Zero was in an usual spot to practice his sword and gun skills: the junkyard. It was a rather simple track to run through. All he had to do was simply run the course while shooting or stabbing and slicing the red targets while leaving the blue targets alone. "So, mom," he said as he jumped over a blue target and sliced a red target in half. "I never really got the chance to use that upgrade last time. Care to tell me what it is?"
"Replication," Ciel said as she watched her son through a drone. "Congratulations, you now have the ability to copy your enemies' abilities like Mega Man."
"Replication?" Zero slid across the ground and shot three targets in a row. "How did you manage that?"
"I copied the schematics from Mega Man's head back when he was acting wonky when his maintenance robot was accidentally ejected from his head."
"Nice. But won't I go crazy with mood swings like Mega Man does every time he uses them?"
"That's why I added a time limit. Your powers will deactivate after five minutes."
"So, how does this work?"
"Get close to a robot, any robot, and say 'Replication Activation' and the schematic will be downloaded."
Zero destroyed the last target and hummed, "Hmm. Any robot, huh?"
"Did you have someone in mind?" Ciel inquired.
"Mega Man perhaps?"
"Sorry, you can't download schematics already being used by other replicators. It has to come from the original source of the schematics."
"So," Zero said as he rubbed his hands together. "If I want Hypno Woman's schematics for example, I have to get them from Hypno Woman herself."
"Just find a robot and test it out."
Zero was about to respond when he suddenly felt the wind pick up. Then it got even worse as the trash heaps began to topple over and Ciel's drone got carried away. Zero had to run out of the junkyard before he got crushed. "Whoa! Hey, Mom? Did the weatherman say anything about strong winds today?"
"No," said Ciel on his communicator. "And I didn't get that drone insured!"
Zero looked across the way to see Silicone City being bombarded by tornados.
In the city, Mega Man was using his Ice Man powers to freeze the debris being picked up and tossed around by the winds in place. "Mega Man!" He looked and saw Zero jump next to him. "I take it these aren't natural," he said, though he obviously knew the answer.
"Nope," said Mega Man. "Heavy winds, things falling from the sky, that can only mean one thing..."
"All eyes on me, Silicone City!" The two heroes looked up to see a large yellow robot shaped like a fan flying across the sky. "You need to see how amazing Air Man is all the time! So anything taller than these buildings..." He used his powers to rip the roofs off the tallest skyscrapers. "...has to come down! I am an inspiration to all!"
"Wait, wait. Did he actually just say that," Mega Mini asked.
Air Man laughed cockily as he lowered down to the ground. "Air Man," Mega Man exclaimed. "I absorbed your powers last time..."
"And became an arrogant jerk in the process," piped up Zero.
Mega Man frowned at that. "Yeah... Still, I use them a lot better than he does! Activate-"
"Wait!" Mini called out. "He does have a point! You were kind of a...jerk."
"That's why I need you to keep an eye on me. Activate Air Man schematics!"
"Oh, boy..."
Mega Man's armor turned from blue to yellow and his Buster Cannon turned into Air Man's fan. Before he could get the chance to use it, Air Man caught him in a tornado. He laughed arrogantly, but his arrogance became shock when he heard someone say, "Replication activation!" Both Mega Man and Air Man turned to see Zero downloading Air Man's schematics.
"No way!" they both exclaimed. "He can do THAT now?!"
"But that's my schtick!" complained Mega Man. Almost immediately, Air Man's schematics took full effect on his personality. "Copy cat! Get your own ideas!" He forgot he who he was fighting and blasted a jet of winds at Zero. Zero's eyes widened and fired a torrent of hot air at Mega Man's, canceling each other's attacks out.
"Hey! Did you forget that Air Man's the bad guy?!"
Mega Man growled at him. "Give me back my gimmick and I can get back to MY hero stuff! I'M the hero! ME! I'm the best!"
"I am the best, Mega Muffin," Air Man shouted. "ME! ME, ME, ME -" A blast of hot air from Zero's Z Buster sent him flying over the roof tops.
"Just admit it," Mega Man shouted, a tornado starting to form around him. "You were always jealous of me! I was here first!"
Zero realized what was happening. "Mega Man, it's Air Man's schematics! It's making you act arrogant again!"
"Shut up! Don't tell me things I already know!" The Blue Bomber charged at Zero, using the air powers to give him a boost. Zero caught him by the arm and tossed him through three buildings and into the pond of the park where Suna and Ashley were taking cover.
"Are you okay?" Ashley asked as she helped him out of the water.
Mega Man dried himself off and tried to keep calm. "Oh, know, fighting Air Man."
"Air Man is seriously dangerous!"
Once again, Mega Man felt himself becoming arrogant and competitive. "But I have the same air powers! I'm smarter, cooler and more Mega!" Suna shook her head. Oh, not again. "What I need is the power of flight!"
