A portrait of a man holding a dead man, presumably his brother, hangs on the wall of Two-Face's office, before one of the former District Attorney's thug pushed on it, revealing that it was a secret door, hiding a safe. "Look what I found!" The thug announced to the others.

"Don't touch it, man! He'll kill you!" Another warned.

"How long until the boss gets back?" A third one asked.

"He'll be here." The one in charge of the group assured them.

"Riley said he saw the bat. He here, too?" The third one asked again. At this moment, a point-eared shadow appeared in the room behind the thugs, before disappearing as the owner of the shadow dropped down into the room.

"In Arkham City? Why would he come here? You guys just need to chill the hell out." The leader said, before they all were alerted to the sound of shattering glass, turning to it with their fists raised.

"It's Batman!" One of them said.

"What the hell?" The leader demanded as Catwoman sauntered towards them, stopping a good distance away.

"Sorry to disappoint you, boys. It's just little old me." She said, extending her claws.

"You're gonna die tonight!" One of the thugs said, rushing and punching her in the face, only for her to shatter like glass, a much smaller figure hitting him in the face with a jump kick and smacking him in the face with an umbrella, sending him to the floor.

"What the?!" Another demanded, before a whip wrapped around his neck, yanking him backwards, onto his back, before Catwoman stomped on his face, knocking him out.

"Excellent work, Neo." Selina said to Neo, who happily smiled back at her partner.

2 months after Yang arrived in Gotham and joined Batman, Raven saw Yang constantly wipe the floor with street punks and even several villains that Batman struggles to contend with, even with aura and a semblance. Deciding her daughter needed more of a challenge, Raven snatched Neo away from Remnant and tossed her into Gotham, where she indeed still manages to challenge Yang, even after she learned several new fighting styles from Batman. Eventually, Catwoman discovered the multi-colored girl and took her under her wing, making her an even greater adversary than before. Neo may still miss Roman, but she's in no hurry to get home and leave her new cat-themed mother figure.

Back to the action, Neo cartwheeled forward and knocked another thug to the ground, knocking him out with a swift smack from her umbrella. Catwoman lunged and clawed at one of them, elbowing a guy behind her about to attack, before knocking another thug to the ground and smashing his head into the floor. Neo effortlessly dodged several attacks from another thug, before pulling out her umbrella and blocking his attacks, finally countering and delivering an outside crescent kick to the man's head, knocking him down, executing her own takedown with a backflip and dropping knee-first on the man's head. Catwoman countered the last thug, throwing him to the ground and wrapping her legs around his neck, choking and knocking him out.

"Now that they're all taken care of, it's time to get what we came for out of that safe." Catwoman said, looking to Neo, who nodded and skipped along side her as she sauntered up to the vault. "Try to get one over on us, will you, Harv? I don't think so." Selina said, opening the safe and inserting a memory card in her phone.

Neo smiled at this, before looking to the door, letting out a gasp as Two-Face walked through, stepping in front of Catwoman, opening her umbrella to block the bullets the crime lord fired at them. However, because of the umbrella blocking her line of sigh, she missed the grenade the bi-polar bad guy threw at them, exploding right at Neo's feet, depleting her aura and bringing her down. "Neo!" Catwoman said worriedly, kneeling and checking on her silent charge, before a pistol was put to her head.

"I'll teach you and your kitten about keeping your filthy paws off my stuff!" Two-Face hissed at her.

White is the only thing that can be seen and loud scream is heard along with crackling electricity. "Wake up, Mr. Wayne. We have much to discuss." A familiar voice said to the billionaire.

"Strange? You won't get away with this." Bruce Wayne vowed as he began to recall what had happened before that caused this.

"I already have." Strange countered before Bruce's mind played back what happened earlier...

