A/N: So, I couldn't help myself with this one. I thought of it while I was driving and it's stuck with me ever since, so I figured I'd better write it and let my mind take me where it wants to go.

This is AU, so please keep that in mind as you go forward. People are in times that aren't regularly their own, different professors, people still alive, etc.

Please let me know what you think! No comments are bad comments.

She had been reluctant to respond to the letter.

It had arrived while she was at the worksite in Egypt, addressed appropriately despite the exact location being kept under wraps by the ministry. It always boggled her mind how he knew just where to find someone.

Miss Hermione Jean Granger

Tent Outside Pyramid of Djoser, Southern Pavilion Necropolis

Saqqara, Egypt

Her hands had a slight shake to them as she opened the letter - he hadn't been known to reach out to his students after they graduated unless there was a rather difficult problem he couldn't solve or he needed a favour. Apprehension sent waves of discomfort throughout her body, telling her that either reasoning was usually never a good thing.

Miss Granger,

I apologize for not writing to you sooner; I've been quite busy with the school and haven't had the time for such pleasantries. It is with regret that I inform you this letter isn't intended for that purpose, either.

It seems we have a position available at Hogwarts - and if my memory serves me correctly, it's regarding a subject you always excelled at and continue to do so in your career. I can think of no other person better suited to teach Arithmancy than you, Miss Granger, as you have always been so passionate on the subject.

If you are up for it, consider it a favour to me for you to take over the position. Classes start within a month, and without an Arithmancy Professor, I'm afraid the students will be missing out on a very important part of their education.

Kindly send your answer by return of this owl. If you are agreeable, I will arrange for a portkey to transport you to the castle.

Most sincerely,

Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin (first class), Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot

She had read the letter time and time again, worrying her bottom lip as she struggled to make a decision.

She enjoyed being a curse-breaker. She liked the thrill of excavating through the tombs of Egypt to find magical objects otherwise hidden to the world. She liked the danger of disabling and countering curses that had been around for centuries, most unknown to the present magical world. She wasn't even bothered that witches and wizards greater than her had died from this exact profession - she was passionate about her job, and that was that.

Professor Dumbledore had struck a chord with her, however; she couldn't stand the thought of students missing out on Arithmancy and the knowledge that came with it. Sure, it was a difficult subject; but those who worked hard and mastered it always went on to great things. Without Arithmancy during her school years, she wouldn't be where she was today. Ancient Runes and Charms were important to her career as well, but Arithmancy is what got her the job with Gringotts in the first place. She couldn't take the same opportunity away from another person simply because she was enjoying her time in Egypt.

Hermione sighed and cast a wordless spell to pile her frizzy hair in a knot upon her head; one thing Egypt didn't do for her was make her hair any better. The heat caused her hair to double in size and that was no easy feat, seeing as it was usually quite messy to begin with. She wasn't worried about her appearance here, though, among the dead and the few colleagues who joined her on her quest - so she always let it go, either in a messy knot or a similarly messy plait.

The pecking of the brown barn owl upon her desk seized her attention and she glared at it, frustrated with its impatience.

"Alright, alright," she growled, grabbing parchment and a quill to write a response. She hastily wrote her decision and signed her name before she could change her mind, rolling the paper and attaching it to the bright-eyed bird's leg. "Sorry, I don't have any treats. Off you go." She waved her hand in dismissal and watched the owl take off.

Hermione looked around the spacious tent that she shared with her three colleagues and groaned.

She hated packing.

Hermione arrived outside the castle doors only a day before classes were set to begin. She couldn't leave her job as quickly as she had planned, as her colleagues had stumbled upon a tomb that had yet to be discovered in the maze beneath the Pyramid of Djoser. It had given them quite a difficult time, more so than any of the other obstacles they encountered in their work together. Two weeks, about a dozen wards, and three scars adorning her abdomen later, it had been opened. It took all she had to pull herself away from the discovery, seething with frustration at herself for agreeing to leave the project behind.

She shivered and huddled into herself as the wind blew around her. She wasn't used to the chill associated with the Scottish Highlands anymore and desperately hoped to get acclimated soon; until then, she knew she would be ridiculously overdressed in excessive layers until her body adjusted.

The massive wooden doors shuddered in front of Hermione, slamming open with a loud bang as her former Professor came to greet her. He looked the same as he had five years ago: flowing white beard that reached the ground, dark red robes adorned with what appeared to be stars sparkling in random places, and half-moon spectacles that aided in the sight of his bright blue eyes, always twinkling with knowledge that no one else was privy to.