"Here we go again," groaned Mega Mini.
Mega Man was still ranting about how superior he felt he was while he rode on Rush's back. "He called me Mega Muffin! Can you believe that, Rush?" He flew so fast, he didn't even care that he knocked a kid's ice cream out of his hands. Thankfully, a robot shared his own ice cream to cheer the kid up.
"He's the muffin," the Blue Bomber continued to rant. "And I'm going to send him home to the Good Guild for sophomore update!" Rush barked at him, concerned. "Don't tell me to calm down! I'm Silicone City's number one! Not him! And not you either! And especially not Zero! He's a...a...a zero! Yeah!"
"Is that any way to talk to your best friend?" Mega Mini asked. "What did I tell you? Your ego's gone supernova!"
Air Man was still blowing down everything taller than him. "One less obstruction for the greatest robot ever! ME! Air Man!"
"No way am I ever letting him destroy anymore of Silicone City," Mega Man growled as he found his opponent. "Quick Switch: Air Man schematics!"
Poor Mini buried his face in his hand and shook his head. "I give up."
"Rush, follow my lead!" Mega Man turned on the fan blade allowing himself and Rush to propel themselves forward. Air Man heard them and turned around only to get slammed in the gut. Mega Man pretended to make a phone call. "Hello, Good Guild? I'm going to need a villain cleanup on Terrabite Avenue."
"Don't you mean little blue hero cleanup?" Air Man took up into the sky and blasted hurricane winds at the Blue Bomber and his dog. The duo flew away, but Air Man gave chase, laughing in a cocky manner.
"Faster Rush! We need to go faster!" Rush obeyed his friend's command, but Air Man fired another blast of air at Mega Man, knocking him off the dog and onto the ground.
Air Man landed and gloated, "Nice jump, Mega Man! You've showed off my robot superiority! Again! Ha, ha, ha! Now seriously, keep your blue can out of my way! I've gotta spread Air Man's to all of Silicone City!" He laughed again as he flew away.
Rush hovered over to his friend with an apologetic look, but Mega Man was having none of it. "I told you to go faster! This defeat is on you!" Shocked and hurt, the robot dog just up and left him. "Wait, Rush! You're my..." Mega Man sighed sadly as he instantly came to regret what he just said. ""
"That's right!" Air Man shouted and laughed. "Flee! Flee and run from the power that is Air Ma-" A blast of hurricane winds sent him falling down to the ground.
"You think you're so tough, big man?" Air Man looked up to see Zero smirking down at him from the top of a building. "Because from where I'm standing, you're looking pretty small to me!" He said those last three words in a high-pitched squeaky voice.
Air Man let out a bellowing roar as he flew up into the sky. "LITTLE?! LITTLE?! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S LITTLE!" He generated an F5 tornado from his fan and laughed like a mad man as it started to grow even larger.
Zero was scared at that moment. "I think I pushed him too far."
At the school, Aki folded his arms grumpily as the teacher announced, "With Air Man terrorizing our skies, today's field trip is cancelled."
While the other students groaned in disappointment, Aki growled at the memory of Air Man's words. "I'm not done with you yet, wind bag," he whispered.
It got worse at gym class. Aki and Bert were playing basketball with the other students. Aki was open, but Bert decided to take the shot...and missed. Aki glared at his friend. "Why didn't you pass it to me? I'm the greatest player! I would have made that shot!"
Bert lowered his head in disappointment. "Sorry, Aki."
"I'm the only one who does anything right around here!"
At that point, Suna came up to him. "Aki, what are you doing?"
"I'm the best basketball player! People would rather see me score points than to see us lose!" He took note of how he made Bert sad and calmed down. "Ever since I activated the Air Man schematics, I'm out of control!"
"I might have mentioned that once or twice, BUT NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO MINI!" The maintenance robot made an exasperated snort. "It's like I'm talking to myself in here."
"You need to stop accessing Air Man's schematics," suggested Suna. Her phone suddenly beeped. "Hello? Zero? How did you get this number?" She pinched her nose. "Okay. Just, what is going on? WHAT?! Air Man's going to destroy the Light House?!" She suddenly heard footsteps leaving. SHe looked up; her brother was gone. "Aki?"
"Quick switch Air Man schematics!" said Mega Man as he ran down the halls.
Mega Mini groaned. "Didn't you hear a single thing your sister just said? Or what I said? Or YOURSELF for crying out loud?!"
The Blue Bomber stopped. "Yeah. You're right. How about we bring back the old classic? Mega Mini and the Blue Streak!" He turned off Air Man's schematics and ran outside.
"Now you're talking!"
Mega Man was about to leave the school grounds when he met a familiar face. "Rush? What are you doing here?"
"I called him," Suna said as she walked over to him. "We need you, but every time you access Air Man's schematics, you just make things worse. Remember, Silicone City already has a hero and he's totally Mega!"
