Chapter Four
The dorm rooms of Beacon really don't have much… room. The spaces between beds are a handful of feet apart, and the area between bed and door has room for maybe two desks. The less said about 'closet space' the better. Bathroom and shower is down the hall.
Ruby does not fall asleep easily the first night, but she does sleep. She stays that way for many more hours than she normally would.
She is the first one up.
"Should we wake her?" Ruby whispers loudly to Blake, who's sitting by the desk reading.
A shrug is the answer.
"I'm ready!" Yang announces, banging open the door. Even Blake lowers her book to look over at the sleeping heiress. "She's still not awake?"
"I guess not," Ruby sighs. "You guys go down for breakfast. I'll get her up."
"Are you sure?" Yang slants a suspicious look to the white-haired teammate. She may take it better if we're here, is implied.
Ruby shrugs this time, smiling little but real. "I've got it, don't worry. You two come up with ideas on how to decorate the room!"
"And clean it…" Blake mutters, gently slipping her book under her pillow.
"Tell me what you think about bunkbeds!" Ruby yells down the hall when they're out the door. She hears Yang's distant 'ooh, bunkbeds, Blake!' as well as a thumping from the room across from them. Looks like team JNPR is up. "Alright, Weiss…" Ruby skips over to her suitcase and rummages around for a magic eight ball. "How would you normally wake up?"
She sees the world a little differently, and scowls when the answer pops up as 'Naturally'.
"Yah, not going to fly," Ruby tucks it away. Her silver eyes lock on her partner's bed. "Time to do this 'my way.'"
Because a glass of water would be mean, Ruby strips the bed and pulls Weiss' pillow out from under her. "Rise and shine!"
"What is wrong with you?!"
By the time they're seated for the first class of the day, Ruby is positive Weiss hates her. Ruby is hated for getting her partner up in time for breakfast. Ruby is hated for accidentally cutting the curtains while making the bunkbeds structurally stable. Ruby is hated for the bunkbeds. She is hated for suggesting Weiss wear the school uniform. She's hated for keeping an eye on the time and making sure they get to class. She is hated for being bored and doodling as class starts.
On that last point, this is all old information for her. Professor Port is teaching a first-year, Vale-native Grimm class. Ruby grew up with this information, and him going on and on about his achievements isn't the least bit interesting when as she was raised in a town of retired hunts-people. Thank goodness she has at least one easy class in her schedule. Everyone else has four classes this term, and she has six.
For all the excitement Professor Port exudes, Ruby feels herself falling into a meditative stare. She could very well be nodding off, can even hear some kid in the back row doing just that. Weiss is twitching whenever Ruby's pencil scratches too hard. Blinking away the Zen and impromptu Grimm-revision, Ruby glances down at her drawing. She can't help snorting at the horrible sketch of Port enacting the Last Airbender cabbage merchant meme.
Weiss glares over. Ruby looks up to see Yang trying to sneak a peak. As they are all in the front row, and it would be most unwise to show off the picture, Ruby writes 'pass it down' and hands it to her partner.
Weiss's glare would be like a shard of glass if Ruby was any other person. The redhead keeps smiling innocently until the heiress follows instructions and hands it to Yang. Yang gets the joke instantly, snickering and promising Blake she'll explain later as she slips it back a row to Nora.
Professor Port finishes up his speech, and Ruby twirls her pencil on the edge of a finger. She sees Weiss nearly having a conniption, and sends her partner a confused smile. This moment, she remembers, is when who-should-be Ruby picked her nose. That is gross and who-is-now Ruby won't do it, but she does debate faking it to see if it would put Weiss over the edge. Just to try, the pencil slips and clatters on the desktop. Weiss does indeed full-body twitch, and snaps, "I do, sir!"
Well, all that gets the heiress is a face-to-face lesson with boarbatusk. Ruby doesn't think Port understands that fighting does not make a great leader. Not even for hunting teams. As leader, the only class Ruby is supposed to have separate from her team is about co-operation and strategy. This only adds to her theory that Port is a solo-huntsman, and a bit too proud of what he accomplished doing that.
Weiss is built as a support huntress. Only with non-stop workouts would she have the chance to add physical strength to her resume. She is quick. She uses a thrusting weapon. Her skills in a one-on-one fight lie in chipping away the enemy's health, and her semblance at least helps her succeed. Stamina is a weakness for her, as well as fights in confined spaces.
And all it took to figure her partner out was watching two seasons of the show and spending twenty-four hours with the girl. Weiss believes Ruby unimpressive? If who-is-now Ruby cared enough about the girl, she'd be mortified at how unadaptable her partner is. As it is, Ruby tries to be encouraging when she shouts helpful tips about how to defeat the Grimm, instead of letting the flecks of annoyance cross her face. Ruby can understand Yang not using some deep logic in a fight, but Weiss obviously has no plan against the boarbatusk besides stab it until it dies. She has no back-up plan when her weapon is tossed away, either.
