A/N - I'm really sorry guys. While I was eager to change things around, the more I started looking at what I've written, the more it just seemed like hard work for the sake of it. In the end, I realised there was no real reason to change anything. Story was fine as it was, unless you disagree? So, for the moment, re-write is abandoned and I'm just going to upload what I have got written over the next few weeks. Only have a few more chapters before it will go silent again. I really shouldn't have so many stories on the go!
Year 2183 of the Empire (since Foundation Year)
Year 979 of the Third Era of Empire (Dragonheart Line)
Mercuri, the fourth day of Rain's Hand
"Land ahoy!" I looked up from the table to see Jane in the doorway, barely able to contain her excitement. "Joh… I mean, Captain! Land ahoy!"
Putting on my jacket, I followed her out immediately, grabbing my eyeglass from the bridge as we made our way to the bow, right to the very front. Putting the eyeglass to my eye, I swept back and forth and could just about see something in the distance. "Praise the fucking Five!" I muttered.
"Do you think it's where these Asari live?"
"No idea, but I hope so. But we'd better keep back and look for either a harbour we can anchor, or better yet, some civilisation so we can stop in a dockyard."
Walking back towards the bridge, I could hear the excitement already building in the tone of conversation. No doubt word would already have passed below deck. Keeping discipline would start to be more difficult, as most would be now desperate to get off as soon as possible. I asked for the former Batarian Chief Petty Officer to be brought to me. He arrived a couple of minutes later, and after checking Pressly's map, I gave him my eyeglass and sent him to the bow. He spent a good few minutes there before returning.
"We should head due south. It's about another two day's sail until you reach one of their coastal towns. No doubt they have watchtowers along the coast, but as the winds are favourable for us, there's no chance they can send a welcoming party."
"Do they have defences along the coast?"
"Some, but as long as we appear to be approaching peacefully, they'll let us pass."
"Chief Williams!" She came running up from the main deck and saluted. "I want all portholes closed. I want this vessel to appear as peaceful as possible. They won't be stupid. They'll know we're armed, but if we don't look like we're ready to shoot, then that should send positive vibes."
"Aye-aye, sir," she replied before disappearing.
"Mister Pressly, ensure flags and colours are clearly on display. No doubt they've never seen us before, but they have seen humans, and we want to make sure they don't think we're Batarians."
"It will be done immediately, sir."
"We will sail for one more day before stopping. I want this ship and its crew presentable. Everyone, and I mean everyone, will be washing. Well, except those superstitious bastards below us. But they can just remain out of sight for the moment. We have soap in stock, ensure that is handed out. I want clothing washed while we're stopped too. All officers must present as if we're meeting the Emperor himself."
"First impressions and all that?" Jane joked.
"Certainly. We are the representatives of the Emperor and his Empire. I will be speaking for him when we finally meet whoever we meet. It will be similar to be presented to the Emperor himself if we end up meeting their leader."
Approximately two miles from shore, the Normandy was turned to run parallel to the coastline, moving in and out where it changed significantly. The wind didn't remain favourable after we turned, our movement slowing significantly, but we were not in any rush. It had taken around two months to get to this point, another couple of days certainly wasn't the end of the world. Keeping a lid on the excitement might be the problem.
I'll admit, even I was tempted to start celebrating just for actually finding land. Land that was not the Empire. But finding land didn't mean we'd found people. Not yet. I had the barrelman far above us armed with an eyeglass, now constantly searching the coastline for any sign of civilisation. I didn't care if he saw one house or a small town. If he saw anything, anything at all, he was to let us know immediately.
We saw no sign of life on the coast the rest of that day. Plenty of trees, the beaches looked fantastic, unspoiled golden sand. In the distance appeared mountains. It was also very green but practically untouched, as if the gods themselves had planted everything, disappeared, and it had been allowed to grow without interference since.
The wind practically died during the night so by the time I woke the next morning, our progress forward was negligible. Incredibly frustrating, considering how close we possibly were to an Asari town, but it was the opportunity for us to get the ship in order. Once sails were reduced and the anchor dropped, we waited until the ship stopped moving before lowering the rigging and started sending men into the water.
