Happy Pokeshipping Week everyone! I'm a day late uploading, but I figure extending the week by a bit isn't so bad, right? Just an extra day of shippy fun!

With that, please enjoy day one of Pokeshipping Week 2018!

Misty in Kalos

Kalos, a densely populated and diverse region, is shaped like a five-pointed star.

That's a favorite fact of the Kalosians; the name for natives of the region. One point is created by a peninsula flowing out into the sea. The other three points consist of a coastline, mountain ranges, and rivers. Its geographical diversity is just one of the reasons so many people, whether they're native to Kalos or not, find so much beauty in the region. No matter what one's preference was, they could likely find a comfortable location for themselves in Kalos.

One could visit Central Kalos, filled with forested plains and rivers and classical, well preserved architectural features including old chateaus and castles.

Coastal Kalos was located by the sea, offering rocky shores and lush beaches. It tended to be a popular vacation destination for visitors.

Mountain Kalos, as its name suggests, is more mountainous than the other two divisions, and runs colder than them as well, with snow being a common sight in this area.

Naturally, when she was presented with an opportunity to travel to the region, Misty had her heart set on visiting Costal Kalos.

"I definitely want to go to Azure Bay," Misty rambled on, her eyes sparkling. "I've read you can find quite a few rare water type Pokémon there! I've also heard that Shalour City is just beautiful, and it's got amazing views of the water! Do you think we could get into one of the hotels on the beach?"

Her question was met with a relatively loud snore. Scowling, Misty reached over and shook her companion's shoulder. "Ash, wake up!"

The raven haired male awoke with a jolt, his shoulders stiffening as he separated himself from his seat. Settling down, Ash blinked a few times and glanced over at Misty, smiling sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about that."

Misty, in turn, gave her own smile, this one sympathetic. "It's alright. I know this is a pretty long flight."

Ash nodded his head before looking over his other shoulder, towards the window. "What were you trying to tell me?"

"I was just thinking about a few of the places I want to visit while we're in Kalos," Misty replied, happy that Ash had followed up with her. "I'm sure you're not surprised, but most of them are near the water."

Ash chuckled and turned his attention back onto her. "Sounds about right! I'll make sure you get to see everything you want, Mist."

Giggling softly, Misty leaned over and gave Ash a quick kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush. He and Misty had been dating for a little while at that point, but he still wasn't used to public displays of affection; even ones as innocent as that.

When the plane finally landed, Ash and Misty collected their carry ons from the overhead bin and proceeded to exit the plane and head towards baggage claim. The airport was quite busy, but Misty had noticed that ever since they'd gotten off the plane, Ash appeared to be distracted, as though he were looking for something.

"You okay?" She asked, only somewhat teasingly.

"Huh?" Ash murmured, stilling his head from turning side to side to look strictly at Misty. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine."

Misty raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything else. They made it down to baggage claim and, as they waited for their luggage by the belt, Ash continued looking around. Misty was about to ask him what he was doing (she knew he had to be up to something), but she didn't have a chance before his head stopped and his eyebrows raised.

"Can you stay here and wait for the bags?" Ash asked, turning towards his girlfriend.

"Sure…" Misty trailed off. "But why?"

A bright smile etched its way onto Ash's face. "You'll see in a minute."

Once again, Misty's follow up question was cut off, this time by Ash bolting. Pikachu, who had initially been sitting between the couple's feet, instead chose to climb up onto Misty's shoulder. The redhead smirked and scratched the mouse behind his ears, idly commenting, "I wish I knew what he was up to. He's got to be acting all secretive for a reason." Thinking about it for a moment, Misty grinned and added, "Maybe it's a special surprise! Like an excursion or something like that."

"Pika," Pikachu squeaked.

"Hey guys! Look who's here!"

Misty looked up, and her face immediately went blank. Ash had returned, this time with someone else in tow.


For what it was worth, the honey blonde looked just as thrown off as Misty, and Ash was completely oblivious to it all.

Clearing her throat, Misty smiled weakly and offered a cordial, "hi, Serena."

The Kalos native returned Misty's delicate grin. "Nice to see you again, Misty."

