Interlude: A wolf's Gambit.

A man dressed in primarily dark green attire along with a bandana walks about the tower tossing a small coin in the air and catching it as he strolls.

'Wowowee Gambit prime is doing me wonders. I accelerating my goals tenfold!'

This man was the infamous, Rogue light bearer, Drifter. He was the head boss of Gambit, A game involves slaying the forces of darkness and collecting the motes they leave behind. For what purpose? That's a trade secret.

'Still bothers me that Mr Chosen one has yet given me an answer yet. Meh, it's probably best not to push. Dude has been through hell and back.'

There was a moment between Lawrence and him during the opening days of Gambit Prime where he asked the hunter to ignore the Vanguards request and put his trust in him fully. Drifter needed to confirm since he figured out that Lawrence was the one who had some hunters rat Gambit out to the Vanguard.

He then stops in the main plaza releasing that he again walked out the Annex. Shaking his and about to turn around but something catches his eye.

A hooded woman waiting at the landing zone. Not in Guardian attire but he recognized the cloak as one of certain hunter's many cloaks. Smirking he approached the lady in a calm manner.

It didn't take long for her to notice him and instantly turns to face him. Feeling the very inquisitive eyes on him he raises his hands.

"Hey. I am innocent I swear." He joked and it seems to lower the tension but he was noting the red eyes facing him.

"Who are you may I ask?" The woman said.

"Most people here know me as the Drifter. I am a Friend of Lawrence." She raises an eyebrow still studying him but lets a small smile grow.

"I am going, to be honest, and say that I was strolling around but then I saw you and had to check something."

"And what would that be?"
"To confirm the rumour that The Lone Wolf has found a new partner." The drifter's words cause a small ruffle under the cloak.

"Amazing that word travels fast around here." the woman answers she bows and decides to say her name.

"I am Holo and yes I am currently training under his guidance." She bows in respect.

So it was true, Lawrence has opened up and let someone else into his world. A dangerous move for a man like him. He tossed a coin in the air as he thought for a moment.

"Interesting. Well, I say good luck to you then. Some Guardians around here see it as a chance of a lifetime. Working with a top dog like him." The drifter smiles.

"Really? He doesn't seem to be one to boast." Holo questioned

"Nah that just him but the whole Vanguard treats him as the Champion of light. I would agree with that as well. He and his clan took down so many big bad guys over these past few years." He then notices the curious look on her shrouded face.

"Oh? He hadn't mentioned them to you yet? Interesting…" The drifter then notices a particular ship coming on approach and decides that it was the best time to leave.

"Well, I think I should go. Got things to do. Nice meeting you Miss."

Then he whispers as he leaves but Holo ears picked it up.

"I hope the snitch keeps you around."

Interlude end

Lawrence was coming in from a couple of strike mission that pair of warlocks asked him to help them with. Being the man he was he helped them out and got them out alive. He had to leave Holo at home since the Strike mission involved very powerful enemies and still felt like she wasn't ready. Lucky for him she let him go since she understood that he had a job to do.

He then Transmatted out of his ship and onto the plaza.

"Lawrence!" Holo said walking up to him...

"Hey there. Sorry, it took so long, Hive swarms are a pain. But nothing a Sunshot couldn't fix." he then pulls out an SMG from under his cloak.

"Found this little beauty. Has stabilizers and Extended Mags. Figured this would be a good suit for you." he then hands it to Holo who eyeing it with a disappointed look. (It's an Atalanta-D model)

"Is there a problem?" the hunter said confused.

"It's ugly. If I am going to hunt with human weapons. I wish to use something pretty! " Holo said. The gun was in its default camo Not too ugly but it could be better.

The hunter then chuckled.


"On it." Ghost appeared and projected a beam of light onto the SMG and proceeded to go through the shaders in Lawrence collection.

"These are shaders. They allow us to change the appearance of gear." He said as Holo browsed the colours. She decided on the bright Nebula rose shader and Ghost applied it to the gun.