Enlisted men and women were sent in first. Single men first, then single women. Obviously relationships had formed between them too, as expected, so couples were sent in afterwards. Then it was time for the warrant and petty officers, before it was the turn of the commissioned officers. Finally, it was myself and Laetitia, who insisted on bathing with me. I wasn't going to complain.
She climbed down into the water first, while I showed off by diving from the deck of the ship. Thankfully I could actually swim a little bit, so could surface and float without a problem. With the portholes already shut, and orders to remain away from the edge of the deck, Laetitia and I had at least some privacy. So it was rather exciting for me when she removed her shirt and then her long pants, leaving her in just a small corset, only covering her bust and upper chest, leaving her stomach exposed, and I assumed underwear. She was very pale, which actually gave me a chuckle.
"I thought I was pale…"
"Are you complaining?"
"Not at all." She hung her clothes on the rigging before swimming towards me. Her hair was already slicked back, her face slightly flushed. I put it down to the water being surprisingly warm. Once she was in front of me, she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and her legs around my waist. "I thought we were meant to be washing?"
She kissed me. She kissed me in a way that, if we had proper privacy, it would have led to many other things happening afterwards. We kissed for quite a while, my hands on her back, appreciating the very fact I could feel her skin on my fingertips. Soft, unblemished, perfect. I moved one hand down her back to cup her arse, causing her to kiss me even harder, enjoying the taste of her tongue in my mouth. She finally broke it and smirked. "Someone's excited," she whispered in a sing-song voice.
"Too much teasing and the rest is coming off."
She raised an eyebrow. "And do you think I'm going to stop you?"
That sounded like an invitation, so my hands went to the back of her corset and I found the knot to undo. I just met her eyes as I slowly pulled them apart until her breasts were free, hiding just below the waterline. I threw her corset towards the rigging so it wasn't lost. "Is that it, Shepard, or are you going to stop halfway?" I felt her legs move from around me, so I quickly dipped under the water, grabbed her underwear, and pulled it off. She was most co-operative while doing that, surfacing with it in my mouth, that made her burst into laughter. I threw that towards the rigging, where it landed with the rest of our clothes.
"You will keep your clothes on, Shepard. We are not having sex here." I know I blinked in surprise, as it was so… blunt. I think she realised, as she started to blush. "I just thought…"
"No, no. I'm glad you set the boundary. I know where I stand. It's just…" I trailed off.
She wrapped her arms around my neck, and her legs around my waist again. Knowing she was now naked against me was very exciting, feeling her breasts press into my chest. The temptation to touch her all over was almost overwhelming. She probably knew too. "No-one is watching?" I looked up and the deck was clear, so shook my head. "Then I don't mind being here with you like this. But being intimate is for more private settings."
"Do you wish to be intimate with me, Laetitia? It may sound like a stupid but forward question, but I believed we've danced around the topic long enough. We have spent time enjoying each other's company, you have shared my bed, though in rather innocent fashion, but I believe there is such an attraction that intimacy is, to be blunt, a foregone conclusion."
"Before I answer that, I must know one thing. I know… but I want to hear it."
I couldn't help smile as I moved a hand to cup her cheek. "I love you," I said quietly. The smile returned caused my heart to beat that faster. "I love you, Laetitia Donadieu, Priestess of the Five. The women I love more than the sea."
I think admitting that final bit almost made her break down and start crying. "I love you," she managed to state before hugging me incredibly tightly. Then she started to half giggle, half cry, adding, "And you're still excited!" That just made me laugh too before she started to kiss me all over my face, finally meeting my lips.
We floated for quite a while before Jane appeared over the side of the deck. "Are you two actually going to wash or… Holy shit! Is she…"
"Shut up, Janey!" I yelled out.
"Holy…. Are you two…"
"No, Janey! Give us another ten minutes!"
