Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or My Hero Academia. This is very much a My Hero Academia story featuring characters and features of Naruto.

By the time Bakugo walked into class 1-A that morning, he had managed to talk himself into a partial acceptance of his victory at the Sports Festival. It was a mistake that people had held back against him, but in the end, he won the fights and they didn't. He told them he was going to win, and he won.

But it was undeniable that more people were talking about Icyhot and that damned Deku than him, and that's what annoyed him the most. As if they thought either of those two had a chance at being the Number One hero or something. The Sports Festival was a battle, and in a way he won it, but he had his mind on the war.

"Hey, congrats on the win Bakugo!" Spiky Hair said to him, making him divert his glare.

"Didn't win a damned thing, you damn idiot." Just because he personally accepted a small victory didn't mean he'd confess it. He sat at his desk, grabbing the textbooks they would probably be needing out of his backpack and then just sat there silently. Why couldn't some people just accept their mediocrity and leave him out of their lives instead of trying to drag him down with them? Any moron who wasn't severely brain-damaged would realize that it was not a real victory if his opponent had not been going full-strength, but the supporting characters were not exactly the smartest people. And Spiky Hair was one of the least annoying classmates, he reminded himself with a groan.

"No need to be so hostile" Frog said, getting his attention on her.

"You think that's hostile! I'll show you hostile!"

"Bah, don't worry about it Tsuyu, it's just Bakugo's way of showing us that he cares."

"Why the hell would I care about you? Give me one damn reason!" Well, really, Spiky Hair was really not all that bad as far as the students of his class went. It was a bit annoying the way the guy had latched onto him like some kind of parasite but for the most part having him as company helped to keep all the others at bay. And helped reduce the visits to the 'guidance counselor's office'; honestly, more like the 'I washed out in hero training but need to do something to pretend like my existence has meaning' office.

"People just want to congratulate you on winning the Festival. Don't get so uppity." Bakugo just rolled his eyes at Rich Girl; even though she did good in all the tests and academics, he did not see her as much of a threat to the position as top hero. She lacked the physical strength to take care of most fights on her own, especially when she couldn't come up with the perfect situation for her quirk. Even then the girl was way too slow with her quirk to make it that useful. These people weren't worth him wasting his energy, he knew it, but he just could not resist trying to put them in their places. To think, someone like her could get into a school like UA based on recommendations; that really, truly pissed him off.

"Hello class," Mr. Aizawa said from the front of the room, getting everyone's attention. "Needless to say, the Sports Festival was a rousing success for all of you. And I see that everyone has made a full recovery, even Midoriya. It is tradition that, following the Festival, students will choose their hero name and be given a week to work under any professional hero that has sent them an offer. This year, we have received the highest number of offers in school history for one class, though not the highest in total across all classes. We are compiling the offers into a list, for your convenience, and they will be passed out later. Congratulations on making this year's Festival one of our most successful."

As if on cue, and Bakugo felt pretty damn sure there actually was a cue, the hero Midnight entered the class, wearing clothing that would get her fired from any other halfway respectable school in the nation. Most of the other guys seemed to be staring at her as she strutted her hips, while the girls looked away somewhat embarrassed by the display. Absolute brain-dead idiots had no idea how easy it would be for that woman to kill them; damn, it was so pathetic. How the hell were these morons even still alive? Cannon fodder had more purpose and direction than these 'people'!

"Hi everyone, great to see you again," she said with a wink, making him roll his eyes while the rest of the class was undoubtedly further entranced. "The hero name you'll be selecting today may not necessarily be your final one, but most heroes do seem to keep it. There's not really any pressure, besides what pressure you assign to it. Just come up with anything you like, and I'm here to make sure it's appropriate." How ironic, the dominatrix talking about being appropriate. What a joke; who the hell actually even thought about stupid shit like hero names for more than two seconds? He looked over at the nerd and was not at all surprised to see Deku looking at the board they'd been given as if it was some sort of sacred relic that could decide his entire future. Bakugo looked at his for one moment before writing something down.

When Bakugo walked calmly to the front of the room, with his board facing his chest, Midnight and the rest of the class looked at him like something was off. After standing there for a second, he flipped the board, revealing his chosen name.