"Miss Granger!" Professor Dumbledore greeted, flourishing his wand to levitate her bags inside. "Do, come in! I've been waiting for your arrival." He turned and began walking the opposite way, expecting her to follow his lead. "I'm very thankful for your kindness in helping the school. There's simply no other person better to fill the position, and I know Mr. Potter will be glad to have your company."

Hermione nodded in agreement, a grin filled with excitement beginning to form on her face. Harry had taken the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts the year prior; they regularly corresponded through mail, maintaining their close friendship even when countries apart. "I'm thrilled to see him, sir. I haven't had the opportunity to see him since beginning my project at Djoser."

"I hope you don't mind, but I've invited him to my office as we discuss your position. I'll be sending your bags to your room so you can get settled in after."

The pair made their way to the Headmaster's office and Hermione struggled to contain her chuckle at his password - 'chocolate covered quills' - that was always centered around treats. The Gargoyle stepped aside and allowed the two to make their way up the moving stone staircase, entering the beautiful circular room that held most of Dumbledore's belongings, including his beloved phoenix, Fawkes.

"Hermione!" A voice called out followed by a blur of black, messy hair. She beamed with happiness as she was almost knocked over by her best friend's hug. She wrapped her arms around him as tightly as she could.

"Harry, I've missed you!" She pulled away to look into his emerald eyes that always held a spark of mischief. "I can't believe it's so been so long-"

"I know. I can't believe you agreed to join the staff, what with all of your fancy adventures throughout the world-"

She hit his shoulder but smiled fondly at him. "They're not fancy adventures, they're research, and I couldn't allow students to not experience Arithmancy! It's one of the most important subjects this school offers."

"Agree to disagree, then," Harry winked at his oldest best friend and gave her a cheeky smile. "I'm quite fond of Defense Against the Dark Arts myself, but perhaps I'm biased."

Professor Dumbledore interrupted them with a laugh and instructed Harry and Hermione to sit down as he took a seat behind his spacious yet cluttered desk.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your reunion, but I feel it's best to get Miss Granger settled into her new position before the start of term tomorrow." He softened his words with a quick wink, then handed Hermione a thick folder. "Here's the information on your students. As Professor of Arithmancy, you'll be in charge of Arithmancy from third year on, as well as Advanced Arithmancy Studies. I've looked over your course plans for the first few weeks - thank you for your quick work - and everything is appropriate. I wasn't trying to flatter you when I told you that you were the best for this position; you have a lot of practical applications of Arithmancy that I feel will be very beneficial to the students."

"Thank you, sir," Hermione replied, flushing with pleasure at the compliment anyway. "I hope to do the position justice. Is there anything I should be aware of before the start of term tomorrow?"

The Headmaster hesitated before responding, knowledge swirling in his bright blue eyes as he internally debated whether to share information with her.

"For now, I think not. If you have any issues or… thoughts on any of your students, you know where to find me." He clapped his hands and caused her to startle slightly. "Nothing to worry about for now. Mr. Potter will show you to your office and sleeping chambers to help get you settled. I have a few other things to complete before the students arrive."

She quirked an eyebrow at Harry over Dumbledore's cryptic answer but decided to bring it up later. She was exhausted from her travels and could use all the rest she could get before classes began.

The two friends hooked arms as they made their way to her office, catching up on each other's lives quickly. He was astonished at how tan her skin had become, shifting from light and almost translucent to a warm golden brown hue. Harry joked that her career forced her out of the library and out into the sun, and she agreed; while she still adored books and anything regarding knowledge, she loved the feeling of the sun on her skin.

Hermione found her face hurting from all the smiling and laughing she had done since her reintroduction to Hogwarts. She had felt waves of nostalgia crash over her upon seeing her closest friend back in the corridors that they had trekked only five years before, but she was thankful for the reunion. Harry and Hermione always fell back into their same routines whenever they reunited, and it comforted her to know she would have her best friend with her as she started her new journey in a familiar place.

Harry had stayed with her for most of the day and into the night to help her unpack and arrange her classroom the way she'd like before they parted ways, leaving Hermione to rest before the students - her students - arrived the next day.

Hermione entered the Great Hall that following night adorned in her best dress robes, coloured a dark ebony and lined with scarlet. She couldn't help but wear something that was an homage to her house when she attended Hogwarts; after all, she was still a Gryffindor at heart. She had even attempted to tame her hair that she hadn't bothered to mess with in nearly a year. It was quite the struggle, but she had managed to get it to behave enough to allow her to braid it into a pretty plait with loose - albeit wild - curls framing her face. She couldn't ever get all of her hair to stay in one place, so it would have to do.