Laetitia was now mortified, her head on my shoulder, though I think she was also trying to cover her laughter by burying her face into my shoulder, feeling her shake in my arms. Jane's face disappeared, so I suggested that we should probably start washing and get out. I had the soap in my pocket and I was surprised that she let me soap her up, though warned me not to misbehave. It took all my self-control, and I mean all my self-control, not to misbehave. Helping wash her hair was a surprisingly tender moment, then she let me wash her face too. Once she was clean, she rather excitedly claimed it was my turn, quite happily running her hands up and down my arms, back and chest. When it came to lower down my body, she handed me the soap so I could look after that.
We were now cleaner than we'd probably been in some time. Laetitia made sure she put her corset back on first, and I was able to assist with that, having help take off plenty so I figured putting one on shouldn't be so hard. With her underwear also on, I climbed up the rigging first before helping her up back onto the deck. We had towels to dry ourselves down, then hurried back to my cabin so we could put on some clean clothes. In my private quarters, the partition door closed, she dropped her towel while I looked at her so I could gain an appreciation. It made me smile though as I said, "Yep, very pale."
She looked a little unsure as she asked, "Am I beautiful, Shepard?"
The question made me chuckle. "I'm surprised you even need to ask," I said, stepping towards her, "Laetitia, I've been entranced by you since the day we met. Why do you think I walked you home all the time? I had a beautiful woman on my arm that I never wanted to part from." I took her in my arms again, making sure she met my eyes. "Why ask now?"
"There is a reason why I joined the faith. Remember how I said that I'm not as innocent as you thought I might be?"
"I remember."
"We should dress first. Can you fix me a drink?"
I made sure I at least put a shirt on first, grabbed the bottle of brandy and a couple of glasses from the desk in the main room, before joining her back on the lounge. She'd already put her robes back on though her little feet were still bare. She curled those under herself while I poured us both a large glass. I had a feeling I was about to hear a secret.
"Laetitia?" She looked me in the eyes. "I won't judge. I promise. Whatever it is, I'll still love you."
Her lower lip trembled for a moment before she gulped half the glass, causing herself to cough for a few seconds. Then she snuggled into my side and took a deep breath. "I was once betrothed to another man." That wasn't a surprise. A beautiful, young woman like her? Since she'd joined the faith as an adult, I assumed she would have had a life before that. "I was young, foolish, and thought I was in love. He was an older gentleman, promising me the world. He took advantage of my naivety, just like my parents, who believed his lies."
"Okay, so you were in love and with another gentleman. Were you happy?"
"As he courted me, yes, of course. I won't lie to myself and say I didn't appreciate the attention and the affection he gave me. The age gap wasn't a concern. Many young women are married off to older gentleman, mostly for security rather than love." I wanted to ask how large a gap, but it wasn't the story. But if she was young, eighteen or nineteen, then I can imagine thirties or forties at least, though he could have been even older. "To help take the strain off my parents, he offered to marry me as long as I moved into his residence before we took nuptials."
"That's not entirely unusual."
"No, it's not. And I looked forward to leaving home, and I thought we would get used to living with each other before we married. I was a fool. I was naïve. And I missed all the signs."
"What signs?"
"He was manipulative. He was controlling. He was a drunk. He was… He was unkind. As soon as he had me in his residence, I was his maid… No, I was his slave. And he…" I watched a shaking hand raise the glass to her lips, taking only a small sip. "He was mean," she said quietly, "And he hurt me."
"How…" I trailed off, before adding, "No, while it certainly matters, you don't have to say it."
"He expected me to perform wifely duties before we were married. I would have done so if he hadn't been so demanding, if he hadn't forced himself on me, if he hadn't been so disgusting about what he wanted to do to me, or what he wanted me to do to him. I wouldn't have done it happily, not once I'd learned what he was really like, but such things are expected, are they not?"
Sadly, I'd heard of similar stories. "What happened? I assume something important…" I already had an idea of what happened. I already understood. I didn't blame her one bit. But I had a feeling she needed to tell me, for herself as much as me.
