It is cold out here. The sun had gone down long ago. The snow is illuminated now by the broken moon.

I glance at Ruby, sleeping nearby. She's shivering.

Oscar, I recommend you go to sleep.

Ozpin. I stifle a groan. I decide to disobey him directly and get up. I carefully pick my way to Ruby's sleeping bag. It's large enough for both of us.

I slide into it, careful not to wake her, and wrap her cold body in my arms. Ruby buries her face in my chest.

If Qrow sees this, he's going to kill us.

I can feel Ozpin's exasperation, but I want to keep her warm. Besides, I see Blake and Yang sharing a sleeping bag. It will be fine. I settle down and stroke Ruby's dark red hair gently.

She's stopped shivering. I'll gladly take murder at the hands of Qrow if it means keeping her warm tonight.