Welcome again to Sister of Potter, I'm sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time, college was holding my muse hostage. But thanks to covid19 my muse was jailbreaked(long thrilling tale I assure you, the school's guard dragon was not easy to defeat :-P). I've also gone back and edited my previous chapters and fixed some of the grammar and spelling mistakes, and a couple continuity errors, I'd go back and re-read Mairin and Harry's first meal together if I were you. This isn't my best work but it is what I've got right now, I've rewritten this about ten times and this is the one I like the most. I don't own anything except my OC.

Harry was seated right next to his aunt who was shifting restlessly in her hospital bed at St. Mungo's as the skele-gro worked to replace the bones that had to be vanished to heal. Susan was off somewhere shopping with Hannah and her mother. Sirius was upstairs getting refreshments at the tea shop. Amelia was at the ministry catching up on some paperwork and getting his aunt the forms to finish the right of Conquest. He looked over to his aunt, a nervous expression on his face as he tapped his foot.

"What is on your mind Harry?" Mairin asked a slightly annoyed look on her face, and Harry jumped slightly.

"I ah…." He began, then stopped himself and took several deep breaths.

"Why did you kill them?"

Mairin's face softened and she looked over at him.

"Harry if we had captured them, they would have most likely bribed their way out of Azkaban again. Dumbledore let far too many free by giving them second chances. I don't care if they were copying the Death Eaters, those garbs are a symbol of death, torture, and rape."

Mairin stopped for a second and breathed to calm down, several tears leaking from her eyes, Harry looked at his aunt warily. Mairin noticed this and continued speaking.

"In the muggle world if some group went around shooting at people dressed as the Nazis, what would the police do to them?"

Harry's eyes widened and he then understood what she was trying to tell him, "They would probably be gunned down by police and any law abiding citizen with a gun."

"Exactly, what the Nazis and the Death Eaters did was unforgivable. People to this day still hate and fear what they did and what they were. I sometimes have difficulty remembering that the war is over. Last night feels like it was just another skirmish." Mairin began, then sighed, "These times were supposed to be better, The dark eunuch is dead and his supporters supposedly imprisoned or dead."

Harry's head shot up, a confused look in his eyes.

"Voldemort isn't dead," He insisted, then he felt a strong urge that he had just done something wrong.

"What," Mairin asked, her voice becoming low and fearful.

Something in Harry's mind immediately told him that he had done something wrong as it began swirling into a mind numbing migraine. But the voice that told him that didn't sound like his own… it sounded older. He clutched his head and winced, causing Mairin to swing her legs off of the bed and brought Harry's eyes up to her own. There was a second where there was silence.

"Harry, what aren't you telling me," Mairin asked, her voice soft and soothing.

"I- I," Harry wanted to tell her, he really did, but something was stopping him.

"Healer," Mairin called and a taller man who was in charge of the ward walked over.

"Yes Regent Potter?' The man asked and she gestured to harry.

"I want you to check Harry for compulsion charms," Mairin informed the man with her eyes like stone.

"Ma'am?" He asked, confusion etched in his face.

"Humor me please," She replied, her tone losing none of its edge.

The man sighed, then as he took out his wand incated, "Quod coactum deprehendatur."

Harry glowed a dark blood red color, and the healer's eyes widened, Mairin's eyes seemed to spit fire as she, in a dark monotone, asked, "I'm going to assume that's bad."

"I will get a mind healer in here at once Ma'am," He replied, and sprinted out of the room.

"Aunt Mairin, what are compulsions?" He asked, fear and worry filtering into his tone.

"Their exactly as they sound harry, their charms that make you do something, their not technically illegal. They're most commonly used to stop suicidal people in mungo's, but they can be used to do any number of things. Like stopping you from speaking about certain events to other people." Mairin informed him as she rubbed her temples with one hand.

The door to the wing flew open and a tear stricken Daphne and another girl with long dark brown hair, and pale blue eyes were brought in with Terra Greengrass who looked worried, and determined holding a briefcase of sorts in hand.

"Mairin, we need to talk about something, and we need to do it fast," Terra informed her and Mairin sighed.

"Honestly can things not go to hell in a handbasket for like five minutes," She groaned, but was stopped by Terra's hand slamming onto the bedside table.

"Mairin, I am not joking around about this," Terra glowered, and Mairin's eyes flicked over to the crying teens.

"What's going on," Mairin asked, her gaze turning sharp, "And who's the kid?"

"My name is Tracey, Tracey Davis," Tracey informed Mairin, and she nodded her head slightly.

"Her father was a Death Eater who pled Imperious, She was born because of one of the ah, revels," Terra informed Mairin, who nodded in understanding, "Well, he took her in after a lineage test was performed when her mother died in childbirth. Daphne found her when we had to attend a ball at their house and they became fast friends."

"I get it, skip to the important parts," Mairin replied, a slight suspicion forming in her head, and she wasn't sure she liked the direction this was going.