"One night, he was drunker than usual. He'd hit me more than once already that same day. I had to sleep in the same bed. If I dared sleep anywhere else, he'd drag me into his bed where he could…" She shuddered. I took her glass and filled it, watching her take another sip. "That night, I reached breaking point. He was on top of me, inside me, and I was trying to fight him off, screaming the most hateful things... I just remember this slap. It was like an explosion across my face, but at the same time, finally everything was clear. I knew, if I didn't get out then and there, I was going to die. Maybe not that night. But one day soon, I'd be dead, and he'd make up some story.
I just remember holding him off with one hand while reaching for something, anything, from the bedside table. There was a candleholder. A large one. Candle still lit. I picked it up and slammed it into his face. That got him off me enough that I could roll away onto the floor. It burned his face a little. I just remember scrambling across the ground towards the fireplace. I grabbed one of the pokers and just… hit him. Again. And again. And again. I just kept hitting him until he didn't move.
I put on a coat and boots and just left. I walked through the night, the next day, then through the night after that, all the way home to my parents. I think it was lunchtime when I finally knocked on their front door. They opened it, took one look, and hauled me inside. Taking off my coat, I was covered in blood. His blood. I'm not sure what I told them, but they believed me. I know they did. I'd never seen my father shed a tear until everything came pouring out of me. He blamed himself for sending me with him."
"Was he dead?"
"No. If I had killed him, I would have handed myself in. I couldn't have lived with the guilt. But I'd made sure he'd never hurt anyone again. My parents kept me at home, almost hidden away, just in case people came asking after me. It was around a week later that Mercury came to me. Spoke to me. That is when I told my parents I would become a priestess."
"Did you tell the people at the temple?"
"I told them what happened. I left nothing out. They did not judge me. And they accepted me."
"And what happened to him?"
"I heard rumours. No-one believed I did it, thinking a woman couldn't have inflicted the sort of injuries he suffered. They thought it was a burglary gone wrong, or a jealous husband. Apparently he had been with other women in addition to myself." She trailed off, sipping at her glass. I honestly didn't know what to say, and I think my silence unnerved her. She glanced at me. "Still love me?"
I grabbed one of her hand. "Laetitia, you have a strength inside you I simply didn't realise you had. And that's on me, not you. Thank you for trusting me enough to share that. I had no idea you'd been through anything like that."
"You will be the first man I've been with since… him… And I was inexperienced before meeting him. And he made me feel worthless. Ugly. Unwanted. He'd tell me no other man would want me. No-one would tolerate someone so stupid… It was just a string of insults that made me feel like nothing."
"Well, he was clearly an idiot," I said, trying to inject a little humour into my tone, "You're not worthless. The crew of this vessel appreciate everything you have done for them. They all attend your prayer service in droves, and you always speak from the heart, without anything but the words that flow through you. And as for being ugly, well, I dread to think what he thought was beautiful, as you, Laetitia Donadieu, take my breath away every time you walk in the room." I turned her cheek so she met my eyes, hers wet with tears, her cheeks already streaked. "And I love you," I said quietly.
She manoeuvred so she could wrap her arms around my neck so I could hug her properly as she wept into my shoulder. I didn't blame her, she'd just unloaded one hell of a dark past, and no doubt thought I was going to judge her harshly. Maybe I'm different to a lot of other men, but a wife is someone to be loved and cherished, who is meant to be your partner in life. Yes, there are expected roles one must fulfil, but I couldn't imagine treating the woman you love in such a manner.
"Laetitia?" She lifted her head from my shoulder, allowing me to dry her cheeks with my thumb. "When we make love the first time, it's on your terms. And every time after that, it's on your terms. Until you feel comfortable enough for me to sweep you off your feet and take the lead."
That made her smile. "The body is willing. By the Five, it's willing, Shepard. But the mind… I already know you'd never hurt me. I trust you more than anyone. But…"
"So we wait until you are."
"And that's another reason to love you. Your patience, either with me or others."
"Oh, with you in this little room, I'm just me. Out at that table with the others, or on the quarter- or main deck, I am Captain Shepard. I like the fact I can be two different people for once."
