Louis, when it came down to it, was a rather jealous boyfriend. Which, when I thought about it, was absolutely ridiculous. Out of the pair of us, it made only made sense for me to be the one with the tendency of being jealous but that just wasn't the case. It wasn't as if I didn't feel the occasional and very rare stab of jealousy, because I did, but I didn't feel it on any degree as often as Louis did. It just made no sense; he was the one out of my league and that was the truth. No matter how often he tried to protest otherwise.

Whenever I made a comment about how pointless his jealousy was, he just made a comment about how his jealousy was a completely natural coping response when you considered just how long it had been since we had seen each other. Long distance relationships were hard to maintain, we both entered this stage of our lives knowing that and we'd agreed to it regardless. Besides, he had been the one to decide that he wanted to complete some further studying in France and like the supportive girlfriend I was, I sent him off with a kiss and words of support.

Only it had been a long time since our schedules had matched up and granted us the chance to physically see one another. Almost 6 months from what I remembered. But I had a surprise for him, one that would hopefully help melt away the stress that he had written about in his last letter.

Arriving at the French ministry, it took a rather unnecessary amount of time to pass through the security process before they declared that it was officially alright for me to be set free in the country. But I dithered a moment longer, making sure that I got all the directions that I needed so that I didn't wind up roaming around like a headless chicken in a country where I had no way of communicating. Helga, I knew I should have brushed up on my French before planning this trip.

Earlier on in our relationship, Louis had offered to teach me but his French lessons soon devolved into him simply teaching me as many swear words as he knew in his second language. So, I guess, if anyone tried anything, then I could certainly offer them a few choice words.

However, it was thanks to the very helpful and concise directions given to me in English by the very helpful ministry worker, that I found myself effortlessly navigating my way through the town. Reaching the bottom of the long, step by step, list of directions, I found myself standing in front of a large building made up of multiple apartments. Casting a glance over the entirety of the building, I worried my bottom lip when I remembered that Louis was staying in one of the top floors. Merlin, I hated heights.

Releasing a deep breath, I forced myself to push open the large doors at the entrance and walked into the lobby. Looking around the room and finding the security wizard standing behind the front desk, I crossed the room with a relieved smile; I was almost there. The guard took his job very seriously and wouldn't let anyone up to see the residents unless the residents themselves came to escort them up. And, because Louis was adamant on making sure I knew his whereabouts for each minute, I knew that he had just returned from his last lecture of the day.

But as I came to the desk, I found myself presented with another obstacle; speaking in my horrendous French. Forcing myself to spit the words out, I reached the end of my sentence and stared cautiously at the older man who stared at me for a long moment before eventually cracking a smile.

"You're French is appalling," he said softly in accented English, prompting an incredulous laugh from me. "But my English is pretty good."

"Oh, thank Merlin." I let out a breath, releasing the tension that filled me at the idea of having to speak French. "I'm here to see my boyfriend; Louis Weasley?"

"The man living in 12A?" he said instantly, sending a message for Louis to come down to greet me. "That makes you the beautiful girlfriend he keeps talking about? The one that he sends letters to almost every day."

"If Louis had his way, it would be every day," I confessed with a laugh. Now that I was so very close to seeing him, I could feel the excitement beginning to brim inside of me. The 6 months of agonising waiting, each minute marked with loneliness, was almost over.

"Louis?" a voice repeated from behind me, startling the guard as much as it startled me. We both glanced towards the woman standing behind me. She didn't appear much older than me, but she carried herself with a sort of confidence that very few people possessed and Merlin, that intimidated me. She crossed the space between us, coming to a stop next to me and raking her eyes over me. I shuffled on my feet, knowing that I was being scrutinised. "You're his girlfriend."

I nodded slowly, trying not to feed the green monster that was growing in my stomach. "And you are?"

"She lives in the floor above Mr Weasley," the older wizard explained, drawing my eyes away from the French witch.

"I see," I murmured, glancing sharply to the left when I heard the sound of thundering footsteps.

Turning completely, I watched as a clearly out of breath Louis ran into the lobby. He scanned the room with hurried eyes which only rested when they landed on me and then, just like that, I was smiling. He continued to watch me for a few moments before he was returning the smile with a blinding one of his own as he rushed towards me again.

Wrapping his arms around my waist, Louis drew me into his arms and lifted me clear of the ground. And Merlin help me, I giggled like a bloody third year as I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tight to him.

"Did you run down the stairs from the 12th floor?" I asked, burrowing my face into the crook of his neck.

"I didn't want to wait for the lift," he explained with a chuckle, lowering me until my feet were once again settled firmly on the ground.

"You're unbelievable." Hearing the fondness in my voice, he smiled even further, eyes softening as I brought a hand up to brush some of his hair back.

"Says you. You're the one that miraculously appeared in France! In your last letter, you said you were busy until the end of next month."

"A lie. One I carried off very well if I do say so myself." Louis leaned down to press a kiss to the tip of my nose and I flushed red, remembering that we had company. "You have me until the end of the week and then I need to go back."

"That's enough time," he assured me before releasing me fully.

He took my hand in his, bringing it to rest in the crook of his elbow and preparing to escort me away. But he paused mid-step, saying something in rapid French to the older wizard that had helped me before moving to leave. Only this time I was the one to stop, to thank the older wizard and also to send a final assessing glance to the other witch who still remained by the desk. It was very rare that I felt jealous and I would sooner leave France than tell Louis that I didn't like the woman living in the flat above his.

So instead, I turned back to Louis and with a smile and a kiss to the underside of his jaw, I ordered, "Lead the way."