Full Summary: Apparently, having previously survived two decades in a world crawling with zombies was a good training experience for his next life as a ninja. Who would've known? Note the sarcasm. [OC Reincarnated as Nohara Rin's twin brother. M/M]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, obviously ༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽ although I do wish for it ~

Please read the WARNING below as I am only putting this in chapter one. Thanks.

My OC came from an apocalyptic background; a dystopian world. Hence, his definition of normal is pretty skewed.

If you are uncomfortable with the act of human selfishness, greed, and extreme violence, then this is not the story for you. if you are also uncomfortable with my OC (someone who clawed his way through mountains of dead bodies on a daily basis for even the slightest chance of survival) being a 'child prodigy', then this is not the story for you. If you take the dark humor or disturbing narrative I write way too seriously, then please, I implore that you press the back button. I love creative writing because its just fiction. Based on imagination.

There might or might not be mentions of cannibalism, rape, anarchy, and other taboo-ed subjects that I am too lazy to list out. But, you know, just those usual things that people do and say when there's literally no law/justice/government to tell you otherwise. My OC also has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Extreme Paranoia, Psychosis, Depression, Insomnia and many other issues associated with war veterans. So expect many flashbacks that could be triggering.

You have been forewarned, so please, spare me the "You sick mother****r! I thought this story was a good read at first, but I'm dropping it! Who in their right minds would be ok with XYZ?! Burn in hell ***** (ノ`□´)ノ⌒┻━┻" comments/PMs if you aren't the type who likes to watch the world burn for no apparent reason other than your own twisted amusement.

UnknownRegion ~ (๑ゝڡ◕๑)

Liam has never believed in the theory of heaven or hell after death - least of all reincarnation. In fact, he wholeheartedly believes that once somebody dies with their head intact, they would turn into a rotting meat sack that craves nothing but the flesh of humans; which was pretty much an accurate description of the reality he grew up with.

He was a person whose childhood consisted of scavenging for consumables, drifting from one area to another, and neverending battles. Despite how bleak the description of his early years sounded, he was actually considered those few lucky ones who were young enough to adapt to the beginning of the apocalypse, yet still developed and smart enough to survive till adulthood.

But those stories were for another day.

At the present time, Liam was mentally preparing himself to be expelled from a person's womb. It took him a quite some time to figure out that this dark and tight space was actually the inside of a human being (or at least he hoped it was a human. He would off himself the second it turned out he was the child of a zombie). But when he did, he simply felt... tired. Not happy or sad or any other strong emotions at the prospect of gaining a second chance at life. Just tired.

Living twenty years with the undead was tiring. Avoiding anything that moves was tiring. Being cautious of everyone was tiring. Constant vigilance was tiring. Eating dry rations on good days and starving on bad days was tiring. Everything was tiring.

And that pretty much summed up his entire nine months inside the womb; with him having accepted his death and just tired of this second life he has yet to live.

Also, the experience of being pushed out of a vagina was something he dearly wished to never experience ever again; he would rather just vanish after death (or not retain his memories). The first thing he did upon gracing the earth was to take in a deep breath... and continued to breathe like normal.

What? Newborns would usually cry the second they leave the womb? Not if he wanted to live another day.

Despite having been reincarnated into a new body, the instinct to never cry out was drilled deeply into his very soul. After all, the loud ones (herbivores) were always the first to perish. After two decades of living through a world where the undead roamed the earth, where humans were at the near bottom of the food pyramid, he would be an utter imbecile to attract unwanted attention to his person.

Now that he was young again and obviously very dependent on the two who contributed their DNA to form this new body of his, he would do his best to not become a burden - lest they discard him and allow those rotting bastards to eat him alive. Again.

Once was more than enough, thank you very much.

It was a pretty shite way to go if he was being honest, but he had already prepared for this tragically painful ending since he was a kid. Kinda ironic that the first time he saw a zombie, they were eating someone alive, and the last he saw a zombie, a horde of them were eating him alive.

Actually, scratch that.

In a way, it was quite a humorous way to go. Much better than being made into a human jerky by his fellow homo sapiens, at the very least. Now that would be very excruciating and sardonic for him.