"Alight you want cliff notes I'll give you cliff notes." Terra growled, "The Lady Davis who is afraid that you'll take everything from them with the Right of Conquest is planning on selling my daughters girlfriend to the Malfoy's as a magical concubine."

"I see, and let me guess, you want me to take and adopt the girl as Sirius and My daughter instead," Mairin stated and looked at the girl closely. Then turned to Harry with a sigh, "Harry, how do you feel about getting a cousin that doesn't break chairs when they sit on them?"

Harry looked startled and looked over at Tracey Davis, who stared back at him unflinchingly.

"I don't have any complaints, I've always wanted more family," Harry shrugged.

There was a harsh sob as Tracey launched herself forward and gave Mairin a bone crushing hug, sobbing incoherent thanks.

"Hey there. It'll be alright," Mairin told the sobbing girl and began rubbing small circles into her back, something she remembered her own mother doing for her when she was that age.

"Merlin, this girl's not even mine yet and I'm already feeling protective of her

"Mairin, I brought the paper's you'll need to sign to send to Lady Davis," Terra informed her and placed them on the bedside table, and a blood quill.

"Well Tracey, let me read this document that your future godmother has handed me so I can stick it to your evil queen of a mother." Mairin told her, causing Harry to snort and the other three in the room to look at her confused.

"Right, forgot that was a muggle reference," Mairin chuckled and then began reading the documents that were set in front of her. The silence in the room was almost deafening, only broken by small snorts and a couple cruel chuckles from Mairin.

"I see we are taking the salted earth approach," Mairin stated, and Terra nodded, "I approve Terra, where was this little spitfire when we were in hogwarts?"

"I became a Barrister," Terra replied dryly as Mairin signed the document.

"Well Sirius is going to be in for a surprise when he comes in from his own appointment to find out we have a daughter." Mairin chuckled, and Tracey looked slightly worried.

"W-Will he accept me?" Tracey asked some insecurities leaking through her voice.

"Oh hell like you well enough, he'll certainly like to talk about, how did he put that, the hotness of other women with you," Mairin informed her and Harry lost the battle of keeping his laughter quiet and began laughing uproariously and Tracey giggled.

Daphne turned beat red and smacked her girlfriend on the arm slightly.

"Oi, I am allowed to look, just not touch," She protested as the Healer in charge of the ward returned with an older looking woman and Sirius in tow.

"Mairin, what could have possibly happened in the hour I have been gone?" Sirius gripped as he walked into the room.

"Several important things, Harry is under compulsion charms, Terra came to me with a truly disastrous situation, oh and we are going to be having a teenage daughter," Mairin listed off and Sirius looked at Mairin then at Harry, then at Terra, then his eyes settled on Tracey.

"Well, least that saves us the trouble of searching," Sirius sighed as the elderly healer conjured a cot and a chair which she sat on.

"Now Mr. Potter, I am going to need you to lie down while I enter your mind to remove the compulsions. Fair warning for you young man this will not feel pleasant." The elderly healer told him, and he lay down and closed his eyes.

"I'll go file these with Gringotts so they can set up a blood adoption appointment for the three of you," Terra informed her then asked, "Would you mind terribly watching Daphne for me?"

Mairin shook her head, and Daphne pulled up two chairs right next to each other so that Tracey could rest her head on her shoulder.

"You're taking this remarkably well," Mairin informed Sirius who walked over to her.

"Oh trust me, I will be having a massive freak out later, but as of right now, I'm still under a calming drought that was given to me when the healer came in to inform us that Harry had compulsions performed on him." Sirius replied, and Mairin raised a delicate eyebrow.

"So you're the reason they took so long?" She asked imperiously.

"Oi, don't turn this on me. We're going to have words about you adopting a kid without talking to me first." He retorted, as he glanced over to the side to where Tracey was hugging Daphne close, and stroking her hair softly.

"We were planning on doing it before the end of summer anyway, stop being such a drama queen," Mairin replied lightly, causing Sirius to chuckle slightly.

"I also thought that Harry could use some more family, the Dursleys were terrible but with how Terra talked about her, I can't really explain it, I just felt that we could offer her a better life than she had before." Mairin told him with a wistful look on her face.

"Regent Potter, we've almost gotten through the charms, unfortunately with how they have been layered, there is no way for us to determine who placed them there without jeopardizing your Nephews sanity, I would recommend checking any Items that he has in his possession currently, several appear to be a constant refreshing one keyed to his magic." The healer in charge informed her, and Mairin's face furrowed slightly.

"I never studied the mind arts beyond Occlumency, how difficult would something like this be?" Mairin asked, and the Healer in charge stroked their chin for a moment before replying.

"This would be for masters of the mind arts, only those who have studied deep into this field and have enough power to enforce the mental suggestions. There are probably only ten to fifteen people in the country, and maybe a thousand world wide."

"So a short list for the DMLE then," Sirius replied, and shared a knowing look with Mairin, whose face grew darker.

"We've gotten through!" The mind healer announced, and wiped his forehead.

"Good, I'm sure Harry will have a great many things that he will wish to speak to us about." Mairin stated as she steepled her fingers.