If Ruby didn't embarrass herself on purpose at least once a week, she'd be embarrassed by this. And Weiss screaming back at Ruby for trying to be encouraging? If Ruby cared what Weiss thought, it might hurt. She might be embarrassed the entire class heard their little disagreement.
(Mortified is a good term for how she feels.)
With a tight smile, Ruby mentally lowers Weiss to the bottom of her 'Keep Alive Because Plot' list. Not even the mantra of 'she gets better' changes her mind. "I'll see you ladies in the evening," Ruby tells Yang and Blake. "Don't do anything wild without me."
She runs after the stormy Weiss like a good partner should. Ignores the other presences and footsteps of people moving out of classes to call out. Weiss ignores her, and Ruby's smile is brittle and small by the time she reaches close enough the white-haired girl can't ignore. "Weiss, what's wrong?"
"What's wrong?!" Weiss explodes, whirling around and practically red with how heated her anger's gotten. Ruby stops all at once, heavy and immoveable. She hates getting yelled at. So much for a 'fun' start to her vacation. "What's wrong?! You're what's wrong! You're supposed to be a leader, and all you've been so far is a nuisance!"
Really, where is this coming from? Is Weiss that butt-hurt Ruby got to lead the team? She's tried being helpful, and it has gotten her this. This is not a good foot to start on, Weiss. If who-is-now Ruby Rose didn't have to pretend to be the Ruby Rose of stories, she wouldn't have bothered with the white-haired girl. As it is now, her tone is even, head tilted a little to make the brittle smile see more confused, "What did I do?"
"That's just it- you've done nothing to earn your position!" You haven't earned it either, Weiss. "Back in the forest, you acted like a child," pardon me, what? "and you've only continued to do so!"
(Do you believe in destiny, is thought bitterly.)
Ruby has actually been toning down the childishness. There is a bit more Apathy towards the world than she normally shows. She still follows the guidelines, but now that she is surrounded by people physically older than her, she's been holding back on mimicking her current age. "Weiss, where is this coming from? I thought… I mean, after the nevermore, I thought you were okay working as a team?" Ruby was even nice and lightened herself so she didn't add strain to girl's semblance.
Weiss' response is venomous, as if her words state a most obvious fact, "Not a team lead by you."
So, it is butt-hurt. Jealousy. Spite.
Ruby has no wish to be someone's punching bag, verbal or otherwise.
"I've trained and studied," Weiss stresses, like she believes Ruby is a child playing adult. "And quite frankly, I deserve better." Like a fool, Weiss turns her back to her opponent. She's lucky they are partners. "Ozpin made a mistake."
Ruby lets her march off with the last word. 'She gets better.'
A reminder. By the time Jaune activates his semblance, she'll stop being so cruel all the time.
Now, time to deal with the only pair of footsteps not having vacated the hallway.
"Hmm," Ozpin begins when Ruby turns. She's stiff and silent, trying to force a nicer smile for the man with many more reincarnations to his soul than her (not that she's looked, that would be rude). "Now, that didn't seem to go very well."
Ruby drops the pretense with slumping shoulders and meets his gaze, her smile barely there. She knows her skills, she knows she's over powered, but that does not make a good leader, either. "Do you think my appointment was a mistake?"
Because her being team leader was not just his decision, no matter what Weiss believes. Every professor had the right to veto her. He maybe voted for her, but Glynda would have gladly set the record straight if her bad-cop routine had any truth to it.
Ozpin smiles, real and true, but does her the service to hold back a chuckle. "That remains to be seen."
"I- I guess it is only the first day," Ruby says logically with a shaky grin.
"It is," in a blink, Headmaster Ozpin looks a bit more solemnly at her. "Ruby… I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. But at this moment, I would not consider you appointment to leader to be one of them." He leans down, and her smile lifts a bit more realistically to match his. It's a little exasperating to be reminded, again, at how short she is. She's shorter than Nora (it takes her mind off it enough to start feeling less dislike at Weiss). "Do you?"
"I… guess not," she feels the naked honesty on her face. She perks up as he straightens. "And I'll do my best to make sure you never regret it, sir." After all, it would be disrespectful to do so.
He tilts his head and raises his hot chocolate. "Then I look forward to seeing you succeed."
She smiles brighter and nods. "Thank you." Before she goes, Ruby pauses to glance over her shoulder. "And, sir? It doesn't matter how many mistakes you make, as long as you learn from them." Right?
The hanging pause gives her time to leave.
For a normal term schedule, there are two classes for an hour, three days a week and the remaining two classes for an hour and a half on the other two school days. With Ruby's schedule, she gets three and three.
"Hello, may I sit here?" Ruby smiles as she gets a positive answer. She happily drops next to the bunny-eared Faunus in her first-year Advance Technology course. Velvet looks up with startled, wide eyes. "I'm Ruby."