"Now it's perfect. So what's the plan for today?" She said as the hunter holstered the gun.

"Well I have nothing else to do for the weekend so how about we get your gear and test it out?" This brought excitement to the wolf and her tail wagged under her cloak.

"So it's done?! Where is it?" She said hyped for some action.

"It's at the postmaster over there. Ana just finished it so after we get you suited up we can go hunt some fallen in the EDZ." He said without waiting another second he felt arm drag him over to a said robot.

"Come on! Come on! Let us go!" She said.

After getting her gear they headed back to Lawrence's apartment but not without Lawrence catching a glimpse of the Drifter just peeking around the corner of the bazaar entrance smirking at him then disappearing around the corner.

'Figured as much. Soon or later he would come and look for her' Lawrence was offered to join the Drifter one of his many schemes and at the same time, the Praxic Order has come to him to spy on said rogue light-bearer.

He declined both sides. There is currently minimal risks of Gambit By Vanguard standards but there are still the worries of what the Drifter was hiding. As for the Praxic order, there is a certain Warlock that is known for being too extreme when dealing with Guardian on Guardian problems.

Lawrence was just a hunter, doing his job.

Back at his place, he waits on Holo as she puts on her gear with Ghost helping her with the instructions. To pass the time he decides to prep a scout rifle for some EDZ patrol. The famous MIDA Multi-tool. Great medium and long distance plus the compact size made handling in close quarters easy.

He grabs some lens cleaner from a cabinet and wipes the scope up. The whole time he was feeling nostalgic, Thinking about the past...His clan.


Lawrence shakes his head and suppresses that memory. He heard the door open and he turns to find Holo in the armour.

The whole setup looked like typical hunter armour but clearly made with some advanced tech as a metal exoskeleton outlined the armour pieces. He then notices how it was very form fitting and looked easy to move around in. the whole setup was also in the nebula rose, Shader. No doubt thanks to Ghost.

"So what do you think?" Holo asked doing a twirl.

"Looks like it will do you well in the field. Has ghost gone ov-" He then was interrupted by a finger to his lips.

"I meant by how do I look." Holo deadpanning.

Taking another look at her, he returns to the fact the suit was very form fitting for her female body plus shader adding more flair. He had to admit, She did look very beautiful…

"Uhhh, Guardian?" Ghost said snapping the hunter out of his stupor.

"Y-you look nice." He then turned around and put the scout rifle into his loadout. A smug look grew on Holos face as he put on his helmet.

"If there's nothing else you need then let's head out to Trostland. We can pick up some bounties there."

Both then head out to the hanger to hunt in the EDZ together.

Trostland EDZ.

Holo brushes her tail trying to get it to un-poof. A side effect of her transmatting is that her tail sometime poofs up as if it was hit with static.

"I am going to need to start carrying a brush around." She said stroking her tail as the approached the church where Devrim posted himself. The hunter waves to the sniper in the tower.

"Hey there Lawrence...And what do we have here?" Devrom said over the comms.

"A new friend of mine. Mind if we come up?" Lawrence asked

"My doors are always open for you Guardians. Come on in."

The Hunter and Wolf enter the church. Holo takes in the decayed look of the once considered holy site. Holo thinks back to the small town that she help proved promising crops and in return to keep her a secret from the outside world. Her memory may have been fragmented but she smiled at the faded memories

"Something on your mind?" Lawrence asked.

"I just remembered about the village I used to live near."

"The one who's crops you protected?"

"Yeah. Looking back I guess they would be considered heretics."

They both jump up to the sniper's nest and Devrim gives a warm smile to his guests.

"Hey there Lawrence how have you been?"

"Well…" he looked over to his companion.

"It has been VERY interesting you could say," Lawrence said.

"Interesting eh? Well, no doubt it involves your friend here. " Devrim then turns to face the newcomer.

"Greetings I am Devrim, the EDZ lookout and bounty manager for this region." he greets her.

Lawrence nods to her and she lowers the hood to reveal her true nature.

