Everything seemed a day like any other, or so Diana thought. Everything went smoothly. Diana woke up in her bed in her room in the Watchtower, but still felt sad and empty, because she wanted to wake up in the arms of a certain playboy billionaire from Gotham, who at night dressed up as a bat and beat the criminals and super villains of that same city. She was increasingly desperate to feel his muscular body next to her, but she had not yet been able to find a suitable moment where he would give in to his heart's desires and let her into his dark and gloomy world, but give her all his love.
Diana dressed in her Wonder Woman uniform, went to the cafeteria without smiling, until she reached the cafeteria and grabbed her frozen mocha, her favorite drink and thought it would be the calmest day of the last two weeks, since in that time the enemies of the League (from Lex Luthor to Bizarro) had been attacking the League very coordinately, leaving them exhausted or simply annoyed. Although she was glad that Kal-El, the so-called Superman, was here hanging around the Watchtower watching that there were no fights or disasters in the Watchtower, this day he was moody because he did not want to talk about anything, and she knew that Superman would talk to her about work or even snoop in her life.
Yes, she did not want Superman to snoop around in her life, but she wanted to go with the Gotham billionaire to talk about the last two weeks, but she knew it was a bad idea. She did not want him to drive her away, and he knew that she was also annoyed to fight the villains of Gotham City, and those of the League. Diana was aware of all the activities that the billionaire committed, so she knew that he had helped the League the last two weeks without rest, but at the same time had fought the main villains of Gotham, with little or no help Nobody's help. He was simply someone who did not like loved ones to take risks for him.
She wanted to go with him so she could help him relax and force him to rest, even if she had to use her Lasso of Truth to get him to rest, so that she could sleep by his side, hugging his body. This brought her sadness again, she could not be with him because he did not want to, and he was destroying her spirit. That man whom most considered a villain, a bad boy, a man without a heart, was her greatest wish, because he had allowed her to see features of his personality that he did not allow anyone to see, except probably his rest of the day went by normally, fortunately for Diana and the rest of the League. Superman was in the control room with Diana, but nobody spoke, after Diana told him with delicacy that she does not want to talk about anything today ... 10 times. Everything seemed to proceed normally. Superman himself was wishing he could go home with Lois, to rest from these hectic days. However, Superman also wanted Diana to be happy; he loved Diana as his sister, and the founding fathers of the League, and he did not want them to suffer and that these hectic days cease to have a period of rest and peace.
They could not believe that this day changed so suddenly when there was an attack and invasion alert at ten o'clock at night. No one expected it, not even the fastest man in the world: Wally West, aka Flash. Wally was the fastest man, but it did not mean he had no mood swings. Even Wally could be annoyed to fight villains.
All the superheroes of the Justice League took their weapons, to fight the invaders. They were prepared to open the doors, so that men with guns could come out, or even Lex Luthor with his army of super villains to try to attack the League in a very strange way. Everyone was surprised when they were men plants with laser weapons, accompanied by giant plants with sharp teeth the size of a tyrannosaur.
Green Arrow launched explosive arrows. Wonder Woman threw plants at Superman for him to destroy using his vision of heat, and sometimes he would freeze them. Flash ran around the plants, where he grabbed two knives and started hitting the plants with those knives, but the knives were destroyed, the plants were very strong. Mr. Terrific used his explosives to destroy plants, while Green Lantern created a chainsaw and a giant mallet - he had created a gas kills plants that did not work - and Hawkgirl used her mace to electrocute the plants.
They did not think that the plants were so resistant, and unless the Watchtower was invaded by plants. They did not have much concern for the plants when they fought against the villains, so they thought that Swamp Thing would attack them, because he protected the green (plants and nature) because it was his greatest desire and responsibility to protect nature, although he also attacked the humans and aliens to prevent them from continuing to destroy the nature of the planet.
"Surprised Diana!" Superman cried as he destroyed the plants with the vision of the heat and threw them against other plants.
"Well, when we heard the invasion alert, who was going to imagine that they would be plants ?!" Diana answered as she threw a plant at Superman to destroy it with his heat vision.
"J'onn! How come we did not know about this ?!" Kal asked.
"I did not know anything until a few minutes when I heard the alarm!" J'onn shouted. At that time it was shaped like a giant green squid that hit the plants in the mouth.
"Shay! Wally shouted. "I can finish this, but I need your mace!"
"Shayera hesitated to give him the mace, but she gave it to him.
"They are plants!" Cried John. "They are useless without oxygen!
Wally hit all the plants with all his strength while the others took them to the nearest garbage dump. This continued for 5 minutes until all the plants were stunned and deposited in the garbage dump of the Watchtower. They pressed a button and all the plants were expelled to outer space, where they died due to lack of oxygen. It must be said that they had to execute the same procedure for another seven times until there were no plants left.
"Wow," said Superman, "that was very laborious."
"Yes," agreed Green Lantern. "Maybe Swamp Thing got angry with us and attacked us as a warning. We should go to apologize."
Diana was tired, and she thought of calling the billionaire from Gotham to tell him about the invasion. She thought about going to the television room to see him on the news going out with another beautiful girl. She was going to dream that she was that woman or girl who accompanied him, because she wanted it with all her heart.
The thought was interrupted when they received a call from Gotham City. All the founders were surprised, they were at the checkpoint so that the rest could rest from this battle. In addition to being calm for a few moments. Nobody said anything when Superman pressed the button and started talking.
"I thought the Batman was not asking for help"
"We're not Bruce, whoever you are, we are Dick and Tim."
Everyone was surprised when they heard those voices. Superman had recognized those voices because he had gone to Gotham to help Batman with a case, or to ask for help with the League. Diana had fraternized with Dick and Tim on previous missions, so she also recognized those voices.
Flash, J'onn, Hawkgirl and Green Lantern were surprised, which dissipated the tiredness that afflicted them, as did Kal and Diana.
"Tim? Dick?" Diana asked.
"Yes," said Tim.
"What happened? Superman asked. "It's good to hear you again.
"Yes," Tim acknowledged. "It has been too long."
"And ..." Diana said. "How's Bruce?"
"Is not he with you?"/p
"No," Kal and Diana said at the same time, "We thought he was with you."
"He has not been home for a whole day, so Alfred called us, so we thought he was in a League case and he had not told us."
"But he is not with us," Diana said with a certain tone of anguish and sadness.
"Maybe we need to be transported to the Watchtower."
J'onn pressed the buttons and quickly appeared Batman's two main allies in a flash of light. Superman gave them instructions to go up, which they did and exchanged friendly greetings with Superman and Diana. Although it was a possible emergency situation, Dick and Tim had pleased their desire to see the Watchtower inside, since Batman never let them go to the Watchtower, and probably would not let them in until the day of his death.
"I think we need to find Bruce," said Dick seriously, but with a smile.