"Velvet Scarlatina," is the quiet, polite reply. If she notices Ruby's outstretched hand, she ignores it. "Are you a first year?"
"Yep," Ruby nods and unpacks her things. "I took this class' basic equivalent in my last school, so I'm allowed in."
"Oh, I didn't mean it like that," Velvet is quick to reassure. "I'm second year, so I'm just making sure you aren't a new transfer. So far you're the only one I don't know in this class."
"Yay," Ruby groans, making the other giggle. "So, most of you are from last year's basic class?"
"We all are."
"If it helps, I'll be in your history class," Velvet looks around sheepishly. "I took most of my second-year electives last year to advance my weapon. I need to catch-up on the required courses."
"You should definitely sit with me and my team." Ruby says seriously, smile carefree.
When the teacher gets around to them, Ruby is asked what she wants to do for a final project. "I already know what you are doing, Ms. Scarlatina."
"I want to fix up a prosthetic," Ruby replies to the professor's question. When asked why, as it is not a common request, Ruby shrugs, "There's over a twenty-percent chance of meeting a Hunter with a prosthetic. I want to know how to help them if they ever need it or are knocked out or something in a battle."
And to maybe fix a robot girl. Or her sister's arm. It all depends if the future still follows a story she knew.
The last class of Ruby's day is the one for group leaders. Every year attends. Ruby sits next to Jaune until she's partnered to an older team leader for a mentor.
Her mentor introduces herself first, "Coco Adel."
As in, top designer of the fashion company Ionic & Covalent, Coco Adel. Maybe it's fate, or maybe it's because Ruby has a job outside of school, but this is the mentor she needs. "Ruby."
They shake hands, moving to a quiet area to talk. Coco becomes the first person outside of Patch and Professor Glynda to learn Ruby is the famous singer Red. "Did you tell the professors you were going to stop?"
"Are you really?"
Coco is smug. "I did the same. If they ask, you're just preparing to work during the breaks. Now, let's hear your business plan for when you start traveling."
Coco is her hero.
Ruby swings around the cafeteria for dinner, making small talk with Yang and Blake (the former having had words with Weiss before their next class while the latter stood by to make sure said words didn't get too heated). She races through eating, shouting her 'hi's and 'bye's to JNPR as they sit down. She uses her library card for the first time, peeks in on the twenty-four-hour gym, and finally makes it to her dorm room to start in on her homework.
Especially the physics. That class starts tomorrow but she has to review everything since it's been a year from taking her last physics class. Ruby hates physics. So much. In order to play by the rules of the world, she has to learn the limitations. No matter how much she would love to impress her will upon reality – use magic, are the untechnical terms – that would be like giving up. Besides, with what she remembers about this world, it's likely she won't ever be the strongest person here.
Still, physics sucks. People defy it every day, and yet she had to learn it to be sniper-certified. It's the only good thing to come out of the classes. Ruby honestly swallows her screams whenever she accidently writes -9.8 for gravity instead of Remnant's proper value. Perfect example of habits dying hard.
Ruby sticks a note to the door, reading, 'Going shopping tomorrow, add to the list.'
She hops onto the top bunk and closes the curtains. These are thick, black covers to keep her flashlights and lamps from bothering her team (among other reasons). Ruby cracks open the first textbook and resigns to not sleeping much that night.
Yang and Blake only disturb her to say good night.
"Hi," Ruby says, blinking away math equations when Weiss pulls back the curtain. "I'm sorry, is the light a bother?"
"Shh," Weiss places her hand over Ruby's mouth. Which, unnecessary much. "How do you take your coffee?"
"I… I don't-"
"Answer the question!"
"Cream and five sugars," Ruby rushes out. Weiss blinks and leans back, unimpressed. After a pause, Ruby goes to elaborate like she was before she was interrupted, "but-"
"Don't move."
This will be Ruby's second caffeinated product in a month. She's bringing up dietary things tomorrow over breakfast. Nice thought, but she's going to be up another twenty-four-hours. They have history class in the morning.
"…Thanks, Weiss," Ruby keeps the soft smile on as Weiss… comes close to apologizing. It's the thought that counts… I guess. At least she didn't give her partner the satisfaction of correcting an answer.
"Hey, Ruby?"
"I always wanted bunkbeds as a kid."
Weiss leaves to do whatever. Ruby's smile feels a bit more real as she turns back to her textbook, drawing the curtains shut.
(She snorts at the high-five going on at the other bunkbed.)
It's three in the morning when she enters the gym, practically vibrating. She's greeted with, "Hey, a first year!"
Instead of some hazing or initiation, the older students are all very polite about her coming in. There are five of them. Punk is the nicest, taking her to the side to show the equipment and makes sure she knows how to do it. He then sits her down with Yillaw and they ask if she thinks late-nights here will be common, passing it off as Professors don't always have an assigned watcher for the night.