Stating she was a little tired, I offered her a chance to have a nap in my bed, as I had to get back to work. She happily slid under the blankets as I sat down on the edge, giving her hair a stroke as she looked up at me. I sensed a weight had just left her shoulders, wondering how long she'd been waiting to share that with me. Upon leaving, I did turn to see her eyes were already closed. She already looked peaceful, and a part of me longed to remain with her there. She wasn't a distraction; it was actually nice to return to my cabin once my shift had finished and for it not to be empty. I remembered the words I used to describe being intimate with her; 'make love'. Since when did I ever 'make love'? I had a long list of whores I'd fucked. You don't 'make love' to whores.
Closing the door to give her a little peace, I made sure the doors to my cabin were also closed before heading up the quarterdeck. Pressly informed me that the wind had picked up, and I suggested we should use it while it was blowing, so hoisted sail, weighed anchor, and the boat slowly started to move a couple of hours later. We didn't pick up any great speed, but we were moving.
Calling up Coxswain Lanton, the former Batarian CPO, I asked him to look at the coast and let me know again where we were. He returned a few minutes later. "We should see coastal towns by tomorrow, if memory serves me correctly. The first large town with a harbour we should make by tomorrow afternoon if the wind holds."
"I don't remember, but did your ship sail with a flag?"
"Generally yes, though we'd take it in while going on a raid. As the Asari won't recognise your flag, they'll be curious but wary. But you've already closed the portholes, and if you keep men with weapons from the deck, they should let you dock."
"Do they know our tongue?"
He could only shrug. "As I said, I've had little contact with them. Only me the one, and we didn't talk." I wasn't sure if he was being rude or not, so let the comment pass.
"Thank you, Coxswain. Your information might prove invaluable."
"Of course, sir."
As he left, I called him back. "I am sorry about your friend. What happened to him most certainly does not reflect on the Empire."
"Thank you, sir. But the others and I already know. We won't let the actions of a single man define the rest of you."
I nodded. "It is my turn to thank you, Coxswain."
He saluted, a gesture I returned, and he returned to his station. Turning to Pressly, I ordered he and Moreau to keep the Normandy on its current course until we finally noticed civilisation. The barrelman at the top of the centre mast was under strict instructions to now simply watch the shoreline. I think all of us were watching the shoreline though it was eventually too dark to see anything. Unfortunately, there was no sign of any light from shore either. Arcturus could be brighter than expected once all the street lamps were turned on.
As I was rather hungry, as I'd completely forgotten to eat lunch after my swim and then a couple of hours with Laetitia, I headed back to the cabin, Laetitia awake, dressed, and sat at the table. She glanced at me and smiled as I leaned down to kiss her before taking a seat in my usual place. I must admit, she looked… happy. That made me smile as she leaned across to kiss my cheek. "Thank you for listening, Shepard."
"You already seem… happier, for want of a better word."
"You now know my biggest secret. It's actually rather liberating." She grabbed my hand. "And trust me, I'm not beginning to suggest you tell me yours. I think you've shared quite enough about yourself as it is."
"I'm not sure I have a 'big' secret. I have plenty of little ones, but I think I've told you most of them."
She leaned in closer, whispering, "Sleeping with whores is only one secret, not many little ones." Then she giggled at the face I pulled. "How many did you sleep with?" I'll admit, I blushed as she asked further, "A lot?"
"Whenever I was in dock, I'd generally find myself in an area of town that catered to my desire. Tankard of ale. Plate of food. Woman or two on my knee or lap, who would then escort me to a room. As I said, I wasn't looking for love, but I'm a man and have my needs. You'd be surprised most would lie back after the deed and just like to talk."
"Have you ever been with someone, you know, permanently?"
"I've never been betrothed. Not even close. I was close to one girl while I was at the Imperial Naval Academy but it eventually petered out once she realised I would be at sea more often than not. And, to be honest, I wasn't ready to commit then."
Dinner was eventually served, Jane wandering in to join us as usual. The conversation centred around who the Asari were and the sort of reception to expect. We must have discussed that for a good couple of hours, eventually sharing a couple of glasses of brandy as always, enjoying an after-dinner cigarette too. And, of course, Jane had to make one or two jokes about Laetitia and I having a swim together earlier, and the fact Laetitia was quite obviously naked with me. All she did was grab my hand and let Jane know that she loved me.