"Wait a bloody second." Devrim eyes winded and jaws drop for a moment but then looked to Lawrence with a smile.

"Of course you of all people would find her." Devrim laughed.

"Things like these tend to come to me eh?" Lawrence chuckled a bit as well.

"Huh?" Holo felt confused but then Ghost appeared.

"Devrim is the person who told us about your legend right before we met you in the woods." Ghost said.

"Oh, I didn't know that I would still be known in this age. I am glad to be remembered."

"Yeah, we old-timers do our best to keep the good stories around. I am glad to find out that at least one of them was true." he then bows in respect.

"Oh, no need for that. I am just a hunter just like Lawrence."

"Ahh, so the Lone Wolf has finally found a partner has he?" Devrim nudges him in the arm.

"Not you too...ugh." Lawrence facepalms and once again, his helmet saves the day.

"Alright, Alright. Let's get down to business shall we?" Devrim walks over to his terminal to look over some bounties while holo stared Lawrence with a curious looked.

'Lone Wolf again. Why is he called that?'

Outskirts, EDZ.

A few Dregs and a Vandel patrol the grounds looking to repair some equipment at an outpost. One loud Crack echoed and the vandal head explodes in either. The Dregs panic and begin to in the direction of the shot while dashing for cover.

Suppressed SMG gunfire come flying in from the flank as Holo takes down two of the dregs. One of them yells the fallen word for Guardian and Runs at the female. It slashes its arc dagger at her but it was dodge with ease and was met with a gun barrel to the face.


It was down.

Holo smiles at her first few kills but she then her senses kicks in ducks as Cloaked vandal nearly cuts her tail off. She aims her SMG but heard a click. It was empty so she reached for another mag but the cloaked Vandel wasn't going to let her. It tackles her to the ground and raises its blade to finish her off.

Holo then Roars a mighty growl causing to vandal to get off in fear.

Wrong move. Another crack and its head get blown clean off.

Holo gets back up and retrieves her weapon and her ears pick up the warping sound of Lawrence blinking in.

"It got me while I was reloading," Holo said as she pulls back the receiver.

Lawrence shakes his head then pulls out his energy hand cannon: Trust.

"There will be times where you have no time for a reload. That's when you swap to your secondary as it will be faster than reloading." He then twirls the gun and holsters it. Holo then looks down in disappointment herself.

"But that Growl of yours she scared the shit out of that vandal." Lawrence then chuckled causing a smile upon her face.

Ghost then appeared: "I think you scared some nearby guardians as well. I am picking up radio chatter talking about something about a 'Wendigo' or something."

The two were out on a target bounty. There was a captain rallying some troops to march on a militia camp nearby. Simple yet important to be done quickly. According to the intel, the captain was holding his troops in a nearby lost sector: The whispering falls.

The hunter swaps his gear to suit the close quarters of the lost sectors but could still act as support for her. Holo was a quick learner and pretty much nothing can sneak up on her. He still hands his worries though.

"Let's go."

Inside the Falls, Dregs, wretches and Vandals see there end with bullets and arrows. The exo-suit has helped Holo get used to the recoil of firearms. She was nowhere near our Headshoting Hunter but she kept up.

"Captain up should be ahead," Lawrence said as they near the end of the sector.

"What should we expect?" Holo asks.

Lawrence goes over the general tactics of Fallen Captains and how they rely on there mighty solar cannons while ordering troops to flank the target.

"Just keep a distance as they can send you flying if you get caught-"

A loud screech was heard from the cavern ahead and a bunch of dregs and vandals come running away in fear. Not noticing the two as they run by.

Taking this advantage, Lawrence casts Golden gun and shoots them all down with all six shots replenished. He dispells it to save energy.

There were only two things that could scare Fallen. Holo roars or…

"I smell them," Holo said


It was a matter of time before Lawrence would have Holo face the Taken but even he didn't expect them to be this close to trostland.

"This is bad. Stay close and Take this." He hands holo a heavy weapon. The Mountaintop: A single tube, break open Grenade launcher that shot rockets instead of lobbing grenades. He was going to go over heavy weapon next week but right now he felt like something was very wrong.