"Insomnia," Ruby admits to them.
"Same," Yillaw smiles sympathetically.
"PTSD," Punk grimaces.
"Narcolepsy!" Jeuul shouts from the treadmill.
"Insomnia," Yatsuhashi Daichi says from where he lifts weights.
"Early morning workouts," Sauven explains as he jogs by.
There are apparently a few others she'll meet. They are one of the few unofficial clubs/support systems in the school. "We're here to help, for more than just sparring partners."
Ruby sighs, relieved. The gym was never a place she thought to find friends. "Thank you."
She only gets asked once why she's doing a one-handed handstand. It becomes the new in-joke when others answer for her.
("She's trying to be one with the force."
"She's meditating.")
She's only doing it for how emotional she feels. Tomorrow night, she's looking forward to testing out the jogging track.
"Whoa," Ruby actually has to plant her feet to block the hit, "nice one, Jaune!"
He grunts and tries to force her back a step. For as tall and broad as he is – and for how short and petite she is – he can't back her up. Ruby's cheating by making herself heavier and strengthening the aura output to her feet. The ground gives a small lurch, but she doesn't move.
"Um," Oscar speaks up from the sidelines. "R-Ruby? You're supposed to… attack back?"
It's not the first time he's reminded her (Ozpin's told him to remind her). Ruby's smile is apologetic as she moves quickly, angling the sword in her hand so Jaune's slips away. She bends back, letting the momentum carry the surprised boy to her side, before letting go with one hand and slipping behind him. While he stumbles, she kicks him away.
"Whoops." Her weight wasn't completely back to normal. Jaune summersaults, his weapon clattering to the ground. Ruby hurries over, picks up the sword, and makes sure he's okay. "You did good, though."
"I don't understand how you're better than me at this," Jaune snaps, huffing to his feet. Ruby backs off a few steps, knowing he needs to let it out of his system. She's already told him why. Taiyang taught her the basics of everything she wanted. Jaune takes his sword and sets into a ready stance. "Again."
"Actually," Oscar hesitantly draws their attention. "It's… time for hand-to-hand sets."
"We can do one more," Ruby says immediately, seeing Jaune's face darkening. "Do you still need to stretch, Oscar?"
He nods. She's noticed Ozpin forgets that important step a lot.
"Then we'll do one more," Ruby's smiling as brightly as she can at Jaune, trying to plan how to let him think he's won. "After that, go cool down with Ren and Nora! You guys can watch me fail epically."
Jaune sighs and sets up again. "Whatever. Your move first."
Which Ruby hates. Seriously, she hates being the instigator. Without Crescent Rose, it's even harder. She hesitates a few seconds before making what is a half-hearted swing towards Jaune.
In reality, Jaune can barely keep pace.
"Ugh," Ruby grunts as she eventually lands on the ground.
"You alright?" Jaune asks, holding out a hand. He looks lighter, so there is her success.
"Fine," just low-key hating herself for letting him win. When she's up, she smiles and waves at Oscar, shooing Jaune to where his teammates – mostly Nora – have been cheering him on. Oscar smiles when she comes over, but there is something in the way he looks. She wonders if either he or Ozpin picked up on her purposeful loss. "Are you feeling ready?"
"Y-yah," he pauses before following her to the clearing she and Jaune were just sparring in. The evening sun makes a pretty backdrop against the mountains. "Ozpin wants us to spar again."
"Oh?" Ruby blinks quickly and nods. Wasn't expecting that. "Uh-huh, sure; if you're up for it."
They've spent the last couple of days going over forms, with yesterday as the first extremely light spar. Well… Ruby and Oscar are the only ones going over forms. Nora and Ren spar hand-to-hand with ease. Jaune's staunchly refusing to use his fists until he can use his main weapon properly.
When he's finally useful, she's baking him a cake… (that was more anger than she usually feels towards comic relief. Ruby wonders what's changed.)
"Ozpin says not to hold back," Oscar draws her back to the present as he sets into a ready position.
Well, that explains the boy's hesitance. Ruby smiles reassuringly and lies, "Okay." No way is she going full-out on the cinnamon roll. She doesn't go full out on Nora, and that's the only kid around close to her usual strength and stamina.
Someone as nice as freckles over there? She'd rather get a cavity than punch him across the ring.
"You first," Ruby encourages.
Oscar gathers all his determination and throws a punch.
He's got good form. It's obvious he's picking up on muscle memory fast. Ruby wasn't near his level after a year of sparring with Yang, and he's like this in days. His faults are how slow he moves. He's not used to the movements, and his lack of speed means broadcasting his actions. Ruby sets her bar at his level, giving him time to react and leaving a few things open so he starts knowing what to catch.