... There was a large press conference in front of the massive prison complex of Arkham City, the new establishment that housed the criminals from Blackgate, the prison still in a state of disrepair and the recently shut down Arkham Asylum. The young reporter Vicki Vale stood in front of the camera, delivering the news. "This isVicki Vale reporting live from Arkham City; the controversial super-prison built right here in the heart of Gotham. In a few moments, Bruce Wayne will be live on stage to explain his sudden interest in Gotham politics. The infamous playboy millionaire has never been one to..." She started, before Bruce passed behind her.

"It's billionaire, Vicki. Millionaires are so last year." He interrupted as he made his way to his stage set up in front of the super-prison as a blonde figure watched from the other side of the street, leaning against her motorcycle...

...Before another shock pulled him from his memories, everything going white once again. "I assume that you thought yourself untouchable? Well, as you can see, no one is untouchable." Strange told the billionaire before shocking him again...

... With that shock, Bruce was sent back into his dream/memory as he stood at the podium. "Thank you! Thank you Gotham!" He said, responding to the cheers from the people before getting down to business. "Imprisoned behind these walls, gang members are fighting a bloody war in the middle of our once great city. Every inmate from Arkham Asylum and Blackgate Prison has been relocated behind these walls. How can this be safe for the people of Gotham?" He questioned...

... Before another shock made everything white once again and tore him from the memory. "Shut Arkham City down! It's out of control!" Bruce ordered.

"Shut it down? By the end of tonight, I will be a hero. Just like you... BATMAN!" Strange boasted, revealing he knew Bruce's ultimate secret...

... He faded back into his memory where he continued his speech as several sirens could be heard. "Today, I'm starting the campaign to close Arkham City and make Gotham safe again." Bruce went on as several vans full of TYGER troops pulled up, the troops pouring out of it. The blonde girl quickly jumped on her bike and took off as the soldiers advanced, flinging smoke grenades and rushing the stage, where one soldier bashed Bruce in the face with the butt of his rifle, knocking him out.

Bruce slowly drifted back to consciousness, being met with the sight of a large, bearded man he was all too familiar with. "I feel I should thank you. Capturing Bruce Wayne is so much easier than capturing Batman, and now that we have you, Protocol 10 is ready to commence. It will be my legacy. A monument to your failure. And if you try to stop me, I guarantee everyone will know your secret." Strange warned as he walked away.

Blinding lights then kicked on and Bruce found his hands and feet cuffed together as he sat in a chair in front of a mirror in what looked like a small warehouse. He quickly wiggled left and right until he toppled the chair over, setting off an alarm, causing a TYGER guard to burst in. "What the hell are you doing?! Did you think we wouldn't hear you?!" The guard demanded, preparing to kick Bruce while he was down, but the billionaire countered his attack and knocked down the guard, getting up and snatching his radio as the guard called for help.

Another guard burst in and hit Bruce in the gut with his gun and bashed his head into a nearby screen, before dragging him and throwing him into the entrance area to... "Welcome to Arkham City, Wayne." He said.

Bruce got back to his feet and made his way forward, ignoring the threats from the inmates... and the guard who shot one of the inmates advancing too close. He moved through line A towards the entrance, where yet another guard hit him with the butt of their rifle. "Lower your weapons. Mr. Wayne will not be any trouble, will you, Mr. Wayne? The cuffs can stay on. We don't want to make things too easy for him." Strange said, almost teasingly.

With that, Bruce was shoved forward into the next area with two other political prisoners, one of them being Jack Ryder, who noticed the billionaire. "Bruce Wayne? Great, here I was reporting on your crummy press conference, and now here we both are. I guess that'll teach you to get involved in politics." Ryder snapped.

"Listen to me carefully, when they open the door, do not panic. Stay close to me." Bruce told him.

"You think I'm taking advice from some guy who's never even been in a fight?" Ryder questioned.

"Stay calm. They're trying to scare us." Bruce explained.

"Sorry, man. It's every man for himself!" Ryder said as he and the other prisoner took off.

