was holding. "We need to buy your robes." Evelyn put her kitten in the cage and took her stuff.
Her mother didn't even bother saying a goodbye to Don or his father as they walked out of the store in hurry.
Evelyn could see that her mother was angry and she was holding back her emotions as they passed the stores of Diagon Alley.
"What does that word mean mum?" Evelyn's voice was a whisper but her mother heard her clearly.
"It's a bad word that you should never use, darling." Her mother explained to her as they stopped in front of a shop.
"Am I a bastard?" Evelyn asked with a hushed voice and her mother knelt in front of her.
"Don't listen to that woman, Eve. She's a mean woman like most of all the Blacks and she doesn't even know you to say those words." Evelyn could see that her mother was close to tears making her warp her arms around her.
"I love you, mummy." Evelyn whispered in her mother's ear as her arms wrapped her arms around Evelyn.
"I love you too." As soon as her mother said that, Evelyn looked up to see Walburga and her son leave the store of her best friend. She looked at them closely and wondered how far did the apple fall from the tree.
I have posted and reposted this story in this website more than two times but always deleted it. I have no idea why but I did it. I decided to post it again and not delete it this time. The story is also published in Quotev but there I have posted 95 chapters. If you want to read it, go ahead. The story is also named All We Need and my name there is still PinkLady12.