Yang would be so disappointed she's not doing it the family way and crushing him to the ground.
The less said about what Qrow would do if he caught her pauses, the better.
Tai would understand. Ruby misses her father.
"Ack," Ruby stumbles back and clutches her face. Note to self, no openings for the face. For such a young kid, Oscar's got muscle. That hurt.
"Oh my gosh," Oscar panics, reaching a hand out but not knowing what to do, "I'm so sorry!"
"Don't be sorry," Ruby forces a smile, her healing cheek twinging. She sets back into a ready position. "We're in a fight. You've got to keep going until I'm down."
"I-" Oscar jerks his head to answer whatever Ozpin says, "I know that!"
"Just get ready," Ruby says, shuffling a few feet back. He snaps his head to her, gazing up and down to make sure she's okay. "If you don't, I'm going to get first hit."
He huffs in disbelief and sets back up.
"Remember your aura," Ruby prompts him, not being able to sense it again. She's kept her hits light or glancing, but with that amount of muscle he should be able to take a landed attack or two without it.
"Got it," he says after a moment of concentration. She can feel the difference. Hopefully he won't have her problem of it slipping without constantly thinking about it. Then again, she's the only one with the problem. Oscar starts the fight.
Moments later, Ruby's hovering over him. "Are you alright?" She thought he saw the punch coming for his chest. Whoops. "Uh, try to breath?"
"I'm fine," he doesn't sound winded, just tired. He groans once more, and then his aura flickers off and is replaced by another.
"Need a hand up, sir?" Ruby asks. He takes it, smiling brightly in a way that makes her weary. "Uh, sir? Is Oscar alright?"
"Yes, he is," Ozpin smiles, much more of a lazy smirk than anything she's used to seeing on Oscar's face. "He's letting me test your skills proper, Ms. Rose."
In her head is a mixture of curse words and hysterical laughter. "Thanks, Oscar," Ruby's smile twitches upwards as her sarcasm comes out. "I'm pretty sure we've seen the extent of my skills, sir."
"Nonsense," he raises his fists. Ruby takes a few steps back. "With all your years of training? Surely this is not all your sister and my school have imparted on you."
He's taunting her. Ruby would rather never have to fight, and so takes a few steps back with an unrealistic smile. "It really could be."
His raised smile before he runs at her says, let's test it.
Let's not, Ruby thinks and dodges the first punch. Then the second. Then catches on as she blocks the third. Oh no, not the face!
Every hit he throws at her is aimed for her head. Ruby is not impressed.
The cursing in her mind gets louder with every duck and block. No way does she turn her back to make room. He closes in whenever she tries to use the force of his punch to fly backwards. All his openings are small and short, meaning her hesitations about taking one don't let her attack back. It's all defence.
The fight goes for two minutes. He gets her when he headbutts her.
"Your hesitations are costing you." Yes Ozpin, she knows. "Do not be afraid to strike when an opening appears. If you are always on the back foot, you will eventually run out aura to stay that way."
"Got it," Ruby groans, sitting up and clutching her cheek. The headbutt and then the kick left a large bruise. Just how strong is Oscar? She throws up a positive with her hands. The sound of someone collapsing has her jerking to up and rushing over. "Are you okay?"
"How is this so exhausting?" Oscar groans and slouches into her shoulder. From where she kneels, Ruby moves over and hooks an arm around him to help sit up. Before she can say anything, Ren speaks up from his meditating. Ruby doesn't manage to hide the face she makes when he talks about aura becoming second nature, but thankfully no one notices. Then the talk comes about semblances as she helps the boy to his feet.
"Jaune's like you," Ruby says with an easy smile hiding the pointed look she wants to throw the older boy. She helps Oscar over, waiting until he leans away before letting go and letting him stand on his own. "He hasn't found his semblance yet, either. But you both will. And we'll all help each other get stronger. Semblance or not."
Ozpin comes back at one point, mentioning how semblances can grow and evolve, just like people. Ruby shares a smile with Nora, as the girl is so far the only one brave enough to hang tight with Ruby while she's moving fast enough to walk through air.
They show it off to Oscar. Rose petals fall while Ruby jogs up and down vertically, diagonally, and horizontally with Nora in her arms, making red and orange blurs in the air. At the end she's starving, but it was worth seeing his real smile.
Just a little bit of everyday magic.
"I'm heading out!"
This isn't the first time Oscar's heard Ruby call that, but it's the first time he's in the living room as she leaves. He has waited for her to come from her room, and he's confused by the wardrobe change. Ozpin is, too. This is the first time they see her before she leaves late afternoon, and the first time Oscar can ask, "Where are you going?"
"Hmm, tonight's the Cliff Bar two levels down," Ruby says, hopping on one foot as she struggles to slip on her other shoe. Then it registers who asked. "Oh! Sorry, I preform a couple days a week. Sing. I sing."