The last person Liam had coincidentally encountered before his own demise was a middle-aged woman. She had been made into emergency rations and was missing three limbs and a breast. She even told him quite ruefully that the guy who had captured her for what seemed to be months had forced her to eat her own meat to prevent her from starving.

... Not that she seemed repulsed by the idea.

Apparently, she also informed him in descriptive details that she tasted quite delicious and filling. They both had a good (noiseless) laugh over the description of how she had vomited the first few times but eventually ended up looking forward to her next meal time anyway.

Liam had left the omnivore shortly to her fate after getting directions from her. She was also kind enough to point him to the weapons' shack - saying that there was plenty of steel in there. It was too bad he didn't get the chance to use his newly obtained katana in battle.

With a sigh, he ignores the blurry giants that were now wiping the fluids off of him with their ginormous hands, more keen on checking his surroundings for danger despite the lack of proper vision. He didn't mind their muffled voices washing over him.

He did, however, wish that they would hurry with their cleaning. Blood attracts those rotting bastards far too quickly - their sense of smell phenomenal despite their decaying bodies.

Hopefully, the people here were in a secured location when the woman went into labor.

Before Liam could succumb to his newborn body's tiredness, his dull hearing picked up a baby's piercing shriek - much to his growing horror. Knowing that his fate was literally in the hands of these adults around him, he sincerely hopes whoever was nearest to that screaming baby would put it out of its misery before it could further compromise his safety.

He didn't know how long he tries to mentally convey his wishes to them, but when the baby's cry was abruptly cut off, he sighs in relief (a freshly killed body was a good resource to have if one wanted to temporarily set up a campsite). Though that relief turned to alarm when something was pushed forcefully against his lips. Liam fought a difficult battle against the thing, but it was all for naught. The instincts to survive by any means necessary was also carved deeply into his soul.

His lips latched onto the thing (a nipple?) and gulped the fluids with the ferocity of a starved zombie - feeling equal disgust and comfort at the sensation of sustenance settling in his stomach.

Liam closes his eyes in defeat as he, once again, accepts his lack of independence and freedom of choice. He would need to endure a few years, just until he was strong and fast enough to win against a pack of zombies. Until then, he would accept any outcome as it was literally out of his hands.

At least he was born human and not one of them rotting bastards.

Liam - although his DNA donors persisted in calling him Ryoukun - felt displaced.

During his first week as a newborn, he was constantly jumpy due to the loud baby the adults stupidly kept. The thing was noisy and a safety hazard, yet nobody discarded it, much to his confusion. No matter how confident these people were at keeping two vulnerable babies safe from those rotting bastards, Liam learned the hard way that no place on earth was ever considered safe.

But when a week of welfare turned into two. And two into four... Liam calmed his wariness enough to realize that a few somethings were amiss.

For one; the air smells fresh and nice, nothing like the putrid stench of decaying flesh he was constantly exposed to on a daily basis. This meant that they should be far from any cities or housing areas. The second discomforting thing was the contradictorily comfortable bedding he slept on every day. In addition to that oddity, his baby-underwear (that he learned in the future was called a nappy) was always fresh - never once reused.

All evidence points that they were living a pretty easy life compared to his previous one. He would've assumed that the base they were in was somehow doing its job at keeping them safe, but one of the two main things that threw him off was the language.

After the apocalypse, humanity as a whole didn't care much about countries, race, gender, or religion. Language, two decades later, became a barrier everyone overcame by speaking only a single language. It was a necessity. So for the two caretakers to actually speak a different language to what everyone else was speaking... it baffled him.

Back then, he was way too young to retain any learnings from the pre-apocalyptic world, hence he was pretty much oblivious to the previous cultures and countries that existed. Knowledge was power, and for him who could not even understand their very words... it made him skittish. Unpredictability was not considered a good thing.

Liam, despite survival being keyed into his very soul, didn't actually fear death. What he feared the most was what followed after - which was his corpse turning into a rotting meat sack that craves human flesh. His current reincarnation might just be a one-time thing (hopefully). So, yes, he was desperately absorbing the language they spoke as much as possible.

All because he wanted- no, needed to learn about his current situation. About this base, especially. He needed to know more about his living area and the community in order to feel safe (or hightail out of here as soon as he turns five). A healthy dose of mistrust and being a lone wolf has kept him alive for over two decades. He didn't know how else to live.

