The final part of my ITT story...
Henry signaled everyone to be quiet as they rose to their feet and whispered for them to remain in the room for the moment. While he knew they all wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible, Henry could not resist wanting to shock Joey with what he had accomplished. Henry entered the kitchen with Bendy following silently behind him. Joey was there as expected, his back to them as he finished the dishes.
"You're even early than I was expecting…" Joey commented, though he still didn't turn around yet. "Are you going out of your way to try and impress me now with a new shortcut or just sprinting through everything?"
"Well I managed to convince Allison and Tom to skip locking me in their safe house," Henry commented with a growing grin. "And of course Bendy's Lair took no time at all."
Joey stiffened after hearing Henry. Now… Henry had talked to him times before, he had questioned Joey, raged at him, begged to be free, but for the longest time, he was just silent. But what really worried Joey was Henry had said about skipping portions of Joey's script. It shouldn't be possible and Henry could just be bluffing, but Henry sounded way too confident for it to be a bluff.
"Now what do you mean by that Henry?" Joey began, trying to keep his cool as he turned around. Joey let our and alarmed gasp and stumbled back, bracing himself against the counter behind him. Standing behind Henry was the abomination he so despised. The failure that doomed his studio and destroyed his hard work and dreams.
"H-how..?" Joey stuttered, hovering between fearful and rage. How is that monster here? He made sure that none of those piles of ink could ever escape! He orchestrated it for that mockery of what should have been his greatest creation was to be destroyed over and over. How could it be here?!
"Bendy is no longer under your control," Henry replied smugly, enjoying Joey's shocked face. "He is no longer the villain you forced him to be. Instead, we worked together to break the loop you trapped us in and we're not the only ones to get out…"
Henry waved to the others and they all came in, crowding around Henry as they glared at Joey. Joey paled at seeing the large group before him. His hard work… his failures… his success… his dreams and ambitions were all laid out in the creatures before him… And Henry had the gall to bring them all here! Henry was supposed to be fixing those mistakes and imperfections… removing them and paving the way for a new and better world… especially since he was getting so close to perfecting the process…
"I don't know what you expect to accomplish by bringing… them… here," Joey sneered, he was going to using far more unflattering names, but he was wary enough of those monsters not to say anything with them so close. "I'm the Creator! I control the Ink Machine! This little show of force means nothing!"
"You have never been a creator!" Henry growled, Bendy, growling as well to emphasize Henry's. "You've only manipulated and use others to further your own goals. Well, you won't be able to manipulate us anymore. And as for the Ink Machine… Bendy?"
Bendy's grin widened and gained a predatory edge. Joey began to tremble slightly in fear, but the Ink Demon turned away from him and went to the other room where the Ink Machine was visible. Bendy lifted up his hand and clawed the machine, ripping it apart.
"Wait! No! Stop!" Joey said, anger flaring as he stumbled forward. He was so close to creating the perfect world! One that he had complete control over! He couldn't let that abomination ruin it! He didn't get very far when Allison stepped forward.
"Don't even think about it!" She warned, holding her sword out threateningly. Joey had no choice but to watch as the Ink Demon reduced the machine to scrap metal, the sputtering ink being absorbed into the demon's form. Once Bendy was satisfied with his work, he returned to Henry's side.
"We're leaving now Joey," Henry said coldly, glaring at the man he can't believe he ever considered a friend. "Don't you ever even think about contacting me ever again. I'm not someone you can call on to clean up your messes, and they are no longer your concern."
"You're going to regret this Henry!" Joey glared, though he made no attempt to stop them from heading towards the door.
"The only regret I have was that I couldn't have freed everyone sooner," Henry replied, not even giving Joey a glance. The group left Joey's house, pausing to just enjoy the sight of the blue sky and feeling the sun on their faces.
"Come on," Henry said, finally herding the others away. "We should get out of here."