"Oh," Oscar hesitates, feeling Ozpin recede in a (do what you want) kind of way. "Um… why?"
Her smile is bright. Real. Whatever it is makes her happy and she's glad he's asking. "I got into singing before I decided to become a huntress. I like using small performances as a way to practice. And people like it, so I thought why not?"
"Can I come?" Oscar practically jumps to his feet. Any reason to get out of the house. Any reason to miss another awkward dinner with team JNR. (They aren't that bad.) You're not the one who has to interact with them.
"Yes," Ruby's smile practically lights up the room. "Dinner will be my treat! Nora! Ren! I'm taking Oscar with me!"
"Okay!" Nora shouts from the kitchen where she is no doubt watching Ren cook.
"Come here," Ruby holds out a hand, finally getting her shoes on. She eyes him critically. "Hold on." She disappears in a flurry of rose petals and reappears with a jacket they bought when he first arrived. "It's going to get cold. If you want to change now, better hurry."
"I'm good," he slips on the jacket, tilting his head curiously because she's still smiling critically. "What's wrong?"
"Would you be alright if I carried you on my back?" He blanches. Ruby quickly waves her hands. "It's just I planned on running there originally, I need to get there early tonight, and I know you can probably keep up but I don't want you risking my shortcuts."
There's a long pause, in which he caves under her wide, pleading eyes. "Fine."
That's how Oscar finds himself clinging around her neck as she weaves her way through the last-minute shoppers. Ozpin, in the back of his mind, is more amused by the turn of events. He's in no way worried about the speed they're moving. He doesn't have to feel the cold. (It would help if you turned your aura on.)
"Shut up," Oscar grumbles. Ruby doesn't falter, even though he whispered it by her ear. Instead, she seems to be amused.
"Can you trust me for a little bit?" Ruby asks, slowing down so he can hear her over the wind.
"Alright," Oscar acquiesces, not wanting to admit to her he trusts her the most in the group. Play it cool. (I think she'd be happy to know you trust her.) Oscar twitches unhappily. We've known each other less than a week.
"Then enjoy the view." Ruby picks up speed. Oscar's arms tense when he realizes she means to jump down to the next level.
He does enjoy the view, even if his stomach is in his throat.
"You okay, Oscar?" Ruby asks after transitioning a smooth landing to a jog.
"Yes," he says, a little breathless. Ozpin is pleasantly surprised too. "Do you do this a lot?"
She giggles. "I've actually dropped three levels once. That freaked everyone out."
Ozpin sends worry and the math of what three levels would equate. Oscar's impressed. (Don't encourage her.) "How long ago was that?"
"The second day after we got here. Thankfully, the police force realized who I was and didn't stop me."
"The police force?"
"Uh-huh. I'm considered team lead, so I have to check-in with them." She says all this without breaking stride. "I got a warning to keep it to one level jumps up or down. Not much else they could do." Before he can ask why, she slows. "We're here."
'Here' is a restaurant-looking bar with outdoor seating. Oscar finds himself being lightly pulled into the place once he's on his feet. It's definitely more bar inside, with a small stage off to the side.
"The guys you found are tuning in back," the bartender says when Ruby greets him. The critical gaze turns on Oscar. Ruby says she'll pay for him, which gets a nod and directions they take the small table.
"Order whatever you like," Ruby tells him, and Oscar realizes that she isn't sitting with him. He pauses halfway into the seat. "And don't be afraid to leave early. I sing until nine o'clock."
"I won't leave," Oscar promises. She looks surprised, smile widening. Why would he leave? Especially after inviting himself along.
"Here," Ruby quickly hurries over, handing him her scroll. She shows him the password. "Just wave me down if anything important comes up. Thanks for coming, Oscar."
Seriously, why is she surprised he's here? It's making him nervous.
(The others never said anything about where she goes, did they?)
That's right. However, Oscar and Ozpin do not know where the others go. Not even Qrow mentions what he's up to during the day. Oscar usually ends up training, alone in the dojo.
"Do you think she'll let me come to more of these?" Oscar mutters, opening a game. Get us out of that house.
(I…) Ozpin hesitates to answer.
Oscar's resigned. "What is it?"
(You know that training helps.)
"I know," he mashes hard at the controls, "but that doesn't mean I want to do it. Doesn't mean I want to stay there, where no one will come near me." Ruby checks in, when she's around. The other students keep their distance, unsure how to act around him. Qrow can barely see Oscar past Ozpin.
It's not yet been a week, and he can tell the lines being drawn. Jaune is the most obvious, seeing more Ozpin than Oscar, and the same number of glances feel the antithesis when Qrow looks. The student is angry, and the old crow is beguiled.
(There are other things we could be doing.)
"Yah. Like this." He quiets when a server comes over, menu in hand. The server is stiff until he quietly explains he's here with Ruby. Then it's smiles and friendliness as they serve an obvious minor in a bar. (Don't order brussels sprouts.) Oscar orders brussels sprouts with his meal. (That's being petty.) "You started it."