The final oddity that left him feeling displaced was the weird energy, the Warmth he constantly feels located around his belly button area.

It had freaked him out at first, of course, his fear of becoming one of them (those that spat acid every thirty-three seconds to be more specific) almost causing him to kill himself by asphyxiation. Thankfully, decades of survival instincts forced his mind to calm the fuck down and think logically.

There was absolutely no fucking way he could have been one of them baby-Zs. He has encountered numerous baby zombies over the years and those beasts all had the strength of an adult male. Their dexterity and flexibility were inhumane as well. Furthermore, they do not actually need to breathe; what with being an undead and all that.

Currently, this body of his was lacking so much in coordination it hurt to even think about it. He doubted very much that he could crawl the ceilings effortlessly like them. Oh, and he needed to breathe, obviously. In addition to that, his egg-donor kept shoving her boobs in his face - they were soft and not decomposing, another sign that they were alive.

Hence, he started to experiment with this Warmth since he had nothing better to do than eat and shite. It flowed throughout his body like blood, so Liam assumes that they were important in keeping him alive. And despite that, he cared not if he blew himself into pieces if his experiments failed.

He prodded them constantly, always wondering what would happen if he voluntarily guided the Warmth towards his limbs or his eyes or any other parts of his body.

The result of his experiments was actually fruitful. For one, it enhanced his senses to a shocking degree (especially his vision), making eavesdropping on conversations easier. Another positive was that the Warmth strengthened his muscles and bones. It gave him some leeway to coordinate his limbs better, and he was able to lift his head despite only being a month old.

The only downside was that the Warmth ran out of juice quite quickly after a few seconds of actively using it. It was, however, still very useful. He wished he had this Warmth back in his previous body. It would've made fighting less complicated and more injuries-free.

Hmm... Maybe the Warmth could be used to accelerate his innate healing rate? Food for thought.

Five months after becoming 'Ryou-kun' (he discovered that the -kun was not a part of his name. Just something attached at the back and having no apparent purpose), he was finally able to understand the language somewhat. It was as they say; never underestimate a cornered zombie. The first few months were horrible, though. Why did this language have so many different ways to refer to oneself?

Watashi. Watakushi. Atashi. Atai. Ore. Boku.

And those were just the ones he knew. What if there were more...?

Ryou (because he has accepted that this body was not Liam anymore) was frightened at the possibility. After all, even their 'you's had a lot of variations. Furthermore, he still hasn't matched any word with 'zombie' just yet. Why these herbivorous caretakers never seem to concern themselves with those rotting bastards remained a mystery till this very day.

Anyway, the point was that he was still learning.

But from his current understanding of the language, he learned that the noisy baby that always cried was his... twin-sister. He didn't know how to feel about that - but he put that fact aside uncomfortably for now since she was still too weak to do him any harm. In the future, however, he would no doubt be extremely wary of this sister of his (for now, she was in the undetermined category).

Children who were born now were more dangerous than adults (and older people). Sometimes, those in Liam's generation were killed due to underestimating the young ones. Liam, who was considered to be in generation Pre-A, always threatened anybody younger than he to fuck off from his sights.

... Although he got the same treatment sometimes due to his young age. After all, he was considered a rarity.

Not many children below the age of ten were able to survive the first five years of the apocalypse. But he, a five-year-old at that point in time, was able to despite all odds. Hence, for anybody younger than Liam, everyone needed to assume that they were born after the apocalypse and thus dangerous.

They had to. It was a requirement to remain vigilant at all times, especially against a family member. 9 out of 10 times, when someone got pregnant, it was with an ulterior motive.

After all, he has seen many cases where families used each other as bait or food. It was a pretty common sight, to be honest. And Ryou, for one, was thankful that his previous set of parents were dead from the get-go. Now that he has another set... He would be sure to plan their demise before they could plan his (after fully utilizing all their uses, of course), no matter how non-hostile they were currently.

But for now, he was powerless against them.

When Rin - the twin - grasps his shirt with her chubby fingers, he aimed a pudgy fist at her equally pudgy hand. However, due to how uncoordinated and weak his limbs were (he was unfortunately out of Warmth-juice), he only manages to hit himself in the chest. Ryou grimaces at the slight throb and made a mental note to train up his pain tolerance again.