"King Explosion Murder!" He said, in a yell that was pretty much a literal challenge to any of the students to try to deny his title.

"Hmm… I would suggest going for something different. That's not very heroic." The teacher said, causing Bakugo to roll his eyes then go sit down. Why did he have to do this anyway? It's not like his costume really even hid his identity in the first place. Everybody should know him by his real name!

When the elegant 'Lord Explosion Murder' was also declined, he changed his mind and decided that there was no way they were going to force anything out of him today. Listening to the other students walking up, talking about their inspiration, looking all shy before revealing their brilliant hero names, was torture. It was impossible, literally impossible, for him to care even one small bit less about what a bunch of nobodies he would never hear from after graduation were going to call themselves at the unemployment line. At least, until that damned nerd decided to make his hero name 'Deku,' coming up with all kinds of his own reasons why that was heroic. That pissed him off, and he did not entirely know why, so that pissed him off more, and suddenly his good mood for the day was pretty much blown to pieces.

"I'll kill you Deku!" He shouted, and when Spiky Hair told him to calm down, he threatened to kill that moron too. As if the loss of a couple supporting cast members was going to matter to anyone. Of course the nerd was going with Deku, that was his way of trying to assert his superiority. Who the hell did that loser think he was!

"Now that all of your names are out of the way, at least those who chose names," Aizawa was looking at him, and Bakugo was glaring right back. Aizawa may have been able to erase a quirk with a glance, but that didn't mean Bakugo was willing to lose a glaring contest. "I've received all your offers. There was only one student here who did not receive any, but rest assured, we have plans for such occasions."

Bakugo did not receive a sheet of paper so much as he received a small novella, which he immediately began scanning for the top names and agencies. No way was he going to sign-up for anything other than the strongest hero possible but there was a part of him that was sated by the sheer volume of offers. Looking over, he noticed that Deku was the only person who had not received any offers, probably because the nerd almost killed himself every time he fought. Rather than feeling happy about the loser having no offers, though, it actually made him angrier because it meant another way that Deku was oh-so special. Probably was gonna get special training from All Might or something instead, and the thought made Bakugo grit his teeth a bit. .

It was so obvious that the damn Nerd got special attention from All Might; anyone with half a brain would notice it easily. Naturally, that meant Bakugo was the only one to really pick up on it in his class. He didn't quite know why yet; he knew that, in the beginning, any question would just be answered by saying it was a teacher helping out one of the last-placed students in the class. But here they were, damn Deku getting stronger and stronger but the increased attention from All Might not going anywhere. Ignoring that for now, he looked down at the agency information.

Most of the names were meaningless, worthless drabble. Heroes or agencies who could only dream for him to actually accept their offer, in the vague hope that they would be more notable for it. At first, he was sure that he was going to go with Best Jeanist, since that guy was the highest ranking hero who had given him an offer. There was, however, one other name that caught his attention, in particular due to how little he actually knew about it. The hero was pretty well known for never backing down from a fight against villains and for winning even when outnumbered. Of course, everyone would give him the typical 'oh, it's not about winning, it's about the civilians, it's about helping, it's about' and all that nonsense, and of course, they would just forget that All Might had never lost a fight and had saved more people than anyone else. He'd dare them to say that All Might was not a hero because of that, he'd kill them in an instant.

Everybody always wanted to assert their belief that 'heroes focus on the rescue first and foremost' but he never bought into that bullshit. Number One, it was an obvious weak spot for villains to exploit if they knew a hero would go out of their way to try to rescue any random civilian they could grab and endanger. It was on the news all the time; villains escaping because they held some knife to some idiot's neck, hero's quirk was 'not suited for such a scenario,' and the guy gets away to do it again. Number Two, it really didn't matter if the civilians were rescued anyway if the villain got away to plan something else or succeeded in their goal. All Might didn't let the villains get away; he always defeated them, beat them into a pulp.

He was not very familiar with heroes besides All Might because, when Bakugo became the number one hero, they would not really matter all that much. It didn't concern him what their powers were, what their morals were, any of that stuff, if they weren't number one. While he was tempted to go with Jeanist and call it at that, he didn't want to make the wrong decision, so reluctantly decided he would get a bit more information. And, there was only one nerd who would have it conveniently available. Glancing over, it looked like Deku was having a nervous breakdown.