Ozpin huffs and recedes.
It does not take long for Ruby to appear. She helps a couple guys set up their instruments, waving as she catches Oscar's eye. There's no introduction, instead the music starts slowly until it integrates with the background. As if it was always there.
Then, Ruby sings.
(She is rather good, isn't she?)
"You've never heard her before?" Oscar barely mutters, eyes not straying from the life the older girl seems to give off as she preforms. Everything about her flows with the music. He feels warmer – safer – with every brief glance as she scans the audience, never keeping focus on one person. She brings joy and entertainment as she makes sure each member of the band gets a part or attention as she sings.
It's all so familiar, but he can't remember why. There's no reason to it.
(Glynda was in charge of checking through her background.) Ozpin admits. (I did not hear anything Ruby sang.) There's a flash-memory, of a dance. Of Ruby complaining Yang got her to sing an opener and the closer. Of mild regret he didn't get to hear her sing, but more fear for someone had broken into the CCT tower. (There was a non-disclosure agreement Glynda had to sign, but I believe it was because of how young she is for a performer.)
"And you weren't curious?"
(I had other things on my mind.) Sadness. A girl asleep in the vault under the school.
"Fine." Oscar does not go back to playing the game. He enjoys his meal, relaxing to long drawls and sweet undertones.
He almost chokes when it clicks where he's heard her before.
(What is it?)
"She's Red," Oscar stares now with awe.
"The unknown singer, Red." Oscar's embarrassed. Very embarrassed. Ozpin's chuckling at the fond, childhood memories drawn up at the thought of her music. "Shut up. I loved her music."
Correction: he loves her mix-album, Everything Under the Rainbow. Each song belongs to a different genre. Something for everyone. For him, a song for every mood. It was the cheapest set of songs and helped explore diverse types of music.
Too bad her other albums were all normal priced.
(Interesting.) Ozpin hums as he settles from viewing the memories. Oscar huffs and hopes his cheeks haven't darkened. (She does not sing any of these now.)
Probably for the best. Oscar might actually choke if she does start singing anything he knows her for. The performance feels too short, nine o'clock comes with Ruby and the band retiring for the night. The new group begins quick, but not faster than Ruby. She moves swiftly to his table, saying he can order desert if he wants any, not giving him time to reply before she's off to the bar, and then disappearing with the band.
(Well?) Ozpin prompts when a new waiter appears at the table. Oscar is hesitant about ordering anything. (It is free food, Oscar. If I may make a suggestion-)
"I'll have some of today's pie," Oscar says without listening to the voice in his head. It's Ozpin's turn to huff.
"I'm back," Ruby swings into her seat across the small table. "Sorry I took so long." Really? She's too nice, that was barely a dozen minutes. More importantly, what does he say to her? (Oh dear.) Ozpin, stop laughing! "Hope you weren't too bored."
"You're Red," Oscar blurts. (That gets to the point.) "Shut up," he hisses, head turned to the side. He hopes the light is low enough she can't see how much he's blushing. This is embarrassing. Ruby is frozen, eyes wide, when he hurries, "I mean, the singer. You're the singer, Red. Aren't you?"
"Y-yah," she nods slowly, relaxing bit by bit and giving a warmer smile. "I'd, uh, appreciate if you didn't tell anyone, but yes I am."
"Why not? Tell anyone, I mean."
Ruby shrugs. "I enjoy singing, but I'm a huntress first. It's just easier if people don't know. They won't… look down on me for having another job."
"Why would anyone do that?" Oscar honestly has no idea, but Ozpin's sighing in his head.
The smile is now sad. "It's a stereotype. Every capable hunter and huntress should be able to do even the lowest level jobs, and those pay well. So, if you need another job while you're a certified hunter, then you must not be a very good hunter? Does that make sense?"
"Yah," Oscar nods slowly, frowning as he gets some memories unbidden from Ozpin. "But you're a great huntress." Her smile brightens. "And you're definitely a great singer. I don't see why it should make a difference."
"Thanks, Oscar," Ruby says softly. She glances backwards, and he sees the waiter coming their way. She gets dinner, he gets desert. "How'd you figure out who I am?"
And he's blushing again. "I, uh, have- had- I have… I have a few of your albums at home."
Her smile lights up the room. He has to duck his head to keep from staring. "Which ones?"
He mumbles the small list.
"Oh, which genre did you enjoy most for Everything Under the Rainbow?" she asks between bites. Oscar thought he could eat fast… He's got nothing on her speed.
"I liked it all," he shrugs. "I enjoyed the rock one. The, uh, really long one."
She giggles and wipes her lips, done. "I'm glad. That one took forever to sync all the instruments together."
