Well, guys. After much anticipation from my readers, it is finally here. The Arrow-Thor story!
This first chapter will be rather short. The story in whole may not be too long, but it should be good. At least, it'll get things started.
Let's get started!
Chapter 1- New Arrival on Sakaar
(Thor POV)
Thor looks around at all the lights and images flashing past him, as a disembodied voice tells him about the place he's on, apparently called Sakaar.
"What the h***?" Thor says to himself under his breath, not the least bit sure what's going on.
"And no one loves you more than the Grandmaster," the voice continues, as images of a shadowy figure appear, then images of gladiator matches, "He is the original, the first lost and the first found. The creator of Sakaar and father of the Contest of Champions. Where once you were nothing, now you are something. You are the property of the Grandmaster."
Suddenly, Thor feels things start to speed up. The colors around him change and fly by faster as the voice says, "Congratulations. You will meet the Grandmaster in five seconds. Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself." There's a brief pause, then the voice says, "You are now meeting the Grandmaster!"
The colors speed up even more and get much brighter. Thor's eyes widen, then he starts to scream. Then, all of a sudden, the colors are gone, and he's in a room, surrounded by guards.
Up ahead of him, a man wearing a gold and blue robe looks at him, as if examining a new prize. Thor starts struggling against his bonds.
"He's wonderful. It is a he?" the man says, directing his question at Scrapper 142.
"It is a he," she replies. Thor looks ahead. On the other side of this guy is some lady in gold colored armor. And, off to the side, in the corner, is a man dressed in some kind of green outfit, with a green hood, holding a bow. Thor focuses on this guy. There's something about him.
"I love when you come to visit, 142. You bring me the best stuff. Whenever we get to talking, Topaz, about Scrapper 142, what do I always say? 'She is the...' And it starts with a 'B'," the guy says.
"Trash," the gold lady answers.
The guy looks at her in confusion. "No. Not trash. Were you waiting just to call her that? It doesn't start with a 'B'," he says.
"Booze hag," the gold lady says. 142 glares at her before returning her attention to Thor.
"I'm so sorry. No, 'best'. I was thinking about 'best'. 'Cause I always say you're the best. She brought me my beloved champion, you know," the guy says.
"You say that every time she's here," the gold lady says.
"What have you brought today? Tell me," the guy asks 142.
"A contender," she replies.
"A what?" Thor demands, feeling very indignant right now.
"I need to go closer. I want to get a closer look at this. Can you take us closer? Thank you," the guy says as the gold lady pushes his chair closer to Thor. The hooded archer slowly follows.
The man and Thor stare at each for several tense moments. Then, the man turns to the gold lady and says, pointing to 142, "Pay this lady."
"Just wait a d*** minute! I'm not for sale!" Thor says angrily before he rips the bands around his wrists clean off the chair.
Immediately, 142 holds up the little device she used earlier and presses the button. Instantly, the device on his neck begins shocking him, and he slumps slightly to the side.
The gold lady smirks, and the guy chuckles as he says, "Man, he's a fighter."
"I take 10 million," 142 says.
"Tell her she's dreaming," the gold lady immediately says.
"For heaven's sakes. Transfer her the units," the guy says. The gold lady glares at 142 before conducting the transfer.
142 grins as she teasingly touches the guy's cheek before walking over to Thor.
"You'll pay for this," Thor says weakly, still feeling the effects of the shocking.
"No. I got paid for this," 142 says with a smirk as she walks past him and out of the room.
The man finally gets out of his seat and walks towards Thor. "Here's what I want to know," he says. The next second, the bands return to their place on the chair, restraining Thor again.
"Who are you?" the guy asks.
Thor grunts as he says, "I am the God of Thunder!" He yanks his arms free again, with sparks running along his fingers.
Instantly, the hooded archer yanks an arrow from his quiver and aims it right at Thor's face. The man turns to the archer and says, "Enough. He can't do anything. You don't need to shoot him." The archer slowly returns his arrow to his quiver.
"We've located your cousin," the gold lady suddenly says, walking past the man with a gold tipped rod.
"Oh, good," the man says. Thor's bands again snap back into their position in the chair, and the chair begins floating along behind the man, with the archer following behind the chair. Thor can feel the archer's eyes boring into the back of his head.
"Hey, cuz," the man says Thor's chair suddenly comes to a stop beside another chair, in which sits an alien, who looks rather miserable.
"We almost coudn't find you. What, you been hiding?" the man says.
"Hi," Thor says to the alien, who just kinda whimpers in response.
"So..." the man says, turning to face the alien, now holding the rod.
"Please. I'm sorry," the alien says pleadingly.
"Yeah. Carlo...I pardon you," the man says.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you," the alien gasps in relief.
"You're officially pardoned. From life," the man says, before reaching out with the rod and touching the golden orb on the end to the alien's chest.