"Deku!" The rest of the class seemed shocked by Bakugo's sudden outburst, as the blond rose and walked over toward Midoriya's desk, looking like he was one step from exploding. Of course, none of them noticed the way that Midoriya was broken out of his trance of self-doubt. Bakugo stood over the green-haired kid, who had a slight smile on his face even as sweat began to form on it. Honestly, Bakugo couldn't help but wonder if the nerd tried hard in order to look so pathetic, like maybe it was some kind of game.

"Y-yes, Kacchan?"

"Hokage." There was silence in the classroom now, caused by his commotion, but it's not like he cared about it. The nerd just stared at him with this weird look in his eye, like he had no idea what he was talking about, and that made him kind of angry because there's no way there was a hero Deku didn't know about. Bakugo slammed his papers on the desk, showing the two names he had underlined. Best Jeanist and Hokage. "I know you have notes in that nerdbook."

There was a sudden look of understanding in the nerd's eyes, and he calmed down as he began to transition comfortably to his favorite topic of hero discussion. "You got an offer from Best Jeanist? And Hokage too! Wow Kacchan, that's really impressive."

"Hokage!" The rest of the so-called 'students' were looking at him now, probably jealous that they weren't going to get to work with any top heroes or something. Maybe, just maybe, they should start trying to be less pathetic so they would get offers from people who weren't helping old ladies cross the street as their top priority assignment. It's not that he cared about getting offers from these two, not really, because they were not the top hero and that meant there were people better than them. He would be one of them, if he was not already. Morons like his classmates would probably have the audacity to be satisfied if they received offers from some of the most well-known heroes. Losers.

"O-oh, right, Hokage." The nerd flipped through his notebook until eventually he found the name. "Umm… well, the name Hokage is actually associated with a first generation hero. It's safe to say, though, that the person bearing the name has changed several times since their abilities have been different. The forum I'm on, uh, I mean, the people I know" the nerd did that awkward laugh he always did whenever he embarrassed himself by being such a nerd, "most of them put their guesses on the number of heroes that have been Hokage between four and six. Some of them even go into the teens because Hokage has been seen doing a wide variety of techniques that they don't think can be done by one person. A few say it's as low as two, saying that Hokage could just have a very unique quirk that he's passed on from father to son.

His quirk has always been registered as 'Energy manipulation' but uses such a wide variety of attacks that most people think there's more to it than that. In his debut, the first Hokage could make trees grow out of nowhere and he was later seen to fight while running or standing on top of water! But, there's not much video on him overall really. At least, not enough to pinpoint transitions. He doesn't have a known agency and is thought to work alone, but that doesn't make any sense since he's known to show up in a wide variety of places so at least has informants. Umm… what else… oh, he's known to only show up when things seem to be at their worst; some people say it's to make him look better, some people say it's because he doesn't want to step in unless he has to."

"Why is he not in the hero rankings?" Bakugo was not surprised at all at the thorough detail Deku had about one of the more mysterious yet well-known heroes, but the same could not be said for the rest of the classmates who continued to be surprised at Midoriya's note-taking abilities. The thought crossed his mind how they were so infantile in the way they forgot these types of things; it's like his classmates were babies, their mothers held the keys in front of their faces, they found those keys the most interesting things in existence, then the keys were taken away and they forgot they were ever there. It was the only explanation as to how they could be surprised at Deku's nerdiness.

"It's impossible to really say when this Hokage began and the others ended; which footage of him is the current and what's a predecessor. So, I guess they just don't want to include him. But, it's pretty obvious from what we've seen that his strength is in the top five, for sure. Regardless of however many people have used the name Hokage, they have all been incredibly strong."

The entire situation was definitely starting to intrigue him; an incredibly strong hero who only shows up when things are rough and didn't have to worry about fighting purse-snatchers all the time? Sounded interesting. Definitely silly to not want to be included in the rankings though; what was the point in being strong if nobody recognized how strong you were? Without another word, Bakugo turned around and walked back to his desk.