Mega Man was still a little unsure. "And what about Zero?"
"A hero in his own right. His own, unorthodox and slightly sociopathic right."
Rush walked up to his friend and nuzzled his face. "I know," Mega Man said as he patted his head. "I messed up bad and I blamed you for my mistakes. I'm so, so sorry." Rush barked happily. "Right. Let's take down Air Man together!"
Meanwhile, Zero let out a scream and slammed into the wall of the Light House. "Okay, now I'm gonna..." He suddenly felt himself grow weak. He collapsed to his knees. "What the heck was that?! What happened to Air Man's schematics? They're turned off!"
"I told you," Ciel said in the communicator. "Only five minutes!"
"It's been five minutes already?!" Zero gulped as the huge tornado was coming closer and closer. "Fine time for me to run out of juice now!"
Before the tornado could wreck the house, Air Man got punched out of the tornado by a blue blur, and the tornado became nothing more than a breeze. Mega Man, riding on Rush's back, got up in Air Man's face. "Hey, what's your problem?!"
Air Man growled. "The Light House has to come down! It's blocking my spotlight!" He fired a blast of hot air at Mega Man, who dodged it and said, "Yeah, I can't let you do that."
"And everyone knows you can't beat Air Man! AUGH!" The hot-headed robot let out a scream and looked behind him. Zero was hovering up in the air, wielding his sword.
"You forget, he's not alone!"
"Why you... OUCH!" Mega Man blasted him in the face with the Buster Cannon. "You! Stop interrupting me! You've already failed to beat me twice today!"
"Is that all, Air Man?" the Blue Bomber taunted. He jumped off Rush, landed on the roof and proceeded to fire again. "I thought you were the greatest of all robots!" Air Man fired again, but Mega Man countered and hit him in the chest. He then jumped onto Rush's back and said, "Okay, boy, time for your plan!"
Air Man landed down on the ground where he got shot by Zero. "Stop doing that!" He let out another blast of air, but Zero managed to dodge it and fired his gun again, this time in the face. "Ow!" Now steaming mad, Air Man blasted him with another tornado and sent him flying through a window.
Mega Man landed and put on an act. "Boy, his tornados spread wider the higher he throws them! Making them almost impossible to avoid! What are we going to do, Rush?"
Zero chuckled. "That's it, keep playing with his ego, kid."
"Rush! If he goes any higher, we'll never escape those tornados!"
"You're milking it now!"
But Air Man was too dumb and too arrogant to see through the deception. "Oh, really? Game's over, Mega Man!" He flew up into the sky and made another F5 tornado. Mega Man hopped on Rush and flew to a safe distance. He let out a yell so the fan man could hear him, "Hey, Rush! Imagine how powerful Air Man could be if he could create a...SPACE TORNADO!"
"Space tornado?" Mega Mini asked, also playing along. "Oh, the humanity!"
Zero's face faulted. "'Space tornado'? Seriously?"
To his disbelief, Air Man actually fell for it. "Space tornados? Ha, ha, ha! Of course! Space tornados!" He flew up, up, up into the sky until he was nothing more than a barely visible little dot. Zero blinked. "So..." he said as he got up. "How long do you think it will take for him to realize that there's no air in space?"
"When he's floating around in the Earth's orbit," Mega Man said with a smirk. "Well, on the bright side, he can't get much higher than that."
Aki sighed in relief as he enjoyed his break in the park with Suna and Ashley. "Oh, Suna, I feel like a new bot since I switched off Air Man's crazy schematics. Thanks for taking care of me, sis."
"Always got your back, brother."
Ashley returned from playing with her drone. "It's been so quiet since Air Man's attack last week. What do you think happened to him?"
"I think a better question is," said Aki. "How did Zero get Replication powers like me...I mean, like Mega Man?"
Suna frowned and folded her arms. "I don't know. We better keep a close eye on him next time Mega Man encounters him."
Aki nodded. Ashley looked on in wonder. "Zero. What is it with that guy?"
Zero returned from the battle and took off his armor. He sat down on a couch and turned on the TV to watch some Detective Fedora. Ciel sat down next to him. "So," she said. "How do you like the upgrade?"
"The timing on that limiter could do better," Zero said.
"I told you, the limiter is in place to keep you from suffering weird mood swings. As soon as I figure out the cause of those mood swings, I'll remove them and you won't have to worry about that."
"Good." Zero grabbed a bowl of popcorn and placed it between the two so they can share. "By the way, what are we going to do with Air Man?"
Ciel waved it off. "Don't worry, I'll get him down eventually. Besides, he actually seems pretty happy with his current situation."
"You muffins can have Silicone City," Air Man shouted as he floated in the vacuum. "The whole planet's got their eyes on me up here! I'm the greatest of all robots! Air Man!"