Watching Jane's reaction to Laetitia admit that was hilarious, her jaw dropped wide, glass dropping to the table, and only quick reflexes stopping it rolling into the floor. She looked at me like I was a completely different person. "What happened to 'Oh, I'll never find love. I love the sea too much. Blah, blah, blah."
I looked at Laetitia. "I guess I just had to find the right woman first." She just blushed as I looked back at my sister. "I thought you'd be happy for me?"
"Oh, I am. Trust me. It's just… a surprise. A good surprise! Mother will be delighted, that's for sure." She looked across at Laetitia. "So will you remain in his quarters?"
"That is up to Shepard, but we both don't want too much gossip about us. Eating dinner here doesn't cause a fuss, and the occasional night spent here doesn't sent too many tongues wagging. Staying here permanently… It…"
"Laetitia, trust me. No-one gives a shit." Laetitia blinked in surprise while I couldn't help chuckle. "I'm being serious here," she added further, "None of your officers will care, Johnny." Laetitia had a giggle at Jane using her name for me. I didn't mind as she already knew. "And as for the crew, they wouldn't really know what goes on up here, and are too wrapped up in their own lives to care who sleeps in your cabin."
"Give it time, Jane," Laetitia said, "There is no rush, after all."
Jane just leaned over and playfully punched my shoulder. "About damned time, brother."
"Mother will be pressuring you next. The pitter patter of tiny feet…"
She just sighed. "I know."
Thankfully the conversation moved on, and Jane was ready to depart half an hour later when there was a knock at the door. One of the night watchmen walked in quickly, stopped and saluted in the middle of the room. "Captain, I have news!"
He sounded rather excited. So much so that I had to get to my feet. "What is it, man?"
"Land, sir. We can see lights!"
I didn't even bother putting on my jacket, the three of us with him rushing out onto the deck, grabbing my eyeglass on the way. The main deck was lower than the quarterdeck, so I walked right to the back of the ship and climbed the railing to be as high as possible. I felt Laetitia grab my legs to help me keep balance as I put the eyeglass to my right eye. With the swell of the sea, it took a little time for my eyes to adjust and to find the faint light.
But there it was, in the distance. No idea how far, but it would be no more than a mile and a half if I judged correctly. It was too dark to make out anything else, but it was civilisation that was not the Empire.
"What do you see?" Laetitia asked.
"Lights. I see lights!" I paused before yelling, "Navigator?"
"Keep the boat on the same heading. We must be getting close to this large town Lanton spoke of!"
"Aye, sir. We're far enough away that we shouldn't run into anything, but we're at half sail for the night, sir."
"Very good. Keep making notes on your map. It doesn't have to be exact but as accurate as possible would be preferred."
"I'll do my best, sir."
Feet back on the deck, I felt a surge of excitement at the possibilities. We were on the verge of meeting an entirely new races of people. It was what many sailors had dreamed of whatever they boarded a ship and hoisted the sails. I could hear the conversations immediately start, particularly between the men. Word had spread about the Asari being a race of blue females. Many of them were no doubt already thinking with their dicks rather than their brains. I didn't blame them. Whenever a ship of mine pulled into port, every man without a woman at home, and even some who did, would be given furlough and immediately head to town and find those taverns of ill-repute to spend some of his hard earned coin.
Returning to my cabin, as there was little I could actually do, I made sure I returned to my desk to make a note of it in both the official log and diary, noting our approximate position, the time of day and what we actually saw, which to be honest, wasn't a whole lot. But I put in big letters, underlining it for emphasis.
We were now into our third month on the sea. After weeks of monotony, running to a Batarian ship and our first battle at sea, taking prisoners and learning information about our world, learning humans were not alone in the world, we were maybe one day, two at the most, from finally meeting a non-human race. It was difficult making sure the official log remained that. Objective, without sharing too many of my own thoughts and feelings.