"Why is it cheaper than the others?" He flinches as soon as he asks. "Not that I mind, or would know if you-"
"Oscar," Ruby leans over to tap the back of his hand. He almost drops the fork. "Breathe. It's the cheapest because it is so diverse. I wanted to make sure everyone could dabble and see what kind of music they like, but my producer wouldn't let me give it out for free."
"You would have made it free?"
"Uh-huh," she leans back, crossing her arms over her purple top. "I mean, I know I'm not the only artist out there, and plenty of people have released free music, but I wanted to try expressing myself in different ways and let people try different things by me." She flushes. "Not that I'm trying to say I'm anything great or something. I'm just hoping I can help introduce people to other things they might like and-"
He relaxes at her rambling. It's humanizing and takes away his embarrassment in one go. She cuts off when her scroll lights up with a message, and he remembers he hasn't given it back. "Here. Sorry."
She waves off the apology. "Mind if I take this?"
"Go ahead." He watches for a moment before softly asking, "Is it the others?"
"Who, Nora and the them?" Ruby blinks up in surprise before shaking her head. "No, it's Penny. She was able to get something working cross-continent, but the messages take forever to send. Like this one; she sent it- oh." The last word is soft and for a blink-and-you-miss-it moment, her smile falls. Ozpin, already interested that the CCT may be working, however sketchy, moves further forefront in Oscar's mind where he's a moment's hesitation away from gaining control.
"What's wrong?" Oscar asks, tensing against the feeling of the other presence.
"N-nothing." Ruby's smile twitches into a sad – guilty – one. She sees he is tense and tries to lighten it, placing the scroll down to wave her hands. "It's nothing important. Promise."
"Ruby," it's Oscar talking, Oscar's voice, and Oscar's worry, but it's also Ozpin a razor's edge away from snapping into motion.
"It's a days-old message," she pushes the scroll for him to read. The numbers at the bottom don't make sense to Oscar, but they do to Ozpin. He translates the day, month, and time as late afternoon a few days ago.
(Yang is her sister,) Ozpin tells him, falling away from control with a lingering thread of regret.
"Your sister… left?" Oscar pushes it and the scroll away. Not his.
"Yep." Her smile is the bland one. Her clenched fists give away her thoughts. "I know she can handle herself… I just worry. Wish dad would have gone with her or something. I know it sounds stupid, but I don't like the thought of her travelling around by herself."
There is something he and Ozpin are missing, but Oscar doesn't know how to ask that. Instead he wonders, "Any idea where she's going?"
"No clue," Ruby texts something back as she talks. "The message was also sent days ago, so I can't stand around wondering now. Guess I'll just be sending letters to dad."
"Hey," Oscar mutters, glancing at the last of his desert, "about… sending off a letter."
(That's not a good idea.)
"Do you think I can send one? Just to let my aunt know I'm okay."
"Of course," Ruby smiles, oblivious to Ozpin sending reluctance at Oscar. "Do you want to go to the post office this weekend?"
"I'd like that."
The living room and kitchen are dark. So is the training room. Ozpin sighs and shifts in front of Ruby's door but doesn't knock. There is much he wants to ask. She seems to have a better grasp of the situation than Qrow.
Sometimes, it seems the girl has a better grip on the world than himself.
Ozpin walks away. He knows how rarely she sleeps. Maybe he can find her in his dreams (but will it be him she talks to; will it be her he finds). Even if not, there is still time. This is barely a few hours after her talk with Oscar. Ozpin knows how to be patient.
While not under pressure or obligations (while spending time with her) reminds him they need to talk. (He doesn't know whether to be relieved or wary she has – had – a better handle on the situation than he did when Beacon was attacked. With anyone else, Ozpin would be wary.
But Ruby was never just anyone else, was she?)
At the same time Ozpin stands out front her door, Ruby greets her partner for the night. "How's it going, Sage?"
The taller young man ruffles her hair, making her squawk in protest. "We have Captain Midori tonight."
Ruby groans. Don't get her wrong, she loves the leader of Mistral's police, but the woman is such a taskmaster. "Tell me we get to kill something big?"
"Goliath herd straying too close to the boarders. We get to steer them away." Not so bad. "Neptune and Scarlet are on beowolf slaying duty."
"Dude," Ruby takes his offered arm and skips beside him on the way to the captain's office. "I am never going to hear the end of it if they surpass my kill count."
"Take it up with Midori."
Ugh. Fine. 'She'll just have to go for the Goliaths who don't have too many digested soul pieces.'
A/N: A lot went on in the chapter… Thanks for reading! A big thank-you to bwburke94 and RandomShtScinceWhenever for reviewing! The support means a lot.
(Thank you to the Fact Checker. Weiss wears the school uniform in V1 Ep9, changes into her combat outfit for Ep 10, and doesn't wear the school uniform until V1 Ep12.)
I hope everyone has a great month