For now, he could do nothing but roll away from the little menace's flailing paws (insert shudder here).

"Ryou-kun~ Say tou-chan, to-u-cha-n," Ryou hid a sneer behind his hand as his herbivorous sperm donor, Nohara Reo, continues to use that infuriating baby-speak at him from his place on the couch.

Ryou loathes it. He could understand better if the man articulates properly.

"Tou-chan!" Rin squeals noisily beside him like a demented piglet.

The man with the brown hair and eyes smiled in absolute glee as he picks the twelve-month-old babe and spun her around in circles. Ryou ignores the two father and child pair, more concerned about his future plans to escape this horrible place.

Despite them staying in a very clean and maintained house (permanently? Temporarily?), he feels uncomfortable with how the windows were not sealed by two-by-fours and how the entrances were not reinforced with spikes, traps, and barbwires. There were also no weapons on standby in the case of raiders and zombies.

And that kind of unprepared incompetence got people killed.

Ryou may be indifferent about his life, but if it was possible for him to remain alive, why would he choose death? Mistakes made by one's own stupidity should be avoided at all costs. This was why he couldn't stand people who had become complacent after a short period of 'peace'.

"That's my little girl! Who's the smartest and cutest girl of them all? You~ It's you, Rin-chan~" Reo continues to coo as he hugged Rin to his chest and sat on the colorful mat Ryou was brooding at - and it wasn't by choice that the mentally 25-year-old was there and not inside a wardrobe or cabinet somewhere.

He preferred those kinds of places; out of sight meant out of danger.

"Kaa-chan whe'e?" The brunette tilted her head in query, brown eyes wide open as she gazes at their caretaker. The girl and man looked alike; right down to their purple, rectangular discoloration on both their cheeks. Rin's appeared two months after their birth, as if someone had inked her face. They were odd to Ryou, but he shrugged it off. He had seen weirder.

On the other hand, Ryou found it humorous that the man was so unguarded around someone from generation Beta. If he was in Rin's position, he would've had plenty of opportunities to slit Reo's throat, or with the help of the Warmth, punch it and allow the airway to collapse.

It was too bad that all the cooking knives were stored inside the high cupboards (Ryou grudgingly admits that the two herbivores did have a brain in them for keeping blades away from the two youngins) and that Ryou was too young to survive on his own just yet.

"Kaa-chan is making lunch. Are you hungry, my little princess?" The little girl shrieks with laughter as her tummy was tickled.

Ryou twitches, and in his imagination, smothers her with a pillow. He did have to wonder why the man and the woman were not enforcing Rin to remain absolutely silent, however. That was the most basic training the children from generation Alpha and Beta obtained.

In contradiction, the caretakers did their very best to make her scream and laugh. They also tried to do so with him, but he tolerated their poking and prodding and kept his silence. He made it a test of endurance, to see who gave up first. He always wins.

"Un! Hungwy, hungwy! Nii-chan hungwy?" The unwanted pest wobbles away from their male caretaker and pounces on him.

Before she could manage to land on him, however, Ryou drops onto his back and rolled.

With a straight face, he continued to roll and roll and roll away from the little girl who was chasing after him with a pair of unnervingly determined eyes (it made him shudder). He knew that he was not fast enough to escape her grasp without the help of his Warmth, so rolling became a habit of his until he was balanced enough to run without falling.

Their antics made a loud bark of laughter escape Reo's lips, but Ryou ignores the twinge of annoyance in favor of making a tactical retreat once his body hits the couch. He altogether misses how Reo had snatched the little menace and carried her with one arm, all the whilst shooting fond gazes at his son's back as the latter struggled to squeeze under the couch.

Just before Ryou could fully enter his hiding spot, his legs were grabbed and he was pulled and lifted onto his male caretaker's unused arm. Reluctantly, he fisted the man's shirt in order to stabilize and keep himself from falling.

"Kaa-chan! Eat, eat!" The girl cheers happily as she was placed into her high chair. Ryou was next, but not before Reo planted his lips on his chubby cheeks - which made him idly smack the man's face away. It was too much of a common occurrence for Ryou to care anymore.

"Hai. Itadakimasu," Nohara Momo, a woman with black hair and eyes, smiles at her daughter as she sets the table.

"Itadawkmashu!" Rin repeats, completely butchering the word.