Checking my pocket watch, it was later than I thought, and despite the excitement, I yawned and figured I should at least get a few hours' kip before the next morning. Laetitia went nowhere except my cabin, having returned to her wardroom first to change into a shirt and trousers, letting me know she'd taken off her corset. She'd done so before whenever she had joined me, but seemed to be letting me know for added reason.
I found out that reason when sliding under the blankets and, after blowing out the candle, her shirt disappeared, as when she cuddled into me, I felt only the skin of her back. Soft, very soft skin. So different to mine. Even her hands were delightfully soft compared to my rough, scarred examples. She cuddled me, and I felt her breasts graze my chest, and she must have been a little excited herself. Or maybe she was cold. Surprisingly, we both went to sleep rather quickly. It had been a long day.
I saw her in most of her glory the next morning, the only thing missing those legs I hoped to see one day soon. Her body otherwise was exquisite. I definitely had a look in my eyes as she had a good giggle at my expense. But I also behaved. As I'd promised, she would take the lead until she felt comfortable enough. She had her scars, but they were underneath her perfect, near porcelain skin. When she sat up to put on her shirt before we walked out for breakfast, ever her back was beautiful to look at. Who thought a woman's back could be so wonderful? Sure, I'd seen my fair share during certain activities. Maybe it meant more because it was her…
The Normandy was still trundling along, the sails full hoisted but the wind not as strong as I'd hoped. Taking my position on the quarterdeck, Moreau and Pressly were stationed already, with all my other officers joining me, even Taylor, who usually kept to himself in the supply room. I had the report from the night watch. I was halfway through reading it when I heard the call from the barrelman. I couldn't quite understand what he said, so a watch officer climbed the rigging to hear it before he climbed down and ran towards me.
"It's a ship, sir. Tracking us. Just on the horizon."
"Who does it belong to?"
"No idea. We can't see who is on board nor can we see their flag, not that we'd recognise any other of this world. But they're definitely watching us."
"Okay. At least we know there are others out there now and that we're now being observed. But nothing will approach from the bow due to the wind. Mister Pressly, keep the Normandy on the same course, perhaps slowly heading closer to the coastline. We must be getting close to this town of which we've been informed."
There was little chance of anyone concentrating on anything to shoreline in the distance. The only topic of conversation was about who these Asari were, what they were like, and would they be friendly. I must have strolled around the deck at least half a dozen times. On the starboard side was the shoreline. On the port side was the ship on the horizon. I couldn't see it with the naked eye, but with an eyeglass, I could just about see it.
The wind was strong enough to help us really pick up speed. The ship following us was slowly but surely converging on our position. It wasn't an attack run, keeping track of their progress, and they must have noticed our portholes were closed, as theirs were also closed. Though it was possible we were looking at a merchant ship rather than a warship.
I now had two groups of people. One watching the ship, one watching the shore. The excitement and tension was so thick. I know I was nervous tension personified. It probably flowed into my crew, though I don't think anyone would blame myself or them. We were on the verge of making history for the Empire. Lunchtime passed with only small signs of civilisation on the shoreline, passing the occasional small town, but no sign of a larger town or even a city with a harbour. I wanted to dock at a pier and walk off the Normandy to meet and greet the locals.
Soon enough, the other ship was barely a mile off our port side, almost level and quite clearly now escorting us along. I was tempted to try and communicate with them, but they wouldn't have known our flag system, and while we could have attempted to write something that they could possibly see, would they even know our language?
The shoreline moved towards us, creating a headland, meaning Moreau had to change course, taking us even closer to the other ship. But it was heading past the headland that finally revealed what we'd been searching for. Everyone left their stations as we headed to the starboard side. I had my eyeglass out immediately, taking it all in. I'm not sure if it was a town or city, but what I immediately noticed was a natural harbour and an enormous dockyard. There was at least a half dozen ships in dock, with another half dozen empty berths.
"Pressly, reduce sail and turn to starboard!" I heard those orders repeated so added, "Nice and slow, Pressly. Don't want to go crashing into their harbour. Want a good first impression, after all!"