It took a little time, but they eventually found Henry's van hidden in the back. It took a little work, but they got it started and they all crowded in. It was a very tight squeeze, but no one complained, not even Alice. They were just so relieved to be out of the studio that they didn't care. It took several hours to get to Henry's home, arriving a while after the sun had set. Henry smiled in relief as he walked up to his door. He has no idea how long it's been since he's been home and he couldn't wait to see Linda… He unlocked the door and headed inside, leaving it open for all his companions to come through.
"Who's there!" Henry heard his wife shout from the kitchen. She came out, holding her double-sided rolling pin at the ready but stopped when she spotted Henry.
"H-henry..?" Linda said in shock, her hand falling limp and letting the rolling pin drop to the floor. Henry wasted no time in stepping up to her and pulling her into a hug.
"It's me, Linda," Henry said, assuring both himself and her as tears flowed freely. "I'm finally home…"
"I knew you weren't dead! I knew it!" Linda cried in joy, holding onto Henry tightly. "Oh, darling… I'm so glad you're finally home… I've missed you so…"
"I missed you too…" Henry breathed, enjoying her warmth. It was at this point that Bendy apparently decided he wanted to share the happiness and joined in the hug. Linda stiffened slightly and pulled back enough to finally notice everyone else that now occupied her home.
"Henry..?" Linda asked in shock, unsure what to make of the strange group.
"It's a long story…" Henry smiled tiredly. "On that should wait to morning…"
"Alright…" Linda replied slowly. She wanted to hear everything, but she could see that Henry was exhausted so she could wait for her questions to be answered. Henry was home and that was enough for her.
There were a lot of people to find sleeping places for and some defiantly felt uncomfortable about sharing rooms. Allison and Tom ended up sharing with one of the guest rooms while Sammy and Norman got another. Alice was lucky enough to get a room by herself. The Butcher gang piled up on the couch while Bendy curled up on Henry's large armchair. Boris seemed happy enough with the floor, though he did accept a pillow and blanket. Once everyone was settled, Henry went to bed, holding his wife close to remind himself that she was real…
The next morning was surprisingly peaceful as Henry and Linda made breakfast for everyone, or at least those that could eat right now. Henry explained everything that happened, holding nothing back from Linda. She listened with patience and sympathy, though he did have to convince her not to go knock Joey around when he was done. She expressed her sympathy for all the former captive creatures and was determined to help them get better.
Then came the long task of Henry doing his best to help fix the twisted forms of those he had freed with the help of Bendy's ink. There was very little he could do for Norman, but between him and Tom, Henry was able to get Norman's speaker working so that he could talk. Henry was able to help Sammy look more like a human cartoon character, though he did still have dark splotches on his skin. He was able to help Tom look more human though, he still had several wolfish features.
The Butcher gang weren't too hard to help fix up, but it took a while because they had so many wounds. He was happy that he was able to restore their bodies, though scars did remain. Now Henry offered to help Alice become more human-like she used to be, but she refused. She insisted that she wanted to be more Alice like so Henry eventually gave in and made her more toon like. Bendy was eventually able to gain a smaller toon form as well, though he could not stay on model for long. Instead, he ended up with a form that was a mix of his ink demon form and his cartoon counterpart and he seemed happy with it.
Henry came down the stairs a few days after he finished the several weeks spent fixing everyone up, at least on the surface. Henry knew it would be a long time before everyone's mental and emotional scars would heal as well. Henry found Bendy watching the sunset out the window as seemed to have become a habit for the little ink demon.
"Enjoying yourself their buddy?" Henry said as he joined Bendy at the window, rubbing between the toon's horns. Bendy nodded and let out a small purr. Henry chuckled and looked out the window as well. It was beautiful as the sun painted the sky in many bright colors. It still filled Henry with wonder to see how colorful the world was again and he knew Bendy felt the same. Every day was a new beginning filled with its own challenges and adventures and Henry wouldn't have it any other way. Bendy's hand soon found Henry's and Henry gave it a light squeeze. No matter what came at them now, they were in this together…
The main story might be over, but I still have plans for my ITT au. Don't worry, Bendy and the others will be back. Maybe sooner than you know...