A hissing noise begins as the alien screams, and his chest begins to glow blue. And his body begins to disintegrate. Out of the corner of his eye, THor can see the archer tense up a bit, but his focus is mostly on the disintegrating alien next to him, who is crying out, "Help me!"
"Oh my ***!" Thor exclaims as the alien fully disintegrates into a puddle of goop.
"I'm stepping in it. I'm stepping in it! Look!" the man says in disgust as he pulls his foot out of the expanding puddle.
"Oh, the smell," Thor says in disgust.
"What does it smell like?" the man asks the gold lady. "Burnt toast," is her reply, and both of them chuckle.
"What happened to my manners? I haven't properly introduced myself. Come on. Follow me," the man says before pushing a button on a remote, and the chair begins to float after him, the archer again taking up position behind the chair as they all head out of the room.
(Oliver POV)
Oliver watches this mystery guy, the "God of Thunder" as he called himself, as they head into the main club room. Ahead of him, the Grandmaster says, "My name is Grandmaster. I preside over a little harlequinade called the Contest of Champions. People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it. And you, my friend, might just be part of the new cast. What do you say to that?"
"We're not friends, and I don't give a s*** about your games! I'm going back to Asgard!" the "God of Thunder" says.
Oliver tunes out to what Grandmaster says next, focusing on this guy. Asgard? Oliver knew stories of Asgard from Norse myths, and also knew that Scrapper 142 was from a place called Asgard. If that was true, and this guy called himself the God of Thunder, then did that mean he was Thor?
"Loki?" The call jerks Oliver back to the real world. He looks at the guy, or Thor as he decides would be the best name, who is looking over at the other mysterious man who showed up a few weeks ago that never really gave his name, but had forged a friendship with Grandmaster. That name. Loki. Also from Norse myths.
Okay. Apparently, in this universe, Norse myths really are true, Oliver thinks to himself, now sure that the man sitting before him is Thor.
The black haired man, Loki, walks over to Thor, motioning for him to quiet down. "You're alive?" he asks Thor in a whisper.
"Yes, of course I'm alive," Thor responds, also in a whisper.
"What are you doing here?" Loki demands.
"What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm stuck in this stupid chair. Where's your chair?" he asks Loki.
"I didn't get a chair," Loki says. Oliver can almost feel the confusion and irritation emanating from Thor at that statement, which almost makes him grin.
"Get me out of this one. Get me out," Thor pleads.
"I can't," Loki responds.
"Why?" Thor demands.
"I've made friends with this man. He's called the Grandmaster," Loki explains.
"He's crazy!" Thor protests. Oliver silently agrees with him.
"I've gained his favor. The Bifrost brought me out here weeks ago," Loki replies.
"Weeks ago? I just got here," Thor asks in confusion.
Seeing the Grandmaster is focused on them, Oliver steps forward and slaps Thor upside the head. "Enough talk," he says, speaking for the first time in Thor's presence.
Oliver then focuses on Thor. What is going on here? he thinks to himself, his own thoughts drowning out the Grandmaster's words.
He returns himself to the present as Grandmaster asks Loki, "You know this...you call yourself Lord of Thunder?"
"God of Thunder. Tell him," Thor says, looking intently at Loki.
Loki chuckles as he says, "I've never met this man in my life."
Thor looks angry as he says, "He's my brother."
"Adopted," Loki adds correctingly.
"Is he any kind of a fighter?" Grandmaster asks.
Thor laughs to himself before saying, "You take this thing out of my neck and I'll show you."
"Now, listen to that. He's threatening me," Grandmaster says with a chuckle. To keep up the masquerade, Oliver again reaches for an arrow. Grandmaster looks at him and says, "Enough." Oliver lowers his hand.
"Hey, Sparkles, here's the deal: if you want to get back to A**-place, A**berg..." Grandmaster says.
"Asgard," Thor corrects him.
"Any contender who defeats my champion, their freedom they shall win," Grandmaster finishes.
"Fine. Then point me in the direction of whoever's a** I have to kick!" Thor says angrily. Oliver looks at him intently, slightly impressed by his fiery attitude.
"That's what I call contender. Direction would be this way, Lord," Grandmaster says as he pushes a button on a remote, and Thor's chair begins to float away. Oliver follows him until they reach the "prison", so to speak, and Thor is thrown in.
As the other guard who threw Thor in walks away, Oliver stares at the door. Maybe this guy could be the key to getting out of here.
And, I'll end there. I know you were probably hoping for more, but we'll get to the good parts later.
So, Oliver has finally, to some degree, met Thor. They will get officially acquainted later. Next chapter will show a little bit more about what's going on with Oliver. Also, I felt with the clues in their words, Oliver would be able to figure out who Thor and Loki were.
I hope you liked this chapter. The story should only get better from here. As always, please review, and stay tuned for more updates.