"I always thought Hokage seemed like a real cool hero; he's definitely more your style than Best Jeanist," For the first time perhaps in his entire life, Spiky Hair actually had a point Jeanist seemed like the type of guy who woke up at four in the morning, ironed his clothes for two hours, then did his hair for two hours, then went on patrol to have everyone talk about how stylish he is. Still, the guy was rated as the number four hero, but how much did that really mean? The gap between 1 and 3 was about as big as the gap from 3 to 40, so great was All Might's ability. What, then, would even be the point of making himself endure a week in that guy's company when they probably were not gonna get along. Besides, the whole 'Hokage' thing did have a mysterious angle that he couldn't prevent himself from finding interesting.

"Shut the hell up," Bakugo said; but having not said it in a very loud way made it clear to him from the look on Spiky Hair's face that he took it more along the lines of 'Yeah, you're right.' Sometimes he really had to remind himself the level of people he was dealing with in this classroom and that he couldn't relent even for a second if he were going to keep them at bay.

"But Best Jeanist is the number four hero! That's a hard offer to turn down!" He turned to Deku, staring daggers at the boy, probably because the nerd was right but he had already thought through that whole dilemma. Why was everyone else always so damn slow!

"Hokage's a smart guy; not sure what exactly he has planned for Bakugo but I think I can hazard a guess," Aizawa said. "Regardless, as far as I am aware, this is the first year he has ever sent in an offer so I think something must have caught his eye. He is what we call a 'Gray Market' Hero; all sorts of holes in his official registration, from his name to his quirk to his work address. They say no one's seen the true face of any Hokage. Keeps things mysterious, pretty frowned upon in modern hero work but worth remembering that All Might does the same. Probably better just to go to Best Jeanist so he can get your act cleaned up and introduce you to real heroism."

There was something so unbelievably infuriating about not knowing the answer to something right in front of him; it really pissed him off. Aizawa knew, the guy absolutely knew, that his words would make him less likely to pick Jeanist. So the question, then, was why did Aizawa care about who he went off to anyway; it was just gonna be a week! Probably not even gonna matter for anything in the long run.

"You know Hokage, sensei? They say he's pretty picky about interacting with people," the damn nerd asked, as if it had anything to do with him. At this point, he was finding it a little interesting that Aizawa and Deku were referring to Hokage as a 'he' even though the hero name was associated with several people according to the nerd's own damned research. Had every Hokage been anti-social? Had his teacher even interacted with the current iteration of Hokage? Was he the only one who bothered with asking these questions?

"Meh, the job forces you to meet people. Don't really know anything much more than you though so don't read into it too much."

Bakugo almost needed to walk out of the room to escape the smell of bullshit. If Aizawa wanted him to, for some reason, take the Hokage offer over the Jeanist offer, then the guy really should have just said something. His sensei's futile efforts in trying to psychologically manipulate him were irritating at best and absolutely ineffective because he had already figured it out. If anything, it was damned insulting that the guy thought he would not notice it.

Well, maybe there was some effect, because there was no damn way he was going to go get pampered by some professional denim wearing nutcase.

"I'm going with Hokage!"

"Nobody cares."

Spiky Hair had the nerve to hold him back.

A/N: So, this is something I've been working on for quite some time. At this point, I've become a pretty big My Hero Academia fan so wanted to try to write a little something for it. At the same time, I thought it would be interesting to add a few Naruto characters to the MHA Universe so I came up with this little crossover story. This will NOT be a "universe crossover;" there will be no world of shinobi or anything like that. This is an MHA story with Naruto characters. But, it will still heavily feature MHA characters (obviously since it's Bakugo-centric). If I make any mistakes regarding MHA lore, please let me know (hopefully they're not fatal).

The update speed of this will undoubtedly be very slow. This is shaping up to be a highly busy next few months for me, I still mainly write for New Yellow Flash when I have the time (yes, an update's coming, no I'm not sure when, had a bit of a crisis with the update). Additionally, I find Bakugo a VERY hard character to center the story on because he's strangely complex in what affects him and how, plus almost every time we see him he's just raging away and there's very little insight into his internal monologue. Obviously that's the issue I'm trying to fix. The final factor is that I watch the anime adaptation so what I can write is restricted by what I've seen.

Thank you for reading; hope you've enjoyed it. Please feel free to follow, favorite, or review.

Beta read by: the road I know