"Ghost go over the operation of it." He said as he picked his own weapons.

"I take it that whatever is ahead is like the last one we met?" Holo said as she loads a rocket into the launcher.

"No that was a blightmaker. This is most likely a Taken Captain. Just keep your distance and I will give you openings. But only fire when I say so. Am I clear?" He looks over to holo who could read the hatred emanating from him.

"Can you come back still?" She asks.

"Yes." He confirmed

Both then enter the Cavern and see the source of the fallen panic. A single Taken Captain just hunched over, twitching every few seconds like taken normally do.

"Stay here and wait for my call."

Lawrence then runs at the Captain and reacts screeching in it's distorting fallen voice. Rolling to the left chucks arc grenade, it sticks and blows up in the monsters face. It recoils but comes back with a blast of Darkness.

"Predictable. You guys never evolved since your king fell." He dodges and pulls out Thunderlord, the mighty arc LMG. the rounds break the arch shield as it explodes doing additional damage.

Lawrence continued to let him have it emptying the mag of Thunderlord.

The Taken fallen find cover and returns fire with it's corrupted cannon. It was on its last legs as it bleeds dark either from its body. Lawrence saw this as a moment to finish it off and Swaps his light to Arc.

Casting Arcstrider, a staff a pure arc light appeared and his body crackled with blue energy. He runs at the taken head first while deflecting all of it's shot with twirls of the staff.

Lawrence Jumps up to end it with a powerful slam attack on the weary taken.

"Your light shall die!" a ghastly voice shouts.

The captain raises its hand and an orb of pure darkness formed and saps the guardian of his light. The staff fades and Lawrence is vulnerable. It grabs Lawrence and slams him to the ground, pinning him.

"Gah! How?!" Lawrence struggled to try to reach his gun.

"This is bad Lawrence. It just spiked in power! The next attack can be fatal!" Ghost yells.

"Dammit!" he needs to kill that orb in the monster hand. It was sapping him of his strength.

"Lawrence!" Holo yells and then taken turns around only to receive a rocket to the face. The blast shattered the orbs and its hold on Lawrence.

Tapping into his light he recasts arcstrider, triple jumps and slams the Captain in the head. It falls to the ground and holo follows up with another rocket. It warps and fades as it finally dies.

Lawrence falls to his knees as he felt drained recasting Arc staff while being sapped.

"Lawrence! Are you ok?!" Holo said running up to him while the Hunter went over what just happened. That Taken Captain just sapped his light...A feat that not even blight maker could do.

"Yeah, I am fine. Are you hurt?" He said.

"A little sore from the weapon recoil but nothing else."

"Good. Looks like their captain was killed by the taken. Fallen are not that strong against the taken. Let us go report this to Devrim. Do you want to continue? Or should we head back to-"

"I want to continue hunting. I am not scared." Holo said slightly annoyed.

"Ok then. I will need some rest for a bit but nothing a small nap can't fix." He said while scanning the room with his eyes.

Both then leave the falls while Lawrence was trying to make sense of how the in the world did a simple captain drain his light. There was only one being that could take a guardian out of a super using darkness…


AN: Howdy! A new chapter out! Partially inspired by Jokers wilds missions. Personally, I made Lawrence neutral for the alliance quest. He h

as a lot on his plate dealing with Holo's training. I hope I did Holo's patrol mission well with her using her senses and roar as I am always looking to improve fight scenes. As for her gear, it's going to start out small but will go up the ladder of weapons but her armour will stay the same. I am currently trying to figure out what legendaries/exotics would suit her. if you have any recommendation leave em in a review!

Next up for the story is More patrol and space rhinos.(cabal lol). I did love the aesthetic of the Revelry so I am going to involve that in a more fluffy chapter. More festival focus of course. Time for Lawrence to show off those dance moves! But before that, I think a visit to the iron temple would be very interesting...

Until Next time. Eyes up Guardians!