"I-ta-da-ki-ma-su, Rin-chan."

Completely ignoring the girl's second attempt, Ryou frowns at his lunch; minced fruits, vegetables, and meats, all divided equally into small portions on his plastic plate. It wasn't that he was unhappy with the choices - more like he was much too used to dry rations like biscuits and instant noodles.

Despite how tiring it was to always forage for food, he became used to them early in Liam's life. Even though he was in a new body, it felt like his taste buds and limited appetite had followed him through his reincarnation.

It felt as if all the food he was given were too flavourful to him (the first time his female caretaker fed him solid foods, he vomited everything). But Ryou was never a picky eater. He has eaten everything before. Everything. So he grabbed a broccoli and gnawed on it sullenly - completely missing the two adults' exchanging amused looks.

"Reo-san. Is he making any progress?"

Ryou might not look like it, but he paid his full attention to all the conversations in this house - a habit of his, especially when the two adults began talking about him as if he weren't there.

"I'm afraid not. He hasn't spoken a word yet - but Ryou-kun, I believe, does understand us. He's only having trouble communicating back. Don't worry, love. If this continues, I'll book an appointment with a pediatrician."


"I'm sure he's just shy. Oh! And he did his rolling thing again-"

Ryou listens quietly as the two adults continue to talk about mundane things and sometimes about his refusal to speak (he didn't know why. Everyone preferred to be silent. They were the odd ones, not him), all the whilst nibbling on his food and alternatively keeping his eyes on the kitchen's entrance and windows.

Ryou was completely tensed, muscles pulled taut as he hid behind a tree, out of sight as he swirled his head left to right and back again. His dark eyes were narrowed as he took in his surroundings; at the fresh-looking passerbys, at the pristine buildings, and for any signs of zombies.

However, no matter how long he searches for danger, he could see none. And that should be an impossibility. All he could see were herbivorous children playing with each other, women chattering without showing any signs of hostility, and people parkouring the roofs every so often.

It was eerie.

And Ryou... Ryou was spooked by the abnormality of it all.

Never before has he seen such a clean city with such healthy-looking people residing in it. There were no corpses or blood littering the streets, the sky wasn't greenish-black, and everyone had smiles on their faces. It freaks him out.

It was too peaceful.

And from his previous experiences, that was considered a bad thing.

Although he found himself doubting reality nowadays more often than not. It has already been three fucking years since his reincarnation, yet he has not heard any screaming or warnings about zombies breaking into the neighborhood.

If that wasn't creepy and suspicious, Ryou would eat his own hand. There was just something... off about this entire place. Was he even on the same planet? If he was, then where were the plagues? Where was the famine? Where was the extreme weather changes? Where were the undead humans and animals? Where was the fucking death of it all?

Where the fuck was he?!

And he would find out today. After all, after much effort from his female caretaker (he was beginning to hate her more and more), he was finally forced out of the house and to the 'Uchiha district's playground'; wherever that was and whatever that meant.

Usually, Ryou would hide the second she began preparing lunches to leave the house with the little menace. Ryou felt that he was too young to survive any ambushes just yet, so he had made it a habit to disappear from their sights until he was sure it was only his male caretaker and him left in the house.

But just this morning after breakfast, before he could even react, he was swooped into the woman's arms and carried out of the house with the little menace toddling after them.

Currently, his twin was screeching like a banshee with a black-haired boy, chasing each other into exhaustion. Ryou felt exhausted just by looking at them. So the second he was released, he had dived for the bushes.

Not knowing what else to do, he occasionally scans his surroundings as he exercised his Warmth, preparing to use it at a moment's notice. And that was half an hour ago.


At the woman's familiar voice, he turned his gaze at her, waiting expectantly for her orders. When she said nothing further, only staring at him blankly from her place on the benches, he returned to scanning the streets for zombies. As soon as he did, however, he heard her sigh.

"May I know what you are doing, Ryou-kun? Kaa-san worries that something is wrong. You're behaving oddly - more so than usual."

He said nothing.

A herbivore like her wouldn't understand his reasoning. She has no callouses on her palms, no scars, no hard muscles - nothing that painted her as a survivor. Only a leech. And Ryou (Liam) loathed leechers.