Other prisoners began to climb the fence and dropped down on the two defenseless political prisoners and the supposedly defenseless Bruce Wayne, who countered their attacks and easily knocked them out and took out the thug beating on Ryder. "On your feet, Ryder." He ordered the reporter, who stayed on the ground in shock. "I said get up!" He snapped, pulling Jack to his feet.

He carried the injured reporter a few feet, before the doors in front of him opened and one of his most bitter enemies as Bruce Wayne, the Penguin, marched towards him, two thugs on either side of him. "Well, well. Look who it is!" Penguin said before another thug dropped behind Wayne and hit him in the leg with a bat, sending him to his knees. "Welcome to hell, Bruce-y boy!" He said, before the thug hit him in the head with the bat, dazing him and knocking him onto his side. "Lights out, Rich Boy!" He said, stomping on Bruce's face, knocking him out again.

Bruce woke up to find himself being dragged to the diminutive criminal. "Wakey-wakey, Wayne!" Penguin taunted as Bruce struggled to regain his faculties. "Aw, what's up? Do you need me to call your butler?" He asked.

"Cobblepot!" Bruce snarled, glaring into Penguin's good eye and the bottom of a bottle that now permanently covered his other one.

"Your family destroyed mine, Wayne. This..." Penguin said, sliding on a set of brass knuckles. "Well, let's just call this good, old-fashioned revenge!" He said, throwing a punch at Wayne, who caught the punch and twisted Penguin's fist, breaking his wrist, causing the crime boss to cry out in pain. "GET HIM!" He ordered as the rest of his thugs got up and closed in. "Hurt him! I think he's broken my bloody hand!" He snapped.

As the thugs closed in on Bruce, a figure suddenly dropped down on the thug directly in front of Wayne, knocking him out, before she spun in a circle with her arms out, taking out the two beside her. "Hey, guys! Mind if I drop in? Eh? EH?" She asked. Yes, out course, this is the pun-making blonde we all know and love, Yang Xiao Long... or is it?

"Oh, crap! It's Light Dragon!" The thug behind Bruce said in fear.

Yeah, Yang decided if she was gonna do the vigilante thing, she would need her own identity, not take someone else's old one. She's the older sister in her family, after all, she passes down the hand-me-downs, she doesn't get them. So she remodeled the costume, this time mostly yellow with black accents, her symbol on the chest with a serpentine dragon spiraling around it instead of a bat, gloves with pointed, claw-like fingertips, only for show, she equipped arm blades much like Batman's to the sides of her gauntlets and, obviously, a more dragon-like cowl. She would've chosen Gold Dragon, but it was too close to the villain Golden Dragon.

The thug was unprepared as Bruce used their moment of shock to turn, put his cuffed hands behind the thug's neck and kneeing him back, breaking off the cuffs. "Shit, he's free! How'd he do that?!" Another thug asked, before Yang lunged and took him out with a flying round kick and Bruce delivered a rising knee to the final thug.

"You're gonna pay for this, Wayne! First, I'll deal with the dragon bitch, then I'll kill you and parade your corpse all around this whole damn city-!" Penguin cursed, before Bruce approached him and knocked him out with a powerful uppercut.

"What are you doing here, Yang?" Bruce demanded.

"I was watching the whole conference. Alfred wanted me to watch over you, so here I am. I got back with my suit right about when Penguin knocked you out. I knew you'd want me to save the others first, so I did. And I even found them a safe place to hide out." She explained.

"Good work. Something very wrong is going on here and somehow, Hugo Strange is behind it all." He explained.

"So, you could say whatever's happening here is... Strange?" Yang quipped.

Bruce sighed at this. "I need to contact Alfred to send me my suit. But I need to get higher up." He said.

"No problem." Yang said, pulling out her grapple gun, firing it to a nearby roof, grabbing Bruce and reeling herself in.

Once on the roof, Bruce tapped his earpiece. "Alfred, have you got my location?" He asked.

"Only just, sir. And likely only due to Miss Yang's help. There's more interference than usual." Alfred said over the other line.

"I need an immediate drop on the roof of the ACE Chemicals building. I'm on my way there now." Bruce said.