She joined the other Professors at the High Table and sat down next to Harry as the students began to file in, led by the Head Boy and Head Girl. She found her hands clammy from nerves as the Great Hall filled - surely there weren't that many students when she attended Hogwarts? - and she felt Harry give her hand a quick but tight squeeze.

"Breathe, Hermione," Harry whispered, keeping his eyes forward and smiling at his students. "They're children, and you're a bad-ass. Stop stressing."

Hermione grinned at him and threw her head back in a laugh at Harry's choice of words. He always knew how to make her feel better.

She looked out at the four tables once again, now full, and realized that most eyes were on her. She straightened her back in her chair and raised her chin, determined to be the epitome of confidence despite her nerves. She let a small smile show on her face, hoping she wasn't making a poor first impression.

"Before we get to the sorting," Dumbledore began, silencing the murmuring students. "I'd like to introduce you to your new Professor of Arithmancy - Professor Granger." He held his hand out and gestured for her to stand.

Hermione stood quickly and waved, kicking Harry's chair to interrupt his snickering at her jumpiness. Professor Dumbledore sent her a wink and she smiled warmly at him before sitting down once more.

"Professor Granger was a curse-breaker for Gringott's before she left to teach here. She is well equipped to teach you anything you should know about Arithmancy. Now, to the sorting!"

Hermione was thankful for the change of subject, namely away from her, and watched as the first years were sorted. She clapped when it was appropriate and was thrilled when food appeared in front of her; she didn't realize how much she had missed the food at Hogwarts.

She made small talk with Harry and Professor Slughorn beside her throughout their meal. Slughorn was overly excited to have her join the staff, as his booming voice had announced several times through the night. She had been one of his favourite students - 'brightest witch of her age, after all!' he'd declare - and she knew he had bragged about teaching her after she graduated and moved on to bigger things. Some things never changed.

Before long the dinner was over and students began filing back to their dormitories, led by the prefects. One student, however, had lingered back, waiting to approach the professor's table until most of the students were gone.

He had dark brown hair, very close to black, that was curled and parted expertly to frame his face. His bone structure was that of aristocrats; defined jaw, straight nose, and perfectly symmetrical. She noted that he was from Slytherin from his robes and tie, and Head Boy from the badge pinned to his chest.

She would have found him attractive had she been five years younger.

"Pardon me, Professor," The boy said, addressing Professor Slughorn in a low baritone. "I couldn't help but overhear your praises of our newest Professor -" His dark eyes darted to Hermione quickly before returning to Slughorn. "I felt I needed to introduce myself."

"Of course, m'boy, of course! Always the gentleman, that Tom Riddle," Slughorn boasted, looking fondly at his student. "Professor Granger, this is Tom Riddle - Head Boy and from my house, of course - I'd dare say, had he been in school with you, he'd give you a run for your money!"

Hermione raised her eyebrow at her former Professor and turned to Tom, giving him a pleasant smile. "Pleasure to meet you, Tom. If Professor Slughorn here is right, it's safe to assume you're in my Advanced Arithmancy Studies, yes?"

"Your assumptions are correct, Professor Granger. Arithmancy has always interested me, and I can't help but find myself intrigued by your line of work." He gave her a charming smile, flashing perfectly straight and white teeth. Her parents would've loved to have him as their patient.

"It's quite dangerous but very rewarding," Hermione agreed. "I can't share much information about the excavations I'm working on, but I'll do my best to help with practical applications of Arithmancy."

She noticed a greedy gleam in his eyes at her mentioning excavations but it disappeared quickly, replaced with innocent interest.

"I look forward to classes then, Professor Granger," Tom replied with a small smile. "If you'll excuse me, I must ensure the prefects have delivered the other students to their dormitories on time." He nodded his head to Slughorn, Hermione, and Harry as he turned to exit the Great Hall. Hermione stared after him, noticing his hands laced behind his back and his posture perfectly straight.

"Is he always that… Proper?" Hermione asked as Harry ushered her from her seat to exit the Great Hall as well. "He seemed a bit odd."

Harry nodded and shrugged his shoulders. "He's been that way since I started last year. He's incredibly bright, almost as bright as you," he bumped her shoulder with his playfully. "But he's a bit restrained, I've noticed. Different than the other students."

"Well, if he's as good as you and Slughorn say, I look forward to having someone interested in being challenged in my courses."

As she lay in bed that night, she thought of dark, obsidian eyes, glowing with secrets that she wasn't quite certain she should attempt to decipher - but similar to her curse-breaking, she found herself determined to do so anyway.