"Sir, the other ship is turning and following us in," a watch officer reported.
I gave more orders. For officers to start lining up, commissioned and NCOs. I was already dressed, but quickly headed into my cabin to change into a pair of clean clothes I'd kept spare just for this occasion. Laetitia appeared dressed in surprisingly white robes, admitting she'd done exactly the same thing upon seeing me walk out in a rather blue jacket with cream breeches, and with rather polished boots too.
The sails were now completely reduced, leaving the ship to head into dock with just the forward sail and the tide. I'm not sure if it was a city, but it appeared rather large, and the buildings as we approached were very impressive. Very white and clean. In the middle distance was a building looming over the rest, assuming it was either a temple or a palace. The docks were study, made with stone instead of wood, much like those of Arcturus and Portsmouth.
Officers were in position. Many crew members were also now on deck, dressed as smartly as possible. The Imperial flag had been hoisted at the bow of the ship. Taking position at the bow, I looked through my eyeglass and could see commotion on the docks. And it was then that I had my first glimpse of the Asari. And, if I didn't know any better, they looked just like us!
Moreau and Pressly lined us up perfectly, and once we were close enough, rope was thrown towards the waiting Asari, who quickly grabbed the dock lines and quickly started to wrap them around large stone bollards. Standing at the side of the ship, I looked down the pier, noticing a group of soldiers heading our way, obviously soldiers as they marched in formation, armed with weapons. They stopped at the far end of the pier, so would obviously waiting for us to disembark.
"Captain Alenko!"
"Watch our backs."
"Aye, sir."
I turned to Miranda and Laetitia, the three who would join me on foreign soil. Miranda, as my XO, and Laetitia as the representative of the faith. Jane was being left in change of the Normandy. Technically, I should have left Miranda as she was second in charge, but I wanted to give Jane the chance to show her stuff. Purely personal, but I'd had a word with Miranda, and she was more interested in joining me onshore.
The Normandy finally stilled as it was secured to the dock. Whether we were portraying any real power to these people, I couldn't be sure. Would they be intimidated? Impressed? Or find out ship rather pathetic? A secure walkway was lowered to the pier so the three of us could disembark. As captain and leader, I was the first to leave the ship, following my Miranda and then Laetitia. The pier had immediately emptied once the ship had been secured. The three of us turned towards the end of the pier, where a large crowd was forming. Out of the crowd approached a trio of Asari in return. Their uniforms were similar, though their jackets were purple with white breeches. The Asari in the centre wasn't armed, the one to either side were. Their weaponry appeared roughly the same.
We stopped about half a dozen paces from the other. I came to attention, as did my companions, and I offered a salute. "Captain John Shepard. Commander of the Normandy. Representative of His Imperial Majesty, Uhtred III, Emperor of the Twelve Realms. We come in peace."
The Asari bowed then surprised me by replying. "Pleasure to meet you, Captain Shepard. Your arrival has been predicted for some time. Allow me to welcome you to Nos Astra, the greatest harbour city of the Republics of the Asari."
"And you are?"
A slight smile. "I am the leader of this city, in your language known as a mayor. My name is Benezia T'Soni. Come, you and your people. You have come a long way, you have much to learn, and there are people you must meet."
"Of course, but what do you mean?"
"You are obviously here about the Dunkerque, are you not? It happened so long ago, we were wondering if someone from our Empire would ever come looking for the ship..." She paused, before adding, "And the survivors, or at least their descendants."
I couldn't help share a glance with Miranda and Laetitia. I could see the shock on their faces. "Miranda, you'd better spread word. Let's speak with the Asari first, then we'll get crew off the ship."
"Of course, sir," she replied, immediately saluting and disappeared back onto the ship.
I walked forward towards Benezia with hand outstretched. She understood the gesture and met my hand. "Thank you for the welcome, Mayor T'Soni."
"The Republics of the Asari welcome the Empire and humanity, Captain Shepard."
A/N – So, I've gone with peaceful first contact… Well, technically second contact, but considering the Batarians are human (which will all be explained much later…)