Pikachu, who could sense the awkwardness unlike his trainer, shifted his eyes between the two female trainers. Hoping to ease some of the tension, Pikachu hopped off of Misty's shoulder and into Serena's arms, happily greeting the performer.

"Hi there, Pikachu!" Serena giggled.

The electric mouse squeaked and began pointing towards the far wall, where there were some water fountains. "Oh, are you thirsty? I can take you to get some water, if that's alright with Ash!"

Ash beamed and nodded his head. "Yeah, go for it!"

Serena nodded just once before walking off with Pikachu. Once she was out of earshot, Misty turned towards Ash and shot him a glare. "Seriously?!"

Ash appeared surprised by Misty's attitude. "What?"

"Why did you invite Serena?!"

The raven haired trainer frowned. "I thought you and Serena were friends now."

"We are," Misty replied with a sigh. She was telling the truth. Sure, she and Serena had gotten off to a bit of a rocky start; both were jealous of the other, with Serena realizing Ash and Misty were a couple, and Misty finding out Serena had been Ash's first kiss. They had been able to get past those issues, however, and had actually become friendly with one another. "That's not the problem."

"Then what is it?" Ash asked, inclining his head.

Misty nervously shifted her weight to one side before replying, "I thought this was almost going to be like…a vacation. For just the two of us."

A blush suddenly spread across Ash's face. "Oh."

"I understand if you want to meet up with our friends, but I wish you'd given me a heads up," Misty continued.

Ash nodded his head. "I guess I should've. I'm sorry, Misty. I was thinking it'd be a nice surprise, but I get where you're coming from."

Misty smiled at her boyfriend. "I appreciate that." Realization suddenly hitting her, Misty shiftily added, "I think I need to make my own apology to Serena. She probably thought I was unhappy to see her. That wasn't a great reaction to have."

"Nah, no way she thinks that!" Ash reassured. "In fact, I'll go let her know right now while you wait for the bags!"

Misty was about to say she could do it for herself, but Ash was gone before she could get the words out. He jogged over to Serena and Pikachu, who were just finishing up at the water fountain. As soon as Ash came into Serena's vision, the blonde lifted her head and shot Ash a glare not dissimilar to the one Misty had given him.

"Now what?" Ash groaned to himself, skidding to a halt.

"Ash, why did you invite me here?!" Serena hissed. "Misty obviously wasn't expecting me! She probably thought this was going to be a romantic vacation for the two of you!"

Ash blinked hard. "Can you guys use telepathy with one another or something like that?"

Serena huffed, choosing not to answer that question. "I've got to get out of here so you two can be alone."

"No, not yet!" Ash cried, much to Serena's confusion. "I mean…Misty is fine with you being here. She's fine with seeing Clemont and Bonnie too! She just wishes I had told her first."

Serena's deadpan expression perfectly complimented her haughty, "there's an idea."

Ash pouted. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. I messed up. But now that she knows, this little trip can be romantic and have our friends involved!"

The blonde sighed and shook her head, striding past Ash. "You sure know how to save yourself."

Missing the sarcasm in her voice, Ash proudly saluted the back of Serena's head before running after her. They were soon back with Misty, who by then had retrieved her and Ash's luggage from the belt.

"Ready to go?" Misty asked, looking between Ash and Serena with a smile on her face. The mood was far more comfortable now.

"Yep!" Ash confirmed, grabbing the handle of his bag. "Off to Lumiose Gym!"

Serena and Misty both smirked and rolled their eyes at the same time. As they trailed behind Ash, Misty looked over at Serena and apologized. "I'm sorry for acting unfriendly before. I don't want you to think I was unhappy to see you."

Serena shook her head. "Don't worry about it! I know you were expecting to be alone with Ash. It's his fault for not picking up on that. Or talking to you about meeting up with me, Clemont, and Bonnie first."

Misty's smirk widened, and a mischievous glint went off in her eyes. "You know, I think you and I are more alike than people realize."

Serena giggled and gently inclined her head. "Hey, I think that's a compliment!"

"What're you guys talking about?"

Misty and Serena looked up, realizing Ash was peering at them over his shoulder. The girls exchanged looks before giggling together, earning more bewilderment from Ash.

"Don't worry about it!" They chimed together.

Ash hummed nervously and turned his eyes down towards Pikachu. "That tells me I should definitely worry about it."