"Of course." Alfred complied.

"Alrighty, here we go!" Yang said, grappling to the roof and reeling them in once again, reaching the roof in a matter of seconds.

"I watched your incarceration on the evening news. I take it getting arrested wasn't part of your plan?" Alfred asked.

"No. Although I did get some one-on-one time with Hugo Strange." Bruce explained.

Yang groaned at this. She'd encountered Strange once or twice before and found him QUITE unpleasant. "Well, that sounds... lovely. How did that go?" She asked.

"Not good. He knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman. He also told me that something called Protocol 10 will make him famous. We can't leave Arkham City until we find out what it is." He explained.

"None of those things are good things. Just once I'd like NOT to have all the chips stacked against us." Yang said.

"It should be arriving now, sir. Please do watch yourselves." Alfred warned as the Batwing flew overhead and dropped down its payload.

"Right on time." Bruce said, walking up to it, putting his hand on it for the biometric scan. The pod then opened to reveal the Batsuit in all its glory. Bruce stomped into the shoes, adjusted the gloves, which included his own black version of Ember Celica, complete with arm blades, he clicked on the famous utility belt and donned the infamous cowl, completing the transformation into Batman.

"You wear a lot of suits, but I gotta say, I think you look best in this one." Yang said.

"On that, we agree." Batman said. "I also took an encryption key from one of the TYGER guards. With this, we can hack into their communications." He explained, uploading it into his radio. He searched around a bit, before finally finding the proper frequency.

"All units, this is Air Tyger 4. We have confirmation that Prisoners 4011 and 4012 are in the courthouse. I repeat, Catwoman and Neo are in the courthouse." The Tyger 4 chopper pilot reported.

"Is she in danger?" Strange asked.

"Affirmative. Target is being held by Dent. We believe he intends to kill her. How should we proceed?" Tyger 4 asked.

Strange simply chuckled. "Stand down. Let Two Face have his fun." He ordered.

"Understood." Tyger 4 complied.

"That doesn't sound good." Batman said.

"No, it does not. Mister Dent's predilection towards all things binary may not bode well for Miss Kyle. Even less so with Miss Neo there. With two prisoners, he now has two people to kill. Surely he's more excited than usual." Alfred said.

"Oh, man! I'm gonna have to save the little shrimp! I can't stand her!" Yang grumbled.

"We save EVERYONE Yang. No matter how bad someone is or if we can't stand them. It's what's right. Besides, if there's one person in Arkham City who really knows what's going on, it's Selina. We need her." Batman said.

"Are you sure you're not just saying that because YOU need her, Mr. Billionaire Playboy?" Yang teased.

Batman rolled his eyes at this. "Let's just go." He said gliding towards the courthouse.

"Right behind ya!" She said, gliding after him.

A/N: Finally! It's started! I know you were all waiting for this and I'm sorry it took so long, but here it is! And just like Batman, Catwoman has a new helper in the form of Neo! Most of you agreed Yang shouldn't be Batgirl and many more of you said she should be her own hero, so that's what she is as the mighty Light Dragon. For anyone confused, Yang's full name in Chinese translates to "Little Light Dragon", so that's where her name came from. And Batman now has his own version of Ember Celica, truly our hero is mightier than ever. He'll need all the help he can get with what comes in the future.

Also, many people requested this as well, so with a new story comes a new challenge. All the girls have gotten their shot at to fight alongside Batman in Arkham Asylum, but now it's the boy's turn. Does Jaune have what it takes to survive this insane Asylum, or will Batman be able to deal with Sun's monkey business as the two make their way through the lethal looney bin? Whoever's willing to give us the answer, we're all ready for it!

For those wondering why I didn't mention Ren, someone is already doing that. It's currently on hiatus, but Agent516 has made the story: Arduous Lotus of the Dark Knight. For what it is so far, it's amazing and I highly recommend it. So, with that said, that's all until next time. Hope you enjoyed it!