"Why don't you go play with your sister, Ryou-kun? Look there - she has a friend; his name is Obito-kun. I'm sure the three of you will get along nicely."

Ryou didn't bother looking at where she pointed, which made her already strained smile turn constipated.

After a few more minutes of silence, the woman sighed once again. When she came closer, practically looming over him with her size, and reaches out to carry him, Ryou's mind turned blank. He reacted completely on instincts, his lips curling into a snarl as his eyes flashed with fear.

He may be small, but compared to someone who had not clawed through mountains of corpses for her own survival or even train on a daily basis, he was many times more dangerous.

His Warmth, without his say so, surged through his limbs as he backrolled away from her whilst kicking a leg at her outstretched hand. He would have usually allowed the woman to touch and/or carry him due to this body's young age dependency, but with how high strung his nerves were right now... it was just a bad idea to loom over him.

The many memories of how adults would hit and throw him around whilst Liam was still a child trying to survive on his own were still vivid to this day. It made him defensive.

The crack of bones breaking followed by pained screaming made him feel calmer. Those sounds were practically his lullaby, something finally normal. The many sleepless nights were exhausting to his young body, but hearing something so intimately familiar causes his eyes to curve in happy crescents.

He was, for the first time in three years, sleepy because he felt at ease and not because his body demands for it.

However, before he could enjoy this unexpected pleasure, a group of people suddenly landed in a circle around him and his caretaker. They were all tall and menacing, weapons out and ready to kill at a moment's notice. Ryou immediately put his back against a tree's trunk, not wanting anybody to stab him in the back whilst unaware.

Finally, after a moment of stillness with only his female caretaker's pained and heavy breathing, one of the masked carnivores stepped forward and crouched in front of the woman.

"Ma'am. I know a few medical jutsu. Would you allow me to heal your wrist?" The person's voice was obviously altered by some kind of voice modifier. Ryou was instantly preparing for the worse. It was never a good sign when someone made an effort to hide their identity.

"Y-yes," His caretaker wiped her tears and extended a trembling hand at the masked person. They held her offered hand, and much to Ryou's amazement, a green glow appeared. Within minutes, the swelling had reduced in size.

Ryou wonders if that was the result of pushing the Warmth out of the body with intentions to heal. He knew that he could heal himself internally by circulating and concentrating his Warmth to an area, but this made him open his eyes to newer possibilities.

Before Ryou could go into deeper thoughts, the carnivore spoke again, causing Ryou to internally berate himself whilst he discreetly scans the surroundings for escape routes.

Sadly, the masked people had them completely surrounded. He also noticed that the 'playground' was empty now. Ryou at least hopes that the little menace was kidnapped and made into emergency rations whilst he wasn't paying attention.

"What happened?"

"I-I don't know, ANBU-san. He just- I don't know!" Nohara Momo covers her face with her palms and sobbed, "Why are you being so difficult, Ryou-kun? Why did you kick me? Why, why can't you be more normal like your sister?!"

Again, nothing could be heard but her heavy breathing and wet sobbing. But Ryou could feel eyes on his person. It made him bare his teeth. When the woman saw what he did, she took a step back, her expression familiar. He recognized it from his previous life.

It was the face of someone who was completely terrified of him.

"Ma'am. We are the KMPF. Please give us your full cooperation and come to the precinct with us."

Ryou blinked.

When he surveys his surroundings again, the masked people were gone, replaced by stoic-looking men with dark hair and eyes. They have similar features to his female caretaker. They all wore the same high-collared uniform and had the symbol of a white and red fan sewed on the back of their clothes.

Nohara Momo exhaled a shuddering breath and automatically reaches for the little menace when one of the stoic men carried Rin over. Ryou was disappointed to see her alive.

Now that he was less tensed, he allows his mind to run through all possible theories as he toddled after the woman, making sure to keep his distance (he wasn't sure if she would risk revenge whilst carrying Rin, but he wouldn't chance it. He did, after all, break her wrist. She was now been moved into his 'hostile' category).

He ended up with one conclusion after debating with himself throughout the journey. Ryou had been reincarnated to another earth, planet, or world, and the apocalypse have yet happened judging by the lack of... everything.

What The Fuck.

A/N: Welp. This has been stuck in my head for a very long time. And it just won't go away. So... Yeah. Please tell me your thoughts (*´∀`*)